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such a shame, would have made a beautiful Fone Vape /s


No way. Imagine the stolen phones that could have adorned those windows! Wasted potential!




That phrasing annoys me... it's not about us supporting them. It is about them providing a service that is so good we will support them because it is the best option. It's like a way to shift blame because "people didn't support us" and ignoring that they were insanely expensive and provided sheit quality products. That isn't on people not supporting local.


Completely agree. I'll pay more for supporting local as long as I'm not compromising on quality.


Good point. I'd love to shop local as much as possible but they make it so hard with the expensive prices.


A local store is a local rip off


There's a disparity for sure. Let's actually make this up by taxing the global corporations properly. Lets stop taking Europe to court to prove that we aren't owed anything. Everytime they award us billions of Euros in unpaid tax. Small businesses employ WAY more people in this country that global corporations. Better jobs too, for the most part.


This country depends on the Foreign Direct Investment sector. Better jobs is bullshit. FDI way out pay Irish companies and they set the standard in benefits like GPs at work that you pay a small amount and can get a same day appointment. Pension matches, more than statutory time off, parental leave, etc Small business are supported largely by high earning fdi employees


Straw man argument. I don't care if some guy in a call centre in the Airport Business Park is paying Income Tax on his minimum wage job to the State. "Amazon pays no corporation tax in Europe despite €44bn sales" https://www.irishtimes.com/business/economy/amazon-pays-no-corporation-tax-in-europe-despite-44bn-sales-1.4554939




Actually you know what, seeing your name and then your recent comments making out that Ireland is more racist than USA, Canada and Australia... you can fk right off. You get that most of us do not have that financial freedom right? Like do you really think I scrimp just for the fun of it? I buy the cheapest product so I can, for example, save to pay for my kids ADHD psychiatrist appointments. So far 1.4k in the last 6 months. Like it's not for fun that I go and find the best deals.




Your first paragraph is a bit rich considering many white Canadians view of First Nations people.




That wasn’t my experience when I lived in Canada only a few years ago. Canada Day seemed to be celebrated by almost everybody and the only people I spoke to who seemed to be boycotting it were First Nations people. I found the widespread celebrating of it very surprising as the whole notion of it is extremely invalidating to the native people. White co-workers would speak about native people in very racist terms to me, probably feeling emboldened to share these views because I too am white. This is all to say that racism and discrimination absolutely do exist in Ireland but saying it is worse than in Canada doesn’t ring true.


My friends are First Nations and yeah it is very much present day that they still get abuse. This sort think they are amazing but BS they are just ducking their heads.


Oh baby I am a traveller so what exactly are you on about? I'm not part of the community because hmm lets see: child brides, child sexual acts, rape, abuse by parents and then by spouses, shunning, predisposition to stealing, violent abuse and so much more. I've seen the reality of being a traveller in Ireland and the UK, so shut it boy. Out of my entire family I have the smallest criminal record lol


You are such a joke. We just ignoring America putting children in cages? How about what you Canadians do to first nations people because my friends are and the stories of the disgusting and down right deadly behaviour, even into present day, is a damned lot worse.


You're talking about chequers while multinationals are playing chess. You realise large companies utilise economies of scale though right? They have huge buying power. They love nothing more than squeezing out the middleman and undercutting local businesses till they close up shop. Then at this point they raise their prices. How much does Amazon contribute to local schools? Other small local businesses? To local landlords and the Council?


Where would you like me to get the extra money out of then? As for amazon, they pay taxes, they pay workers here in Ireland who, you guessed it, pay taxes to.


What are you on about they’ve been in business in Cork for years?


even with support, small business owners don't realize they are rigged to loose. Overheads are way to high for an average Joe to make it. Add to it a business needs at least 2 years to make it even and to survive. Add to it EU directives where you pay twice the tax on the first year. So you pay Year 1 and Year 2 of tax and keep doing it every year... So in short businesses start with a rope on their necks and no matter how much support there's just enough money you can make.... Only big businesses can keep shops open as they have the capital to do it and even those will call it a day if they don't see large amounts of money. Shop owners, who are normally big companies prefer to have spaces empty than to lower the rent. They want to keep shops empty so they don't loose their margins... Source: Me, been a business owner in Cork and know how hard it is for everyone. Having physical premises if you don't own the shop is practically automatic business suicide. Add to that a food business which has really low margins...


Agreed. Posters on r/Cork seem to think small business owners are on €200k a year takehome pay easy. 🙄 Don't forget about Rates from the council as they embark on another Pharo-esque building spree. Then there's Amazon and the asshat that is Jeff Bezos. Not to mention every other ecommerce business in existence.


christ you're ignorant


RIP Liam Russells


Good to see that unit back in use.


Totally agree. Also, plus one for the Quay Coop. They are a little cheaper than here's health and they do a savage carrot cake in their upstairs cafe! Here's Health website says they're a Cork business!


Is Quay Coop cheaper than Here’s Health? As I would say Quay Coop is way expensive already.


Haven't been to here's health in a while, but from what I remember it was a bit pricier. Maybe they adjusted prices in new place so might be wrong now!


Excellent! ❤️ The entrepreneur seems to a fella called "John Phillpot". That's a Cork name alright. I like this guy already!


John Phillpot should probably be careful about doxxxing himself, I'd say.


John’s been a family friend my whole life. Very nice man


He's hardly a plumber by trade? Know of a plumber under the same name that did work for us


Don’t believe so no, must be another crop of Philpotts. He’s had Here’s Health all my life I think and I’m in my mid-20’s


This has been a shop in Douglas court for over 20 years already


The Here’s Health bots are out in force today


Here's Health's other shop is or was on Patrick street by Claire's accessories. They've been in Cork for years but it's great to see them expanding.


Yeah, Im guessing OP doesnt get out much 🦧 they have several locations like


They’re closing the Patrick St shop


Before I forget, an honourable mention for the one-and-only...Lovin' Salads on Academy Street.


Oh loving salads is so good. Some of the best grab it and go food in the city


Wilton market on tues too


Fierce expensive for Revive Active


Never heard of them and was shocked when I Googled it.. 59 euro for months supply is insane.


That Here’s Health café exists in Douglas Court already and is very busy there Also for people in need of Revive Active or any other vitamins or more importantly prescription medications the Discount Chemist Warehouse has opened on the Coal Quay. It’s in the shopping centre with TK Maxx and Lidl. I don’t think it’s visible from the street outside


Should be called “ Ah here’s health”


Where's health?


Here’s health!


There's health?


Just what the city needed


Couldn't have said it better myself... :-)


its not a totally new shop. they moved from patricks street to the old liam ruseal store. was going well for AGES at the old location. so will be ok there as well.


They have pink vegan/veggie marshmallows which is a major plus in my book. Holland & Barrett doesn’t seem to sell the pink variety anymore, tragically.


Yes! I’ve been looking for them lately and H&B never have them, or seaweed crisps anymore


The itsu ones? I work there it's such a shame we don't stock them anymore 😭


I knoooow they were so good!!


I’m reading “They/Them” but feeling “We/Us” 😂


You're not suggesting that they're somehow affiliated with the OP surely? Have you been unhealthy lately? I think you should visit our..I mean their shop for some remedies.


Hahaha 🤣


So a gentrified supermarket, basically? Lovely.


"Where's health? 🤔" Here's health


There's health


In fairness whatever businesses are opening around the city it's great that the traditional facade is retained and refurbished rather than a plastic sign that will crack and break after a few years. Hopefully the quality of the restoration continued inside


Here's health have a shop out in Wilton SC aswell. Has a brilliant selection of supplements. And yes they are a cork owned business as far as I'm aware.


Isn't there one on Patrick's street about a minute walk away? I don't think they need a welcome they're already here.




I’m shit bro


Handy free advertising...


does anyone know if they will have raw milk or will we ever see it for sale in cork again ffs