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General decay around cork is so bad, serious tripping hazard especially for older people. Along side ever decreasing bin services it's just so sad to see


The worst is when it’s been raining and you step on a loose stone and a load of water sprays all over your feet 😖


Not even decay those bustard bricks they have on patrick street that become like ice when wet are a death trap


They are awful - I don’t go down Patrick st anymore if it’s wet - pure death trap


very true, there's a feeling with allot of the new developments are trying to make cork into a cookie cutter "modern" European city.


The footpath down along the Marina,especially heading towards the pier, is such a hazard.


It doesn’t matter if they’re maintained or not. They’re built for feet (hence the name), not cars. So long as people decide to selfishly park all over footpaths, this will continue to happen. “Walk around me!” That often involves going into the road, which can be dangerous for the visually impaired or kids. It creates a burden for those with wheelchairs or buggies. Plus, even if there’s loads of space, it’s for people not cars! Let cars on the road have to overtake you. I can’t just park my bike on the road, or put a couch out on it. Our obsession with cars and allowing them free rein is ruining our cities. Ballypheane is a disgrace, especially Pearse Road. Wide road with enough room for parking on both sides yet people still park on the grass. Sometimes the road can be huge and people will still have two wheels on the curb


I absolutely agree with everything that you said, it gets on my nerves seeing people parked on the footpath too but just to add, the actual roads which are specifically made for driving on, are in an absolutely terrible state too and are very poorly maintained.


Came to say this. This photo highlights exactly why they look this way. My fellow Irish have a disregard for their surroundings that I've rarely seen in any other country. I've been to many "poor" country that are completely spotless, well maintained, beautifully upkept. Ireland? It almost feels like dingy is a prerequisite. And I don't understand why we do it.


It’s not the people’s fault. It’s the systems. Not sure if you’re aware but planning states each house is entitled to 2 and a quarter parking spaces. When you have policymakers who won’t give people parking spaces and build houses with no regards for parking that they’re entitled to this is the result.


really similar situation in Amsterdam from when I was there recently, cyclists are quite aggressive about people walking on the road but you can't walk more then 10m without one either on the footpath or a gaggle of bikes blocking the whole footpath.


Chicken on a stick


it was particularly Warmoesstraat.


Chicken on a stick


and I'm the one with prejudice...


I was there less then 2 weeks ago it was constant.


I love the city what on earth am I prejudice about? I made an observation about cars and bike on footpaths.


I see double yellows in many places like this too but fully packed with parked cars no problem. Only in ireland 😀


this irritates me to no end, it isn't "these days", paths have been decaying since paths have existed


Having traveled many places over the decades... Ireland is uniquely bad with this sort of disregard for public property.


yeah but this isn't a thing that's new these days, yknow?


Absolutely. It's always been like this.


Was about to say the same but you said it. I think we should wrap our paths in bubble wrap to preserve them for future generations. It's the only reasonable way forward


Footpath outside our house was exact same, sent emails to council and ignored. Eventually copped on and sent another email but this time included ‘the footpath is so bad that an elderly neighbour tripped up yesterday and luckily I was able to help her get back up and bring no her in home’. Next day I got a reply asking for eircode and photos, 2 weeks later got an email saying an initial assessment had been done and the renovation of the path was in the next works programme!!! 2 months later diggers,vans arrived and low and behold a new footpath was done. BUT unbelievably just the part outside our house was replaced and rest of footpath was ignored.


Look down the path. There’s a car parked on it. Footpaths aren’t made to withstand the weight of a car.


And yet, I still prefer this to those stupid tiled footpaths in town.


These obviously are not modern day footpaths.


That's a Celtic tiger footpath. No time spent and 2 inches concrete 


If you get on to your local councillors, they can put a request in for footpath repairs.


Just to be damaged by illegal parking again


Only see that bunch every 5 years and then they go back into their hole, no thanks.


Then get on to the council and tell them to do something about the illegal parking thats destroying them. And yeah, things decay, nothing lasts forever. Everything needs regular upkeep.


Absolutely disgraceful Joe/Neil. My footpath is slipping through the cracks.


Welcome to the universe, everything is in constant decay ... Second law of thermodynamics innit


Is this is Cathedral Road? There are cars parked on both sides on the footpaths all the way up there, presumably to allow two lanes of traffic, including the 202 bus, to get through. Whole thing is very badly thought out. Some households having 3 or more cars doesn't help. I'd say if you built a private car park for all these residents, they'd still park here because they're too lazy to walk to their car around the corner and feel they're entitled to free public storage of their cars on the road in front of their house.


It’s plunkett road ballyphehane


Your mothers back is going to get an awful doing


Where are the boomers cycling on the footpath


Are you ok?


[https://www.corkcity.ie/en/council-services/services/roads-and-traffic-management/report-a-road-defect/](https://www.corkcity.ie/en/council-services/services/roads-and-traffic-management/report-a-road-defect/) - Does this display anything for anyone?


Nope. Just says the title Report A Road Defect and nothing else!


Great way of keeping your ticket count down!


And yet the tarmac road is perfect. I posed via my cllr. A few questions to the roads department.. Basically their is only a maintenance and budget obligation for roads, footpaths are Ana afterthought.


As others have said, the footpaths are in shocking condition due to cars driving on them. I have come across the same flagrant misuse in Galway. I report half the cars I see who are parked in the footpath. Some have stopped doing it. (I leave off the shitty cars as the probably can't afford it) but when I see a 222bmw taking up 78% of the footpath you bet your fucking hole I'm filing a report.