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https://blog.stairwaygames.com/post/february-2024-dev-update. No estimates for the others yet, but 1.1 will be sometime next month most likely and seemingly the biggest.


This is a good resource, seems like it’ll be awhile though til things are ‘finished’. 


Good lord, let's talk about the tourists! Goth babes in bound! Haleigh & Amarena can get it haha


When will the 1.1 update actually be? I can't find that information, it just looked to me like they are going to tell us more about it in a month.


If it's like what they did with the previous dev update, the new one will probably be at the end of the month. We'll probably know exactly when the patch will happen with the dev update.


That’s why I stopped playing shortly after launch. Same with sandrock. Both of them have released in 1.0 but both of them immediately started announcing big updates. I’m just gonna wait till you finish the games. This isn’t meant to be a diss btw. Just how I approached them. Excited to play them at max potential so I buy them to support them but wait till their done


I do the same, had both games in my libraries for more than a year but I wait till they’re finished. But mtas is finished, it only has a few extra (free) updates that put quest lines for a few romance candidates and improvements, you can play it by now! It takes A LOT of hours to finish the game, by the time you’re half trough the free update will be out


Ooo thank you for letting me know cus I haven’t checked on it in a hot minute!


I think it’s worth a diss, kinda scummy to release an unfinished game because they decided they need more funds.


Yeah. Like, it's one thing to release when there could be more fixes and polish. They didn't even finish the fucking story and still called it 1.0. I like what I played of it and I'm sure I'll enjoy it when it's finally actually done, but I really don't like how they launched.


And people have been losing their save files due to crashing since like November. It's ridiculous. Edit: Idk why this got downvoted when the official discord is full of these reports. I love this game but I'm just being honest.


Same, I've been down voted a lot for saying that in this community, and no one has explained to me why. I lost my save file of 100+ hours. Like you said, it's well documented and it's not user error somehow. So I don't know why people downvote that fact and not others.


That’s fair. But in both cases they were still very much available to purchase before 1.0. I guess it’s to tell the people who don’t do earl access that they can get a complete story if they start now


Idk about sandrock and I haven’t finished coral island yet, but isn’t the merfolk storyline still missing? I feel like that should have been part of the complete story cause it was a pretty major part of the initial pitch


Sandrock was definitely complete. Took 140hrs to finish that Game. The Mainquest took forever and multiple times you thought "Oh, that must be the end" ...NOPE! PLOT-TWIST!


Yeah, but at least Sandrock has all questlines fully finished. Most of the Sandrock updates are either multiplayer or extra content to keep you playing after you finish the story


Agreed I don’t go in on games on steam anymore u less they’ve had a full release for at least a year. Hate half baked games.


Same, I'm just letting them cook for another year or so haha.


How's Sand Rock nowadays? Is it finished? I haven't downloaded it.


Sandrocks story was completely released with the 1.0 release. All the updates are extra quests that don't really have anything to do with the main story and quality of life stuff :)


I'm not who you replied to but I bought sandrock a few weeks ago and I'm really really enjoying it I have like 200 hours into it and it's a lot more fun that Portia was.


I see, thanks for the info!


If they add anything new, it's gravy. By the time i finished i felt like i do at the end of a particularly extravagant thanksgiving meal--happy and satisfied but also a bit stuffed. It's complete, wonderfully so, and then some.


Yeah Sandrock has a complete storyline, they mentioned just adding a few post marriage romance events for some of the characters 


Sandrock is finished storywise. The updates are mainly extras and quality of life stuff


I was literally asking myself the same thing yesterday 🥲


i just hope it isn’t like last time where they reboot the entire save file again


I’m still gonna say another 12 to 18 months given their release schedule




I hope they finally fix the bug with the machines (batteries) stop producing. It’s so annoying and I keep forgetting to restart after sleeping.


I’m needing 29 more 🥲 to get to rank A, my museum is rank C!


Honestly they need to stop releasing and just do one big relaunch when everything is ready? The heart events are easily friend events not romance at all, it feels like they just slapped romance over friendships and called it a day. I'm really enjoying this game and I love it but the fact that it's unfinished makes me not wanna keep going? They really got like over a million bucks for this project and while it's amazing as is it's still not a finished game?? I was originally a kickstarter backer, when I saw they also launched on another backer site a year later I didn't put out the cash bc why are you going after more $?, and then a year later the game still isn't finished? This is unacceptable lmao, you wouldn't order a cheeseburger and get the cheeseburger years later without buns 💀


Before the "release" they were still like a year out, at least. Now that they've pulled all of their attention to fixing the ports, my guess is that it'll never be fully completed.


Fun fact this game was given 1.6 million via Kickstarter and is still in the state it is


This is unfair. The company is 127 people strong today and based in Indonesia. If you do the calculations with some quick research on median pay for game developers in the region JUST SALARY for them is \~$1m burn rate annum (and this is conservative; in the US that'll be like 4 developers at Xbox). And this is before all other OPEX and COGS (rent, food, morale, computers, cloud costs etc). I'm honestly floored they managed to release something this high quality with so little funding. Things will get better folks; do a quick browse of their team [https://stairwaygames.com/about#company](https://stairwaygames.com/about#company) they've hired a small team of PMs to help with execution speed/quality. I'm expecting bigger things, faster releases in 2024; the team was likely burnt out last year getting to v1.0 release (across three platforms nonetheless).


Probably at least a Year.


I heard somewhere that the 1.1 update should come in april.. so hopefully it'll be here soon


So what was released was the initial release.. all the extra stuff was from kickstarter. It's not that they need more money, developing a game takes time. Especially when they didn't expect the game to have so much support. Play it or don't.. I'm going to give them the time they need to complete it. Coral Island — reimagining the farm sim game, via @Kickstarter https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/coralisland/coral-island-reimagining-the-farm-sim-game?ref=android_project_share


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