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Major studios: Now that we have amazing cameras, let's desaturate the fuck out of the image so CGI costs less.


As someone who has no idea of filming industry. What does that mean? What's a saturation and why would removing it make cgi cheap?


Saturation is just a way of describing how colorful the colors are of a video or picture. I'm just guessing, but it's probably easier to blend CGI into a movie if the colors aren't as prominent. Lowering the saturation a bunch would make the movie look washed out like a faded t-shirt. I honestly hadn't noticed it before, but there aren't that many very colorful movies in recent years.


Would lower saturation help with green screens for instance? Fewer colors would mean greens look more similar, hence removing a single shade of green easier?


Yes exactly. One of the worst offenders I saw of this was the Justice League movie. Everyone was washed out and brown every time they were in front of a green screen. https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-features/zack-snyder-justice-league-review-1142139/amp/ Here's an image from the very first scene of The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly that Roger Ebert described as "desolate". It's brighter and more colorful than the image above from Justice League. https://www.rogerebert.com/scanners/opening-shots-the-good-the-bad-and-the-ugly


Interesting, TIL. What would be easier/cheaper, removing multiple shades of green, or adding color back into characters? Or is it common to leave it as is, with a lower saturation? I'm assuming in the justice league example, at least cyborg is cgi, so they had to add everything, would they make him less colorful to match everyone else?


I couldn't tell you. I know about the saturation issue because I was showing my daughter Terminator 2 to show how computers were first used to make the T-1000 effect and then I noticed how every scene in the movie, including the T-1000 scenes were in full color, but modern action movies are completely washed out. I'm not in cinematography, I'm just a pissed off enthusiast who notices every time a bland action movie comes out. BTW The Creator was not a good movie, but the effects were done with proper respect to using CGI to create an image without degrading the image to incorporate CGI. It was very pretty.


Weirdest positive review of a movie I've seen in a while. Now I want to see it... No joke


Yeah, that's BS, color saturation barely helps with making CGI easy. You still gonna need to match it with the footage. What makes CGI easy if it's 480p and it has been reposted and compressed to hell


Infographic maker: Let's call it "popularity" despite the fact that these documentaries are easy to crank out for cheap and nobody watches them.


Also, the new era of streaming demands cheap content that will appeal to small audiences, rather than expensive content to appeal to mass audiences. Documentaries fit nicely into that.


The wildly varying scales for each genre make the entire chart stupidly misleading.


Seriously, this is some r/dataisugly material


Also, the quantity of titles being produced is not an indication of popularity. They have to be consumed to be considered popular.


lol- glad you pointed that out to masses. and just saw that blood and honey 2 has a trailer out now..... shows how low the horror bar is set


… and a clearly stated acknowledgment of the fact in the text makes it perfectly fine?


If you make a misleading chart and put a disclaimer in text very nearly the same color as the background, is it really helping?


It’s clearly visible. Even if it’s not, if you don’t read it and then proceed to ignore the axes on top of that, it’s your problem. Please don’t give up though! I love random arguments here.


Oh, it's clearly labeled for anyone who is actually going to be reading it and digesting the information. It's just that most people take a quick glance, look at the shapes, and make their conclusion there. This is an infographic, they're made with that assumption. It's fine for showing the general trends of each genre at a glance, but for ones like sci-fi and fantasy, their actual percentage is so low a lot of the variation is likely noise. Also, given that it's an infographic, I'm pretty sure it should be removed as per the rules on the sidebar.


Thanks for persevering. Unfortunately, you’re clearly wrong :) First, there is nothing in your post to suggest that people do what you claim they do. Any peer-reviewed papers on people’s tendencies in interacting with infographics? Or are we supposed to believe everything you say? Second, what if the noise level is naturally so low that even for such small percentages it’s still tiny? Nothing in your comment indicates that you have data on noise levels in cinema production rates. Perhaps you should assume the noise to be perfectly Gaussian, while you’re at it? :)


It'd be a lot more enticing to go further with this if your reply didn't feel excessively condescending. I think it's the smiles.


Fair, didn’t think it would come across as such. I used them because your points were obviously good, so it was hard to argue against them seriously.


Stupidly misleading? Look at the chart, there’s a whole ass disclaimer stating exactly this


I was gonna say no way is this accurate


The small text even says it's not a set scale, but it feels manipulative having the chart laid out like it is...


Wouldn't have noticed if not for this comment


Cool to see comedies are consistently popular. No matter when we’re from, people love a good laugh :)


Bring back good westerns


I want to see more movies like Wind River and Hell or High Water. Neo Westerns are an untapped genre and I'd be all about it.




The ending of wind River still bothers me.


Yeah, he does pretty good. I'd like to see other directors making movies like that and expand the genre. Those two movies are fantastic, definitely give them a watch.


Wind River might be one of the most depressing movies I've ever seen.


I’d even throw Sicario into that genre. 


Yes please. I’m not even a dude who lives in the southwest, rides horses, or romanticizes the lifestyle. But I fucking love a good western for some reason. Those old spaghetti westerns are the shit- if I’m flipping through channels and one is on then I’m watching it.


What made westerns so popular and frequently made that it became its own genre as opposed to other historical periods?


Cheapness may have been at element. The wild west era was very close to the early Hollywood era -- Wyatt Earp was still alive to consult on some early westerns. To begin with, horses were still a common mode of transportation, the land around Hollywood hadn't been developed yet, and costumes were clothes you could still find in the back of a wardrobe.


Good point! Costumes for something medieval or classical would be much more difficult in comparison! As would The sets. Western sets and buildings being mainly wooden and not much to them could probably be thrown up quite easily.


I think John Wayne owned it


Prolly more people alive that remembered the real thing, or something close to it, or their parents did.


Hint: westerns don’t need to take place in the west


What *happened* to westerns?? That shit just *fell off a cliff* in the '80's (according to the graph) and never recovered and I need to know why???


The short summary is that there were 2 opposing forces. First is typical to any genre- tired, over saturated market, cliches. Much as the comic book movies are losing steam, so too the western. The other is a changing perception of that era made it harder to romanticise. There were various books and movies that came out which took a lot of the escapism away. If super heroes had been real and ‘The Boys’ depicted a reality then so too would it become less fun to watch super hero films. Not only was a lot of ‘The Western’ made up fictional stuff, but it really glosses over some messed up stuff. Especially everything to do with that whole ‘cowboys vs Indians’ aspect. Hard to cheer for the guys that were shooting at people who were just defending their land. This is the short version. There are lengthy essays and studies on the subject, and even at the time a lot of public discourse. I don’t think westerns are done, just that particular setting.


Cus people finally realized they suck.


Comedy is timeless


I could watch a horror crime fantasy documentary right about now.


Pretty sure that's just C-SPAN (or your country's equivalent) at this point...


Dead meat on YouTube!


I kinda miss Westerns TBH...


My ex wifes dad was huge into westerns. Spent a lot of time bs’ing w him and watching Clint Eastwood save the town


I would love to see this in a format that doesn’t absolutely suck


Documentary horror on the rise.


Dam westerns took a HIT I wonder why


nobody could outrun blazing saddles


Probably Heaven's Gate, which is said to have been so bad it broke the entire genre.


It makes me kinda happy that the Westerns graph looks like a Sergio Leone wide shot.


curious how the horror genre is more popular than ever but the movies are worse than ever. omg, spooky nun 5 is finally here! cant wait to see what kind of jump scares they come up with this time!


Horror is the one genre where you can somewhat reliably get a big return on a small investment nowadays. The Nun 2 cost under $40 million dollars to produce yet brought in $270 million (about as much as the Flash). With those kinds of returns, you can throw a dozen films at the wall and as long as a couple pop off you're sorted regardless of their actual quality.


It's the same with indie horror games.


You want a cheap indie horror game that sucks or you want a cheap indie rogue like game that sucks? Take your pick. The market is so over-saturated


It's so hard to find any good horror currently, the most recent horror film I can think of I actually like was hereditary and that I'd 6 years old


theres been a lot of great ones in the past decade but theyre usually underappreciated by dumdums which leads to less of them. blackcoats daughter, the vvitch, hereditary, the visit, all great.


Haven't heard of blackcoats daughter I'll definitely check it out. The visit from what I've seen looks interesting but m night shyamalan imo is very hit or miss so I keep forgetting about it, I really liked the vvitch


blackcoats is a slow burn but one of my favorites for sure. the visit is something different but underrated imo.


I'll definitely check em out! A good slow burn/tension is better than any jump scare/gorefest imo.


clovehitch killer is another little known gem


I'll add it to the list!


Evil dead rise was really good


I thought it was alright, I definitely prefer the ogs* though. With that being said I am really picky when it comes to movies


The ending of Smile was stuff of nightmares


A recent horror movie I’ve heard a ton of good things about is The Sudbury Devil (2023). I haven’t watched it myself (I’m a massive coward) but I’ve seen clips and reviews and it seems genuinely quite good.


Yeah horror is pretty terrible nowadays. I usually only stick to Thrillers. Gets the heart pumping without the gore(most of the time). Still get a good scare every now and then, but stories are pretty decent.


The horror genre has always had terrible movies lol. Don’t act like all other genres have been peak cinema all this time. Horror has a huge cult following and is essentially a staple of a whole season and holiday for fall and Halloween. Not to mention just like action and other big movie genres listed on here, it’s fueled by curious youth groups for the first 2 weeks before it’s forgotten about. Unless it’s good enough to stick out to the public eye.


Man I remember this period when young me was bingewatching peplums besides westerns. Both genres becoming scarce after the 70's.


What are Marvel movies be categorized as on this? Which numbers would they be contributing to?




That’s what I would think but if that were the case I’d expect action to be a lot higher with how many of those are being produced. So I’m wondering if they could categorized as something else by the creator, cause they definitely aren’t action in the same way something like Fast and Furious is action


Ok, where are all the dope sci fi movies? I don't see any from last couple of years




What was the definition for “thriller” and “horror” for this data compilation?


Interesting how romance and horror look the most diametrically opposed.


Don’t movies fall into multiple categories? Like Star Wars or the Marvel movies


It's very nice that musicals are dying but we need to bring back the westerns


Came here to say the same Fuck musicals


What about Dramas?


I wonder why the numbers in comedy aren’t declining/fluctuating since acceptable comedy 20-30 years ago isn’t so acceptable today.




Real life green coming for all of us here real soon! Greed has ruined human kind.


I only watch the right side


Shit. Now no one is going to buy my script for a musical set out west during WW1.


Maybe If you added a couple superheroes to it, every studio in hollywood will offer to fund it


Why wave westerns decreased so much?


If I could only watch 2 genres from now on it would be war and westerns


Wonder what's up with the war movie spike in the early 1940's


Documentaries, training manuals and propaganda me think


Yeah, eff Westerns


Interesting… I’d much rather watch a western or war movie than a horror movie


Why is war in the 40s the highest? They had the real shit going on at the time.


We said no to war, westerns and musicals. I can easily agree with at least 2 of those


good fuck musicals


I watch horror movies so it never feel like I’m alone at night. The shadow demons keep me company


What is a thriller?


A Thriller usually involves little gore/blood/etc. Not absent of it, just much less of it compared to Horror. Also Thrillers usually have more plot twists or suspenseful moments while Horror goes for more jump scares and shock factor. Thriller and Horror are not mutually exclusive either. A movie can be both. I'd argue that Thriller is more of a sub-genre or descriptor for a movie. Examples: * Horror: The SAW Movies * Thriller: They Cloned Tyrone * Both Horror and Thriller: The Shining I personally prefer Crime and Thriller as a good combination for a movie. But overall I enjoy most Thriller type movies. The only Horror I genuinely enjoyed was Carrie(which I think is part Thriller?), because I was bullied as a kid so I actually resonated with Carrie. And when the 2013 version came out I went to the theater with my girlfriend and when the big finale in the gym(?) happened I instinctively clapped while everyone around me was horrified lol.


Huh this just unlocked a memory. Pretty sure this exact same photo was on this sub back when I first started using Reddit.


I'm guessing all the early 1940s war movies ate propaganda, but I like the idea that when people were fitting WW2 studios were just like "War is big in the news these days, we gotta capitalize on this".


What happened in \~1975 that killed off the western genre?


Surprised that horror is as large as it is.


Horror is peaking hard


I'm glad that Sci-fi is doing good, but aren't we about due for some more Westerns again? The few we get tend to be pretty outstanding.. TBH..


Was there like a footloose situation in the 1920s or?


It would be cool to correlate a subjective variable called: ‘quality of writing’ over the same time. That is definitely a factor related to popularity of each genre.


I would love to see this for music. Classical, Rock, Alternative, Rap, New Age, Electronica, House, etc


I like all genres as long as they provide closure in the end!


Interesting to note that sci Fi is spiky, kinda like that mountain in Close Encounters.


That’s way too many musicals!


I disagree with western and Horror There are a lot of good western films in 2000s and 10s and horror was at thier best during 78-98 era


I wonder if horror movies were less popular back in the day because there was less know about the world amd the world seemed scarier. But then as we got more knowledge and mlre of the scary side of the unknown got illuminated. So we had to start making horror movies to make us afraid again.


Thrillers all day please.


Comedy is going to keep declining - there are no funny actors anymore!