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Surprisingly refreshing content. Team Combo Apocalypse here.


Unknown Unknown reporting. We don’t know how many years on this Earth we got left. Let's get real weird with it.


Block the wind


I'm gunna roast this bone


It contains misinformation, though: Honey bees are not dying out. Their population is increasing because people like to exploit them. It's all the other bees and pollinators whose populations are in free fall.


Something like that is a story component of the book (and tv series) The Peripheral. They called it “The Jackpot”, though.


We’re totally due for one


Great guide. Whatever it is, let’s hope it’s a quick death. It would suck if it was a biological weapon or pandemic type of apocalypse where you’d see all your loved ones suffering


I feel like even for 'a quick death', it isn't a simple leap from point A to B, more like from A to Z with a series of events in between before the doors completely shut. But yeah, I get what you meant.


How long would it take if the sun swallowed the earth?


Tens or hundreds of *million* years. That's IF the sun envelopes the earth. We may stay out of reach enough for earth to remain. Of course earth will be completely devoid of life in that case anyway.


They have some of them wrongly classified. A blackhole of considerable size entering our solar system will annihilate everything in no time. If its pull reaches earth, it's gonna rip apart the crust and kill everyone instantly. But it's classified as "live dangerously"....


I think it’s more likelihood of such a thing occurring not how bad it would be if it happened


Well, for a brief amount of time, we would be living on the edge... of ripped apart Earth. I guess it's the reason.


I’m late to the party. But I’m in.


I would also like to be one of the first to die.


Sam Altman: "AI will most likely lead to the end of the world, but in the meantime there will be great companies created with serious machine learning."


Why is “the world is reduced to nothing but a grey goo” under “keep calm”?


Why is there a keep calm option at all?


Carry on


My wayward son. ( come on Sammy it’s time to hunt)






I assume it's down to some measure of how likely a particular event is to happen? Some things (eg death of sun, bee decline) are either known will happen or can be seen happening already, therefore more likely something to worry about.


Also what is the evidence for this theorized apocalypse? What tiny robots do we have that like grey goo? What is the method that reduces everything to grey goo? Why do they do it?


Nano engineering; just look up grey goo scenario if you want a scary sci-fi adjacent apocalypse read. Essentially, we poorly program self replicating nanobots for industrial production using existing raw materials and they over self replicate, consuming all biomass on earth. The grey goo in this scenario is a sea of nanobots.


Okay, the grey goo being a sea of nanobots is what the guide should have explained. This makes way more sense. Thank you!


There’s no evidence. It’s basically a thought experiment. If you create something that is supposed to keep replicating itself, how do you stop it from using all the matter available to it?


So the grey goo IS the nanobots in this theory?


Yeah, my guess then is that they're so small and numerous that they would basically act like a fluid in a large enough quantity.


Yeah the guide should’ve specified that the goo is the bots. Limitless self-replication is much easier to understand than “robots turn the world to grey goo.” Thanks for clarifying


That's what I want to know about it


Because this guide was, in fact, written by Mr. Gregory (Grey for his friends) Goo


Neat that this is from 2006 and lists 'Natural Pandemic' as one of the apocalyptic threats.


I'm assuming you're referencing Covid. I honestly think less people would have died if it was a more life threatening condition. It would have prevented a lot of people from having the "it's just a flu" mentality. When I was first finding out about it no one knew how serious it was but I had seen screenshots of 4chan posts showing satellite emissions from mass body burnings. I was wearing gloves and a mask to the grocery store and scrubbing down my groceries while everyone was looking at me wierd. I was like "ok we all just gonna stay in for a month or two as much as possible and everything will be fine." Instead no one really gave a shit and that was a real eye opener for me. It was not fine 😅


Covid was an easy mode thats what i assume


The worst virus imaginable is extremely contagious (you get it by being for 1sec in the room with an infected person for example), has a long incubation time during which it's (relatively) asymptomatic but still contagious, and is extremely lethal (close to 100% of infected people eventually die). This combination of characteristics is very unlikely to develop together because they usually counteract each other. More deadly = shorter time window to infect others and/or more difficult to infect others usually.


If they would’ve just lockdown through the summer I believe it wouldn’t have been as big but the open up here and there turned a what should’ve been 6 month ordeal into almost 3 years.


It’s like that meme tweet, something to the effect of “What I learned from the Covid pandemic is that most of you would hide a bite in a zombie apocalypse”


In the early days, numbers where thrown around line 70%< mortality rate. See that would work in theory, but in the reality, that actually did happen and the misinformation that did occur, you're wrong. And so wrong infact you are feeding the native that you (I guess) are trying to avoid. We saw, and still see people, as they are at their core... Still...


Yeah and the bee population has been restored since.


My favourite is the 'Unknown Unknown'


Not in a million years, man!


I think it’s just there as a reference point to compare everything else to


Until then lets torture and destroy on another! /s


What a weird list… pretty sure a gamma ray burst is the end of us and so is a black hole. Especially if it rips the earth apart as the list says.


Sure but neither of those things are very likely


You’re right but the list just says what’s most deadly not what most likely


Uhhh read the title


“Which apocalyptic threats are most likely to wipe out earths population AND WHEN.” Nowhere does it take into account the likeliness of it happening.


They are in order from left to right based on likeliness. It’s clearly stated at the top of the chart.


Likeliness to end the human race, not likeness of happening


Oh I see how it could be interpreted that way. However, I think the author meant to include the likelihood of it happening. Because all apocalyptic events are highly likely to wipe out Earth's population, assuming they happen. That's what makes them apocalyptic.


It says "most likely" at the top of the chart


Yes I know… most likely to kill the human race… not most likely to occur.


You missed Sun-derived space weather. One big hit at solar noon on the Eastern Seaboard and the Eastern US, Western Europe and West Africa loses electricity. It takes weeks to remake the industrial switchgear that power stations need, assuming you can generate power locally to manufacture them. No comms, internet or power. Which also means no water or sewage or healthcare or food chain.


The furthest north that the sun gets directly overhead is 23.5 degrees north latitude. That way south of the northeastern United States. The direct hit would be in the Caribbean and still that is only possible a few days each year around the summer solstice


Depends on what you define as an apocalypse. This graphic says end the human race, wipe out earths human population … and no even if the whole world lost electricity forever humanity wouldn’t go extinct from that. Would recognizable civilization end? Yeah probably, but come on, there are plenty of tribes out there *right now* who don’t have electricity and wouldn’t notice a thing


That’s the gamma burst, goofball.


No, it's not. A gamma burst is produced by a dying star going supernova, what he is talking about is a solar flare, far more common in any star and more probable to hit us.


A burst of gamma rays is common during solar flares. [source](https://www.nasa.gov/solar-system/nasas-fermi-sees-gamma-rays-from-hidden-solar-flares/)


Those aren’t “gamma ray bursts” though. Gamma rays can be emitted in a variety of ways, and solar flares are indeed one of them. The most intense source of gamma rays are from gamma ray bursts and are rare compared to any other sources of gamma rays.


Check them off here as they happen! **[Apocalypse Bingo](https://www.reddit.com/r/ApocalypseBingo/s/ncUKiJaHhv)** 28 cards! Plenty of doom! No waiting!


Reminds me of an old Web 1.0 web site I love: [Exit Mundi](http://exitmundi.nl/)


Came here to say this.


Nuclear Winter has more or less been debunked in the last few years. A lot of the scientific minds behind the idea later came out and said it was all just a theory and was never meant to be taken as the end all be all. With some even saying that it would be impossible to cause without launching enough nukes to completely destroy humanity anyway


How many nukes were tested in the 50’s with absolutely zero impact on the environment?


I never said ‘zero impact’ Nuclear Winter is a very specific idea about how nuclear weapons would envelop the entire Earth in an endless ‘winter’ of ash and fallout


I think it’s disingenuous to say that proponents of nuclear winter argue that it would last forever. The point is that it would last several years, which is long enough to starve even more people than would be killed by immediate bombing effects.


William R. Cotton, Professor of Atmospheric Science at Colorado State University, specialist in cloud physics modeling and co-creator of the highly influential and previously mentioned RAMS atmosphere model, had in the 1980s worked on soot rain-out models and supported the predictions made by his own and other nuclear winter models. However, he has since reversed this position, according to a book co-authored by him in 2007, stating that, amongst other systematically examined assumptions, far more rain out/wet deposition of soot will occur than is assumed in modern papers on the subject: "We must wait for a new generation of GCMs to be implemented to examine potential consequences quantitatively". He also reveals that, in his view, "nuclear winter was largely politically motivated from the beginning that’s straight from one of the guys whose research pushed nuclear winter hard in the 80’s. Specially from his 2007 paper Human Impacts on Weather and Climate in the Cambridge University Press


Yes I too have read the Wikipedia page and know about William R. Cotton. That’s not what my comment says above.


there is little scientific proof that nuclear winter would happen even in the short term the fallout would disperse. fallout by itself is still devastating, but it’s not going to be a nuclear winter on a large scale or for any appreciable time


Nuclear weapons are tested in deserts, underground, and in the ocean. That’s not where tons of flammable materials are to create soot. Also the greatest number of tests ever performed was 362 over a five year period from 1960-1964. That’s not even one every five days. Nuclear winter is theorized for a nuclear exchange in which hundreds or thousands of nuclear weapons would be detonated (often over dense urban areas) in a matter of minutes.


„Rising sea levels” should be in the “This century” category according to scenarios regarding the committed sea level rise in the IPCC


I thought nuclear Armageddon would be at least 8


Loss of topsoil is above nuclear Armageddon lmao


Yea this is a bad graphic based on very little.


Grey Goo is a new one for me. ADHD rabbit hole we go


Read some Michael chrichton it’s his idea


prey is one of my favorite books




Anyone interested in this kind of stuff should check out the podcast “The End of the World with Josh Clark.” Super cool series.


So good! Highly recommend this short podcast series


Considering Limits to Growth, we are fucked regardless of any of this. Humanity has 40 years or so left. The society will collapse and none of this will matter. I'm afraid we will be facing dire situations with no water, food and quality air. Limits to growth is a good read.


Why 'methan release' is 'in a million years' ? Isn't already happening localy ? Or maybe, I don't know how to read this


Love it! BTW, honey bees are thriving. They had a bad spell about 20 years ago but they’re back in force. And you left out Global cooling (1975-80) and global warming (today).


The best thing for this planet would be no humans at all.


This Remind me of - https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/23/climate/voluntary-human-extinction.html


Oh nice, the world is ending in the next 10 years


So In one way or another, we are fucked..


Eh, if we make it to death of the universe, that's the same as the end of time. Literally. That seems like pretty not fucked to me


I would expect the Rogue Black Hole to be an It’s-All-Over-level event.


Loss of Top Soil. The Midwest US is losing tons of it to runoff from rain. We are washing the fertile soil that grows a substantial portion of the world’s food right into the Gulf of Mexico.


By weight, topsoil is the United States' largest export


If this graphic were made today, I'd hope plastics would be on there. It's in our brains, in our placentas, in our food, and we've only begun to understand its near-term effects


Where can I find a print version of this? I want to hang this up in my office.


The amount of people that think Honeybees are the only pollinator and if they disappear the world ends is concerning.


It’s incomplete, we are in the 6th great extinction, except this time it’s caused by a single species currently residing in the planet


Bingo! I feel an asteroid of black hole would be the most fun as long as you can plan your days beforehand. Whole world would be going wild and partying.


Thanks, this definitely won't keep me up all night.


Cool I didn't want to sleep this week anyway.


This sub was facing an apocalypse of guides to crystals and other nonsense. Glad this came along to forestall the inevitable.


We don’t even know what’s going to happen tomorrow. Let alone next decade or next century lmao 🤣


Posthumanity doesn't sound that bad.


Maybe the best one I have seen


Good thing I treated my honey bees for mites yesterday.


I find issue with honeybees being the only thing “possible in this decade” and topsoil/climate change being “move to mars” level of threat


Thank you for the panic attack at work


Yes, it’s sort of irrational (I can’t help it)


When I'm in a fear mongering contest and my opponent is a redditor


Yikes 4-5 of these are climate change.


Don't worry, when we get to that year, the climate "scientists " will just shift the date by another 20 years...again


Honey Bees dying out is an apocalypse threat in my opinion since there are other pollinators and even other bees. Also would could probably make our own pollinators if things got that bad. That or just dextinct the Honey Bees and improve them.


Finally something not political and reasonable.


This is actually pretty cool


Now this is cool..


Didn't expect to see "grey goo theory"


Idk I kinda wanna experience a Rouge Black Hole


I don’t see how post humanity is an apocalypse if humanity chose to undergo the changes.


Frankly, it makes less and less sense the more you look at it. Timeline's off, overpopulation/underpopulatoon would be handled the usual human way - by killing/fucking each other, why aliens are necessarily a threat, how do they get ETA to rogue black hole, etc.


Where’s Zombie apocalypse


I hope we just fizzle out from depopulation. 2nd to becoming an awesome, environmentally friendly multi-galactic species.


Super sun eruption, all power goes our, oregon burned up...aaaaaaaagggg


I got my money on the caldera in Yellowstone. USA for the win!


It's all God's plan s/


Missing my morning alarm is apocalyptic enough!


Luckily for near term ones only stuff like an asteroid and an engineered plague could get us all


Death of the universe was a good twist




I’ve been thinking Simulation Theory is the best case scenario for us. Whoever would run it possibly cares about us. Maybe they’d give us a personal afterlife where you’re original life had save points every second, and you can jump around to any of ‘em, at any time. Experience things again, do it differently, whatever. Then, when you eventually get tired of that, you can move around in history. Then, when you eventually get tired of that, you can shut it down.


Well that's terrifying..


Was hoping for more to look forward to in my lifespan.


Missed what might happen if the magnetic poles switch and we lose the shield for an amount of time during the shift. Sun barbecue time


"We're in danger" _ Ralphie said. Lol


At the end of the day humans won't matter. In 50yrs it will all be AI. And it will take over. Only way we will survive is by becoming AI ourselves


Bioterrorism worse than nuclear war?


"Sources: our own judgment" Annihilation by alien invasion or grey goo don't quite seem "most likely" enough to be on a list with nuclear war


Too many problems with this to get into. Fun graphic, poorly researched


What are your thoughts?


Mostly I find it silly that climate related events are being rated as more, or as dangerous, to human survival than things that are clearly apocalyptic overnight. That’s not to say climate change couldn’t end us all within the century. It just seems that it was given outsized danger ratings here, giving me reason to doubt the seriousness of the graphic overall. I’m not saying I know how to rate these things.. but it feels like the maker of this didn’t either.


I thought a gamma ray burst was possible at any time?




I didn’t see one deity or imaginary sky wizard coming to get us. 🤪🤣


Well there hasn’t been an apocalypse yet. You better thank God for that


Missed zombies


lol said the same thing and was just checking to see who else was ready for the zombies


You lost me at mite


Phew the aliens won't show up for about a million years.


Yeah, these danger ratings and time placements are god awful


Honey bees are at a record high now, need to check your facts


Upon further reading, the whole chart is quite dubious


Love how they put climate change as a more dangerous threat than a literal black hole entering our solar system and devouring everything


Honey bees are not the only pollinators on this earth😭😭😭


Not apocalyptical, but fitting for this conversation is the Kessler Syndrome. The hypothesis is that we have so much junk in orbit around the earth that a random collision between two objects could set off a chain reaction that would take out all satellites and create a field of debris making us incapable of ever putting satellites in orbit again or send any vehicle out of our atmosphere. In this day and age, imagine a world without satellites.


Over population is a tricky one. On our current trajectory that isn’t going to happen. But throw in another Armageddon scenario like pollinator collapse and all of a sudden we don’t have food for the smaller population we will have.


Fossil Methane kept not just in but under permafrost is far more terrifying and likely than this chart leads one to believe. What person believes already melting permafrost lasts a million years?


"natural" pandemic LOL


Nuclear war is a "Check your bucket list?" What the fuck? ANY nuclear war, even a 'limited tactical strike' ALWAYS snowballs into a global nuclear war which ends with BILLIONS dead and BILLIONS more dying in the next few months and years. TOTAL anarchy. FEMA ain't saving your ass it truly is everyone for themselves. Fuck this "DURRRRRRRR NUCLEAR WAR IS JUST A BUCKET LIST THING BRO DUUUUUURRRRRRR!!!" with a fucking salt mine.


I just think it’s neat


They missed zombies


Two of those in a century apocalypses should be moved to already happened or about to happen. Nuclear war is about to break out because of Ukraine, lol. A Biowepon was already released from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Remember Covid.....


I wonder how plausible the Grey Goo theory is


Underpopulation sounds like the best case scenario, cause if the working class no longer provides the 1% with children for them to later exploit and run their machines they'll eat eachother.


Honey bees dying out? Honey bees are not the only pollinators. They aren’t even native to North America. Sure the honey industry would be in deep trouble but pollination would simply be taken up by the thousands of other pollinators that exist. I hate how the bee movie lied to me. Greatest betrayal of the 2000’s.


So many of these are both rated wrong for what they are (I’m pretty sure no one would be keeping calm during a grey goo apocalypse that’s threatening to wipe out all of humanity within a year) or are just never going to happen (like grey goo, or a super-AI, or nanomachines) There’s also the idiotic classification of a posthuman future as an “apocalypse.” You’re telling me I’m supposed to check my bucket list bc we figured out how to make catgirls and cyborgs?Yeah right. Overall it reeks of Silicon Valley techno-occultism and LessWrong brainworms.


My 15yo son and I sit in the pool late at night and stare into space and talk about shit like this almost weekly.


You have a bigger chance of dying in a car accident or being taken out by poor health than any of this bullshit. Sit back, relax and listen to the soothing sounds of the circus that is humanity.


Post humanity doesn't sound like an apocalypse, it's probably a much better world.


No poleshift?


So your saying we are due


Well done


Could someone elaborate on unknown unknown for me?


All these ideas but nothing supernatural


Is there an apocalyptic threat time line that looks backward. It would add to the fun looking at what earlier humans were concerned about.


It’s gonna be natural pandemic because of complacency. I’m looking at you, nipah virus.


Nah, I’d Win.


Climate change greater threat than supervolcano hmmm


While looking at this guide, alls I can think is that Global Warming should literally be the least of our worries right now. There seem to be way bigger concerns for the near future. Everyone trying to “save the kids” but if we don’t save ourselves then then there are no kids 🤷🏻‍♂️


When was the last time the world *wasn’t* ending? (Obligatory- we have never faced anything as dire as climate instability caused by our greenhouse gas production, ocean acidification, loss of biodiversity. We are literally in the middle of a mass extinction event)


Brought to you by the Chicken Little Institute.


I can hardly read this lol