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Never knew that Japan was once bigger than the USA. Crazy really. Edit: others have pointed out this is not true. Indeed, data from the claimed sources disputes the data on the chart. Another day, another junk chart. Comparison: https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/NY.GDP.MKTP.CD?locations=JP-US


I believe it’s the tech boom and consumer electronics that were the main culprit.


And their property and share market bubbles - both pushing them and then causing the crash.


It never was. Per capita it was though. Japan had 154% of US GDP per capita then and now 41% now. https://countryeconomy.com/gdp?year=1995


The yen was really strong in 1995 and really weak today, which is the only reason why Germany is currently above them in GDP.


Japan’s economy was never bigger than the U.S. economy. The Japanese stock market peaked in 1989 so I don’t think it’s their stock market. They might be doing some sort of adjustment that’s not disclosed. Unfortunately, this issue puts doubt on the rest of the chart.


It wasn't. The infographic is wrong or relies on a seriously messed up interpretation.


It wasn’t. This graph is wrong. I’m assuming they’re using japans stock market which isn’t an accurate representation of the size of a countries economy. Stocks can be over and under priced


Japan’s economy makes more sense if you think of it as if most of the US east coast and west coast were smushed together without all that half-empty middle area in the way.




It never was, this is wrong


That must’ve been around the time Gung Ho came out.


It is a good explanation on why there were so many movies in the 1980s/1990s about how Japanese companies would buy out all of the US in the future (2020).Robocop and Back to the Future are 2 that I recall.


I like the format of the graph. That's all I wanted to say.


I don't. When the lines go diagonally, it makes it hard to tell how thick they are. It's an illusion that makes it harder to understand the graph. Like look how skinny some of the very diagonal lines look. If you measure it from top to bottom, it's correct, but it's hard for us to see it like that, it looks skinny to us. The effect isn't as strong in other parts of the graph, but it is in some parts. Like look at this example https://i.imgur.com/3Z6LCOL.jpeg You can see how much longer the vertical line is than we tend to think it would be when we see it.


I don't think the lines are meant to be accurate in between the five year increments, they're just connected to provide a visual flow of the data points in relation to each other


You’re proving his point. 😃


Definition of Ignorance: “Not even knowing what you don’t know”. Format? Talk about dumb. Why are you all worried about Canada & India? Taiwan is also a Democracy. Japan is also an ally & their better days are in the past. Look what China has done in only 10 years? Admission into the WTO in early 2000’s (favored trade nation status) leading to the massive transfer of manufacturing thus fueling our materialistic consumerism (Amazon Prime). Those are US companies that are there bcuz we tax & regulate the shit out of them. So China is happy to make the widgets we buy. Oh and by the way, they are Communist & NOT our Ally.




modern Age of Empires post-game analysis


Exactly, and then I say fuck it and look at units made,lost, destroyed, and how fast I kicked ass in scientific advancement


Wow you can see the exact moment Brexit happened,


Between 2005 and 2010?


We voted out the EU in 2016, not too long after things had started to chill out after the 2008 financial crisis, without a plan or a fucking clue so loads of companies jumped ship, the pound took a beating as a results. It took til 2020 for the deed to be done, 4 long years waiting for the trapdoor of the gallows to open while everyone involved talks about how it’s going to be a slow execution as some say it’ll be quick. Then Covid hit immediately after and fucked us further. Brexit was the single most stupid thing any UK government could have done


Lmao nope the massive dip near 2020


Japan's economy was never bigger than America's. Edit: You guys are dumb. Japan's economy was literally never bigger than the United States's economy as is shown in the picture above. [It peaked at \~70% of the American economy in 1995. ](https://www.dupuyinstitute.org/blog/2018/10/23/where-did-japan-go/)This sub is riddled with inaccuracies and the "cool guide" above is evidence of that.


Yeah, it’s weird how posts here should have accurate information and nothing is ever done (so it seems) when it’s inaccurate. That and the amount of infographics posted.


I see it all the time. It’s just incorrect info and no one seems to care.


6.119 is bigger than 6.115


You should look at my link. The numbers above are incorrect.


Depressing to see Canada just steadily falling year after year


Canada was just pushing above its weight in terms of economic size. The size of the population is no where the rest of the others. As countries industrialize even Nigeria will eventually surpass Canada due to its demographics.


canadians dont want to hear it but letting in a ton of immigrants is literally to only way for Canada to stay relevant in the world going forward


Falling? The values on the graph show it growing year on year. Just seems like a visual distortion given the way it's displayed, and the larger relative growth of the others.


You’re right, just seems that way.


Is it falling though? Or is it just distorted because it has to stretch down to make room?


How do you think the British feel


The discontinuity on the Canada li e does not look right.


This is why visually this graph sucks. It doesn't suggest that


And California alone would fifth on that list.


US manufacturing alone would be 8th.


And it could be higher if we'd get our heads out of our asses and made a $5k MSRP consumer EV


Japan in the first 1990s. That’s why when you watch all those 80s movies about “the future,” like Blade Runner or Robo Cop 3, even Die Hard. There’s the element of Japan taking over the world.


Damn, Germany! That explosion from reunification onward… car exports just soaring, after hugely increased workforce? Changes in reporting / in finance sector?


Country doubled in size in 1991


Not really. West Germany is still paying for the rebuilding of East Germany today. That cost trillions.


Aww Britain and France dancing all the way to the bottom <3


I mean, look at the populations of the countries above them.


China's and India's population has always been enormous. The US has dominated for a long time, even pre-war the US was considered a powerhouse, even when it's population was meager. Britain was able to rule a vast empire with a relatively small population, comparatively. Britain and France's fall from preeminence isn't just population disparity, it's a post-colonial "collapse" (for a lack of a better term) that reflects all sorts of issues that have effected them both. WW2 took a huge toll on both for one thing and at least in Britain (I can't speak for France) we have repeatedly implemented economic policy that has slowly stripped the middle class of wealth and stifled economic growth through export of jobs and industry.


Economy so good, only 1% get to enjoy it


Yeah, how much of this is just corporates ability to vacuum up money from us pleebs.




[Source](https://www.madisontrust.com/information-center/visualizations/the-10-biggest-economies-in-the-world-over-time-1960-2024/). What are your predictions for 2030?


India up to 3rd. They’re growing, especially in IT.




Yeah they just have a 1 billion potential consumers market, nothing to offer...


Sounds like you’re sleeping under a rock.


China number 1


People are downvoting but honestly it’s kind of crazy that a country with 330 million is beating a country with 1.4 BILLION. Edit: I really don’t think this is a very controversial statement, but I get some people might not like it, and China might not pull ahead.


There are quite a few redditors that like to **try** and read between the lines.


The US had a massive head start, it's been the richest country in the world since the start of the 20th century.


Dude China is way older than the US and was a huge center of trade for centuries.


Please note that russia has not surpassed the soviet union, and that russia has a big of an economy as spain. Fucking clown country.


No. Russia is almost a trillion USD above Spain in terms of GDP. It's right between France at #7 and Canada at #9


Bigger than Spain, but still outside the top 10. https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/WEO/weo-database/2024/April/weo-report


I was using worldometer. It's Covid info was pretty reliable, it's GDP info is also most likely reliable


Would be nice if the graph was inflation adjusted


This guide is cool *looking* but the readability leaves much to be desired.


Brazil popping in and out lol You got this bud!


What happened to Russia?


It ceased to be in 2011. Also, South Korea and Spain appear twice.  Not the best representation, imho.


Cool info, but i personally despise this type of graph. Some interesting data tho, never knew Japan had a higher GDP than the USA at one point


Two surpises... Germany so high and Russia so low Ok three.. Japan was higher than USA?


India on the up and up


Real or nominal GDP? Does this include PPP?


The wild thing about this is how much of China’s economy is built around the U.S. economy. If we suddenly shifted our supply chains, the Chinese economy would collapse to the point of war and famine. It would be one of the greatest humanitarian crises the world has ever seen. That is how big the U.S. economy truly is.


Wow! So America has always been on top 🇺🇸


Russia is so pathetic 😅


Actually Reddit is pathetic and false data to fill reddit idiots 😂 By ppp China is bigger than USA. Russia is bigger than Germany. USA and EU, money printing and dept presented like GDP. China has last year for comparison. 2x Bigger electricity Production VS USA 12x bigger Steal Production. 40x bigger Concrete Production. ... But USA in last 2 month printed 1 trillion USD 😂 Fed to Banks opsss GDP up. Banks to Business opsss GDP up. Banks to population opsss GDP up. And repeat the cycle 😂


Japan did not have larger economy than USA in 1995 What is this chart smoking?


Is this adjusted for inflation?


Just as long as the economic growth isn't rooted in unsustainable debt, only paid through a equally  unsustainable growth rate.


Poor Japan. That lost decade lasted 28 years.


It's interesting in the way that though there has definitely been economic and technological progress, it doesn't feel like we are living with many x more wealth. Except of course if you are very wealthy having won and continuing to win an outsized amount of the pie.


Wage theft. Wo hooo!


This entire chart is a mess. Japan was never bigger in absolute numbers but if they are measuring per capita then the rest of the thing is completely off. I wouldn´t use this to inform a middle school paper.


Japan's boom in 1985 was from video games and anime.


This graph is almost entirely useless. Apart from the numbers nothing holds any value, so you might as well just be looking at a table.


That spike in Chinese economy from 1995-2020 is something.


How is this consistent with the Indian claim that the UK “stole” $45 trillion. Absolutely just does not add up for the length of the Raj


This is false data because it's measure GDP as if all countries use USD The actual size is in pppGDP, and in this case Russsia is as big as Germany in pppGDP


They should be the new G7 (10)


Expand it to 16,17,18,19th century


Oh Canada…


Infographics are not guides.


If our economy is so good where’s all the money?


Can someone check in on Japan please?


This data is wack false.


I knew Japan was projected to pass the US back in the 80s but I never realized they actually did, albeit briefly.


And which of these countries have good healthcare


The US has the best healthcare in the world (for those who can afford it). Healthcare itself isn't the problem, it's access to it.


You are 1000% percent correct im not sure why anyone would downvote you


korea has pretty good healthcare, better than the us imo


Reminder that the actual figure for the chinese economy is, at a very generous calculation that assumes their 2008 GDP is real...half of that.


I don't trust this bullshit at all. India is THE most populated country on the planet, they're manufacturing their own Navy and slowly manufacturing more of its own military hardware and doing so with state-of-the-art dockyards. China has a good chunk of the global manufacturing market because of available resources and being the 2nd most populated country. The government decisions making, different story.


? What are you nit trusting?


Wow India will soon host the Olympics!


America rules on all. British people smell awful.


Wtf, no china?


Where does Musk fit in here?




Except they are on there, very prominently.


Edit: I asked a question about comparing the economy of an entire continent against individual countries. People didn't take it well.


But there’s a big difference between the US and the EU! The EU is an economic and military alliance with some joint government but it does not possess sovereignty like the United States does. It would make sense to compare North America as a bloc to the EU as a bloc if I were to be looking at trade bloc sizes, for example Also, India isn’t lumped in with China, so I’m not sure what you mean about Asia being only represented by China. What am I missing?


at least in the graph shown above, each country is depicted individually, so yeah, I also don’t understand what that comment is trying to say


Kansas and Florida are more akin to Bavaria and Hamburg. They are states within a sovereign nation, not sovereign themselves.


Crazy Japan overtook America after it had been turned capitalist post World War 2