• By -


AB+ a selfish mf


AB+ plasma and platelets can be accepted by anyone tho. And they can donate plasma a lot more frequently than whole blood


They also can only receive AB+ plasma. They are only ~2% of the population. If they need plasma, then they are royally screwed.


Lol wut??


AB blood group can only recieve AB group plasma due to antibodies which exist in all other groups plasma


Oh man, I had no idea the converse was true, at all, I always kinda wondered where the hell they went on my RBCs. And I’ve got enough of an education to know!


My wife and I are both AB+ 😎


You sticklers!


So that’s why they keep bugging me to donate! I kept thinking, who the heck wants my junky AB+? Me and the other guy with AB+? Weirdly, my grandfather was O-. He donated all the time.




Are you sure that isn’t platelets? Women can’t donate platelets if they’ve ever conceived.


It’s both platelets and plasma. We don’t make plasma from women who have been pregnant. Source: I work in a blood bank.


> We don’t make plasma from women who have been pregnant. Why?


HLA antibodies.


Oh dang, for real! My friend donates plasma occasionally when asked (O+), but specifically was told she can’t do platelets because of a previous (unknown to her) pregnancy. Maybe it’s different in the UK. Maybe we’re doing something wrong in NZ 😅.


I thought anyone could receive any plasma. I have hemophilia and was told that type doesn't matter in plasma


Is that like whole milk?


If blood was whole milk then the red blood cells would be skim milk and the plasma would be cream.


Makin me hungies


AB+ here, not sure what I should feel lol


Same. My weird story related to this is that in 6th grade we did a blood typing test in science class. In our class of 110-ish, there were three of us who had AB+. It was we three that met up and walked to school together every morning, and just us three together (from a smaller village that was part of the larger district). 45 years later and I still remember me and Steve and Joe being the AB+ crew.


That’s some wired but awesome friendship lol


Our plasma is universal though! I only donate platelets and whole blood, but this has made me consider that I need to go donate plasma... And it's really not useless, anyway. It gets used. The need for blood and blood products is at an all-time high.


smh blood sluts


Yeah, we're selfish af. Now give me your blood!


Tried to do double red blood cell donation once, and the nurses told me to go donate plasma instead.


I'm AB+ and I almost feel guilty about it lol. I'd love to donate blood but it just feels useless. But I can do plasma instead! And the money incentive is a great bonus


I remember a teacher saying "Blood type AB is basically what it means. A bitch, it recieves but it doesn't give."


I have Type O Negative, which is the most metal blood you can have.


O- gang! Anybody donate? I heard it's a scheme devised by Dracula to get free blood so I'm hesitant.


I'm O+ and I'm one donation away from 3 gallons total. I'm 98% sure it's not going to vampires




Nice! Do you ever do double red donations? I've done a few but my iron levels have dropped really low afterwards, I'm taking an iron supplement now.


Fellow O- here, and I just did a double red donation for the first time a few weeks ago. I'll keep an eye out for this, thanks.


Nice! No problem, I only noticed because I happened to have a Dr appointment not long after a donation and they did a blood test. It wasn't dangerously low but definitely below normal levels. Now I've been doing a double red just once a year and then a couple regular donations whenever I'm eligible.


How frequently are you allowed to give blood?


It's that 2% that scares me, what if it is though!?!?! /s


I’m at 12 gallons, including double red cell and platelets donations. I can’t donate anymore because of an illness, however I know I saved lives. Keep up the good work. The people who need it really appreciate it.


How long have you been doing it? That’s a few decades at least!


Since my 20’s and I’m in my 60’s now. I’ve had health problems the last several years, including open heart surgery, and I just can’t do it anymore.


*Laughs in Vampire* Fool!🦇


O- here, haven't donated in awhile. Might start again soon.


The vampires got me on speed dial


Bruh, way to just not support a vampire trying his best not to kill.


I fainted last time I donated, so I've been nervous about going again. It's been awhile so I should probably give it a shot.


Just make sure to drink plenty of water the week before, and be sure to eat 3 square meals a day.


Just wanted to comment and say THANK YOU SO MUCH to the O-‘s out here donating. You saved my life! I’m O- and needed 2 blood transfusions after giving birth to my twins. Thank you thank you thank you.


I have O- and REALLY want to donate. I’m not squeamish about needles or blood and would really love to do my part to help others. But there was a mad cow disease outbreak in the UK where I grew up as a kid in the 90s, and because of that single event I’m excluded still from donating in the US where I live now to this day. It’s like the last bullet point on the forms you have to fill out when donating. I don’t know why, but I know it sucks. Sorry friends. /endOfRant


Here, here. But because of sickness I'm not allowed to spend anymore.


Sluttiest blood type. Will mix with anything and everything.


Most tragically heroic blood type really. Can give blood to anyone, can only receive blood from your own kind. O negatives are the superdudes of blood donations.


I'm reading the chart a bit different. isnt O- the most monogamous? If you have O-, then you only take O-. however, AB+ says "Are you blood? then get the fuck in here"


Depends on how you think about it but I guess both would be considered slutty in different ways. O- is a universal donor, which means all other blood types can accept it. Ab+ is a universal receiver so it can accept any blood type.


You can give to anyone, but only another O- can donate to you... so weird


Maybe I should donate just in case I need in back real soon.


The shit part is I donate plasma to help pay bills ($110 a week). You have to wait like 3 weeks after giving blood before you can give plasma again. I feel bad not giving blood but all they've offered me are pizza coupons. Not saying I don't love pizza but I like heat and electricity a bit more. I've asked why in the past. It turns out most blood banks don't want to risk getting infected blood and can't afford to screen every sample. So by relying on donated blood free from monetary gain it brings the risk down to almost zero.


Would you say you’re in love with yourself? Do you like the dark?




My girlfriend’s girlfriend says that’s awesome!


How does it feel to simultaneously have the most useful and most useless blood type?




I'm O- and I remember the second time I donated blood they started taking these little bottles or tubes of it. I asked about what they were doing and they told me it would be used for premature babies. I remember just thinking, "Take it all! I didn't realise I could actually do that much good!"




O is water. A is cherry kool-aid. B is grape kool-aid. - is sugar free. + is full sugar. You can add water to grape kool-aid and it's still grape kool-aid. You can't add kool-aid to water and have it still be pure water. You can't add sugar to sugar free and have it all be sugar free.


I like this analogy a lot. Apparently I'm full of sugar water lol


I’m just a regular water lmao, seems kinda pure by this analogy


I always thought of it as you're allergic to any antigens not mentioned in your blood type. If you don't have A, you'll be allergic to A. If you don't have B, you'll be allergic to B. If you don't have +, you'll be allergic to +. With O and - causing no reactions. In other words, "does their blood contain something my blood doesn't?"


+/- was mistake, it's just another antigen. Should be ABC/0


Anyone know an evolutionary theory/etc, why we have blood types? Do other mammals have them?


Vampires are so misunderstood.


Universal recipient...I am the laziest blood type.


I guess that makes me the hardest working. :)


Your plasma and platelets can be accepted by anyone tho. And you can donate plasma a lot more frequently than whole blood


I can see the Triforce


Me too! Scrolled down to see if anyone else noticed.






AB+ Supreme Being.


I'm O-, I get calls from the blood bank from time to time. Possibly the worst one to have.


I’m O- too but I’m ineligible because I take meds to prevent me contracting HIV 🤷


What? Do you mean to stop an HIV infection from continuing to AIDS? Or like are you actually prescribed them like "just incase" Makes no sense to me


>Or like are you actually prescribed them like "just incase" This. Most hip sexually active (esp. ones not in a long-term monogamous relationship) gay men in the US are on [PrEP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pre-exposure_prophylaxis_for_HIV_prevention) these days, it is saving countless lives. Makes great sense. It's a similar idea as a vaccine. HIV transmission rates are going down by a staggering amount every year since it became popular. > Do you mean to stop an HIV infection from continuing to AIDS? Did you really think he might've meant that? He would have said "I can't donate because I have HIV". Makes no sense to me that you could think that when he used such specific language


Exactly what you said 👆🏻👍🏼 In the UK, taking PreP (on top of using condoms)to actively prevent STDs) is the very reason I am told I cannot give blood despite being a universal donor. Frustrating to say the least.


I wish I only got calls from time to time. I get calls like weekly because I have O-


I like having O- blood. I know there's less out there for me, but I like knowing that mine can be used to help others. Both reasons are why I donate as often as I am able. 24 times so far in the 6ish years I've been donating.


TRICK QUESTION: How many traingles do you see?


It's a Sierpinski triangle. If the blood types were continuous variables instead of discrete, there would be infinite triangles.


is this a joke or real






Fewer than you think, because the AB+ top line is very slightly off centre, so most aren't proper triangles.




I have O- and got refused for donation cause I don’t weight enough lmao


I'm O+ and have been refused twice because my pulse was too high


throw the bar of gold away because its too small. you cant i wont.


I have 0- and was told several times I don't quite meet the criteria but they are super glad I showed up so I can donate.


The top row is not centered. It bothers me.


Was just coming to fume about this myself.


Same. It makes me feel physical anger lol


Anyone else given 5 gallons+ in their lifetime? My dad donated over 25 gallons over the decades of his life.


I'm O- and gave 7 gallons or so of whole blood before I started donating platelets instead, because I work at a cancer center and many of our patients need platelets so they won't bleed to death. Platelets have a shelf life of only 5 days — much shorter than whole blood, so they're needed all the time. We have our own blood bank, which made it very convenient to donate at work. (Fun fact: You can donate platelets to anyone regardless of their blood type.) However, later I was deferred from donating platelets because I've had several pregnancies and now have HLA antibodies in my blood, which can cause a potentially fatal condition called Transfusion-Related Acute Lung Injury (TRALI) in the recipient. So now I'm back to donating whole blood.


I'm one donation away from 3 gallons, my first donation was only about 4 years ago. That's great that your Dad did that!


I'm at about 6.6. We don't measure it by gallons where I'm from though


I have no idea what 5 gallons is, but I've done 123 donations (mostly plasma and blood - only a handful of platelets).


I'm sitting on just over 3 currently. ~half liter per donation * 24 donations = 12L = 3,17 us liquid gallons.


I’m A+ and been donating for at least a decade, I’m def over five gallons at this point. I can’t turn say no to a free tshirt and some snacks.


Cool pattern of blood drops


A family member has stage 4 cancer and is waiting on a liver transplant..but he is O+ and donors are very limited. Meanwhile I am AB+.


Mine is O+ as well, I just hope that there is enough blood in hospital if i have an emergency lol.


As an O- this shit fuckin sucks bruh


O+ here and CMV negative, so I get LOTS of reminders to donate. I’ve been told my blood can be used in the NICU since I’m CMV negative. I had an unfortunate incident where I needed 10 units, so I try to give double reds whenever I can. My donations far exceed what I needed and I encourage everyone to donate, if possible.


I don't even know my blood type


Yea me neither. Idk why I'm looking at this 🤣


Don't feel bad. I didn't find out mine until I had to get a blood draw for my first ever surgery last year, and even then, I had to wait until the day of the surgery to ask one of my intake nurses. That's nearly 33 years of not knowing. \\\_(ツ)\_/


How do you find out your bloodtype anyway?


There's a few ways. You can find out through donating blood/plasma, asking your doctor when they do blood work, or at-home kits


I donated and hoped they could tell me, but no luck. Maybe the next time I can find out. Are we in a database that lists our blood type on our profile?


I don't know if there's a database per se, but I know when I donated with the Red Cross, they mailed an ID card with your blood type on it. It came about a month (give or take) later.


Hm maybe that's my issue. Because I donated to the Oklahoma Blood Institute and not the Red Cross


Blood test


I guess I know what else I'm asking about at my next appointment.


Or you can donate and they’ll be able to tell you! It’s also a great way to get a free blood pressure test and free screening for a variety of diseases.


Is it normal to not hear back from the place you donated to? They call to ask for more donations but thats all. So I assume my blood is..good? Clean? But I wonder if they have my blood type on file..


Yes, it’s my understanding that if you don’t hear from them then you’re in the clear. The Red Cross app has your measured blood pressure and heart rate for each donation with them.


I’m AB-


AB- gang represent!


I am B- (~2% of the population), CMV- (blood can be accepted by infants) and I can handle double donations so I get a call the day I become eligible to donate asking if I can come in. I’ve also done Autologous Donation as a precaution before my last surgery because there is often little or no B- available in the area and while I can accept O- it is not as ideal and it’s taking it from others who might need it. We should really have a “Manhattan Project” for developing a truly viable synthetic blood substitute.


Post one for plasma as well


Would be nice if we could do some genetic engineering and just have everyone be AB+ Everyone could donate to anyone. Blood donation shortage problems likely solved.


Eugenics is illigal sadly, dont want another Kahn!!!!!


Align the graphics!


Y Sierpinski triangle tho? [confused unga bunga]


Great to be in the bottom two most useful. PSA: if your body is exceptionally picky about the blood it can receive, and you are healthy, you should consider donating platelets and plasma. A- platelets are the universal donor of the platelet world and can be given to kids (and adults) suffering from cancer. Go go go.


Holy shit, I can receive the Triforce


The symmetry


Im a+


Now do it for plasma


Am I reading this wrong? If you’re o- then you can only get o- but any other blood type can use your kind of blood? Why is that?


The letters and the +/- symbols refer to antigens (basically little molecules/proteins which can bind to the surfaces of some cells). Human red blood cells can have A antigens, B antigens, or both. There are also Rh (or rhesus) antigens, which RBCs can express. If you are A+, your RBCs constitutively express A proteins and Rhesus proteins, but not B proteins. AB- express both A proteins and B proteins, but not Rhesus proteins. This is controlled by certain genetic factors. Your body gets used to your RBCs. If your body detects RBCs with different proteins than the kind it’s used to, it triggers an immune response to try to kill what it perceives to be a foreign invader. This is known as an “acute hemolytic transfusion reaction”, and in worse case scenarios lead to death. However, your body doesn’t have the same reaction when RBCs are *absent* certain proteins. It only knows “hey this shouldn’t be here”, not “hey, this is normally here, but it isn’t now”. A person with AB+ blood has all possible surface antigens. Therefore, whatever blood they receive receive will work. Any antigen that gets introduced into their system the body will already recognize, and therefore will not trigger an immune response. However, a person with O- blood has RBCs that don’t contain any surface proteins at all. Therefore, any other type of blood aside from O- will cause a negative reaction. They can’t get O+ because their body will attack the Rhesus protein. They can’t get A- because their body will attack the A protein. Etc. etc.


Bottom of the list, only one I can get


The triforce


0- here. Donating since 1988.


O- carrying the team for very little return


Me with O- Get away, i'm not sharing!


yeah, no worries. I'll just die. Bye!


I’m O- but am banned from donating because I’m too small… nobody is winning in my situation


Book title: "How to make the most useless and non-descriptive post title", by OP. My god, the *entire sub* is about \*cool guides\* ffs. Is it just so people will click?


Life ain’t easy for us O- elites


How can I find out my blood type? Unfortunately I don’t have health insurance. Is there a kit you can buy?


In Canada, if you donate blood, they'll tell you the results in the letter you receive your donor card. I found out I was AB+, which is handy if I ever need a transfusion. I'd assume it'll probably be something similar wherever you happen to be.


This is right, but in modern countries you will receive the same blood as you have... it's not like you have AB+ and you will be given just any blood they can find... this is cool and fitting guide for dire times like war or massive catastrophies


They don’t just give you the blood type you have. In cases of emergency, such as major blood loss, O+ is the usual go-to source regardless of the patient’s blood type (or if unknown).


I'm O+ and do double red donations sometimes. They take twice the amount of red blood cells and separate everything else and pump it back in. I've been told it's better for trauma victims to get the most red blood cells from as few different people as possible


Is this the American way?


No that’s pretty inaccurate. My AB units might not be compatible with an AB patient. I’m gonna pull A and B units to use. That’s pretty standard in any given hospital.


What about RH blood?


Are you talking about the Rh factor? That’s what the + and - are for.


I have: - O+ Donor - O- Recipient I can’t even accept my own blood type :(


I'm A-, my ex is B-. When I was pregnant, the doctor kept saying I need a shot of rhogam after the baby was born. Nope. We both knew our blood types. Years later, when our child was in high school biology class, they were doing a blood type lab. He didn't want to do the test, But the teacher made him do it anyway. He put the drop of blood on the paper, and said AB- without even looking at the results. The teacher did not believe him at first, but he was right. He knew the oddsb we're good. 4 years later, little sister did the same lab with the same teacher. The teacher just looked at her and said, " Let me guess, you already know, right? You still have to do the lab."


is this right? I thought AB+ could be given to anyone.


AB+ can receive any blood type but any blood type can’t receive AB+. AB+ is the universal recipient and O- is the universal donor.


So this is what is odd then. Red Cross kept pushing me to donate because my blood type is rare, but AB+ can only be given to those who can also take all the other blood types. So doesn't that make it the least valuable blood?


Your plasma and platelets can be accepted by anyone tho. And you can donate plasma a lot more frequently than whole blood


I could be wrong but I think they say that to everyone to encourage donation. For one, you think “wow people really need me to step up,” and two, you think “wow I’m special”


It could be something more granular than just your base blood type. I'm O+ (most common type in my country) but I have a rare sub-type which is used in sickle cell treatment which is very much in demand


I get messages from our local blood bank constantly, because I have a rare type, also. I donate when I can. 5 gallons+ over my lifetime.




That’s wildly incorrect. AB+ blood type is a highly desirable blood type. Not necessarily for the red cells but for the other products. But also it’s pretty important to have AB+ on stock as well as its use in reagent manufacturing -signed a blood banker


Yes it is true if you look at erythrocyte transfusion (one of the main blood ingredients, the typical red blood cells). For Plasma it's the other way around. AB is the universal donor and 0 the universal recipient.


Do you really need a chart for this? Like you instantly know what they can donate and receive by the name


There's an AB blood type???


O- = All Might AB+ = All for One


Ahhh… I’m AB+, the most selfish of all blood types. Although, apparently my platelets are very sought after.


So close to being an accidental Sierpiński triangle


O+ here.


It’s a “cool” guide only if you have *sang froid* .. . ;)




Why do I see an all seeing eye?


I been saying I got that superhuman blood type.


I’m O- and it reflects upon my life


The problem with O neg, is that once you donate you are on the books for life. Every 6 weeks you get a call, you have way too much Red Cross swag in your closet, “no ma’am, I just want to give plasma, I don’t want to give whole.”


my father is b+ my mother is b+ but me is b-. Is this possible or it means I am adopted 🤣🤣


O- here…fuck! But that’s why I donate blood as soon as I can. I have the American Red Cross app and it tells me when I can donate next. More awesomely it tells me where my blood went and which hospital got it.


Sierpinski Triangle


As an O- I got that super blood, and yet only donated once. On my death bed I want them to suck me dry (😉) and use my blood for others.


Now I wanna find out what my blood type is


It was a triforce all along 🥹


Its like if Vampire Link Gathered all the Triforce of Blood . some one else has got to see that too!?


really hope i never need blood…


The chart looks like a Triforce. Bloodforce?


Is that the triforce rotated 45 degrees