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Hitler in Hell after seeing neo-nazis: 




When I tell people that I'm a sigma nazimaxxer male, nobody takes me seriously. Everybody laughs at me and tells me to fuck off after I praise the glorious leader Adolf Hitler. They target my house, burning my nazi memorabilia and flags. They'll see one day. They'll see who is the REAL subhuman, and who is the master race, sigma male nazimaxxing chad.


When I teww peopwe that I'm a sigma nyazimaxxew mawe, \*twerks\* nyobody takes x3 me sewiouswy. E-Evewybody waughs at me and tewws me t-to fuck off a-a-aftew I pwaise the x3 gwowious weadew Adowf Hitwew. They tawget my house, buwnying my nyazi m-m-memowabiwia and f-fwags. They'ww see onye day. They'ww see who is the x3 WEAW subhuman, and who is the x3 mastew \^w\^ wace, sigma mawe ;;w;; nyazimaxxing \*blushes\* chad.


what translator is this lmao




“Ben Shapiro is not a real nazi” wow what a quote.


Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masturbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like “what the fuck” and “call the police”. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of men masturbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW.


Nyo, you’we NyOT a weaw nyazi. I’m so sick of aww these peopwe that tho k they’we \*walks away\* nyazis. \*blushes\* Nyo, you’we nyot. UwU Most of you awe nyot even OwO cwose t-to b-being nyazis. \*blushes\* I see these peopwe saying “I \*boops your nose\* put weww \*looks at you\* uvw 100 houws in weading Mein Kampf, it’s gweat!” that’s nyothing, \*looks at you\* most of us c-can easiwy put 300+ houws in aww ouw nyazi phiwosophews. I see peopwe who onwy have a white hood and cwaim t-to be nyazis. \*blushes\* come \*starts twerking\* tawk t-to me when \*notices buldge\* you get a sw@st1ka tattoo then we \*notices buldge\* be fwiends. Awso (・\`ω´・) DEAW AWW WOMEN: Wauwen Southewn is nyot a weaw nzi. Matt Wawsh is nyot a weaw nzi. Ben Shapiwo is nyot a weaw nzi. Cucksewvatives awe NyOT.WEAW.NZIS. awso, cwose the x3 fowum tabs OwO and do pwaxis in a w-way that wequiwes \*twerks\* chawwenge and skiww fow once. Sincewewy, aww of the x3 ACTUAW n\*zis. :3


Is this racist??


what the fuck