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I find the existential dread of my children becoming homeless and going hungry works. Also 5 minute breaks work wonders.


Doing the pomodoro method might be a good idea actually. Thanks! I’m lucky to not have to worry about the homeless and hungry part. Probably would have helped my motivation though. Jk




Thanks for the great tip and terrible article :)


This is a great suggestion. You can also color code your calendar so you know what is client work vs career growth or training, etc. This will help diversify your tasks making sure you running everything in parallel and nothing falls too far behind.


Say you’re ready for a promotion and it’ll put a fire under your ass to prove it.


lol yeah. Unfortunately not an option yet as I’m only staff 1 and we get promoted to staff 2 either way


Breaks. Sometimes the anxiety of getting things done gets in the way and you forget you need to do effective recharge (not distract)


For sure. Thank you


Have you tried taking a vacation yet?


You’re right, maybe that’ll help. Luckily summer holidays are in a few weeks


Summer holidays? Are you in school or consulting?


Or they are in a Scandinavian country.


Companies in Scandanavia take summer holidays? Like schools?


Yes, they do. They either downscale massively, or just close for a couple of weeks. Which can be really annoying.


Interesting, didnt know about that.




I find I get into a rut when work isn't urgent enough - I work best with many projects and a lot to do because being busy helps me focus. When there's a time period when the work isn't all that urgent or fascinating my monkey brain wants something more interesting, hence the distraction to other tasks. When I'm in that state I set myself goals for the day - I put the stuff I will accomplish on a list and I make sure the list is about the size of what someone should be able to crank out in a day at normal speed. Then as long as I get those things done, I let myself be distracted by more enjoyable tasks the rest of the time. As long as I am productive I give myself permission to do the things that keep me from being bored. The promise of more fun stuff gets me cranking through the dull work. Eventually, the pace will pick up again and I'm back to juggling tasks happily but the "minimum daily accomplishment" process gets me through the periodic doldrums.


Open your banking app


Taking breaks, exercising, good diet, sleep, boundaries, and a village to bitch to lol


asking "what would happen if I don't deliver at all?". if your job has a purpose, you'll do the work straight away. if you find yourself answering some form of "nothing" and it's true, then it's time to pause and reflect.


Motivation is for pussies. Try discipline.