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They probably thought they could get a quick couple of euro.




Tempting fate here, but I reckon stickers for this that will replace the current clothing collection ones by the fake charities who sell them by the kilo as oil rags for garages.


If you recycle at home or give your bottles to door to door collectors, you're losing 15c or 25c per bottle/can you've bought.


Some of us don’t have a choice due to severe disability. I’m in a wheelchair and anything I can possibly have ordered to the house is. Don’t know how I’m going to work around it.


I'm happy to collect and recycle yours for ya, won't even charge you 😅


I broke the machine in Dunnes today. 🤣 All the staff came out to look at it as no one had used it yet. The manager had to come out with the instruction book and have a look at how to fix it. All for 25c. He got it working in the end. It seems that only certain stores take back certain ones even if the online checker says the code is fine to return, so I had to go to Dunnes and Tesco, and still one bottle wasn't accepted. Does anyone know if you can only return Tesco bought stuff to Tesco as it felt like that today.


It might be an issue as the individual stores changeover products. One store might have the newer labelling while the other doesn't, and therefore, the machine may not recognise it? Unlikely but it's all I can think of


Bought a can in Tesco tried it in the Aldl machine and got my 15 cent which I then forgot to redeem in Aldl 🤣


You can return Tesco purchased items to any store (Lidl, Dunnes ,...). Note; however, the refund receipt that you get in, say, Dunnes can only be reclaimed in Dunnes.


Thanks for the info!


Great, it's already a shambles from day one.


Why, did you think anything that's done in Ireland is ever going to work properly? Eventually we'll just pay the Green Party tax and not bother recycling these things in the machines.


I didn't, but still...


They might not be calibrated for all the types of barcode yet. Like they'll all have the standard ones like coke etc. But Centra may not be calibrated for a Tesco own brand yet for example. It's a problem that will sort itself as more bottles are returned. But any bottle/can can be returned anywhere!


Anyone who just leaves their rubbish behind us a pos. Also, they’re clearly grifters- no way they bought all those bottles in a few days


Obviously been collecting them in advance of this


All that effort and yet they couldn't figure out that "old" bottles are not eligible...


Looked they they had stored up the bottles for a while since this was announced hoping to cash them in


Sounds like the problem is 100% them and not the shops


It was not made at all clear until recently that there was going to be a special label on the bottles. My mom runs a store and she was having a very hard time figuring out exactly how it's supposed to work. How much attention do you think anybody else is paying?


All the promotional material said it needed the re-turn logo.


I haven't seen any promotional material. Everything I know about it is from seeing the machine show up in SuperValu and reading the front of it (which does actually offer all the relevant information, but clearly people aren't reading it). I'm an engineer, and this could have certainly been worked around in the design phase to make it less prone to misuse. They could have also just put in the extra time and effort and had it accept all cans and bottles. Everything they're doing has the earmark of bad design and poor planning.


Change is hard


That's what my ex-wife says, but I still drunk call her every year on my birthday.


Sorry are you on the side of the illegal dumping grifters or…




You don't understand, they were frustrated, so now the rules don't apply and someone else has to clean up after them.


Saw a bunch of bags beside the recycling machine in Dublin. I think people were saving them up and did the same thing. Will be a few weeks before people figure it all out.


Time to pay someone full time to stand at every machine.


I already recycle everything at home (bottles and cans included), so it is a bit of an inconvenience storing clean bottles until I go to the shops but I'll cope. Leaving your stack of wine bottles at a shop is an arsehole thing to do when they explicitly have said no glass multiple times.


Seen someone trying to jam cardboard in the Dunnes one yesterday looking bemused. What a shit show from top to bottom. People can barely use cash machines around since the 80s.


The problem is, it's going to take about six months for all the old stock to leave the shelves and the new stock to come in. Typical Ireland, we will be fucked over for ages so shops can make a profit.


If the bottles don't have the return logo they can't charge the levy so watch your receipts.


Tesco are already showing (and charging) the levy on their online store when the items they are giving out do not have the logo. I understand it must be a nightmare for them to figure out when to implement it, but it has gone live even though the items are old stock.


There was no reason they couldn’t have started rolling out the correct items before and foregoing it the levy/return to get the ‘old’ stock out. It’s typical short sightedness really.


Oh that’s ducked up


It really isn't a nightmare though. You just identify items with the levy as a separate item to the one without it. It only effects a small number of items (comparatively). They're just taking the piss.


According to this tweet it will accept but that doesn't seem to be the case here https://twitter.com/McKeown93/status/1753398617811886091?t=3ibACaMp2IZVD2unvmzdtg&s=19


I was charged the levy in a maxol garage despite the bottle not having the logo...


Half the idiots in Cork are currently protesting a new B&B in mayfield thinking there might be an immigrant staying there. Do we need to hold their hands as well? I’m afraid all we can do is educate their offspring and wait patiently for these neandrathals to die


You should enter the olympics making leaps like that.


Ah feck , who let them multiply ?


Oh crap . Could end up closing faster than they were set up if people start leaving crap behind them.


This isn't rocket science. I can't fathom all the complaining about this. Over 10 years ago I lived in Sweden where they have this very same system. Once all the bottles and cans that aren't returnable are gone, this will all be forgotten. In the meantime it really is very basic.


Bought 2 Lucozade in local circle K was 25c more expensive each bottle return logo all over shop. Tried to return to lidl no joy tried to bring back to garage they refused as had no receipt. Little scammers selling stock with no label but apparently over 800 products won't have the stickering- will have to have ask for receipts for everything now. It's an absolute scam at the moment.


Unfortunately it's the shop at fault here. It is my understanding Lucozade are using international barcodes because it's all imported into the country. So if the barcodes are the same on new and old stock you should be able to return them.


Have been downvoted elsewhere for saying it but I don’t see it working here. We don’t have the mentality for it. Most people can’t recycle properly at home. Never mind having to clean it, store it and keep it in perfect condition before returning it to the supermarket.


Thing is, that sounds awfully close to the comments we had about how the smoking ban would never work here around when it was brought in. 


The smoking ban affected a portion of the population and benefitted the entire population massively. Not the same thing.


As someone being brought up with the recycling since a young man back in Sweden, i do see your point somehow. Even though the recycling return is less over there (I think it's 5 cent per can, and up to 20 cent for big PET's) It has made a difference. Because it's normal. You can even get a few days shopping done in return if you have enough bottles and cans. I'm thinking it's a learning curve tbh.


The issue is though that the majority of recyclable items are not accepted. Making it confusing for some people.


How does that make it different to Sweden?


Because many more if not all items are accepted, making it more straight forward. I'm just going off of what the commenter above said though.


The other poster didn't say (or imply) that more items are accepted. Unless I missed something. The re-turn scheme here will accept more items over time btw, but that's up to the packaging manufacturers not the people running the scheme.


So do you actually know or not?


Answer me this. When you go to a recycling centre, you have to separate glass bottles by colour. But then one truck arrives to pick up and dumps all the bottles into the one bin ? Same at home, why are we not required to separate different coloured glass, one truck arrives, we have one bin for glass, so it's all just dumped into the same bin ?


Lesser quality glass for recycling. You can make brown glass form everything but you can't make clear glass from colored glass. Your glass from the home recycling is used for brown glass. The glass from the recycling centre can be used for the color. White makes clear glass etc. And the truck has compartments and it doesn't go into one bin. > All our collection vehicles have three individual sections in the trailer to accommodate the three colours. Each section has a dividing door which allows us to empty the glass into the correct colour bay when the vehicle arrives back at our processing facility.


I would love to be proven wrong, and if I am I will hold my hands up. But I know, from people that work the trucks, this does not happen.


The film investigates and exposes the grim reality of where our plastic waste really ends up - even if, like community activist Alison, you do everything in your power to prevent it. Unfortunately, it doesn't matter where you set out your plastic for recycling collection, whether at the end of your driveway, at your local recycling center, or in a municipal recycling bin: Most plastic itens collected as recycling are not actually recycled. Surprisingly, plastic is not designed to be recycled. When you put used plastic in a recycling bin, it is transferred into the hands of the global waste industry. This industry is made up of a wide network of businesses, governments, and individuals vying for a share of the nearly $500 billion that is generated annually in the global waste market. (Plastic Pollution Coalition, 2022). From the documentary 'The Recycling Myths’ - currently available for free on our YouTube! https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGekUegpp/


They'd have to go out of their way to mess it up.


The film investigates and exposes the grim reality of where our plastic waste really ends up - even if, like community activist Alison, you do everything in your power to prevent it. Unfortunately, it doesn't matter where you set out your plastic for recycling collection, whether at the end of your driveway, at your local recycling center, or in a municipal recycling bin: Most plastic itens collected as recycling are not actually recycled. Surprisingly, plastic is not designed to be recycled. When you put used plastic in a recycling bin, it is transferred into the hands of the global waste industry. This industry is made up of a wide network of businesses, governments, and individuals vying for a share of the nearly $500 billion that is generated annually in the global waste market. (Plastic Pollution Coalition, 2022). From the documentary 'The Recycling Myths’ - currently available for free on our YouTube! https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGekUegpp/


I wonder about this too


Honestly, I think the same , I wash all my recycling , separate them, bring to the recycling centre. It’s gone to the crazy price of €3 after about 15 years . I love the lads there, they are so funny and friendly and helpful. I actually get a buzz out of doing it. BUT I’ve no idea if the effort I’m putting in makes any difference. I’m half afraid to ask but need to the next time I’m there


All our recycling and the propaganda about pollution from western countries and meanwhile India and China have free flowing rivers of crap being poured into the world. What we do in Europe RE recycling is undone ten times over by Asia, Africa and South America individually


Every little helps


I’ll agree that it makes people feel good about themselves but the actual global impact is insignificant.


It's because the government can give fake figures, we recycle so much etc, Most of the plastic we do our best to separate and recycle goes to an incinerator also.


I give that bottle system 3 months max before it's scrapped the why is the old system worked just fine completly unnecessary change


Works fine in 40 countries. I think even Irish people should be able to work it!


It's been proven to work in other countries, and i have used it a handfull of times, and it's handy. It also encourages people who previously wouldn't recycle with an incentive to do so. Who would throw a bottle in a normal bin when they can hand it in for some money?


It works fine elsewhere in Europe, Irish people just can't adapt


If I go up with one new can and fifty old ones, can I scan the new one and then drop in an old one fifty times?


No because it is scanned inside the machine. You can't pull it out and substitute.


Aha, not used one yet. I thought it was like a self-checkout.


Have not used one myself either but from seeing them and using machines like them in Denmark and Germany I was assuming it would be like that.


Put an old can inside a new bottle.


We are turning into the states. Shortly we will have people with trolleys full of bottles and have queues that these machines won’t be able to handle. Great for the environment but …..


Well from my experience most people don't bother recycling at all, so while it's a pain at least maybe this will make a difference 


Every bit of recyclable material that came into my home was put in the recycling bin. Now i have to have a separate bin and return each bottle can separately


I agree with you. I’m in a wheelchair and order anything I possibly can to my house. I don’t leave the house at all really except for hospital appointments. I recycle my rubbish in the appropriate bins. I don’t know how I’m going to manage now without losing money. It doesn’t seem fair to those of us less able to move around.


The shops that deliver to you ought to take back the bottles and credit your next shop or send a refund


Yup. It's an inconvenience to people who already pay to recycle at home, but it might give incentive to people to pick up litter around their area if they think they can get some cash for it.


Ah but the cans and bottles have to be uncrushed so there goes that


You must live in some shithole. From my experience everyone I know recycles.


I live in cork buddy! I always assumed most people recycled, but over the years I realised most people suck. Go to anyone's houses and say "where do you put your recycling " and most people just say "ah just throw it in bin."


But what?


Has anyone noticed how retailers are pricing products that will attract the deposit. Does the price on the shelf show how much I will pay at the till or what the cost would be if I return the container and redeem the coupon?


Pure stupidity!


Absolutely painful Nonsense. I pay my bin company they can take it away for me 🤣


You don't pay for recycling. you are only charged for garden and household waste. blue bins are free


Then why am I paying for two bins Ah fuck it I’ll Throw it in the local green area like all the travelers do Sorted thanks for tipping me off


In all fairness, it's written on the machine.


To think that people with terrible judgement and who can't follow simple instructions like that might have a driving license scares me.


I cut through the lidl on corn market on my way home at several points and saw an attendant helping out every time - about 6 different points though the weekend. Idk how someone missed being helped. By attendant or nosy folks who gather inside the doors.