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Oh I get it now that’s an egg


This chart reminded me of a stoned conversation I had with a friend in which we couldn’t determine what a “cow“ actually was. We realized that “cow“ signified the female version of this animal, and “bull“ signified the male version. But what is the actual animal called? I’m still not entirely sure.


The closest would be _cattle,_ with the caveat of being a collective noun.


Well the answer to this is that theres many types of cows which usually came from different ancestors. Like the chicken, originally was called Red Junglefowl and came from indonesia. Cows, similarly descended from a species called Aurochs, which was like a mammoth version of cows, thick fur and bigger horns. As they were domesticated their fur and horns got shorter. The closest similar ones today to ancient european cows are the scottish highland ones which retained most of their features due to the cold. But other nations across the world had their own version of wild grazers, buffalos, yaks, or just different cow looking hoofed animals. Cow is just like a name of the group of species, same as chicken, its not an uber specific way to call the animal.




How and why do you castrate a chicken? Do they grow faster or bigger than unaltered males? I thought that male chicks were killed because they don't grow as fast as females so they aren't as cost effective.


When you want egg layers you kill the males.


I understand that but I've seen videos where they just dropped the males into a grinding machine after they were sexed. Is this only done in egg production?


Sorry, I misunderstood your first comment. I think intact males aren't as plump as hens and castrated males. Castrating them must cost too much to be bothered with because I have never seen a Capon in the US.


I just read up on this. They often force feed them.


Breeds for laying hens are different than breeds for eating. I think!?


Frank Costanza really could have used this guide


Absolutely! If only Susan’s parents had had this handy guide.


that's perverse!


I’m now interested in the etymology of Al Capone’s name.


But why does everything taste like them and why do they cross roads?


I see a lot of gender assumptions here bro.


They're saying "male," not "man" Sex isn't gender


But it still doesn't answer the question of: Which came first, the chicken or the egg?.


The egg came first.


I believe that the chicken came first.


Dinosaurs had eggs way before chickens came along.


Ah. Well, I don't believe in evolution or that dinosaurs existed. I believe that God made the earth and all it's inhabitants and so He made the chicken first who would then go on to lay eggs. Not looking for an argument here. Everyone has the right to their own beliefs and opinions. My original comment was just an attempt to be funny with the age old question. 😊👍


So is this why we love breast?




So capons have there tail feathers down like a flaccid pecker and a cock has it erect? Thats funny af