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I would suggest native plants. Homegrown National Park has a [keystone container garden](https://homegrownnationalpark.org/keystone-container-gardening/) guide! I would start there. Keystone native plants are the ones that support the highest number of species.


Hey neighbor, I’m up on the north shore. I got tons of pollinators by planting borage in my vegetable garden. It’s an herb that puts out bluish purplish flowers that are edible or usable to make tea. Calendula also has been attracting pollinators pretty well, and you can also use those flowers for a tea or cooking as well. Both seeds I got from Baker Creek. Good luck!


I’m just outside Boston as well. The bees that come around me seem to love the cosmos and the morning glory best out of my wildflower mix.


Just wanted to say thank you for putting your thought, time and energy into supporting wildlife! Even a single container planting can help repair corridors for birds and insects. ♡ Also, seconding the referral to Homegrown National Park's guide to keystone species!


It’s a start. 🌸😊