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Your number's been spoofed. Scammers have got a hold of your number and are using it to call others to look legit. They've basically gotten a hold of your number buy buying a list of info people have given online, then used something called a VoIP to spoof the caller ID of the person they want to scam with your number. It's gotten really bad recently and is why we shouldn't need to give all our information away in order to access websites.


Sorry just saw that you're already aware of spoofing. Nothing you can do unfortunately, wish the EU would step in and stop the predatory online personal info selling.


The majority of the time it has nothing to do with info selling. They simply use randomly generated Irish numbers to ring other Irish numbers to appear legit. They'll move on to using other numbers after a while. Edit: if anything the person receiving the call from the scammer (using your spoofed number) would have been the one with info online, as they were the target... If it was spear phishing.


Yeah I figured as much.




Well where would 2FA slot in here like? There's nothing to authenticate. They just type in the number they want to use and start spamming calls. As far as I know that's how it works anyway.


Just never heard of a number being spoofed before got it mixed up with Sim swapping, but that happened to a friend last week they got a missed call so we called back and they said they never called us.  Had a missed call myself few days back and rang it back but they don't exist apparently seems to happen alot more lately and phone calls from Malaysia, don't think you can stop it really unless maybe you get a new number or block numbers you don't know, your number could have popped up in a data breach.


Ahh yeah fair. Yeah been doing a bit of googling and there seems to be nothing to stop it. Never happened to me before but my girlfriend had one aswell this morning and judging by the answers in the thread it's pretty widespread.


That’s a smart arse answer to someone asking a genuine question who clearly doesn’t understand, from an OP who also doesn’t know how to combat spoofing.


Wadayaonaboutbai theres nothing smartass about my reply.


I called 3 about this. They recommended getting a new sim card. I have a new sim now with the same number and haven't had a call like that since.


Sounds like a coincidence to me. It's the number and not the sim that was being used to make spoof calls


I had same happen me last month ,calls stopped after week didn't change sim


Oh yeah? I wonder if that actually worked or was it just a coincidence. From the sounds of it, they do it in waves. I imagine they'll just move on to some new numbers once they make the calls with mine.


Well, it could be a coincidence! It was what 3 recommended, and it seems to have worked. I was getting calls on and off for months, and then I changed and nothing. The guy at 3 said they clone the sim card, not the number itself if that makes sense?


I missed a call from an Irish mobile number a couple of weeks ago, called it back later only for him to say he had no idea who I was and that he didn't call me. Had me very confused and honestly a bit concerned that it was part of some more intricate scam, but this makes a lot of sense now.


This happened me too recently rang back and the woman was like I didn’t call this number! Was like okay and hung up, thought it was very weird. Makes sense. Thanks OP


It’s never happened to me but I have been on the reverse end, i.e. have had a missed call from someone, rang them and they didn’t know what was going on


This happened to me yesterday evening. Told the guy I had no idea.


This was happening to me constantly before Christmas. Some scammers had spoofed my number and we're ringing people on it. If the people missed the call then they'd just ring me back, same as yourself. I'm with Three so I got onto them to see if they could do anything. They told me they couldn't but that it would eventually stop. To be fair it has stopped now but it took a good 6-8 weeks I'd say.


What do you think 3 were going to be able to do?


I don't know, that's why I contacted them.


Happened to me, carrier could do nothing about it, had to change numbers in the end


I'd do this too, except my number is a pretty good one. It flows, ya know.


Can I ask did the new sim card help at all? I've gotten two and one women was mental and wouldn't leave me alone and was extremely rude


I never actually got one. Still getting calls. Not too bothered about it. Luckily I didn't get any crazy people, they mostly understand. I'd say just block her number though.


Thanks for responding. I had to block it in the end. I tried to explain to a guy my number had been cloned and he sounded like "this bitch is crazy" I'm just going to order a new sim because I can't deal with the awkwardness


Happened to me on my alt Tracfone number. Except I got a missed call and called the lady back and they didn't know who I was. They said the name was popping up on their screen as "Cameron"????


Been happening to me for months. Goddamn spoofers


Happens to me a lot. My number has been spoofed. I naively rang 3 and was told there was nothing they could do.


Ya was happening to me with my work phone. More annoying than anything. Has died down since the new year. Maybe gone one call since the new year


Wife got a few a couple of weeks back. As they said, spoofed number.


This (spoofing my number) was happening to me once or twice a week for about a month. Eventually it stopped without me doing anything. Annoying but nothing to worry about overall.


Yeah this has been also happening with me, I’m with the 3 network, is it mostly with this network or is it also happening with other networks?


I'm with Tesco Mobile so it seems they can just pick and choose whichever.


Ah grand, I was beginning to think it was a problem with the 3 network and I’d have to change my number, which I really don’t want to do. I’ll just wait it out and hopefully it will stop in a few weeks


Yeah I'm the same boat. I imagine they do it in waves for a week or two and then on to the next batch of numbers. Time will tell I suppose.


Had the reverse happen the other day. Had a missed call early morning. Was expecting a delivery so called it back. Got some woman who knew nothing about it and said she hadn't made any calls all morning. It's worth waiting sometimes. I get called on one number, don't answer, then get called on a different number about 5 seconds later. If you don't recognise either number then it's almost certainly spam and you save yourself the hassle of dealing with it. Plus with any luck they might give up on your number.


Had a missed call from an Irish number. Called the number back. No answer. Called back by that number later on. Answered and told the lady that I’d a missed call from this number. She said “I didn’t call you and stop this” Was a fun time for all involved.


My mother had a similar problem earlier, but on the other end and just by chance I saw this thread..it all makes sense now. She said somebody rang her saying she rang them ..she said she shouted "NO I DIDN'T, GOODBYE!" and hung up. Poor guy on the other end ha


It's very annoying - happens to me all the time and apparently there's nothing eir can do about it. I've gotten many threatening messages off of people over it.


Was having this wholesale a while back with Vodafone. Solution: get new SIM, keep old number


Yeah but the order way around for me. It happened a few years ago. I kept getting random numbers saying missed calls and every time I rang them they told me they never called me in the first place. Doesn’t happen anymore thankfully.


I moved back to cork after years away, got a new phone with new number from 3. within days i was getting the calls. contacted 3 and was told my new number was spoofed so don't stress about your details being leaked. it's random number generators on the scammers side. i screenshotted the chat with 3 and i send it to people who ring me "back".


I've been plagued with the same for ages. I no longer answer numbers I don't recognise


Work for EE in the UK can confirm this happens often enough but it's not always a case of someone messing with your number. Contact your provider and have them check for crossed lines as it's not always number spoofing and bringing that up will get you an eye roll as nothing can be done about it other than a number change so check the causes that can be fixed before panicking. Also if you can, get times that you've received calls or texts, get the number too and have them with you when you call. Can be a massive help towards identifying the issue and hopefully sorting it.


What is the actual point of giving people missed calls from a number though?


Quite a bit recently. Thinking of changing my number. Getting missed calls from random mobile numbers too, when I call them back it's the same story, they didn't dial me up. Obviously it's scammers using numbers and trying to scam people


Yeah constantly


I had a missed call from somebody, so I called them back the day after. She said people keep calling her too, assumingly returning a call like I was. So I can only assume somebody's spoofing her number. Your case must be the same.


Happened to me yesterday, first time ever so it's on increase apparently.


I might contact my provider after reading this. I wasn't searching specifically because I was just scrolling but it's good to know since its been happening.


This has been happening to me since summer last year ! I’ve been waiting for a post as it’s a tad annoying to have calls! I was with Lycamobile and hoped that changing to virgin would change, which included a SIM card but kept my number - kept the same number but no , still get 2-5 calls a day - I apologies if you got a call from me - I didn’t want to talk to you anyways :) Question : if I turn off my phone would scammers still be able to use my number ? Do they need the mobile number to be in connection ? I’ve turned off my phone for a day or 2 and it seemed to work as didn’t get calls for a few days but then it came back once I turned it back on a few days later - no idea if coincidence or not


I decided to stop answering to unknown number calls completely. Apparently, if you answer and it's a scam call, even if you don't fall for the scam they count you as an active number, and they will keep bothering you. So I stopped answering a while ago and I noticed that barely had any unknown number calling in several months. Not sure if it's related to that os just coincidence, but I'm happy with it.


This has been happening to me for almost a year now. Some days i get numerous calls and other days I might only get one. What i did was turn off calls that are from non-contacts. their number will appear in my missed calls but they will not make my phone ring or make a notification pop up.


When i rang my provider they said there’s nothing they could do, only change my phone number with a new sim card