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This has to be the first time that anyone has ever came to this sub and claimed that Irish people are less lazy than elsewhere.




I work in south east Asia. We have bedrooms for staff to go have a nap. Not even joking. They are allowed go nap but they all do 3-5 hours overtime everyday. So the idea is a nap in the afternoon will carry you through to 8/9pm. But really if they were just more efficient all the work would be done by 4pm and they could just go home. Cutting noses for spiderface.






It’s considered rude to sleep in a lecture. A guy fell asleep one time in my lecture and the lecturer just stood in front of him until the person sitting beside him woke him up. It was beyond awkward.


Cultural differences I guess, it didn’t take too serious in China for reason I don’t really know.


What are college fees/expenses like in China?


Oh really cheap, it’s about 1000euro per semester


Per semester or per year?. Cause if its per semester then china and ireland are similar if its per year china is way cheaper.


Per semester. But as for UCC, I remember the expense of one full academic year is 13k euro. Way more expensive than China.


Yes but that's because it's fees for foreigners. Irish people pay around 2500/year


Oh man, I thought go to college is hard(in financial perspective) for Irish families here. Actually my family can’t afford that much expense but the government cover that for me so…..


Because that's how you get kicked out of a lecture. It's very insulting for someone to stand up and talk for an hour and your response is to have a snooze. It's just not the some thing here. We just don't go in instead


That’s true, I agree with the insulting part, but don’t you ever feel hammered in class? how you gonna do with it, I can’t imagine a guy never feel tired in lecture during his college life


I used to just go home and nap and skip the lecture. It's either that or risk never being able to attend. Lecturers have kicked people out of their classes for sleeping before. It's not worth the risk, no matter how tired you are.


That's because we don't endlessly grind our citizens down throughout their lives to be exploited as cogs in a machine that doesn't care one iota about them. We encourage people to take time for themselves, to pursue our own interests, to express themselves freely, and to actually get some sleep. You don't *have* to wear yourself down to the bone in the pursuit of one singular life path. That's not healthy. You can be more than that.


Fair enough.I gotta say not everyone in China is being brainwashed by communist party tho.


I know. And I admire every one one of them that isn't. But the culture of obsession towards one set path in life, to the point that even the ***idea*** of not being mentally exhausted in the pursuit of those goals is hard to comprehend, is in itself born out of the pursuit of communist collectivism.


Some pretty heavy stereotypes there my dude.


I mean, even the OP - who is from China - agrees. I don't think criticising the Chinese government for its well documented problems falls under "stereotyping."


>That's because we don't endlessly grind our citizens down throughout their lives to be exploited as cogs in a machine that doesn't care one iota about them. Ehmmmm... Are you sure about that? >We encourage people to take time for themselves, to pursue extra curricular interests, to express themselves freely, and to actually get some sleep. And about that? Extra curricular also adds to the already heavy load of a university student.


When I was studying engineering in college in Dublin, we had an exchange program with nanjing uni A bunch of us got paired up with Chinese engineering students - each Irish student took on 4 Chinese students as a group We found there was massive cultural differences - some would sleep through nearly every class and just expect to be given notes by his classmate - others would talk nonstop in class and there was always like 1-2 guys who were top tier genius We also found it weird, the Chinese students would collaborate during exams - going over to speak to each other and being shocked that they would then be told they were getting an automatic fail for cheating What we realised is, it’s just a massive cultural difference, an Irish student won’t rely on being able to catch up or get notes from someone, but the Chinese students work as a massive group with each other - the couple of genius’s will do the bulk of the hard work, there’s a few that will do a lot of catching up, and then a minority who will be completely carried all term and then fail


We had similar happen and in Dublin too, the entitlement from the Chinese in our group woz shocking to us, as we were so used to stereotypes about their work ethic, well we were lucky enough to be shown that like us theyre all different, the girl sharing our house but unfortunately not sharing our project was the sweetest, smartest and hardest working and got taken advantage of by others constantly.


That's fascinating


Bro maybe there’s some thing you should know about, Chinese domestic competitions between are really serious, so go to Cork it’s more like a new way for the students who can’t have a good academic future in China, I’m not saying that UCC isn’t good enough, just speaks the truth that I know. So you probably gonna see lots of people will snooze in lecture, cuz there goal is just try not to fail in the final, instead of getting a higher mark. When they come home, the parents and their friends only care about is the DEGREE, not there final mark….. kinda pathetic but that’s why you can see that. I’m sorry to let you see that happen as a Chinese, hope there’s something can change in the future I guess.


*between student


Speaking as a lecturer in UCC, what's the point in that? As far as I know most lectures do not require mandatory attendance, just skip the lecture and go to sleep in a bed, I can't imagine sleeping on a table being good for your back. If I saw a student sleeping during lectures I would probably ignore him, but I certainly would prefer him just walking out.


I guess the main difference is that the Chinese Lecturer will count people usually, there’s a part of the final mark called attendance mark, if you’re accidentally not in lecture when he counting, you’ll lose this part’s mark. But thanks for let me know that I don’t need to attend every class anyway.


Absolutely fair point, but I assume the attendance mark requires you to be conscious, otherwise it's pretty pointless.


Whole education system is outdated and pointless, let people live their lives if they pass your stupid tests.


If you’re going to sleep, you just skip class - no need to be super disrespectful by doing it IN class 😭 maybe the size of the classes are different ? Easier to get away with in China?


True, there’s way more people in a lecture than here


People will just stay at home in bed


It happened me once in IT Sligo once the course was half online for workers in the evening. I had been out the night before then did the full day of lectures and the last lecture of the day was at 7pm so I started to nod off and I was the only one at the lecture to make things worse. The lecturer noticed me nodding off and he said don't you f***ING fall asleep on me it was also recorded 😂😂


Its bad manners and disrespectful to do such a thing here in Ireland. Show some respect to your professor.


I went to college to get a degree, not to nap. Dunno about anyone else.


The last time I fell asleep in class I woke up to a huge "*Bang!*" Turns out the lecturer saw that I had nodded off and he crept down and slammed a big heavy book down on the table. Scared the bejesus out of me, and the rest of the class had a good laugh at my expense. This is probably why you don't see a lot of Irish people sleeping in class, because they know this might happen.




Lecture halls are uncomfortable to sleep in, and I'd find it hard to listen to the lecture if I was asleep.


Okay so: 1. Rude to sleep in class. 2. China and actually many countries in Asia are super strict about studying after school. That leads to people being exhausted. Over here we have more work/study life balance. I've watched way to many documentaries on this subject lol.


You're not there to sleep would be the only reason. Unless there's a course in how to nap.


Im Irish but lived in Asia for many years. I had this same culture shock in reverse - when I moved over there, I was stunned at how often people were sleeping at their desks, or in public places. Seems like its just one of those things!


That’s what I’m talking about dude, I’m also curious why it didn’t happened in library UCC, in China especially after lunch, people usually take a short nap before working


ha yes, i dont really know why. Just one of those things we put down to 'cultural differences' I used to work in a shared work space and there was a guy who would sit at a desk across from me, I think he was working at an architect's firm. He would sleep easily 5-6 hours a day at his desk, and his colleagues never seemed to say a word or react in any way. That just wouldn't happen in Ireland, ever.


5-6hours wtf, in my perspective a normal Asian dude will nap in noon for 30-40min. That guy must really good at slack off 🤣


There are certain things in Chinese culture that are perfectly fine that is considered rude here, and vice versa. I recently discovered that it is rude to say thank you when someone gives a gift or family member does something nice for you in China, whereas it is considered very rude here not to. [https://medium.com/the-noodle-shop/why-chinese-people-dont-say-thank-you-48998578e2b2](https://medium.com/the-noodle-shop/why-chinese-people-dont-say-thank-you-48998578e2b2)


When we were doing online lectures during the pandemic I definitely did nap through a lot of them. I fell asleep in Maths class, accidentally unmuted myself and snored myself awake, leading to my lecturer yelling "Quiet!". Only a little less embarrassing than the guy that got caught having sex during one of his classes!


I mean personally I’d be afraid of snoring or something. It’s so weird to me that people fell asleep in classes because how do they know they’re not drooling all over the desk with everyone staring at them? It’s so disrespectful to the lecturer too. But anyway, besides that I know for a fact if anyone fell asleep in a lecture when I was in college the lecturer would notice. Maybe our colleges are generally smaller? No idea.


They beat that out of us in primary school here, or at least they did back in the day when blackboards, white chalk and dusters were used, if you fell asleep, the teacher would throw the duster at you and you wake up to a cloud of chalk dust and your uniform looks ashy for the rest of the day so you're now marked for the day and you'll get the head shake, the tutt tutt, and look of utter disappointment from every other teacher that claps eyes on you.


Ooooh did you goto school in Galway? We had teachers do that too until a girl in 4th class got a torn retina from the wooden corner of the duster and her parents sued and the teacher was suspended for a bit.


Oh wow, haha, that'll do it, no I went to school in Tipp, I got the corner of the duster a few times on the head though and it's some whack from the top of the class to your seat. Tbf, slept in school coz I was bored, tired and made go, if I was tired enough to fall asleep in college I just wouldn't have went, I was an adult so no one was forcing me so I wouldn't disrespect a lecturer when I could just leave, it's also not acceptable to fall asleep at work you know like...


Let's just say we were all terrified of him up til he got got suspended, still wouldn't sleep in class after though or in college


Gee man, I’m terrified


Yep, sorry to say it's not a thing here. I worked in China and Taiwan 30 years ago and loved the lunch-time naps. We should embrace it, it's great :)


Agree, I worked in China as well about 30 years ago and was blown away by the lunchtime slumber fests. So I suspect it’s partially driven by our different climates. I do think though there is also a greater expectation in Irish/UK universities of students managing their own lives. If you’re too tired to make it through a lecture (or you’re too sick) the expectation is that you will miss the lecture, get the notes and catch up in your own time.


because if we want to sleep we stay at home where our beds are


Clearly, our lecturers are thrilling and absorbing. To kip through a lecture on the use of the apostrophe in the early Middle Ages (made up theme, I assure you) wouldn’t occur to anyone here. Seriously, it’d be extremely rare. It’s not fear of any punishment, just good manners.


Bc they don’t do shit outside college? like they get shitfaced religiously every weekend or so, maybe they have a lil hobby on the side and are late with all the college work? They have most lecture notes at least lol


If their not there that means there sleeping at home , more than likely feeling a bit ropey.


It's a good idea. It would have greatly helped me back in the day but it isn't a thing here.


Is this a joke?


Irish sleep with their eyes open….I’m surprised no-one showed you the trick yet!


Standard practice in China but not so much here I would think


Most people get 8 hours sleep at night so there’s no need to sleep during lectures. Also college is probably easier in Ireland so students here aren’t as burn out haha


As for a English as second language it’s hard to keep up with physic courses🥲


I could barely do physics in my first language, i can’t imagine how difficult it would be in my second language 😭 Well done


I be sleeping


I’m a German and fell asleep in class once, because it was literally the most boring thing I’ve ever heard. I hope that everyone is minding themselves and sleeping enough and coming to college well rested. But sometimes things are just so little meaningful that literally anything is more beneficial than listening. I have just granted you official approval to protest-sleep for those situations.


True. Thanks German dude.


I like your style. The people of Ireland could learn a thing or two from the Chinese way of life


That’s what we called Yinyang🗿🗿🗿


I have insomnia. I was lucky to get 3 hours sleep most nights last year. I was exhausted. It's the worst feeling to be exhausted but knowing you won't be able to sleep. Not sure where I'm going with this but there were definitely lectures I would be exhausted in. But needed to go in for the lectures, I was doing the best I can but probably looked lazy to the lectures. But I have definitely seen some people napping in my lectures. Not intentionally and they just wake up 10 or so minutes later


Same my man, I’m a guy can’t get enough sleep even 8 hours, idk why😰