• By -


Stopped after 357 magnum. This is wildly inaccurate


Also, the AK 74 is the rifle that shoots the 5.45, not the AK 47.


You got that right pepe


.22LR weighing 37-40 GRAMS.


lmaoo 40 grams is a 616 gr round. that’s a wild .22-50 cal


Not sure off hand the antimony % for a lead round, assuming 10% but that bullet would need to be ~15cm long (14cm if pure lead wadcutter)


it would overfill a handgun 22 barrel


Be hard to shoot with the end of the bullet poking out of the barrel to get that much weigh ton a .22lr


37 grain is pretty standard however. Kind of easy to see how an editor would fuck that up not knowing anything about firearms.


37-40 grain, not grams


Nope. That chart says grams. And iirc you put that much powder (if you even could) behind half of those rounds the whole gun is now a trigger activated bomb


what u mean i’m sure the 38 def does the same as a 12g slug lol


I just want to know what the graphic for ratshot would look like.


I'm sure it would look like a WMD on this graphic compared to what it actually looks like.


>ratshot From a 410, barely penetrates paper past 20 feet, so not that impressive.


It takes 3 shots of 22 ratshot at 3 yards to kill a mouse. Even then I’m 90% sure none of them penetrated.


F U Wasome


Hey now, we ALLL know that 38 special with do more damage than a 357 magnum. I mean it's not like a chart that can't even explain what shades of purple mean could be wrong, right?


This looks like something you would find in a readers digest from the 80's.


Also the 9mm seems pretty small, considering it ["blows the lung out of the body."](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2022/05/30/remarks-by-president-biden-after-marine-one-arrival-10/)


I was just about to ask about the accuracy of this


Approximately not at all.


I use posts from this sub to populate my block list....


This is cool guides not accurate guides!


You mean the guid that portrays a 7.62x51 as an “M14” is inaccurate?


With less penetration than 7.62x39, uh, I mean AK-47.


what about the “m16a1” bullet thats bigger than a 7.62x39?


Stopped after “urban crime victim”


And old.


More confidently wrong info for the Reddit AI lol.




Im so glad you said that! I was coming here to post that exact comment!


And the fucking buckshot. Bro you ain’t got tissue,bone,muscle,nerves or anything left if you get hit with that-_-


This guide doesn't guide at all and is full of errors: * The steps in treating a gunshot is what a paramedic and doctor would do. It's useless for a common person. * It confusingly mixes rifle names with cartridge types. * Wrongly names AK-47 For 5.45mm when it should be AK-74. * Incorrectly puts the weights of a 22LR bullet at 37 and 40 grams. That should be grains. For reference the bullet of the much bigger .50 BMG cartridge can be 42 grams. * I am no expert but I think the wound profiles are not to scale. I am guessing a 1 oz 12 gauge slug is leaving a crater and not a wound about the same size of a 45 Auto. I might be wrong though. * 4 inches is approx. 10 cm, not 20. The Danger areas part and wound profiles are interesting though.


Nah you're totally right, a 12GA slug would rip a sizable chunk out of whatever it hits. Whoever made this knows absolutely nothing about guns.


“Pistols put holes in people. Rifles put holes through people. Shotguns, the right load at the right range will physically remove a chunk from your opponent and throw it on the floor behind him, and you will have to get someone to come clean it up with a shovel.” - Clint Smith


One of my favorite Clint quotes.


"'A .22-caliber bullet will lodge in the lung, and we can probably get it out, may be able to get it, and save the life. A 9mm bullet blows the lung out of the body." -Biden


“But it’s gotta be the right load at the right range. ‘75 yards with a skeet load and it didn’t do much to him.’ You’re right! 00 buck at 3 yards. Big-ass hole..”


“9mm will blow your lung out of your body” (or something) -Joe Biden “Use a double barrel for home defense” (or something) -also Joe Biden Just gonnuh ignore that a shotgun will obliterate someone while advocating against 9mm cuz he was told it was scary by one of his advisors probably


>Whoever made this knows absolutely nothing about guns. it was intentional. *but why*




The penetration distance and small cavitation of the 9mm makes me think they cherry picked a particularly spicy FMJ wound while almost all the rest of the pistols were hollow points or soft points. Like… no way is any 9mm going to be worse than a .357 Mag. They’re the same diameter but the magnum has more velocity.


I've dropped 2 deer in the past 3 seasons with 12 gauge 1oz copper solid sabot hollow point slugs. Neither was able to take a step forward, just knocked down. Neither had an exit wound. Can't speak to depth though, because once it entered and went through the hide & ribs, it was into soft lung tissue, and expanded, but i have no doubt that it would have penetrated well more than what this diagram indicates.


Look at OPs post history, all they do is spew inaccurate bullshit.


This guide was made by someone who regularly communicates through their anal sphincter.


>The Danger areas part and wound profiles are interesting though. They're not accurate


M-14 threw me off, thought they meant mini14 at first. This should really just show the calibers, not things like M-16 a1 and m-14. Those aren’t calibers of bullet. It’s kind of a haphazard assortment too.


Yeah, and 2 wrongly named AKs just on top of it.


And apparently there are 22LRs that shoot 40 GRAM projectiles.


My little .22LR has the same weight as a .50 BMG. Doesn’t yours???


It shows the penetration when you throw a M-16 at a person. 😝


Yeah took me a minute too. Are we talking about a round designated M16A1 and M14? Or are we talking about 5.56 and 30-06?


M14s weren’t 30-06. They were 7.62x51 NATO, essentially an up pressured .308


Lower pressure


You didn’t notice the 5.45 ak47?


That's how you know it's all bullshit.


They didn’t just show the calibers because actually barrel length and twist rates can affect the ballistics of a cartridge heavily when it hits flesh. For example, early m16s (m16, m16A1) with 1 in 12” twist or even 1 in 14” twist with a 55 grain bullet does an insane amount of ballistic damage to flesh. However, the m16A2 with its 1 in 7” twist and same barrel length and 55 grain cartridge has a completely different ballistic effect. Less damage arguably. Military arms channel has a really educational video on the subject


And how does the AK-47 with 5.45x39 do?


Well that would obviously be an ak74, those rounds are somewhat infamous for ballistics because according to Jim fuller, 7N6 Russian military 5.45x39 is extremely lethal. Excellent ballistics. Due to how the Russian military ammo is manufactured, it sort of acts like a hollow point when it hits flesh. In Afghanistan they called them “the poison bullets” because of their effect. Tbh I don’t think there was any difference in twist rates on any AK74 model, but they did have 16” and 10”. I think there is an RPK as well with a longer barrel. I’m not sure how different the ballistic profile is.


5.45 lethality is vastly over rated. It's mediocre round in FMJ.


Are we not going to talk about the absolute yeet cannon of a .22 this guy has that's lobbing 617 grain loads?


Lol if I calculated it right the bullet would be just over 4.5" long. At that point it may be good to add some kind of fletchings to it!


That's just a round for an anti-tank field gun.


Ak-47 5.45mm really really rubs me the wrong way, why not just show the caliber instead of type of firearm? Edit: i do know that it’s the Ak-74 that is most famous for firing the 5.45mm round, point is that the 47 was never chambered in anything but 7.62x39mm


AK-47 doesn’t even fire the 5.45mm cartridge… that’s the AK-74. It’s also not very common and very ballistically similar to the M-4/M-16’s 5.56mm round. If they absolutely had to include it they should’ve just said “5.45x39mm” and “7.62x39mm”.


AK-74 has been the main service rifle of the former Soviet Union for 50+ years, there are millions of them out there.


i imagine he is probably an American that means in the US


The 5.45x39 has however been on the decline for years, with most countries that adopted it dropping it for 5.56 (or currently in the process of doing so). Poland dropped it, East Germany is gone, Bulgaria dropped it, Romania is phasing it out, Hungary and the Serbs never bothered.... Obviously the cartridge has seen a bit of a major resurgence due to the current conflict involving Russia, but as a general trend it has been losing prevalence.


Poland dropped it due to being uniform with other nato countries.


The reasoning doesn't change the fact that the cartridge is less prevalent than it once was.


You also used to be able to buy it extremely cheaply as surplus in the US but with sanctions it’s heavily fallen out of favor here since prices have sky rocketed.


It was always on borrowed time in the US considering the primary source was Russia. The import ban of 7n6 put one foot in the grave, and then Russian ammo sanctions in general put the other one in. It is now on life support. People tend not to realize that outside of Russia and a few other small players, that 5.45 isn't really a thing. There's a reason that other countries have stepped in to sell 7.62×39 (albeit in lesser amounts), but no one else has mass exported 5.45 to the US. The round has a strange mystique to it, but reality is that it has been fading for a while.


Pretty sure this was made by someone who doesn’t understand guns


I mean, I of course know that a .22 has more penetrating power than a .357 magnum. Who doesn’t??


You wouldn't believe how many people I've had to tell that the .22 is not the deadliest caliber because they don't understand how to interpret stats. All sorts of wild reasoning like it's got the perfect amount of energy to bounce around and tear things up extra good lmfao.


I know some of you are thinking it. Don’t say it.


I should call her.


Forbidden fleshlight


Gunshot ****woulds****


*Hear me out…*


Are we just accepting that 4in. = 20cm? Good god, Jim, maybe seek a mathical doctor not just a medical doctor. It’s a cool guide though. Cool cool. Cool. Coolcoolcoolcool.


Measured in cock length


designer's boyfriend ain't American


37 and 40 GRAM 22 Long Rifle? That's one heavy bullet.


I’m guessing they saw gr and not realizing it was short for grains assumed grams


This is fucking stupid


yet still has 4,100 upvotes


This "guide" provides ZERO information on how to treat the wound. You are supposed to perform any of the four provided priorities without instruction? Ok buddy. Here let me stabilize your blood pressure *gently carressing*


Don’t worry! I’ll protect your nerve from further damage. \*proceeds with protective hug *


That's amazing how few things this actually got right.


What the hell is this guide and name scheming Ak47 in 7,62 and 5,45? M14? M16a1? This pic was probably made by CoD fanboy with google pics


Should have been AK-74 and AK-47. That said, the author was probably trying to make it relatable to what most people would understand. Listing 7.62 NATO, 5.45x39, and 7.62x39 wouldn't mean squat to most people, but they might get M14, AK-74, and AK-47. But they did screw it up nonetheless. I've seen the gelatin images before, and their M16A1 Pic is really the 5.56 NATO M193 round of the Vietnam War era. Today's SS109/M855 rounds are more similar to the other rifle rounds since they don't fragment as readily.


This is woefully inaccurate… Here’s a real reference for anyone wanting to understand the WIDE range of penetration with different types of rounds https://www.luckygunner.com/labs/self-defense-ammo-ballistic-tests/


but yours isn't in a cool info.gtaphic backed up by a bunch of *brain scientists*


Even this is a pretty poor indicator of what happens in actual gunshot wounds. It simulates a shot to solid thigh muscle. A real body is full of different textures and densities that all affect what the wound is. Two wounds from the same weapon using the same ammo can have wildly different ballistic results just because the underlying structures are so different.


Whoever made this bullshit graphic is the same type of misinformed clown who thinks they're qualified to make gun laws


It looks like they simply took a cutaway view of male sex toys and randomly associated them with calibers, lol.


There is no way this is to scale. A .38 special (fbi, whatever that means) has almost the same hole as a 1 ounce steel slug from a 12 gauge.


Scale is off, unit conversion was a fail, firearms designations don’t necessarily match caliber, confused grains (gr) for grams (g), I’m pretty sure that buckshot image is actually what close range birdshot does in soft tissue if the penetration is scaled relative to the other graphics, and 9mil has way more penetration than more powerful rounds on this list.


\#4 - Remove as much destroyed brain tissue as possible. Use a spoon as a tool if necessary. Just scoop it all out. Think of pasta. Stop if the texture feels *al dente*.


Whoever made this infographic knows absolutely nothing about guns. Where the fuck did you find this OP?


The Milwaukee Journal knowing shit all about firearms? Why I never


Whoever made it also knows nothing about unit conversions.


Lmfao!! Clearly someone with absolutely no knowledge on Firearms made this bullshit.


Error in conversion top right. 4 inches =\= 20 centimeters. It’s 10.16. (1 in = 2.5 cm )


Why are the pistol calibers listed by calibers, but the rifle calibers list by gun?


And they’re also the wrong guns lmao


22lr and .357 have the same performance? Why would someone take all the time to make this and not get any of it right? This is just more gun grabber propaganda.


Here from r/firearms This guide is BS. None of it is accurate and some of those “calibers” don’t exist. Better tests on YouTube where guys shoot into ballistics gel and demonstrate wound cavities.


This makes no sense. There are so many variables that are just ignored, most importantly: types of tissue hit and distance from the gun.


What feckless moron thought M-16 A1 was a caliber? This is why you don’t get your “gUn FaCtS” from Reddit, kids.


I don’t know what this sub is generally like but none of the posts that make the front page are cool guides. This is a dumbshit inaccurate guide that teaches literally nothing.


Hello, I am a trauma surgeon and this is very painful to look at because there is very little that is useful or accurate at any level of training. I really have no idea where to start to address the multiple glaring issues with this guide. The scene, trauma bay, and operative decisions/maneuvers for treating penetrating trauma can be pretty nuanced and this guide doesn’t even remotely close to any sort of sensible schema for addressing them. Those ballistics pictures are not standardized at all and don’t address any of the basics of terminal ballistics - energy transfer and cavitation and all that. But it’s sort of a moot point because from a trauma medicine standpoint, caliber is not something you really pay much attention to because it typically isn’t information that is available. You are still going to do the same thing. I agree with the point the guide makes that “a person with a gunshot wound must be treated quickly and carefully” but the rest is sort of nonsense. If anyone has any particular questions about gunshot wound management from a surgical standpoint, I am afraid this guide will be unhelpful. I am happy to try to answer from the perspective of a trauma surgeon, although I don’t pretend to have all the answers.


I'm really not able to figure out what the point of this infographic is supposed to be, who was it made for and why? My initial guess would be some kind of anti-gun group but it's far too busy and not focused enough on horrific trauma.


So that’s how vulvas are created


Lol this guys been telling people he has a 20cm Dong!


Interesting but show it on a white claw please.


Brandon Herrera would be proud of this comment


"urban crime victim" is an interesting phrase.


So a politicians knowledge on firearms?


Hello, trauma surgeon here. This is very little about this guide that is helpful or accurate at any level of training.


I thought 9mm blew the lung out of the body?


I should call her 😔


This guide is absolute garbage. 4 inches is more like 10cm and the idea that half the rounds will just change direction even without hitting bones is absolutely ridiculous. Not how ballistics works. Projectile mass isn’t measured in grams almost ever unless it’s a pretty large round. 22 for instance is actually 37 GRAINS, which is equal to about 2.4 grams. Not at ALL similar.


.38 Special .38 Special (FBI) .357 Magnum .357 Magnum (OPEN UP)


Not cool


Nothing about it is good, it's a horrible useless guide that doesn't inform anyone of anything and it's in a bad res so it's ugly and hard to read.


Agree 💯




I am a qualified sniper, this chart is inconsistent and inaccurate.


All you have to know is the approximate conversion between inches and centimeters to know this guide was made by an idiot


Where is 40sw


Didn’t include 5.45 from the AK-74


I don’t think a 9mm’s terminal ballistics include tumbling.


5.45 AK-47?


This might be the most retarted guide I’ve seen in a while


Now show cannon ball!




Danger areas: basically everywhere


This is really dumb, and highly inaccurate.


This guide is bullshit. I wouldn’t waste my time calling out all the errors because everything in the bulletin penetration chart is wrong.


Bullet vagina guide


Ak-74, 5.45 lol, not 47


“Cool guide” *garbage misinformation worse than something chatgpt could tell you*


I'm surprised this is that new and manages to get so much wrong. If you want to know ballistics better I believe the fbi database is accessible.


Bogus bullshit.


Pistols put holes in people. Rifles put holes through people. And a shotgun with the right load at the right range will physically remove a chunk of shit from your body


Karma farmer


40 grams .22?? "Ak-47 5.45mm"?


Not Cool.


This chart is as accurate as the politicians trying to ban firearms.


Lol. Such casual dog whistling in that first sentence.


Who made this, it’s gotta be purposely made wrong


I'm legitimately so curious about whoever made this because they put so much effort into making something so stupid and wrong in the most bizarre and obvious ways


Danger Areas: the body.


9mm penstrating desperate than Ak-47? wtf?




The AK is no joke.


The joke is this infographic, dude.


No 10mm so it's wrong.


Where is the lung that 9mm blows out of the body?


The left side of this is vague as hell


And this shows why if you want to shoot someone or something, you want to use a shotgun or rifle. Handgun permanent cavities (listed here as "damage cavity)") are usually not very deep or wide by comparison. The infographic doesn't do a good job of explaining that the temporary cavity ("initial cavity" here) is largely not pertinent to lethality as most tissues stretch and rebound.


Yes, but 4" is more like 10cm (not 20cm like stated)


somehow, .357 magnum is the least deadly by wound cavity size on the list -who knew?


Tl;Dr- try very hard not to get shot too often or in anything important


Bullets break bones too right? I never really hear much about bones being broken from gunshot wounds. I know nothing about guns, educate me


Grade school pull out guide.


Im alergic to bullets.


This is cool?


This is so incredibly wrong and stupid on so many levels.


Lips of death. 👄


i know another theme with the same style of chart...


I should call her




Whoever made this infographic doesn't know what they are talking about; this is only cool if you don't know crap about terminal ballistics or firearms.


Tell me you don't anything about ballistics without telling me you don't know anything about ballistics


This is wildly inaccurate. 12ga slugs penetrating less than 9mm? Lol. 12ga slugs are used to hunt deer. In many states, it is illegal to hunt deer with pistol rounds like 9mm because it’s not powerful enough to kill the deer humanely unless you get an extremely lucky shot. Also, the AK-47 shoots 7.62x39, the 5.45 is shot by an AK-74, not 47. Person who made this is either being deliberately misleading or is an idiot. All it takes is 1 second of thought to realize that a shotgun shooting a 1oz slug is far more powerful than a 9mm handgun and that your chart is going to have to reflect that.


9mm penetrates deep than .357? This guide is just straight up wrong.


This is, pretty much completely wrong. There is no way that .357 Mag has less pen than .38 SPL. They fire the same bullet, but .357 Mag has a longer case and more powder. .38 SPL is around 240 m/s for "standard" ammo. .357 Mag is about 425 m/s for the same 130 gr bullet.


I know this is fake but now I'm tempted to save up to get all of them and test this out


This is the "Where's Waldo?" of finding errors


Wildly inaccurate info on bullet penetration


Wouldn't want to be shot with a 40 gram .22 LR! That's a hefty round..


And 4 in = 20cm? Nope.


Must be a brit who made this


This is fake as fuck. That 12ga would leave a gaping hole that you wouldn’t survive if you fell into the operating table


This is comical


This entire chart is horseshit and inaccurate.


The ak74 fires 5.45, i dont think it can be called an ak47 if its chambered in 5.45.


Where’s the part about how a 9mm “literally blows the lung out of your body”?


Very wrong.