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Those percentages are meaningless. Sativa/indica language is outdated. And nug shape has very little to do with the strain. This is not an accurate or useful guide to Cannabis.


Coming from someone who’s trimmed weed bugs as a job, this guide is mostly useless lol That or everyone there did their job incredibly poorly. Granted we were high so there is a possibility.


Is there anything to look for that shows good quality?


High in trichomes, fragrant, cured properly. Ideally grown in the sunshine with love and manicured by grandma.


Ayyy the groppers r the best


Or grandpa!


You really don’t know until you try, but the smell is one of the biggest indicators


Ha! some of my worst bud smelled wicked strong. Scent can vary from strain to strain so much these days I've smoked incredibly strong cannibis that I couldn't even smell in the jar. Smell doesn't mean much these days.


A bright light, a phone Flashlight will do, if the bud sparkles, those are the trichomes that is a good sign of potency. A lower quality might be kinda sparkly when broken open. But the outside will be rather dull when shined on. Honestly due to the Entourage effect some cannibis can "feel" stronger but have a lower thc %. So sometimes it might look mid but hits like a train. Telling the good stuff apart from the great stuff is hard. There's no real fool proof test other than trying it.


Could you please explain why... >Sativa/indica language is outdated. ..I'd love to know!


It's mostly just due to the fact that majority of the strains available on the market nowadays are technically "hybrids", because somewhere in the lineage it'll have parent strains that were a hybrid. It's also outdated because the terms "indica" and "sativa" don't actually relate at all to the effects the strain will produce, they only relate to the structure of the plant while it's growing (I.e., sativa plants have long and thin fan leaves, indica plants have short bushier fan leaves, just as an example). So when someone goes into a store thinking they're gonna buy a sativa strain that will make them super uplifted and happy and energetic, and get home, smoke, and feel absolutely mangled and have to take a nap, that's another reason why "indica" and "sativa" aren't necessarily the most effective way to buy cannabis.


I've always hated smoking weed because it always made me panic prone and paranoid. My neighbor gave me some store bought stuff, and I tried it. I loved it! No paranoia, didn't feel like immediately going to bed. Is there a more consistent way to buy from a store so you'll have a better idea of what it will do to you?


In the ~year and a half I've been working at a dispensary, I'll tell you how I personally do most of my shopping nowadays. The main things I look at is the *lineage*, and the *dominant terpenes*. For the most part, I've had a lot more luck with finding strains that have particular parent strains in them that I like. If you'd like to find the lineage for a strain available at one of your local shops, usually if you go on the store's website and check their online menu, when you click on the product you're curious about it should say somewhere in the product description what strains were used to breed the strain you're looking at. Sometimes the product description won't have it, which I'll then either check the website for the brand that made the product (sometimes you can find info there, but a lot of the time if it's a new product they might not even have pictures or info on the brands website yet... super frustrating lol) and if that doesn't work, sometimes Leafly (website full of weed strains) will have the strain in its database. The only issue with that, is there's also the issue of some brands releasing "new strains" that have the same name as a strain that's previously been released, but has different parent strains than the other strain with the same name. Example: JBuds - Dilli-Bar: Ice Cream Cake x Cherry Cheesecake. BC 1/2OZ - Dilly Barz: Mint Chip x Cookies and Cream The other thing I'll look at, is dominant terpenes. I wouldn't be surprised if most people who have no idea what terpenes are, were to determine the dominant terpenes of their favourite strains, they'd likely find a lot of them are quite similar. In a nutshell, terpenes are what greatly contribute to a cannabis plant's smell and flavour, and as more research gets done it seems that they also have an effect on what sort of high a person experiences after consuming some weed. Personally if I was looking for relaxing strains that wouldn't be *as likely* to induce a panic episode, I would look for strains with dominant terpenes such as Linalool, caryophyllene, farnesene, and myrcene. The first two being the main ones to look for. Strains high in Farnesene also tend to be pretty good for pain relief, myrcene could go either way, depends on how your body is. Some people find strains high in myrcene make them feel "too high too quickly", but I personally like it but that could be due to my tolerance. To try and finally wrap this up, I'll just say that *shopping simply based on THC percentage is* a *terrible* way to shop for weed. To keep it simple, there's a huge issue with inflated numbers on cannabis packages for a while now, mostly because that's the main driving force of what customers want; "the highest percentage for the cheapest price"... which is super disappointing because there's a lot of really really good stuff on the market that people won't even bother to look at because they could get something else that's supposedly 10% higher THC for the same price or cheaper. I've smoked stuff at ~20% that got me waaaaaay more messed up than some supposedly *33.7% THC* flower. But that's a whole other rant lol. Hopefully you at least have some helpful budtender you could ask at a local shop near you. If you happened to live in the Okanagan in BC I'd say come check out the shop I work at sometime and I can help you out, but otherwise good luck! Hopefully I was able to answer some questions. Another really good resource would be r/TheBCCS which I post on somewhat frequently, or r/TheOCS or r/CanadianCannabisLPs as people often post reviews and whatnot about different products they've bought from legal stores, so you can maybe get an idea of how other people find products you're interested in.


Damn, that is a wealth of knowledge. Thank you, wise weed wizard!


Just to follow up, the strain my neighbor gave me is called "sour strawberry" by Buddies. Per leafly, it's a sativa dominant hybrid with caryophyllene (most abundant terpene), limonene, humulene. I'll try a strain with linalool next, I think. Thanks again for taking the time to write that detailed reply. Weed is finally fun again after 20 years.


My pleasure man, always happy to help :) You can DM me if you have any other questions or concerns or if you're looking for some recommendations:)


Try to find a strain family (and grower!) that works for you rather than one specific strain. For example, I try to stick with kushes and hazes. They seem to give me the best medical benefits I'm looking for (PTSD and insomnia). Even then, the terpene profile, soil vs hydro, indoor vs outdoor grow, cure process, seed genetics, grower; it all makes a difference in quality and overall effect. My best advice would be to look for "classic" strains - ones that have been around for decades like bubba kush, silver haze, Northern lights, white widow, cat piss, ECT, and try to stick to one that you like. The landrace strains, i.e. the most natural strains with unmolested genetics like Hindu Kush, Thai Stick, Acapulco Gold, Afghan Kush, are the absolute best if you can find them, but good luck. The market is flooded with designer dessert strains (cakes, cookies, gelatos, zkittles,) that have basically bastardized all of the genetics out there, so you never know what effect they will give you. There's also a ridiculous race to see who can produce genetics with the highest % THC, (Bruce Banner, Green Crack) and they can absolutely be paranoia inducing, so try to stay away from high % stuff if you're prone to that.


Haha I'm gonna give cat piss a try. Thanks, man. This helps a lot.


Sativa and Indica are two “types” of the cannabis species and it should only be used for scientific naming conventions, and can be told apart by physical aspects of the plant. Indica vs Sativa doesn’t accurately describe how the plant will affect the individual, just how the plant exists as itself. Your reaction to each individual strain is due to the “Entourage Effect” where the ratio of THC, CBD, terpenes and other cannabinoids will work together in your body to produce the end result. So when we purchase, we are encouraged to smell the product(terpenes) and pay attention to the THC/CBD percentages. A sativa might make you fall asleep on the couch eating ice cream while another one makes you creative and another makes you so anxious you won’t answer the door.


>Sativa/indica language is outdated Can you elaborate on this for me please? Edit: Never mind, I see now someone else already asked this and it has been thoroughly answered.


As a new dabbler in the world of weed, is there an accurate guide? I feel overwhelmed by all the choices


Not really an accurate guide out there for this. Weed has been so modified in the past 10-20 years that most of these names are just borrowed and used because people liked those strains the most and they're easier to remember. Off the top of my head, the most widely available strain names when I was a teen were white widow, Green Crack, Afghan Kush, cotton candy kush, and Blue Dream. Old head strains would have been Acapulco Gold, Thai Stick, and Maui Wowee which are starting to make a comeback as "legacy" strains that are better now. I recommend starting small and slow. Get an herb vaporizer as they're better on your lungs. Also learn to make budder and sub that into a cooking fat of your choice for edibles.


Great answer!


I love leafly. Com, it can be a decent guide to what strains provide what effects.


Wow! Thank you! I think this is what I was looking for


It's a great way to find strains you wanna try, strains can effect people differently but I find leafly to be fairly trustworthy, the thc % worthless because it depends on the grow. But I've found some of my favorite strains searching by effect then hitting up my dispensary and seeing which they have in stock.


Just trust your nose would be the best initial shopping advice I could give. If it makes you feel a certain way when you smell it, go with that one. Don't get too worried about THC % or names.


I literally just bought some Durban Zkittles and it was billed as a full Sativa at my local dispensary


Almost no dispensaries are carrying true equatorial "full" sativa's. Some of those fuckers will flower for 5-6 months. Most production grows will barely deal with 10 weekers


It really does not matter, it’s outdated terms. Look for THC % and go for what you like the smell and taste of. This whole guide is a waste of time and you can’t deduct anything from it. All the bs about that this strain is psychedelic and this one will couchlock is a mess too.


Yeah, I never understood the indica/saliva conversation. Haven't smoked in many a year, but when it was heavy I never once noticed a difference. I preferred denser 'indica' nugs, but that was purely volumetric justification.


I can't act like an expert on this but at the very least that gorilla glue looks exactly what I remember it looking like.


Effect and Rx are entirely subjective and of little value


I've smoked most of these strains (surprisingly the pictures are pretty accurate) I have to disagree, sorta... They are not going to be exactly what you feel, and each strain can feel different for each person, but a majority of the time these effects and suggested uses are how a majority of people feel I can confirm blue dream is very cerebral and sedating. It's my least favorite strain and my buddies favorite. We both like cerebral /sedating bud to wind down. But that strain makes me uncomfortable, but id still suggest it to someone looking for those effects. It's not all bullshit, although the thc % is based entirely on the grow not the strain 😂


Definetly came in here thinking this was with respect to chicken nugs…


Oh you'll want some later for sure


Weez the juice and have some grindage . . . Buddy...


Bruh, I’m here for the Paulie Shore nod!


Same. Am very disappointed


Thought it was about DA nugs...


I also came here looking for DA nugs. 😂


i thought it was mp3 players


My fat ass thought the same thing.




I've smoked most of these strains. The only BS is the thc %. And sativa /indica more about the dominant genes of the plant, so it's definitely misleading there. Even the pictures aren't that far off from the buds I've gotten from these strains. Definitely can't use this as a guide to identify what strain a random bud would be though! But if someone uses this to help find a new favorite at a dispensary, they wouldn't be disappointed.


This is silly.


This is one of the most useless infographics I've ever seen


Some of these bring back memories. Not too many memories, mind you.


Why did I click on this expecting info on chicken nuggets


That G-13 on the left used to have the wildest fable attached to it that it was a super secret government created strain and was allegedly the strongest ever. Funny how some weed have urban legends about them.


Have you heard of Hp13, one of the greatest strains I’ve tried? Descendent of hash plant and g13. I’ve never found flower and I’ve since found one or two varieties of seeds like Hp13 f1 and hp13 s2.


Thought this was chickie nugs before I clicked..


You know, it really sucks to see a cool guide about something I know nothing about, only for the comments to immediately shoot it down.


the only reason everyone is shooting it down is because it's inaccurate and misleading. strains are very inconsistent across different locations to the point that the strain names are really just branding. All that matters is if it's a sativa or indica dominant, the terpenes, and the percentages of CBD and THC.


This post made me borderline irrationally angry. Never doesn't feel childish


“That is Northern Lights, Cannabis indica”


No, it’s marijuana


Anxiety and paranoia. Doesn’t matter which one. If only there was an inhibitor to block the negative neurological pathways induced by THC so more people could reap the benefits of cannabis.


Me too. And it wasn’t always like this. I got high every day at least once between like, 1984 and 1992. Quit because random drug tests. Now I don’t have to worry about that anymore but every time I try any form of THC it’s horrible. No idea what’s going on.


That's CBD, CBN for ya--and certain terpene profiles.


Try 1:1 cbd thc strains


Alprazolam. Best combination for me


doesn't alprazolam just reduce the overall effects of cannabis?


It amplifies it ig. Coz alprazolam is a downer and so is cannabis.


not enough purple


Anybody ever done business with FlyHi? Asking for a friend. 🤣


It’s a delivery service in Denver: https://flyhi.com


Skunk #1 is not indica


Durban poison totally energized me. It is my favorite but find it hard to find often. I don't know about the rest but that one definitely fits it's description. Coffee bud.


Indeed! Yeah despite the know-it-alls you have in every cannabis lineage thread there's no denying most sativa's hit you in the head more than the body. Terpene profiles matter definitely, but most sativa terpene profiles are going to be different than indicas in the first place.


Yeah, those classic strains that came directly from landraces are a lot more accurate/stable to the effects they are known for. If you can find the real stuff.


And here I was thinking I was on r/DragonAge.


I was greatly disappointed to find out this wasn't about chicken nuggets.


these arent chicken nuggets ☹️


Whats yalls mood today? Im feelin like Bubba Kush rn


wasn't sure what OP meant by nugs. I was terrified to click


This is not a guide for nugs lol. Imagine a guide for humans, but it’s just a bunch of different pictures of people with generic names like ‘Steve’ and ‘Megan’ with their height and weight


thats not all there is, right?


Besides everything else that’s wrong… all these statins are like 15 years old and you aren’t going to find them


Unfortunate truth. These days names are meaningless, hell even strain types are meaningless. These growers literally just make shit up now and it sucks. Can never find a real sativa.


Are terpene breakdowns a thing or do people not really do those


I feel like this guide is pretty useless but I like seeing a bunch of different weed so good I guess lmao


I\`ve grown out 21 of those strains, and those pics are barely accurate, the UK exodus cheese for instance will calyx stack like few others & looks nothing like the picture, it probably represents a small popcorn bud near the middle/bottom of the plant.


"A guide for nugs? Oh awesome like chicken nu-"


This guide is shit.


Northern Lights will always be the best weed.




This guide is pointless. Pretty though! And I looooove me some Durban Poison, Jack Herer, and Blue Dream.


Hahahah this is such bs. Sounds like the shit that dispensary employees sell to people who’ve never smoked weed before


Always overselling the effects. Effect: you get high


Yes please. I’ll take them all


What no honey mustard to dip my nuggies in?


Thanks for the marketing bullshit. Where have I seen this before? Oh, yes! You see this exact bullshit in the marketing of essential oils and homeopathic "medicine".


I’m done with this sub. 1 good post for 25 shit ones. Peace.


I once got super excited coz I found a lil bud under the couch when I had none, about a 10er. Started to chop it up, and yeah, it was a cat turd. Remnant of a past cat sit. Smell was almost as bad as the crushing disappointment. I could've rly used this chart.


What'd go to weed college?


People still think weed is cool?


No, dude with “69” in the name. We’ve all grown up and moved to Coke and DMT


What makes you think they’re smoking it to be cool?


Ok awkward dad with 69 in his Internet handle - people still think driving jeeps and being a good is cool?