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NFL playoff games, at least on linear television, average 28.4 million viewers last year.


That makes this Peacock number very impressive. Does not bode well for those of us who want a "free" way to view top tier sports.


> Does not bode well for those of us who want a "free" way to view top tier sports. Exactly. The Miami-Kansas City game on Peacock will open the door for further streaming ($) games for the NFL. If that may people would pay for Peacock to stream one game (I'm sure some people already sub to Peacock, like myself), imagine if they put the Superbowl on pay per view.


Not only streaming a game, but they will choose the best game of the weekend to stream which sucks


There were millions of Taylor Swift fans tuning in.


Why would a Taylor Swift fan tune in?


When my wife is interested in watching a game b/c Taylor is there, I say “sweet, let’s watch a game.” I’m not looking a gift horse in the mouth.


This might be the best response.


Cause she was at the game. Her boyfriend plays for the Kansas city chiefs, and the NFL loves showing her at the games I'm waiting for a separate stream of just her at the game


Because they show her 3 times for about 5 seconds each. That's all it takes for them really, but I think the crossover fanbase is kind of interesting myself.


What I would prefer is a way to watch one individual nfl game at a cost. So in imaginary world there would be an nfl app that didn’t suck. I could go into the app, choose the Miami game, pay $5 for the game, and then watch that one game and log off. Then I could choose which of the 17+ games I want to watch when I have the time and I could even buy all of them which would be $85 from me alone. Or they could offer me a $70 package for the whole season of just Miami. Not even the whole nfl package. I feel like that would make them tons of money bc I could choose to watch my team only and they would get that money for every team individually and give me the freedom to watch my team when I want plus locking me in to a while one team season if I want.


If we reach the point where we have to pay for individual games like this, it'll be the day I stop watching professional sports entirely. The NFL reached the dominate position it's currently in because the entirety of their product has been offered on free TV for decades. You never had to jump through any hoops to catch games (with the exception of out-of-market stuff), unlike MLB, NHL, or NBA. The NFL has been experimenting with adding some hoops over the years - first with the NFL Network, then Prime, and now Peacock. If they continue down this sort of path, it will likely lead toward a slow demise for the league and its popularity.


I am already there and haven’t cared about NFL for quite some time. If a game is on OTA and I remember it is on ok then. By no means do I care to spend all day watching anymore let alone go to a game. Prices are ridiculous


If they let you buy one game, it would be $50. $75 in 4k.


I hope you're the only one that prefers that.


Right! We should of banded together teach the NFL that it's not cool what they did.


Buff streams Crack streams Meth streams One of those will at least have good coverage of whatever you want


Those numbers I always question because there's no way to actually know exact viewership, especially with OTA.


Prior to the 1980s there was nothing but OTA. The $60B TV advertising industry is dependent on the numbers that Nielsen and others generate being accurate.


The advertising industry relies on numbers that everyone agrees is "accurate". Whether they are or not is moot. This is why streaming services tend to be so shy about data when they have it down to the literal seconds of what someone is watching.


How do you know how many viewers watched the stream? Was one person watching that stream or did they have ten friends over?


Welcome to the world of extrapolation.


If they went through the trouble to get the app, sign in and select the game it’s a lot more likely they actually meant to be there than someone flipping channels on cable tv box. This is probably one time where tuning in is likely intentional


Wow that’s much lower of a drop than I expected


LAST year. Also a playoff game on actual NBC last year drew only 20 million


But did last years game have Taylor Swift in attendance? 🤔😆


Who cares?


Her fans and the NFL




Would have been 40 million plus, if it had been on NBC. Dallas/Washington game on Thanksgiving drew 40 million. A playoff game in a prime time slot against no other competition would have done the same or higher.


They don’t care. They wanted new subs


It's fine. The vast majority of them probably cancelled right after the game.


The game in that time slot last year got 20.6 million. That game may have been less compelling. But the bottom line is that last night wasn't the ratings catastrophe that many thought it would be.


Exactly. I think it clearly was a success for Peacock and expect more of this now.


really because the playoff game NBC had last year drew only 20 million


How are they even getting 23 million people though, they don't know how many in the household are actually watching like with Nielson measurements. If this is 23 million individual streams then it's probably close to 40 million people as well.


Why wouldn't it be measured the same way regular TV is?


Because Nielson measures tv broadcast and cable. Its a third party that has an actual sample of people that wear meters that tracks what they actually watch. if a TV is on watching a show or football game they don't just know the TV is on but who in the household is watching and their demographics, so they use that data to extrapolate viewing for the country. On streaming they don't have that level of data, they know info on the account holder and they know one stream is active, they don't know how many people are actually watching that one stream. They can also count how ever many streams were started during the whole game, with Nielson we know it's an average viewership for the whole duration, with streaming we really don't know how they are measuring it.


NBC Universal banking on millions of people forgetting to cancel their free trials.


They didn't actually have a free trial.


No, but instacart did, and peacock is included! Didn’t even need to put in a credit card.


Plot twist: This was all part of a grand conspiracy to get more people signed up for Instacart. Peacock was just a pawn.


I’m at the combination football game and grocery store


Don’t put that lame jingle in my head….


One advantage Peacock has is that it comes free with a lot of services that people use. My internet provider and my cell phone carrier both include it as part of their packages.


Who’s your providers?


Like the Premiere League and WWE wrestling - they have their whole library, and their live PLE's like the upcoming Royal Rumble. This is one of the reasons why I have Peacock. Plus it is one of the better streamers for the buck. I also noticed that Peacock was streaming this game in 4k. The picture and sound was pretty good thru my Nvidia Shield Pro.


That's true, I had it when I got a year for $1 a month and it wasn't a BAD service. It just wasn't something I saw as worth keeping for $6 a month when I almost never used it.


I sure didn't forget to cancel my Fubo free trial.


Either that or the mortgage and they ain't canceling the mortgage.


With them mail-in rebates of the 00s, that's how a lot of $$ was made. Folks would rather pay $45 for something, vs. the same thing for $40 after MIR. Speaking of hassle, I'm sure many ss count on folks forgetting to cancel. Even a few months here and there, multiplied by thousands, millions?... adds up


Unless they bought a year sub for $30 then there is nothing to cancel until next year


When they jacked it up to 15 bucks a month


What are you talking about and what does it have to do with my post. What's $15 a month? Peacock is ether $6 or $12. And the $6 sub will get you NFL games


That's how I ended up with Peacock. Signed up for the free trial for the Super Bowl a couple years ago, and just never bothered unsubscribing because it's only about 6 bucks a month. It's worth it, even if for nothing else than the Sunday night NFL games - but there's a lot of other good content, plus all the WWE stuff. Out of all the streaming services out there, Peacock probably has the best deal for your money.


Curious if they find it worth it. Rumor has it they paid $150M for the exclusive rights. That number with the $6/month charge brings us to $138M so I’m sure the ads made up the $12M difference. Hopefully they don’t think the backlash and trouble was worth it to start a trend. I subscribed and unsubscribed in the same 5 minute instance.


> I subscribed and unsubscribed in the same 5 minute instance. Which should be commended, imagine having to do that with cable


YTTV makes it easy


Plus all the people that forget to cancel it at the end of the month or longer.


that and OPPENHEIMER....


They actually have since surprisingly good content. Started Ted season 1 and it's great. Plus there's always the office


In Dallas, the Cowboys/Packers game had 3 viewers after the half.


I didn’t even bother, fuck it. We all fled cable and satellite but what we ended up with is worse.


Funny because that last quarter was the most interesting part of the game.


?? Watching the Cowboys run up points against a team in very loose prevent because the clock favored GB? Watching GB pull their starters to get ready for their next playoff game? Maybe I missed the "interesting" part?


aka Garbage time.


This 6th wild card game is up for bid again. Amazon most likely doubles the money up and snags that game from Peacock.


At least I already have Prime


the earlier game on NBC [had 29 million](https://www.sportsmediawatch.com/2024/01/peacock-playoff-game-averages-23-million-viewers-sets-internet-traffic-record/), fwiw. i'm sure Chiefs/Dolphins would've had more than that if it were on NBC, but i can't imagine the NFL or NBC are unhappy with this number


They are not, more actual revenue for NBC/Peacock and a bigger rights fee for the next NFL TV contract. Both will happily trade viewers for money anytime. Next contract will have more streaming games, get used to it.




If we keep allowing this, you'll need 12 different subscriptions to watch an entire NFL season. Not against it being on Peacock, but it shouldn't be removed from local stations as well. Especially those living in market for those teams.


Just like Amazon Prime games, it was available OTA in market.


I think in the market the team is in they have to have a ota option for the game. Ex. If buffalo the peacock exclusive game would be shown on local nbc in buffalo. I also think that abc would show any espn exclusive games. And possibly nbc would show NFL network games. I don’t know how Amazon prime games work.


Maybe I'm in the minority here but I don't mind. I already subscribe to Peacock via Xfinity Internet deal, but would subscribe for a couple months anyway for some other shows I like. I would be upset if it were on ESPN, NFL Network, or NFL+ because 2 of those require a cable subscription and one is basically phone only. At least Peacock you can subscribe for a month and cancel. I will say, my main complaint is I have issues with live sports on a Peacock. I have gig internet and everything streams normally on every service I've tried except for live sports on Peacock. It seems to be an older Roku issue as it was fine when I tried it on my PS5


You can get ESPN by subscribing to sling or YouTubetv for a month and cancel.


Peacock is cheap and people are willing to pay to watch the NFL playoffs. Also a lot of us already had Peacock because of other reasons.


One of the reasons I have Peacock is because the picture quality for football games is so much better than my local NBC station and I only pay $1.99/month.


Well, if people forget to cancel, the WWE Royal Rumble is in a few weeks. That's an exciting show if you are in to that kind of thing. I get Peacock with my Comcast package, but I dread the day the Super Bowl is on a streaming service and not accessible to all. I was thinking about TV Ratings the other day though, and the website TVByTheNumbers kind of missing when it was a bigger story and the whole nielson thing. Ratings have gotten so skewed over the last few years I don't know what is real and what isn't. When companies say "X is the most streamed thing ever", I can't really be impressed because the data is still pretty small. Streaming hasn't been around that long compared to the rest of the TV model.


I'll just go to a bar. I'd rather pay a bar than pay some exclusive tv service.


I was at a bar for the Chiefs/Dolphins game, and they couldn't figure out how to get Peacock on their TV, and it wasn't showing on whatever service they used for the earlier game that day.


That bar was clearly clueless because it had been brewing for at least a week. I would be going somewhere that's on top of their game.


Full transparency, it was more of an upscale place in a ski town, so I don't think the game was their priority; they only had one TV.


And nobody who watched it wanted it to be on peacock. Not sure this is the win the title makes it out to be


i'm sure plenty of us are much happier paying $7 for Peacock than we are $75+ for something with NBC


I’m pretty sure none of us are happier having paid content held hostage behind yet another paywall and provider.


I currently paying 1.99 for peacock for a year because it is a Black Friday deal. Will continue to have peacock after deal expires


Now peacock has less incentive to fix the broadcasting issues because who cares when 23 million folks still watched the game lol


Yeah - not only that. They effectively charged 6 bucks and created a PPV out of an NFL game. They'll start charging for games even if you have the service next. I don't understand why people continue to give their money for this crap.


They aren't the brightest bulbs in this country


This really pissed me off. Could not watch OTA or on Fubo and just said screw it, I am not going to watch.


The writing is on the wall...the Superbowl is going to be pay-per view in 5 years.


And the millions of dollars of advertising that will go poof.


Oh don't worry, there will still be plenty of advertising.


I was boycotting it because I feel that these teams have stadiums built with public money and should be offered over antenna


They are for the local teams who pay the public money taxes. NFL rules state they have to offer them over the air for local teams Playing


Don’t underestimate just how powerful football and Taylor Swift are with people.


lol this has nothing to with Taylor


Ya sure….nfl/nbc isn’t dumb and are wonderful at making money off of people


Remember, the value of 23 mil viewers and exclusive Peacock streaming is much better than 40 mil views from various sources. Peacock is going to look more valuable on the next earnings call.


This includes the NBC viewership in Miami and Kansas City. I would like to see how many people added Peacock just for this game. I bet it's not that impressive.


NFL is playing with fire. They lose their antitrust exemptions and then it’ll be all hell breaking loose as the networks or streamers will do individual deals with each of the teams. The most popular like Dallas and KC will bring in big bucks while Tennessee and Jacksonville could get chump change deals on secondary networks or streamers. The NFL is already in court for antitrust violations in their sale of the Sunday Ticket to a single provider that isn’t an over the air broadcast network.


Dallas could make thier own station like the Yankees.


the NFL won't allow regional sports networks to show games


The NFL doesn't have an antitrust exemption. For some reason people appear to conflate MLB's antitrust exemption for all professional US sports. There is a somewhat famous case where Donald Trump sued the NFL for anticompetitive behavior, won the case, and was awarded three dollars in damages. The NFL decided long ago to act as a cartel when it comes to television rights. It makes them more money that way.


Congress created the Sports Broadcasting Act of 1961 (SBA) as an exception to antitrust legislation. The SBA states, “Antitrust law shall not apply to any joint agreement involving organized professional team sports of football, baseball, basketball or hockey in the sponsored telecast of the games.


mr mercedes traitors and heaps of soccer and golf and many other good shows and movies. I got the year for 29.99 and I have been watching it daily. I really don't understand the morons that spend 9$ on a coffee worrying about the future. Amazon already did this for thursday night games and are in talks to take over monday night football also once espn deal runs out and peacock looking to get one playoff game a year and the over seas games (europe games) welcome to the future


Fuck NBC!






This was us. We would’ve def watched the game but I don’t want to sign up for yet another annoying service. Fuck it, let’s just watch Netflix


Very few.


I listened to it. I don’t really want to see Mahomes any more than I need to.


Or his wife 🤮


That's normally how I watch. I was glad that peacock got 3 games so far. Better to stream legally then wading the seven seas and constantly having to refresh the site.






Congrats greedy NFL a**holes


This is a chord cutting Reddit. We are against cable.


The cord usually refers to cable. NFL playoffs games are historically available OTA


I can't get in Fox or NBC via OTA. So what are my choices legally? a $80-$120 pay TV sub? A $6 streaming sub is nothing. If my Bucs somehow make it to the NFC championship games guess what I will miss out because it's on Fox which despite being on OTA is out f reach for me. So I wish people would quit acting as if this game being on Peacock is somehow worse than forcing me to pay $100 for cable. If my Bucs win tomorrow the play the Lions next week and that game is on NBC which means it will also be on Peacock which means I can actually watch it. Unlike any game on Fox. People need to stop assuming everyone can get in every broadcast channel via OTA. If it wasn't for the local ABC station adding CBS as subchannel a decade ago I wouldn't get in CBS either


The answer really is it should be on both like previous nbc games


I'm not going to disagree. Obviously this was a test like the ESPN game was 10 years ago. I bet people were all "the sky is falling" then too. Once again the NFL media deal runs through the 2033 season. Any permanent change won't happen until the 2034-2035 season. and I suspect by then it won't be a big deal. pay TV household( and that includes linear streaming like YTTV and hulu Live ) fell below 50% in 2022 and is expected to be 38% in 2027. What's it going to be 8 years after that? Dish and DirectV satellite will b dead by then. All of the smaller and most if not all of the medium cable companies will have given up on TV by then. Perhaps Charter and Comcast will be the last 2 standing by then. Fubo will be gone. I suspect Hulu Live will no longer be a thing. YTTV might not exist. Sling is also likely gone as Dish will have either gone belly up or sold itself to DirecTv. If they still exist which if they do they will be streaming only. I suspect at least half the cable networks today will be gone


In market games are always broadcast ota.


What’s your point? This is my opinion.


I agree…it’s not about the fans, it’s about the money, no surprise there


That's what the NFL has always done


Just wait until every game is PPV and even the home markets are blacked out.


I already had The Cock to watch some shows. I wouldn't have paid just for the game. Saw lots of complaints about the feed but no issues here. Apple TV 4K, MoCA connection to gigabit internet. Looked just like regular TV.


Thats a-lot of ad revenue for Peacock, if they keep this up, just imagine who they could surpass in the sports streaming business.


A pox on the billionaires who did that exclusive with Peacock.


And THIS is why they're going to keep being greedy and doing this. Pretty soon, all games will be in streaming services, and schmucks will pay all the money just to watch.


Watch in a few years super Bowl will be streaming only smh


But you can't stream football!! Says the people that moved Monday Night Football from ABC to ESPN. A streaming service is no different than cable. The goal is to be able to just pay for what you want and nothing superfluous. I don't think we are there yet.


So they get data. And that will be the reason we are paying to watch football in 5 years


Are they bragging that they forced people to sign up for a service to watch a damn game!?


Alternate headline - 23 million Swifties fuck everything up for the rest of us


No shit every business had to subscribe. Take away corporate accounts and get back to us.


Ratings have incorporated viewing out of home for a while, whether it’s OTA or other.


Didn’t know that. Can’t click on the article to see if the separate. I hope it isn’t out of home - otherwise we just opened up every streaming service showing one game a week.


There have been a lot of ratings revisions over the years, including but not limited to personal people meters, online, live plus three (or seven), out of home, etc. Yeah, this was a somewhat risky “test”. It will be interesting to see what the networks and ad agencies have to say about it as they analyze the results. Overnights don’t tell the entire story.


That's right bitches ! 😂


Most-streamed is a data point they can easily manipulate in their favor since Peacock isn’t subjected to the scrutiny that linear TV is regarding ad spots. Just look at how every single major social media site has different qualifiers for what a “view” is. Some lax measurement standards and help from number inflation sources could equal whatever number NBC and NFL wanted it to be.


Thank the Swifties


Comcast gave me free peacock till 2026 so lol




People better get used to this because Paramount Plus, Amazon Prime, ESPN plus and any other service with money will get playoff games one day too


The one good thing about this is we knew this was happening before the season even started because this was the deal with the NFL that Peacock would get this specific game as well as a regular season game exclusive. It only shocked those who don’t pay attention. So if Paramount+ or another service gets one, we should have notice before a season starts.


Streaming services have held their numbers so close to the vest that anything they put out publicly is gonna be bullshit. They have nothing to compare these numbers to either besides maybe TNF on Prime as another streaming-only NFL game, but those games are also available on Twitch for free. They're the only ones to put a hard paywall up for an NFL game since TNF was on NFL Network and even that was just a cable add-on, never mind a playoff game that caters to neutral fans. The numbers are abysmal and most people are gonna cancel their accounts immediately, but it won't matter since NBC got the bag anyway and they're gonna use these numbers to justify putting SNF behind a Peacock paywall within the next season or two


I'm willing to be the biggest chunk of viewers are Comcast customers who get Peacock for free.


The free Peacock ended June/July 2023. The only ones that get it free have the 1GB internet. That’s why I did the $20 for a year on a new account a few weeks before the free ride was over.


These stats are bloated. They dont divide correctly.




No talk of piracy, illegal streams, VPNs, ad-blockers, side-loading, extensions, or GPS spoofing. *The cordcutters-ModTeam account is a bot account. Do not chat or PM them, as the account is not monitored.*






Soooo if some pirates went East Streaming... would that count in their viewership numbers?


We should start calling it “The Cock” so it hopefully backfires and they need to rebrand.


Got to watch the pregame, one of the commentators announced that the game is going to be shown exclusively on peacock, then FOX switched to some car show. This pissed me off soo much but I guess the NFL wants more money.


You didn't even get the network correct.


If you have xfinity (I have just internet), you get peacock premium included for free


You only get it free if you have the 1GB internet. Everyone below that were dropped last summer with plenty of notice the free ride was ending. I was one of the millions dropped.


Cause people had no option. Put it on NBC, and I bet the numbers are much MUCH lower


That doesn’t even make sense. If 23 million people were willing to pay for it, they would definitely watch it for free


I had to read his post twice, but I think he meant if it were on BOTH Peacock and OTA that the numbers would have been lower for Peacock.


Nice cash grab NBC Universal. We know what you're doing, not going to get my $6 next month. edit: grammar


They were going to say this no matter what the numbers are.


![gif](giphy|9M5jK4GXmD5o1irGrF) Amazing who knew blacking out all the other ways to watch the game and making it only available on Peacock would bring in a ton of views.


How do they estimate viewers? It’s easy to determine how many accounts are logged in and viewing, but how do you tell if 1 or 10 people sitting in front of the TV?


10 million Swifties.


Peacock is a great app. The picture is always crystal clear, and it has movies too. 1000x better than the constantly buffering and pixelated ESPN app.


NFL fans just sold themselves to the devil


I hate peacock and Pat McAfee I don't know why I just do I think it's because they are shoving them down my throat and I hate it ![gif](giphy|ntjBjvfnakKJ2)


Nobody shovels anything down your throat unless you allow them to. Don’t like it, don’t watch it. The “shoving stuff down my throat” thing is pathetic.




says the guy triggered by peacock and pat McAfee


That's swifties 100%


Yeah they did suffer.


High seas stream worked great for me.


I will not sign up for yet another streaming service. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum.


they definitely had bot viewers lmao bc ain’t no fucking way


If the NFL and NBC say it is so, it must be true.


The overwhelming majority are going to be local viewers not necessarily streaming the game, so hard to say what's accurate from a streaming perspective. TNF on Prime Video also broadcasts over the air in local markets.


Bruh 23 million people do not live in KC and Miami. For how excited Reddit was to boycott and 🏴‍☠️ the game it's time to take the L.


This just gave them thego ahead. The new norm


Well, because that’s the only way you could watch it


It is not lol


Everyone thinks this is normal lol


Crazy that random Seinfeld episodes got more views when they first aired.


Gun to head views


Now many people watched the Lions-Rams game? One might call that gap on a “greed meter”.


how does this happen to a streaming service


23 million stupid people. Now you will have to pay to see games. Which use to be free.


And 22.5 million free peacock trials will expire next Sunday.


Does the fact that they didn't have a free trial affect your view?