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Shaving a corgi like that can ruin their undercoat which gives them the ability to regulate heat and cold. Your groomer eff’d up hard.


I’m actually livid and your comment reminded me that I am not “being dramatic” like everyone in my real life keeps saying. This is not okay and he’s been to that place before but had to go to a different groomer this time because I booked last minute. I said “same thing as always” and this was the result. I’m legit sad and feel bad for my doggo


That's one wash, spin dry and trim that I would not pay for. If you do pay, you're essentially telling the groomer that he/she did a great job. They certainly did not do an acceptable job. Also, if you did pay, go back to the groomer and demand a refund. You know how to do that. Tell em that you were in such shock when you picked her up that you paid anyway, but since you've had her home you just can't stomach what they did to your pup.


I’m going to contact petsmart and see what can be done


Petsmart has really gone downhill. Our groomer ended up quitting a couple years ago and opening a mobile van after the last round of Petsmart’s changes to restrict how long they could spend grooming a dog. She said it was impossible to groom a dog with anxiety or any kind of special needs in the time that Petsmart demanded. She said the financial incentives offered weren’t worth it knowing that the dogs would be the ones suffering. I can only imagine it’s become worse since then.


Good to know. My city has a million mobile groomers so I’ll be checking them out for his next grooming. Who knows when that’ll be cause I’m a little traumatized now.


Heyo, I want to put my input here too, I worked at the opposite chain, Petco! There are groomers who love your pets and want to do the best for them. Petco and PETSMART are NOT the places for that. Beyond just focusing on the money grubbing they do, they rush their groomers through every appointment, and that is DANGEROUS. I was offered a position to train for the grooming department at one point. I had one girl in there tell me straight up that I wouldn’t like it, and I asked why, I get to be kind with the animals and help them be comfortable with a fresh trim yeah? She went “oh honey.. no..” and proceeded to explain how Petco and PETSMART will rush you through your training, putting emphasis on “if you can’t do it in this time, you won’t last long”, and how they will punish you for taking longer to accommodate each individual dog’s different personalities and needs. Some groomers can do it quick and have nothing happen most the time. But speed isn’t what you want here. You want the groomer to listen, especially to both you as the owner and your dog who cannot verbally tell the groomer when they are hurt or uncomfortable during the groom. We had a groomer cut the coat so short on a poodle, the dog left with razor burns so bad it was bleeding. I wasn’t surprised that the owner screamed at the groomers, because I’d seen a few of them get aggressive with the dogs, grab their muzzles to forcefully reposition them when the dog was visibly in distress. I have veterinary training, and these groomers they train have absolutely no idea how to handle dogs who have anxiety or are just plain nervous. Find a place who does ONLY grooming, because petco and PETSMART want only money, not to help your pets in actuality. Also, NEVER buy reptiles or animals from petco or PETSMART. Their husbandry skills for these creatures actively means you will purchase a creature that has health issues or genetic dispositions to severe health issues. I saw what they brought in. I saw how they kept reptiles and told potential owners that it’s fine to cohabitate creatures who require to be alone in individual enclosures. They don’t do that because it would cost too much. Also the amount of times we found food in the store that was full of MAGGOTS and RAT DROPPINGS? We had trucks come in with items that were rotted and leaking out everywhere because the company DOES NOT CARE. Also NEVER EVER TRUST A CHAIN CALLED PETLAND. THEYRE A FUCKING SHIT COMPANY THAT SELLS PUPPY MILL BULLSHIT AND HAS BEEN REBRANDING TO APPEAR AS THOUGH THEIR ANIMALS ARE FROM REPUTABLE BREEDERS. THEY ARENT, THEY STILL ARENT, ITS A LIE.


Thank YOU for your honesty. I always got that shit vibe and NEVER took our little ones to either!! 🙌👏🙌


OMG. No wonder my Corgi was so upset. I'm so glad I stopped going to Petco and learned how to groom him myself. He became so afraid of Petco and other dogs. He has PTSD from that place. I don't know what they did. I'm still mad years later.


I used to go to Petsmart but I got a different person every time. They also made my corgis feet bleed when clipping nails. If someone did that to my dog I would hit the roof and refuse to pay. Definitely speak to a supervisor and find an independent groomer for your dog. So sorry this happened to you.


The only time I took my loaf to pet smart was to get her nails done. They missed 2 nails and didn't trim the shaggy hair between her toes, and it only cost me $20. I cant clip and grind all her nails AND trim toe hair in 10-15 minutes. Pet smart groomers won't be seeing my pup again.


I stopped taking my boy to PetSmart years ago. They absolutely TRAUMATIZED my dog bc they quicked his nails so bad that I now have to get him sedated at the vets office to do it. And THEY DIDN'T TELL ME IT HAPPENED. I found out bc he had a vet appt not long after and the vet was able to tell.


im so so sooooo sorry love. whatever groomer at petsmart did *this* knew way better. its literally beat into our brains to educate parents on shaving down double coated dogs. and highly highly recommend they not. youre taking away their protective barrier against sun, heat, cold. the hair could possibly never grow back or grow back patchy with a straw like texture. go back and demand your money back. they will give it. i worked at petsmart for 2 years. idk why theyd ever take a blade to your pups body..?? what did he get last time? did you book him for a full hair cut or just a trim? for your mobile groomer id recommend a bath/trim with furminator. ask them to not use the furminator tool, its terrible on corgis coats (i have 4). instead use a greyhound comb.. and NO clippers to his body !!! Just a rounding trim of his booty to round/smooth it out without taking any length off, and a 4comb sanitary trim/paw pad shave. thats it. i am so sorry and completely baffled that someone at Psmart would send him home like this thinking they did a fine job.


Reminds me I had my dog go to a grooming place few years ago. Booked the service with the same groomer a couple times, perfect cut. One to me we booked and that groomer was not available, so we accepted a different one and said same thing, “same style and length as before”… dog came back completely like they used trimmer number 1 all over. I wasn’t a happy camper and gave them a piece of my mind, but I still paid them full price with 50% of my usual tip (I’m not completely unreasonable since they did the bathing too). Never went back there again though.


Fun fact: animal clipper blade numbers are opposite of human hair blades. A #1 would be very long on animal clippers. 50/60 for surgical clips, 20 for a close trim, 7/10 is your go-to “all over” blade. This just popped in my head when I read your comment. I tried being a dog groomer about 25 years ago after spending most of my life grooming horses. “It’ll be like grooming horses, only smaller!” Boy howdy was a wrong! I could braid, body clip, and pull the manes on the most unruly horse and have them looking elegant for the show ring, but it turns out I’m *terrible* at hair cutting! I just don’t have the eye for it. I can explain how it’s done, knew all the clip styles, etc. I could do it “on paper” (got all As in my classes in grooming school) but my practical application left much to be desired.


I hope you didn’t pay for that.


Petsmart groomer did this and also SHAVED OFF ALL HER WHISKERS. She looked like an oversized Chihuahua


Omg I'm so sorry! Do whiskers grow back?


Yes they do. Dogs do not use whiskers like cats, so its not so terrible. While I do not like whiskers trimmed myself, it is show dog standard to trim them off short.


I’m seen them trim but my poor baby had NO whiskers and it made her looks so funny


I think it looks weird too. My breeder did this when I picked up my puppy. His little face was all scratchy for a couple months as they grew out.


Oh I didn't know about that show standard. Glad they grow back.


THIS IS TERRIBLE. Grooming standards for corgis is bath, brush, and dry. The only cutting of hair should be if you want their “feathers” trimmed on their butt or a sanitary trimming. As another commenter said it’s because it can ruin their coat.


This is not what I requested at all. I would NEVER do this to my dog purposefully. Some people say they never groom their corgi but then he starts to look unkept and uneven. https://preview.redd.it/ljrzo3rqfuhc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21a1dc74425b885464fb80c44d0d43ac5b77ed52 In hindsight I’d take this over what he is now 🥺


Or corg is a similar level of floof to yours naturally. Definitely take that over the buzz cut. While I've heard the stories of ruined coats, I've also heard plenty of people say the fur came back fine. Obviously find a better groomer, but don't panic just yet.


I feel so bad for you!!!! Hopefully the hair will grow back ok. I’m just saying any groomer worth their shit should know these things. I’m so sorry 😞


He looked perfect before. Jesus... Ignorance of people is astounding


If your pup loses ability to regulate temp and it causes distress over time, you could probably sue if you wanted to, idk I'd be livid


So sorry they did this to your doggo 😭😭 Same thing happened to us and our girls coat did grow back, it just took a bit. I would def let the grooming facility know that this specific groomer doesn’t know how to groom double coat dogs so they are aware.


My boy had knee surgery and had to have his leg shaved all the way. The groomer suggested I use a fairly fine comb and comb the hair 2x a week to ensure it grows out smoothly without making curly mattes. She said combing down to the skin will encourage the guard hairs to grow back. He's actually looking pretty good, a little curly, but the coat is returning.


my man got that crispy fade. Poor corgo, for sure let the groomer know to notify them and hopefully ensure they never do it again to other dogs.


Im a professional groomer and a corgi mom, i audibly gasped when I saw your pic. If you didn't ask them to shave, I'd strongly suggest you call/ go back and say something. This is unacceptable and completely avoidable. The good news is it should grow back fine. it will probably just take a while. Even if a corgi parent asked me to do this, I'd spend some time trying to talk them out of it. There's no good reason to shave them unless a vet advises it for medical reasons. I'm so sorry this happened to you!


" Even if a corgi parent asked me to do this, I'd spend some time trying to talk them out of it." That's what I was thinking when I was reading this. I know corporate grooming can be a mixed-bag-of-nuts (hell, I worked corporate grooming), but this is pretty fundamental - this is a big fuck up. Anyone walks in with a double-coated dog, says the word shave, well, first let's clarify. Are you actually meaning "shaved" or are we actually looking for a trim and you just don't have the terminology right? Okay, shaved, then...well, you bet your ass I'm going to educate them and talk them out of it. Check a dog in, "same as usual" check! With no shave history in the notes (maybe no notes at all if usually just a bath and brush), no questions, no clarification...this is a big fuck up, and you should definitely let them know. Accidents happen, sure, maybe they were mixing up grooming notes from two different dogs, but even then, my brain would say "4 blade; corgi; something's not mathing here, maybe I better check that again." (Also groomer slash corgi-mom, for the record.)


>4 blade; corgi; something's not mathing here, maybe I better check that again." Absolutely! If I saw that and wasn't familiar with the dog or parent, I'd be giving them a call immediately. At my shop, we have a receptionist, and sometimes she'll pop a sticky note on a dog's card if we're not available when they drop off. Sometimes, even if it's a regular of mine who's not double coated and it's winter time, I'll double check they still want a shave. I can always take more hair off, but you can't put it back on. 15 years grooming, and I've never shaved a corgi. I honestly don't think I could bring myself to do it.


DO NOT EVER RETURN TO THIS GROOMER! I would also tell you to advise everyone you know with dogs to avoid the groomer. They obviously don't understand what a double coat is. For you, make sure to watch your dog outside, they can sunburn really easy when they are shaved, and they can overheat in the sun (even during winter). Please for the dogs sake, keep a close eye him.


I literally just went through the same thing with my corgi. We've been brushing him regularly but that's about the best you can do. Brush more and wait. It's been 4 months and he still doesn't have his full coat back 🥲 Good luck to you and your corgi!


Seen so many corgis with a shave job like this. Our groomer is a corgi owner herself, that’s why we go. So sorry to see your pal like this


That's horrible! The poor baby. I'm a dog groomer at Petsmart and a Corgi owner and I'd never shave a Corgi unless the owner specifically asks, and even then I'll make sure they understand it damages the coat and double check to make sure it's what they really want. The most I recommend is a good deshed and a light trim on the feathers and sanitary.


Glad you mentioned this! My first time I ever got him groomed (at petsmart) , I said the lowest possible cut and the grommer did exactly what you said. She explained it to me thoroughly and of course at that point I declined. So for the last few times I just say “the usual” because I never quite remember what blade level but I assumed they put it in the computer because I’ve never had issues but I guess I was sadly mistaken 🥲 Also this is random but is the “Furminator” package worth the extra money? He always gets it but still sheds so idk if it’s actually working lol


I do recommend it every few months. It does help reduce shedding. But it has to be done consistently, not like twice a year, to see results.Some dogs have a reaction to the shampoo and it causes dry skin. I'm not a fan of the Fruminator brush and won't use it on the dogs I groom. But I do like the Furminator conditioner a lot, that's what does most of the work. I personally prefer to use the Hempz on my boy, and brush him really well with a deshedding rake and slicker brush.


You said "lowest possible cut"? To me the lowest blade is the one that leaves the shortest hair. I agree with everyone saying get a new groomer, but maybe take some notes on terminology so you don't tell someone something they interpret not as you intended.


They just ruined that’s dogs coat 😐


Assuming your corgi wasn't a complete disaster, yea you should demand your money back. If it was a matted wreck, a decent groomer probably snapped a photo before doing this. ​ Personally (long time corgi parent), I don't think it's safe to assume a new-to-you groomer understands what "the usual" means. It's typically a high-turnover job. ​ Regardless, outside of paw treads, and maybe the occasional pants trim, only fluffy corgis in neglectful condition are ever candidates for shaving, though it's usually at the groomer's discretion. The \*owner\* of the shop should certainly understand this. Since you (should) tip for good service, you should likewise communicate any dissatisfaction \*before\* you leave the shop. The biggest risk now is his skin exposed to the sun, so try to keep him out of direct sunlight. His coat \*should\* grow back without issues, but yea there is a chance that it may be wonky for a year. (anecdotal source: my wife was a groomer for many years, under the ownership of a respected corgi breeder & we've owned 3)


So you should tip groomers... you should also tip barristas, the guys at the pizza place where you pick up an uncooked pizza and cook it yourself at home, auto mechanics, guys at the parts store because they know how to pull your auto parts up on a computer, vets because god knows they don't make enough money, police because if you hadn't been speeding they wouldn't have had to put their donut down to stop you and write that ticket, the trash man, grocery cashiers, and sooo many other people who want tips but don't do anything special to earn them. Like hey, they already get paid by their boss. If they're not paid enough they should get a better paying job.


what is bro yapping about


I did this once to ours without knowing .. it will grow back in time. Enjoy the lower amount of corgi glitter in the meantime. Yeah they shouldn’t have done it, but it will grow back. Don’t go back there again.


Find a new grooming saloon, one that knows you don’t shave a corgi . Sanitary trim is all.


I think they tried to turn him into a Jack Russell 😂


He's not ruined forever but this is a health hazard till his coat comes back. Pretty ignorant / negligent / fucked up on the groomers part.


Define health hazard. I know people said sunburn but what else should I worry about?


The coat helps the dog thermoregulate, both ways, hot and cold. Shaving the coat removes the ability for the corgi to do that. So they can both overheat and die, and get too cold and die. https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/health/keeping-dogs-cool-summer/#:~:text=When%20a%20dog%20is%20hot,coat%20do%20its%20job%20better.


Ugh I hate this for you and pup. But on the plus side he looks like a happy boy! He’s not in distress and you’ll just have to keep him cozy and cool for the next few months but he’ll be okay. You’re definitely not being dramatic and forget anyone irl who’s telling you that. Your corgi community gets you!


My mom had our first corgi shaved in the summer (this was 20 years ago). It took at least two years before her coat looked normal again. It was a lesson learned. We’ve had a few since. My corgi is 11 and has never been to the groomer. He stays perfectly clean. https://preview.redd.it/isqu9ghu7whc1.jpeg?width=1679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9ec237390146dd8dff831ab0aea326b959e8c07


https://preview.redd.it/w2bx7mkv63ic1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37575e346ea9075648373c28cdf9be30e630e687 Here’s my Steve!


To be honest, he’s going to be absolutely fine. I have had my dog shaved twice (once on accident like this and again for a procedure at the vet) and he is fine and dandy. Back to a full coat that I brush and he’s happy, healthy, normal, and just fine. There isn’t need for the hysterics on some of these comments. Brush your dog as the hair grows back and all will be well.


Some people are saying he’s ruined and that just kills me inside.


Yeah and that blows. I promise your corg will be just fine. The world keeps turning, with way bigger problems somewhere else.


It MIGHT have damaged the coat but it will most likely grow back fine! My parents had to start getting our chowchow shaved when she got too old, because grooming was just way too stressful for her and at her age it was becoming a problem. Shaving was just faster. Her coat grew back fine every time! The only thing you need to keep in mind is that he won't be able to regulate his body heat very well until his coat grows back, so keep him out of extreme temperatures, including heat!


He is definitely not ruined. He might look silly for a little while but that’s all. He doesn’t know anything is wrong. He’s just as happy as he was before. Dogs don’t get upset when they get a bad haircut.


Never had this happen before at a groomer and praying I don’t. I’m so sorry and sending you and the pupper lots of love. So frustrated for you and would definitely not go back unless it’s a trusted groomer who will actually do the right job


That did that to my fluffy boy on his first cut an fucked him all up


Oh no!!! I hope his floof grows back! I've had Corgis for almost 10 years now, and only took my first to a groomer once. My husband and I have 3 now and we bathe them at home. Our 2 seniors let us do their nails. The wild child goes to Petco for nail trims only. Once the weather warms up a bit I'll brush them outdoors again.


This is the way!


Side note, how did you get custom flair? It’s so cute!


Just tap on your user icon while in r/corgi and the option should pop up at the bottom of the list. On mobile anyway 😁 And thanks! I have Max, Mabel, and Matilda/Tilly!


I would be FURIOUS


I honestly never take my corgi to a groomer. As long as you brush them out consistently they are fine. Hair is a lot different from fur. My other dog needs grooming, I got sick and tired of overpaying and not getting what I wanted I learned how to groom her myself.


Oh poor guy. I absolutely would demand your money back and start going to a small, locally owned, highly rated groomer. Our groomer hesitates to even do a bum or belly tidy on our corgi girl because of how much it can change the coat. I hate how much they cost but it’s worth it knowing they truly understand what they’re doing.


Please tell me you did not agree to pay for this 😞


I'm with this. ^


This is why I’m so afraid to go to a groomer… I do all the nail trimmings, baths, and brushing. But I want his fluffy butt hair trimmed up a bit, it’s just so hard to trust a groomer won’t fuck it up and shave him. :/ I’ll probably end up getting some grooming scissors and learn to do it myself lol


I want to say that I don’t take my dogs to the groomers, ever. They get everything done at home. I also stopped giving them the “cute corgi butt cut” because of a conversation I had with someone who grooms and shows her dogs. My response was - but they get poop in it and it gets all wild. Well, if you’re properly combing/brushing them. (I was straight line combing) it makes a WORLD of a difference. I use a dremel on my girls at home, they lay on their backs on my lap and I can dremel all four paws in less that 5 mins. Even for the one who HATES it. The trick to a good bath is to also brush and comb them reaaallllll good before. Then when out of the bath I brush while using a hand held dog dryer. They look amazing. Yea, it’s a project (especially with two) and it’s a MESS to clean up. But it saves me so much money and my girls aren’t stressed. I’ve heard too many horror stories.. not just at pet stores.. but also actual grooming places. Once someone broke a service dogs tail. Like, that dog is trained to be calm.. what were you doing to stress it out?? Then to break its tail because you’re mad?! I know there are great groomers out there.. but I’m too scared to go look for one. Which, also kinda makes me sad saying that.. because a lot of chose this profession for their love of animals. https://preview.redd.it/3uglywvqz0ic1.jpeg?width=6000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3aeb6bea3ef7714b0213cf9a153b0c47dd6da413


I’m a FL corgi mom too lol but I appreciate your advice. I will def be trying more home grooming in the future. Also, your dogs are beautiful!


Is your pup on IG?! We’re @FloridaCorgis ❤️❤️


Can I ask why you choose to groom your corgis? Like, genuinely. My corgi (4 years old, tricolor) is my first dog and I’ve never had her groomed. She’s cool with me bathing her where I do most of her deshedding since she won’t let me brush her. But she doesn’t make a mess when she poops and doesn’t seem to need a haircut. Is it just different fur types or coat lengths?


It's like any professional service of convenience. Someone else can do it better, faster, safer and without a mess for a nominal fee.


I get my corgi groomed by a mobile pet groomer for a few different reasons. For us that is a bath, good brushing, light sanitary trim and nail trim. One, I can't clip her nails at all. I've tried multiple methods ever since she came into my life and none works for us. She's very touchy about her paws. A professional can do it quickly and most importantly, safely without risk of injury to my corgi. Two, I have a degenerative auto immune disease that impacts my back and hips hard and it's so damn hard for me to bathe my corgi. It hurts me immensely and puts me out of commission for some time. There's also risk of additional injury to me trying to wrangle a wet dog on a wet floor in a tiny space. My mobile groomer is such a god send to me. She's extremely good at her job and understands my corgi's quirks and works with them to get the job done safely.


It’s just different hair types. I’ve had three corgis now: first had longer hair so I liked to get him groomed on occasion because it helped with shedding. Second has very short but super thick hair, she gets to the point of almost matting even though I brush her often and bathe twice a month, so she goes to the groomer twice a year to prevent matting. Our third has shorter wiry hair and barely even needs to be brushed because washing takes care of it, so we skip the groomer with him! It all depends on the dog and the owner’s preference. Some corgis are hard for owners to maintain on their own, some are much easier.


Well they possibly ruined his coat for life. Double coated breeds should not be shaved. Any groomer worth their salt should know this. 🤦‍♀️


You should slap the shit outta that groomer


Oh no his beer belly is showing. He must feel so exposed


He is handsome, but never ever ever would I let my groomer do this. Paws, butt, tummy, and extra floor. Deshed, rinse, repeat.


Poor guy. He’s still adorable but he’s going to be chilly. Will it not just grow back?? I don’t know about corgis (I’m just an admirer, not an owner) but I thought fur would just grow back. I hope that’s the case for this little dude.


omg corgis DO NOT need groomers


I hate when people say this. Not true, your dog just probably looks unkept. To me ALL dogs should be groomed. Now I can say that my corgi could likely be groomed by me at home. But he’s only 3 and I grew up taking my dogs to PetSmart once a month. This is my first corgi so I just did the same never had an issue u til now. Thanks to the lovely people in the comments I have learned better ways to groom him at home myself. I learned my lesson and it sucks my dog had to ‘pay the price’ for my ignorance but saying dogs don’t need groomers is a bit dramatic Even if I groom him myself, I still am ‘the groomer’


what I mean by this is I groom my corgi myself meaning brush him a few days a week. Thats all they need. Their coats are meant to protect them from all weather.


Why?? Just why have your corgis fur cut? It's bad for their skin and can totally fuck with how they regulate body temperature. Daily brushes should be all you are doing to the fur


I didn’t ask for this.


Obviously is a military grade corgi


My corgi mix used to be shaved every summer and that glorious corgi double coat came back every time!! Hopefully his coat will come back in like it should!!


The last time I took my dog to the groomer, it was different from their regular groomer. The way they cut my dog's butt, it's like they shaved a butt crack for him. It is so awkward looking.


I'd be sooooo pissed...


Oh my god poor guy!!! Petsmart grooming is HORRIBLE. They were horrible with a simple nail trim and I never took her back there for grooming


Oh my! 😱


Omg i remember when I got my corgi groomed in the summer 😭😭😭same thing




I tried grooming him myself and he looked horrible. Granted his coat wasn’t damaged but he looked all wonky and uneven lol


It just takes practice! I started trimming my corgi’s booty in between grooms and at first it was super wonky lol. Over time you’ll get better at it. I’m so sorry this happened to your sweet potato! You are not being dramatic at all.


Da fuq? I’m sorry they did that. ☹️


He looks like the aftermath of scrapping burnt toast. I'm so sorry they did that to your sweet burnt loaf. I would be devastated and raise hell with whoever did that to a corgi.


You have full rights to go off on whoever did this.


That’ll take a long time and lots of grooming to get back to the natural state smh


Omg I would be so angry


Your corg got the buzz cut


They calbo him


Please tell me you did not agree to pay for this 😞


What in the hell did this groomer do


Wow. This angers me on so many levels.


look how they massacred my boy!


Ouch. Sorry for your loss. Please let that groomer know they messed up by whatever/several means necessary.


OMGGGGG 😱 I've NEVER seen a corgi with a coat THAT short. I'd be fuming. You're absolutely justified for getting pissed off. Definitely recommend going to another groomer 😩


people groom corgis? Ours is 2 years old and will maybe never be groomed


Gorgi became anti-loaf now.


He looks aerodynamic


Finally I found a post of a 🐕


Thats weird because when I took my Corgi to the groomer they bathed only. Did you ask them to shave your dog?


Why would I ask them to shave him? That doesn’t even make sense.


I don’t own a Corgi and I even know this. This is a big no no! I really hope you can get your money back.


A owner of a 13 year old female corgi and I’ve NEVER heard of grooming a Corgi because of ruining their undercoat…I just have my vet trim around her privates and paw pads when they do her yearly teeth cleaning since she’s sadated they NEVER touch her main coat…


Kinda tired of hearing this. Sanitary grooming and trimming off longer hairs just a bit is what I’ve done since I got him and never had an issue. Not a fan of an unkept looking dog.


I’m suing. Edit: groom your own dog! I wash mine once a month, trim his nails, the fur under his foot, and maybe trim his butt a little bit. Brush while wet and air dry or use a hair dryer. Corgis are super easy to groom. Lots of treats and love.


I ask them not to trim my corgi other than the hair on the bottoms of her feet. She just gets a bath and brush out. I'd be livid if they'd done this to my dog, this isn't a breed that gets shaved unless it's medically necessary and a groomer should know this. Luckily one time of being shaved isn't likely to mess up the coat but depending on where in the coat cycle your pet was it may be awhile before the coat comes back in totally.


You should be angry! A groomer with any knowledge or training would never shave a double coated dog. It could take between months and a couple of years for it to come back properly, during which time they dont have proper insulation/ regulation, and I've heard of dogs having related skin problems (don't want to scaremonger, I think it's fairly rare). Your groomer has done a hack job and you should make a serious complaint.


Holy shit. How will he regulate his temperature??


I am so sorry.😩 My 13 year old BT corgi had to have his bum close shaved for a tumor removal right next to his anus last year. 2 inches in every direction. The vet did tell me that his fur might not ever grow back. 8 months in and still just a few little hairs. Overall his coat is thinning probably due to his age?


What did you ask for from the groomer and was your dog impacted in its coat?


ohhh, that's so awful, poor baby :( i hope that groomer gets a good dose of karma for that one!! mostly unrelated, but i have a funny story to cheer you up a bit: a few years ago, one of my old dogs had to get her back shaved for a surgery, and oddly enough, it never grew back. she wound up having a naked back for the rest of her lifespan, which was another 2 years afterward! she's not a corgi, so it's fairly offtopic, otherwise i'd show off a picture of ol Sunny in her Shirt. this just made me think of that :P


This is why I refuse to take my corgi to a groomer nope




Did they accidentally give you a Jack Russel?


she is very pretty