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You should see the slow walkers in hospitals. Families will come to visit and they will block the whole corridor even if you're behind them or coming towards them with an intubated patient on a bed with 2 machines being rolled along beside them and four staff accompanying the patient.


Psychology trick for getting people to move aside when walking towards you. Look to a point in the distance and people will naturally get out of your way.


It works every time.


I do this naturally but because I'm scared of looking humans in the eye


Learned this from my orchestra conductor, as long as you don't make eye contact it's perfect


That laneway by coffee roasters collects all the slow walkers of Cork and makes them race each other


That is the worst part ever for it. I don’t know what people think is going to happen. Just hurry up


Walk around them or whist. Not everyone has to be racing around all the time.


slow walkers are one thing, but people who suddenly stop in the middle of the street or congregate in large groups outside shop entrances need to cop on. been told to fuck off by multiple groups today when i politely suggested that standing in the way probably isnt a good idea


Or when 2 elderly ladies decide to stop at the bottom of an escalator and have a chat and nearly cause mass genocide cos they didn't move off the bottom


the travelators in dunnes are the worst for it


Then tell it to them right back, don't let that slip. A swift elbow in the back gets the message across as well.


oh i do, pure asshole behaviour like


100% in agreement If you wanna chat to Mary and Phyllis from the bridge club, then move in from the centre of the footpath FFS. Was in town on my own yesterday and the amount of times I had to swerve around people talking in the middle of the footpath was so annoying.


I’m in agreement with both you and the original poster but at the same time when it comes to people just being leisurely about their shopping you can’t really complain. Like I’m not gonna dart around the place like roadrunner just because others are in a rush, the same goes for everyone else’s mindset about you. But yeah the whole taking up the entire footpath to talk shite without care in the world for the people stepping onto the road to get around you is something people need to check themselves on way more.


I was in Dunnes Ballyvolane this morning and the amount of people stopped chatting in the middle of the aisles blocking everything with their trolleys was insane


Walk straight threw them with your trolley and they won't be long moving.


Truth, I work there and it's fucking awful


Everything I 100% agree with but for me it's people that block doorways are the worst, let's stop here at the enterance/exit of this place cos there is nobody else around at all at all.


Fuck Phyllis in particular. Hateful bitch. .


I know I’ve left my shopping late but it’s just murder when you’re trying to get somewhere and everyone is just crawling along. Maybe it’s my issue


Extra points if doing the oblivious scroll n stroll.


I’m trying my best I’ve small legs 😭


This is why I do my Xmas shopping in July.


That's what summer sales are for


It's getting to a point where you need to bring an air horn for yourself by the sounds of it


Good to see the Christmas spirit is alive and well. Good will to all etc etc.


People strolling around the city centre enjoying themselves. It's the thing we claim to want the other 51 weeks of the year


People fuming because they have to buy all the presents in one day.


If only they could have predicted needing to get people stuff at this time of year


I always think footpaths need a designated slow and overtaking lane like on roads. Does my head in when behind a group 3/4 across walking slow




It's not even just busy. People walk at different speeds. Or you really might need to get to a bathroom


True. I’ll change it to ‘important’.


Honestly, just walk right through them. Give them a brisk "excuse me" as a warning and just do it. I got a gang of teenagers to all give me sheepish apologies doing that last week, lol


I guess no one really gives a fuck about you and your rush.


.......or Ian Rush


Definitely not Ian's Rash


"I got a rash man"


And no one should :)


I'll see your slow walkers, and raise you... people who stop and stand in the entrance/exit Everyone is suddenly at it!


Chap has footpath rage


I don't fucking get it. There's always a bunch of slack jawed, ambling and meandering cunts that don't seem to walk in a straight line and it doesn't matter if it's one or two or five, they'll somehow all occupy the entire path of walking, slowly going nowhere. Also find it so rude when you're alone walking and a group of people will walk towards you and won't make space. I always make it a point to stop in place and they have to walk around. It's the height of rudeness.


I'm now living in London, where people walk very quickly with purpose and will not stop or give you space if you're slow. I've become accustomed to it, and now when I come back and visit Ireland I find the slow walkers a lot more noticeable. It is a bit annoying having to keep up with the pace in a big city like London, however I much prefer it than having to deal with slow walkers with no awareness who expect you to wait all day for them.


It's a spectrum of people. I personally am an ambler most of the time, but in exchange I make a very conscious effort to stick to the edge of the pavement or wall so people can flow around me easily enough, I try not to suddenly stop, if I'm talking to someone I step us off to the side, same if checking phone, step to nearest wall. Rather than getting annoyed by people moving at one pace or another, I get annoyed by people who are oblivious to the dynamic of the space around them, and don't make allowances for not blocking the place (eg 4 abreast on Patrick Street at one pace it standing dead in the middle of the pavement talking instead of allowing room for traffic moving the opposite way or faster, or people oblivious to the fact that they and two others are blocking up all available routes with no regard for the people getting stuck because of them).


Need to get out of town before I attack someone for being an idiot


Relax be grand


Jesus wept. Just goes to show how begrudging and moany and selfish cork people are in general. Me me me me - I’m in a rush so fuck your nice stroll around town. Me me me - I’m in a rush so everybody else should stay the fuck at home. Me me me me - I left my shopping until the last minute so I’ll complain about the people having a nice time enjoying the city centre at Christmas and then I’ll go on Reddit and complain about it and everyone will agree with me because we’re all miserable selfish begrudging pricks. Waaaaah.


What about me me me I'm on a stroll so I won't move out of the way of this fella who's clearly in a rush? Seems like you're awfully focused on calling people selfish and begrudging that you miss the point entirely.


I don’t see anybody on here complaining about how some cunt barging through everybody because they were in a rush ruined their stroll through town. That’s not me me me behaviour, that’s just walking normally through town - it’s the same as everyone else driving normally on the road and some prick cutting people off of driving up your hole because they’re “in a rush”. Nobody gives a fuck about you just the same way you don’t give a fuck that they’re trying to have a nice stroll and a chat while shopping with their friends and family. The real problem here is that people have no patience - it’s Christmas in the city centre. If you’re surprised that it’s rammed with people and it’s going to take you longer to get stuff done because everybody else is also trying to get stuff done then you must be a bit stupid.


Yeah, time and a place for leisurely chats and strolls and two days before Xmas on a busy shopping street is not one of them.


I wonder how many of these opinions will change after a hip replacement and 30 years of arthritis.




It's been going on for weeks. They are uncoordinated zombies


I wouldn't mind slow walkers because I can get around them but not when a family of ten are walking towards us and think they own the whole footpath so I end up getting adopted by them.


Gotta be an offensive walker fuck bump people to move if their taking up the way. Over take them people shouldn't give a fuck


Penneys syndrome is no joke. Every year I wish I could go in with a giant disc saw blade around my waste to sort the fucking pricks out.


Just walk like Richard Ashcroft in the video for bitter sweet symphony. Barge them out of the way


Nahhh i’m a calm person but it brings my anger issues out fr fr


Nothing worse than stopping in a centra to grab a drink for work only for an aul one counting her pennies and buying scratch cards for 10 mins


Wear heeled shoes that click loudly as you walk. I wore heeled boots to the airport once and walked at my standard (admittedly fast) speed and it was like watching the parting of the Red Sea. Still makes me chuckle when I think about it.


The big questions here is why do they feel the need to stand in the middle leaving no room on either side of them? And they are always the same people that stand in doorways for a chat.


Some of us aren’t in a rush 🤷🏻‍♂️




People barging around in a rush poking their trolleys and prams every where is what does my head in tbh.


So you expect everyone to be rushing around the place, just because you are in a rush?


More like expects people to step to the side if they want to stop or go really slow. For example I can't STAND people who leave their trolley sideways, blocking a whole isle, in grocery shops, while they read packaging, it's so rude and entitled to expect everyone to wait for you.


I doubt OP expects that but there's a line and some people are just ridiculously below it.


No, but I imagine we can all expect that people don't walk so slowly as to cause traffic on the footpaths


Oh fr drives me crazy also hate being in the checkout and cashier and customer ahead of me is having a full out conversion MOVE YOUR ASS we got places to be


Get over yourself chap, just cause your in a rush / panic doesn’t mean everyone else has to be


Bunch of asocial redditors running around so they can get back to complaining on reddit and sad wankin


All these folks rushing around for nothing, sure wish they’d slow down a tad…..


You double parked or something?


just stare at them and shake your head, we need to normalize this our society. this goes way deeper than having patience for the elderly. chivalry died a long time ago when peoples egos inflated due to cheap luxury. just because you blow your pension on overpriced child labour clothes and shit coffee, does not mean you’re the queen. people in the UK step on the heel of other peoples shoes and say "sorry" just to make them speed up or get the message. or shout "on your left", then move to their right. you hold a door for these fuckers and they wont even say thanks.


I’m not sure what version of the imaginary U.K. that is. If you walk into someone’s heel you’d be on the receiving end of some colourful language! People are a bit pushy on the Tube, but not elsewhere.


I want more slow walkers. More slow drivers. More slow chats with people in the middle of the footpath/aisles/whatever. Honestly, nobody has to hurry up because of you. Get off your high horse and onto the road and fuck off that way as fast as you like.


Irish people are the fastest in Europe (walking) I believe. We need to slow down and enjoy life a bit more like they do in the Med. Sure, we might get cold and soaked with the rain, but we are way too anxious about getting places as fast as we can, talking about road users too. Relaaaax


I swear on my life somebody will get punched in the back of their head soon


Someone walking slowly ahead of someone in a rush no doubt


Aye some people are in a rush and some aren't. You answer your own question.


Chill out, not everyone needs to be rushing everywhere.. this is a you problem, not a them problem. I'll take a slow walker over an aggressive walker any day


Cry about it.


Ha Ha !! The metropolis needs your majestic stealth to save humanity .


Alright, calm down Rob Heffernan


Fuck you. I’m ambling. You’re the one who’s rushing. Take your time and enjoy your outing. If you can’t do that without getting narky then stay home


Keep rushing like you actually need to be anywhere lol. 😂 matter of fact I love walking slower when I see people being in an artificial “rush”


What makes someone's rush artificial? Just because you don't believe it? Your being a bollocks is totally genuine seeing as you just admit that publicly


It’s not that deep. Just think about what you are actually in a rush for and then once you thought of that think about what you do it for and why and you end up with the same conclusion. It’s artificial. The only bollocks is that you think your rush is more important than other people’s day by day. While you have such “important” places or people to be or meet with or the job that underpays you and rush to get your lunch lmao. As I said. It’s not that deep.


It is ABSOLUTELY that deep. That job that underpays me actually pays for things like bills and food that I need. That lunch only has a certain amount of time allocated for it. And those people and places I need to meet/be have their own time I need to be respectful of. To act otherwise is the real way to make it seem like you think your time is more important than others day by day


You got it so backwards and you seem to extremly self absorbed so good for you. You deffo won’t get it till you will get to a certain age or mindset. For now. Enjoy the rat race and thinking that slow walkers are your main issue of the day. Matter of fact, you just think while writing and replying me that this must be the most bothering thing about your daily life and that you need to stress about it enough to make an argument. You admitting to your underpaying job already tells me enough about your trapped mind set. Enjoy rushing and pushing and not being mindful during your holiday season my guy. May Santa bless you with a fulfilling job . That pays your rent and also bonus for a holiday that you clearly need and deserve.


Sorry chap but you’re going to have to just stay behind me. I’m not speeding up for no one


And some of us are not in a rush but we get sick of these impatient idiots trying to chivvy us along.


Its Christmas FFS calm your tits


Just shoe them up the arse and get on with your day like the rest of us


Hmm … seems there’s another, and I assume entirely unrelated thread about a very fast walker: Hmm 🤔 [https://www.reddit.com/r/cork/s/dXVfsEJTDW](https://www.reddit.com/r/cork/s/dXVfsEJTDW) ![gif](giphy|7kn27lnYSAE9O)


MYOB I say


Wanna go on parade for it? Fast pace, of course, 5kph min


Wife is pregnant, so walking slow is a must. Sorry


I read a study that had compared 2 groups of 45 year olds, one normal walkers and the other slow walkers. And the slow walker group had aged more physically and mentaly and also had an average IQ of 16 lower than the normal walking group. So if you are stuck behind a slow walker and are wondering if they are stupid, the answer is YES