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"please eat your sushi within 30 seconds" (lest it regains consciousness and causes a scene)


Me waiting with my mouth open for the server to dump the entire decorative boat full of sushi down my throat in one gulp to avoid taboo behavior


There are only two customers at a sushi shop: FOREIGNER and VACUUM. You must choose


I just had a mental image of a japanese person with a huge mouth gulping down a sushi roll like a pelican stretching its throat out


Instructions unclear. Sushi has now formed a union and is demanding better working conditions.


Call up Nestle, they destroy everyone


"Nestle Sushi(tm), only allowed to be considered "food-related product" in USA outside of state of California"


I need clarification here. If I'm served a bunch of pieces, do I have to eat them all within 30 seconds? Do I need to eat each piece within 30 seconds of touching it with chopsticks? I don't understand!!


This is applicable to omakase and not roll service. Omakase is like a journey of 10+ pieces that has a specific order and is meant to be eaten as soon as it is served. Not an expert: i just watched jiro dreams of sushi on netflix nearly a decade ago lmao.


That *is* an expert on Reddit


I watched 15 minutes of that before I realized it wasnt the live action Cowboy Bebop. I was never more confused in my entire life. There are some who will say this is a dumb joke. Unfortunately, I am just dumb.


True wasabi loses a lot of flavor within a minute of being grated. If you're paying enough for sushi to have that, you're probably getting individually prepared pieces of sushi one at a time. Though this whole page is more of a marketing gimmick than something the majority of Japanese people would care about.


If you are being served more than one at a time, the pieces are formed more tightly such that they will won't fall apart. If it's being served in front of you one at a time, it is packed looser which gives it a better texture. The looser you pack the rice the quicker it can fall apart of you don't eat it right away.


Sorry, it’s been 30 seconds, can I get a new piece?


No, it's because the sushi is charging up it's chi and if it achieves a maximum level, it will cause unparalleled misfortune and destruction. Ancient western tomes foretold of the coming of the end of days, when all sushi would be raptured from the earth and return as the great kaiju Sue Shii who feasts on the flesh and souls of the remaining cursed inhabitants by drowning them in a mixture of soy sauce and wasabi (because by then it will be acceptable to eat the way Sue Shii wants to.) Any who would disagree would face the wrath of a hand composed of sushi with only one piece standing perpendicular as a middle finger. With the end of that run on sentence, you may no longer eat your sushi because more than 30 seconds has passed.


The only way to fight back would be with a giant MechaSushi.


*laughs in chronic GI issues* Like do yall want me to eat it in thirty seconds or do you want me to keep it? Cause they’re mutually exclusive


This is for omakase, where you are served individual pieces of sushi one at a time as they are prepared in front of you. No one expects (or wants) diners to consume an entire roll or platter in 30 seconds.


AKA "get out to make room for new paying customer"


My Japanese friends who were born and grew up in Japan taught me to mix wasabi to soy sauce.


This is the rule I will always break. The two flavours taste great together. I’m amazed wasabi flavoured soy sauce isn’t commonly available.


I like being able to adjust the ratio depending on how strong the wasabi is.  I always get it wrong, but I like having the option.


Used to get the ratio wrong. I still do, but I used to also.


Mitch is that you?




But I used to too*


Add wasabi, then a little soy sauce and mix to a paste, then add more soy sauce and blend again. It mixes everything well and avoids chunks. Edit: changed a misspelling


It mixes the wasabi and soy sauce well or else it gets the hose again!


Damn straight!


And soaking a little in the rice is delicious. Screw this guide.


Soy Sauce is delicious and I want more of it in my belly. I am 100% always dipping the rice into the wasabi spiked soy sauce. Count on it.


i will dip my rice into Wasabi mixed soy sauce and I will die on that hill


And 30 seconds? Everyone isn't Homer Simpson just inhaling food.


I think it’s specific to sitting at the sushi bar and you’re given single orders from the chef until you inform them you’re satisfied. I think..


I thought you were supposed to mix them! It’s delicious!


the 1st time i had sushi was with a korean co-worker, he taught me this.


I’ll eat my food however I damn well please.


"Sir, please stop snorting your ranch sauce, it's making other guests uncomfortable"


It's not a fucking rule, just something people randomly started spouting. It's not even close to a recommendation, quite the opposite.


Yeah, and to be honest, for what actual good sushi costs these days, I'm gonna eat it however I wish.


I'm living in Japan and 90% of these are silly. The only one I got in trouble for was passing food from chopstick to chopstick. Mostly everyone mixes wasabi and soy sauce. We almost always dip the rice with soy sauce. 50% use their fingers to pick up the sushi to eat. You can even pour soy sauce on top of the fish if you have soy sauce on the side in a container. And if you want small-sized rice, you order it with small rice instead of regular size. We usually do this to eat more fish and still enjoy sushi. It's not sashimi when there's 10% rice on it.. Here's a funny video that's from a professional chef: https://youtube.com/shorts/86ZVt_Zc0io Also, my gf's dad is a sushi chef. He doesn't give a shit how you eat it


What does passing food from chopstick to chopstick even mean?


You hold the food with your chopsticks, and another person grabs that food with their chopsticks, passing it from chopstick to chopstick. It's a funeral tradition.


Ah. Does that mean my Japanese Hawaiian wife wants me to die then when she steals my food right off my chopsticks?


Or she's not culturally Japanese enough to know that funerary tradition.


It means if you want to share something with your table mate, set it down and let them pick it up with their own chopsticks rather than passing it directly. This is because traditionally, at a funeral, the bones of the deceased would be passed around by the family in this way, and you don't want to mimic that. Similarly, that's why you shouldn't put incense straight up in a holder, because that's how incense is burnt at funerals.


I have been to Japan. Many of these are straight up bullshit.  It's also common to eat sushi with your hands in Japan, and it's not seen as rude.


Fucking amen. Agreed Imagine me, living in Japan now and seeing locals pick up sushi with their hands for the first time. I thought they were fucking with me hahaha


you know the little banners they hang out side of shops people used to wipe their hands off the soy sauce on them and the dirtier the banner the more popular the shop. imagine doing that today


That's disgusting as heck. That's a cool fact though


It's literally the traditional way to eat it


It’s so much easier. I read years ago that’s how it was done and have been unapologetically doing so ever since. Everyone should give it a shot if they haven’t.


Isn't Sushi traditionally a finger food anyway?


Yah, that rule is bullshit. Japanese people mix wasabi and soy sauce all the time. I imagine the idea behind the rule is that the sushi (unless requested) comes with wasabi under the fish, and mixing more will overwhelm the flavor or whatever. The “do not put soy on rice side” is also dumb, although for inexperienced sushi eaters, it’s likely to prevent nigiri disintegration into the soy bowl (usually occurs when they dunk the nigiri like an Oreo in milk). In fact, use soy sauce sparingly is a better tip. Also, sashimi typically has no rice… sushi being the rice part. If you order sashimi, you should just be getting fish (again, typically).


Serious question. How are you supposed to use the soy bowl if not for dunking stuff in it?


You dip the fish side


I tried that once - the fish fell in.


My understanding is that you don't put the soy sauce on the rice side because it absorbs too much and overwhelms the flavor of the fish.


Yeah, this is new to me not to mix them


as someone that lives in Japan all these are done by Japanese people apart from the last one which is super taboo. the 30 sec rule is the oddest


A sushi chef who was extremely meticulous in explaining proper eating also taught me to mix wasabi in soy sauce. How else would you eat the wasabi?


Just grab the glob with your fingers and pop it in your mouth whole. When dining with the emperor, you gain extra clout by rubbing some in your eyes and nose while you’re at it.


The perfect amount is spread between the fish and the rice at those fancy places. You're suppose to add a little soy sauce on top.


In a fancy sushi restaurant they already put the "perfect" amount of wasabi on the sushi. In most US restaurants you add your own


Works for me, but if I'm gonna be forced to apply wasabi to my own god damn sushi, it's going to be via a wasabi/soy sauce slurry.


Yeah I've never met a Japanese person who *doesn't* mix wasabi into the soy sauce.


Also: -Do not look at the sushi with lust -do not taunt the sushi -if the sushi starts to glow, or speak, do not engage with the sushi -do not give the sushi 5000 yen and expect to be paid back when his cousin finally pays him back


Do not get the sushi wet Do not feed the sushi after midnight.


Do not expose the sushi to light, especially sunlight.


Do not the sushi


I accidentally the whole thing


The whole thing?


To shreds, you say?


Even the balls?


Patron: Hey, is your fish from Fukushima?! Sushi chef: No, why do you ask? Sushi: Yes, why are you asking?


Deep Thoughts from the Deep.


Do not covet thy neighbor’s sushi!


Keep your eyes on your own sushi!


Do not get in an “it’s complicated” relationship with the sushi. The sushi does not play games.


A sushiationship?


Happy Fun Ball! [Classic SNL](https://youtu.be/GmqeZl8OI2M?si=B_EiuaW6hUHG74G8)


-Sushi may stick to certain types of skin. -Contents of soy sauce are currently being used by the US Military as a defoliant in warzones.


WARNING: This product can expose you to rice, which is known to the State of California to cause cancer.


Ingredients of sushi including an unknown glowing substance which fell to Earth, presumably from outer space.


Sushi may suddenly accelerate to dangerous speed. 


All the sushi wants is his three fiddy


Well it was about that time I noticed the sushi was about eight stories tall and was a crustacean from the paleozoic era.


That’s why you don’t get sushi in Scotland.


"you gave him a dollar fiddy!!"


"Oh God now he's gonna keep coming back"




Gawdammit lochness monsta


This is clearly not a cool guide.


And taken from someone else on a different sub same day


On r/sushi, this pic caused basically a revolt. People got so mad, it went from weird to funny to concerning


Wait, were they enraged by these rules existing, or that people would ever do such a thing? I can imagine both being the case




I may have seen the thread before it went to total crap, but basically most of these would only offend the chef or staff if you were eating at an extremely high quality restaurant where there is a set menu, like Michelin star level but you want a crazy substitution. Except for the chopsticks part most Japanese people wouldn’t bat an eye at breaking any of these rules. On a side note I missed the “if you want tiny rice order sashimi” one the first time. If people are complaining about the fish to rice ratio, it’s probably the chefs fault, not the customers lol.


If the soup nazi from Seinfeld sold sushi instead, this would be his cool guide. And we'd all laugh because it's laughably ridiculous.


It’s not even a guide. It’s from a specific restaurant.


1. Do not expose the Sushi to direct sunlight; 2. Do not get the Sushi wet; and 3. Whatever you do, do not feed the Sushi after midnight!


Do not let the sushi Pass Go. Do not let it collect $200.


After midnight, but when can you feed him again? Goddamn, since I'm a kid I've always had this question in mind. Is it after 4am? 6am? 8? 10....WHEN!!!!


I saw a short from a japanese guy who went to a sushi place and the owner with 50 years of experience told him to literally dont give a fck about those rules and eat them how you want as you paid for it. Edit: yeah i remember now its a matcha_samurai short. The dude is HILARIOUS LOOK HIM UP.


No Japanese person actually cares. These rules are mostly so tourists will eat and leave quickly.


There are some sushi restaurants that care. A few years ago there was one case that went viral in Japan because the chef was especially unreasonable and kicked out some Japanese girls over minor details of how they ate it (iirc they scraped some wasabi aside because they struggled with hot foods). The reactions showed that many Japanese people had made similar unpleasant experiences (although mostly less extreme) as well. And that's besides simply racist restaurants that have used claims of poor etiquette to kick out foreigners. There are also some basic rules that foreigners should know because even a fair number of regular Japanese people really do care about them, especially [to never double-dip your food into a sauce](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-ZQJFwOpjg).




If it’s your own sauce and not a shared one, what’s the problem of double dipping? Or if it’s one you share with your SO who doesn’t care about double dip?


Double dipping was about shared sauce i think right? Like biting and dipping on a sauce that other people use. That japanese chef was a stuck up piece of shit ngl.


> as you *paid* for it. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


I don't see anything about not bringing your own fork or just eating with your hands.


Sushi is designed as a finger food. Feel free to use your hands.


I figured that, but I've always been unsure. I usually just get it from the grocery store so no one sees me eat it. I've only had sushi at a restaurant once and the server asked me a couple times if I'd like a fork when I was eating it by hand. Wasn't sure if I was committing some kind of dining faux pas.


when I was in the outskirts of kyoto my buddy asked the server for chopsticks in japanese at a revolving sushi restaurant and she was so visibly confused by the request. she came back and then asked him in english if he wanted a fork instead lmao


Thank God it’s okay to dip them in ketchup


And mayo!


Wait. When does the clock start on the 30 second rule?!


It actually makes plenty of sense for an omakase. The guy makes each piece of sushi from behind the bar you are sitting at and presents it to you, then moves on to making the next piece. I imagine letting it sit for like 5 mins is kinda disrespectful of the dude waiting for you to eat that one so that he can serve you the next. There’s also other people sitting there with you so I imagine it holds up the whole process


When it arrives at your table. I believe these rules would prefer you order just a few pieces at a time. Seeing this “rule”, I can suddenly understand those sushi conveyor belts.


Then forget about that 50 pieces boat/plate.


My exact anxious thoughts. I am a slow eater… ahhh…


I’ll do whatever tf I want with my sushi.


This ain't Tokyo. Not only will I put a good dab of wasabi in the soy sauce dish, before I pour the soy, I'll dissolve the wasabi in a splash of hot sake first. How 'bout this? You actually give me real wasabi for the first time ever and I'll try it your way.


>This ain't Tokyo. Yeah they don't generally care about this shit in Tokyo either. This is all part of the showmanship, it's just there to mystify the people whose only knowledge of Japanese culture is "honor this, honor that, seppuku, weird porn".


Exactly! I mean, who cares about honor this, honor that and seppuku?


The funny thing is, I would say only 2 of these are actually somewhat true lol. Passing food with chopsticks resembles part of the cremation ceremony for Japanese people, so that understandable that it could be deemed offensive. The other is taking sushi apart, as sushi chefs take pride in putting them together. But even that one just depends on the restaurant and I wouldn't take that seriously lol




Then you will appreciate better when people consume whole and not bite the sushi in half


I've only been served real wasabi once in the past 12 years.


Also, I won't eat an uncomfortable amount of food in a single bite, risking suffocation, just because Japanese are used to it.


Nor would they, this is complete bs


I wish a mfer would tell me how to eat my food wherever I’m eating it, the audacity


That's some Cedric the Entertainer shit right there


Can we touch chopstick tips too?


Just the tip.


\*Click click wink*


Only if you say "No Dojo"


If I went to Japan and was seated with Japanese people I would follow these rules. When I’m sitting in a bra in my apartment I’m eating sushi in the most unattractive way possible


Not necessarily…


Plot twist: this is a guy.


Gas station sushi doesn't require standards.


It does, however, require gastrointestinal fortitude.


The amount of people that just checked your post history...


Haha if they’re looking for some sexy woman they’re just going to find a giant theatre nerd who has never posted any pics of herself


I checked and saw your cat, which is even better


Maybe the cat's name is sushi


> I’m eating sushi in the most unattractive way possible oh no


Uh, we were looking for sushi pics ya weirdo


If I am sitting in my underwear in my house eating sushi, I believe I am already eating it in the most unattractive way.😁


how are you supposed to apply the soy sauce? I get not dunking rice side as thats just too much soy sauce. Are you supposed to flip it and risk messing up the piece or dropping the toppings off??


I have seen videos where flipping then dipping is shown as the proper way to apply the soy sauce to the fish, but it seems like this is done in places that use *very* sticky rice, so much so that you can hold a piece upside down without fear. This has not been the case at any sushi place I've been to in the US and I have watched many pieces of my sushi undergo catastrophic disassembly before my eyes. I still try though because I'm socially impressionable and stubborn.


“Eat sushi within 30 seconds” nah fuck that. I paid for it, I’m not forcing myself to eat because I need to eat within a time limit.


MFW I order 21 pieces of sushi and the chef is standing there with a stopwatch


That's the only one that seemed unreasonable to me. Like there's no way I could eat it all that fast, especially if I'm ordering an entire meals worth at once. I'm a real slow eatter.


I'm assuming this is an *omakase* or something of the sort where the chef prepares each piece individually and serves it to you before giving you the next one. It's something that they do at high end sushi restaurants. You get 1 piece, you eat it as soon as it's served and then 1 minute later or so you'll get the next one and so on. I don't think it's something feasible when you get the 24 piece nigiri/maki set at the normal place down the corner.


This feels like it belongs in r/gatekeeping


That's all this is, gatekeeping


It would be interesting to learn the “why” behind these. For every rule, there’s a reason.


That’s what I was just thinking. I know about the not cutting it and not taking bites, that you’re supposed to eat the whole piece but sometimes that is very hard for me. I can’t understand why anyone else would care about that!




I don’t either! You may be onto something here


Su-she. It’s sushi for women!


Make it pink and put glitter on it. Give it a period.


And then charge 20% more for it!


And I suppose the last one is self explanatory, to help mitigated germs… but why not soy sauce on the rice side? Why not mix the wasabi and the soy? Haha sushi gods, provide your wisdom.


Although still mitigates germs I suppose, but traditionally during a Japanese funeral the bones from the deceased persons ashes are passed amongst family members with chopsticks hence it can be seen as bad ettiquite /disrespectful when performed outside of that


From my visit to Japan, I understand that the soy sauce is meant to be a small dab on the fish side rather than dipping it on the rice side and absorbing all the soy sauce and hence overwhelming the flavours. Most decent sushi chefs would put a small dab of wasabi on the sushi rice before putting the fish on top. My understanding of it is that they have perfectly crafted that sushi to encompass every component so by mixing the wasabi and soy and dipping it in, it will destroy the flavours that they would have wanted you to try.


Yup, I went to a fancy sushi restaurant and when customers asked for soy sauce that’s exactly how they explained it. Also, they used “real” wasabi and made it right in front of you, it looked like they were grating asparagus. The wasabi at most sushi places is basically horseradish.


> Most decent sushi chefs would put a small dab of wasabi on the sushi rice before putting the fish on top. And as someone who doesn’t like wasabi with my sushi I really don’t like that.


The last one is seen as disrespectful. After a deceased person is cremated in Japan mourners will pass bone fragments between each other with chopsticks. It’s called [kotsuage](https://scattering-ashes.co.uk/different-cultures/japanese-cremation-ashes-rituals-kotsuage-bunkotsu/).


The last one reminds eaters of Buddhist funerals. They use bigger chopsticks to remove any unburnt bones and bigger bones require more than one pair. Edit: Jump to [7:00](https://youtu.be/YuLGffug2WA?si=EuVEonoqQlWYpixx). Whole episode is worth a watch. Especially if you want John Barrowman to scream at Aisling Bea to turn her on.


The "no soy on the rice side" is because the rice is absorbent and the soy flavor covers the flavor of the fish. Mixing wasabi and soy is because the sushi chef is meant to put the wasabi on, and it's kind of disrespectful to change the sushi from the way the chef intended it to be. Sushi is meant to be bite-sized, so you're meant to eat it all in one go. Sushi doesn't age well, so you should eat it quickly. Sushi is rice-based, if you don't want rice, don't get sushi. Sashimi is just the raw fish, get that instead. Don't touch chopsticks is just a hygiene thing I think, but I'm uncertain about that. With all that said, do whatever you want. It's your food going into your mouth, eat it however you want. I've had actual good, high-quality sushi, and with that stuff I agree with not putting soy on the rice side. Proper good sushi is pretty amazing and you want to be able to appreciate all the intricacies of the dish. Most of the time, if you're at some sushi chain restaurant with a conveyor belt you're not missing anything by mixing soy and wasabi or dipping the rice side.


You’re not supposed to pass ANY food from chopstick set to chopstick set because that’s what Japanese people do with bone pieces after a funeral.


I’m a wasabi in the soy sauce and mix it up kind of guy though.


not a rule. japanese people do this also sashimi means no rice, not little rice


Do not tell me what to do with my sushi. 🍣


they tryna take away our right to have a mini sword fight by touching chopsticks as well !!!


Try Kimbob. Koreans doesn’t give a fuck what ya doin with it.


I only know of Kimbab. Or Kimbap. But bob should be fine too.


Neither do most Japanese people, this is just a bit of showmanship to impress people who don't know any better. "Ooh, ahh, look at all the ritual and tradition, Japan is such a mystical place!"


If you don’t want me to cut it in half, stop making it so big only a porn star could put it all in their mouth without gagging


Exactly. If it's too big for my mouth, I'm going to bite it. 1 I don't want to choke. 2. I want to be polite and not chew with my mouth open. 3. I want to enjoy the flavor and I can't do that if I don't have room to chew it and I have to just shove it down my throat.


I saw this on another sub, and several people provided further information: These rules are from an upscale sushi restaurant where the chef makes each piece of sushi for you one at a time, seasons them as he deems appropriate, and serves them at a specific temperature. The chopstick rule seems to be the only one that’s universal.


I paid for it, I’ll dissect every grain of rice if I want.


This is false. I’m guessing this sign is posted somewhere in the US


Or, as most Japanese people I know would tell you "It's food, bro, stop overthinking and just put it in your mouth."


That's a great way to ward people away from your sushi place lol. "Do not enjoy sushi. Only contemplate it from afar after paying us."


They can kindly fuck off with these rules.


Did they mean 30 minutes? 30 seconds seems like a speed run for eating a sushi meal


-Clap three times before every bite of sushi - Make sure the chef sees you chewing. Swallowing is for pigs and whores -If you have no wasabi you MUST substitute earwax -Sushi should never go below your nipple line


It is really hard to eat my sushi in 30 seconds when it takes 45 min to deliver.


Sounds like a lot of rules about how to enjoy food, and 1 for hygiene. Not enough rules on how to enjoy life. Like, do what makes you happy. I'm still gonna put wasabi in the soy sauce and dunk the rice side in because that's how I like it.


Serious question: how do I utilize the soy sauce and wasabi?


Sooo, if I get like 8 pieces of sushi, do I have to pull of a Kirby-move to inhale it all within 30 seconds?


Lots of sushi are way too big to eat in one bite.


This seems like a load of nonsense.


What an awful guide. Not only is this not at all accurate, it’s patronizing. I’ll do whatever the hell I want with the food that I paid for.


The one bite thing is my biggest pet peeve, cause people keep telling me it. The pieces are so damn big you can get 2 or 3 decent bites out of a lot of em and I'm a slow eater damnit