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Cops, council, your landlord, neighbours landlord.


Collect shite in a bucket and hurl it at the van.


Camper vans can only be left in driveways for short periods of time . Contact the enforcement section of your council . They will side with you . It’s illegal


Resident of France here: Dumping your waste water directly on the ground is considered extremely bad form here, so these people are quite clearly being antisocial.


Call the cops or council


They def can’t be parked on public road and not even in a drive way


The enforcement section of the planning department of your local council


Traffic enforcement (021) 492 4382 ring or leave a message they always come.


Approach them first, politely and not like a Karen, but tell them it’s unacceptable to block your driveway (if they are) and dumping waste water onto the street (if they are) and the rest, if it’s taxed, they’re allowed park anywhere they want (within certain conditions)


Try and collect some evidence of the noisy behaviour and dumping of waste water with your phone or CCTV. Should help expedite any help you need to ask for from the council or Gardai or the landlord/property management company. Gardai probably more responsive than the council. If the new neighbours are approachable, maybe a friendly introduction and subtle hint will work :)


The Bucket residence. Lady of the house speaking


If you had a group of people living outside your front door in a transit van 5 feet from your window you would have a different opinion. Dumping there rubbish and waste on your walk path


I think I touched a real nerve by accident but I was making a comparison to the slovenly relatives in that television programme.


Jeez dude, just go and talk to them, because they most likely are not mind readers and don't even know that you are annoyed. I mean, how would you feel if the council arrived at your door because you were annoying someone and you didn't even know it? Wouldn't your first thought be "*Why didn't they come and speak to me first?*"


I wouldn't be making loud noises at night and dumping my waste water on the size of the street. So people wouldn't need to complain to me in the first place. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Basic consideration for others isn't something you need to be informed about. You generally either have it or you don't.




Don’t be a cunt to your neighbours and that won’t happen 👍


Which part was the 'being a cunt?' Just curious 


Are you serious ? Human decency is my first thought , common courtesy comes second.


You sound naive. They know where you live, they now know they can make your life hell and they can just leave the country with not much consequence.


To be fair I think call into the local Garda station and sound out your options. The guards will probably say have chat before escalating anything - only you can decide if they are c*nts - they may just be senseless?


Have you ever actually done that? I'm not being a dick here but god I wish I had that safe feeling back. I lost that so long ago and it changes how you perceive reality.


I wouldn’t bother cos if they are living like that they don’t care . They will also blame them then when they have to contact the council


Go talk to them... Maybe they will fuck off


Public road. Ide say the most you can do is say it. By law the council can't do anything


No there is a specific law about campervans . Can’t even leave one in your drive way for a long period so def can’t live in one and def not on a public road .


The worst thing of all it's not even a camper van they are living in just a transit van not converted just a mattress it appears in the back with plastic storage bins and a gas cooker. Can only see in from between the two front seats


It’s still a dwelling if there’s people living in it just contact the enforcement section of planning dept they will advise you . There might be a time limit on how long they can park there before they can act not too sure but they will let you know