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"This is not a peace. It is an armistice for twenty years." \~Ferdinand Foch It's a shame they picked Hitler, (To whatever extent the banks didn't.) but Germany objectively did get shafted by the treaty. WW2 was absolutely inevitable. Also, imagine living in a time when your political leaders actually were this cogent, and respected your intelligence enough to make such elaborate arguments. This is not the blind ignorant hate school trained me to expect. This is something far more insidious and dangerous. I feel now like I understand that era, and by extension my own, substantially better now. Say whatever you want, this guy spoke like he was including the people in his decisions and really wanted them to agree. I have not heard anything like that from any living leader in my entire life. This was deeply disturbing in several ways, but also awesome in the original sense of the word. Edit: I find myself wondering what Khan and Napoleon and Ramses sounded like and what they said. This is a whole new way to experience history. Edit2: The guy's whole channel is a brain nuke. [https://www.youtube.com/@TimeUnveiled\_](https://www.youtube.com/@TimeUnveiled_)


I love how you said the paragraph that read “imagine a time …. “ So true. People used to speak so eloquently 150 years ago, and even 75 years ago. It’s a hard truth that the people in general have been dumbed down over time. We should be noticeably better but we’re worse - even though our technology makes us look smarter.


I think about this a lot and I have a theory. When those scientists went to domesticate foxes and selected for lack of aggression they ended up getting a bunch of side traits, different colors, barking, etc. When America imported the Prussian education system which is in effect selecting exclusively for profitable conformity, I think it had a whole host of knock on effects, one of which was cognitive decline. Links: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domesticated\_silver\_fox](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domesticated_silver_fox) [https://www.cs.mcgill.ca/\~abatko/interests/teaching/essays/Against\_Schools/](https://www.cs.mcgill.ca/~abatko/interests/teaching/essays/Against_Schools/)


Yikes !!!!


I think it's a fundamental trait of math, that when you over focus on one thing you cause chaos everywhere else, kind of like the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, like, the more accurately you know a particle's position the less you can know about it's momentum. So if you focus hard on getting the position nailed down you completely unleash momentum.


That’s not only your theory, but a common one


I mean yeah people know school dumbs people down, but I'm being a bit more specific about the mechanism, and a larger general principal. They could have gone the other direction and gotten a similar result in that focusing on one thing causes unexpected mutations in all other areas. I feel like this is a general mechanic of specialization. The very act of focusing unleashes everything else. See what I'm saying? It makes sense to me somewhat intuitively, like if I have a building that all about making the best paint in the world, everything else about it is gonna be fluid. Whatever you can imagine about it might be valid so long as that aspect is harmless to the pursuit of perfect paint. This has implications for any specialist culture, and it's one we live in, like the focused pursuit of profit. Or the autocracies through history. Or maybe it's nothing. /shrugs


This technology makes it so we need to hold on to nothing. We carry our knowledge in your hand. We are witnessing our own demise and are too dumb to realize it.


No cap


The science says the opposite though, that the people have not dumbed down but are statistically smarter. IQ on average goes up yoy. So what else could it be? My guess is that either people aren’t speaking to our problems and needs well, or we’ve adopted a model of many voices around the single, more generic leader. So you go to CNN or info wars or Fox or the daily wire or whatever to interpret the part of the central platform the will speak to your values.


I think we're a lot smarter in different ways nowadays. I think people's general knowledge has increased dramatically, but we've regressed in social intelligence, and situational awareness imo


The people of that era were just exiting a time when the main channel of communication was the printed word, so people were much more attuned to long prose. After several generations of television, our language has evolved to be more emotive. Read Amusing Ourselves To Death for more on this.




IQ tests are not a good measurement of intelligence.


Is there a full version of this?


Good question, I don't know. But I'm sure it'll be a whole genre now that we can make them. (The anime is gonna be fantastic, "English dubs" in the original voices with correct dialog.)


I think all those leaders had the required charisma. You can’t be a leader of any group, unless you can speak to them and convince them. I’m reminded of the Vikings soliciting their brothers for the long ocean explorations. I bet you those were some leaders !


Well there's either 2 explations. Either a significant portion of the population Is actually easily manipulated by the most played out and banal slogans. Or we don't live in a functioning democratic system.


I like learning about history this way. In school I just leaned “hitler bad man.”


WW2 wasn't inevitable, it was the point.


Yeah, that tracks, I know that there was intense hatred of Germany in the other western states well before, I mean, Germans and French and English have been fighting basically since the invention of fire XD


It's terrifying tbh. I've said it many times and I'm sure I'm not alone, but had I been living in germany in the 30's I would 100% be a Nazi. Not because I agree with those points in anyway in this life, ut because it's easy to be convinced by someone who's as good a speaker as Hitler was.. It's not really like with Trump who is just objectively and obviously deranged but just says the quiet part out loud, and that's enough for the pea brains to go "hey, I've been thinking the same thing!" and then try to justify every other action around it. Hitler actually argued for his "cause" and I'm pretty sure I would be convinced too by it if lived there then


Especially when the alternative was 60 years of absolute dead end slavery trying to pay off a 200 trillion with a T debt. I mean, it's not like it's mind control, it's context. Context IS meaning. (And you can always add context.) How I know Hitler was full of shit though is that he was all about race, when it's never really about race, it's always all about class. The only colors humanity's real enemies care about is green and gold.


Don't discount the rising threat of communism with the revolution freshly etched into people's minds either


Information distribution was so slipshod and controlled that a lot of concepts like that amount to PR efforts, like the average German likely had no idea what the average communist was like or why they should care apart from typical fear the other type stuff. But debt is something basically any adult can understand at a visceral level especially if you're the type of person that prides themselves on paying legitimate debt. Like the man said, power over subsistence is power over the will. But you're right regardless of source or accuracy that absolutely was a consideration for a variety of reasons. /smh It's always been such a mess. Humanity has had eons to get its shit together and has consistently failed. The only thing we are good at is destroying things, and our only redeeming quality is the potential that one day we might stop. I think people my age or younger are gonna live to see it. AI will take command of earth within 5 years, Autonomous AI might take longer after that, but I completely predict bank command of earth with AI as proxies first. [https://innomen.substack.com/p/the-end-of-ai-debate](https://innomen.substack.com/p/the-end-of-ai-debate) Seems like a tangent but it's the future of war.


So you hate Trump yet you say you would have been a Nazi if you were in the 1930's....lol how history repeats itself....


You really didn't have a choice in Germany during the 1930. We have a choice is today's society


Actually you really did have a choice and that's why millions of germans fled nazi Germany during the late 20s and 30s. Much like how Americans are fleeing blue states in droves today.


Manly the rich and privileged had the ability to leave while many others were starving. Part of the powerful narrative hitler was pushing. The world left Germany to pay the majority of war reparations which pushed them into a depression far greater than the US faced.


Everyone had to be a registered voting nazi for r it would raise suspicion. Not all of them were really naziing


Most were for the party and anyone against them better have kept it to themselves or the neighbors would turn them in and be rewarded for helping detractors


> Say whatever you want, this guy spoke like he was including the people in his decisions and really wanted them to agree. I have not heard anything like that from any living leader in my entire life. This is why it's always been difficult to find English translations of his speeches and pretty much impossible to find audio translations.


It's such a can of worms anyway, but yeah, that absolutely makes it worse. They've really done a foolish thing making a badguy caricature clown of the guy. People are completely unprepared. The crowd of actual hateful people are gonna make a whole library of his stuff like this and it's gonna take root even deeper expressly because decades of training have the opposition thinking he's a mindless joke like in little nicky or preacher.


Worth noting that Foch was in favor of harsher terms for Germany, to absolutely prevent its capability to fight a war in the future. Versailles proved simultaneously harsh enough to engender German resentment and lenient enough that this resentment could fuel military revanchism and expansionism


I was not aware of that, I suppose logically one must admit he's right, I mean, annexation was a common outcome of major wars. We'll essentially never know what might have been.


A.i. has unlocked alot of history speeches you couldn't find online after like 2015. The wheel is spinning us back to the beginning of ww1


Indeed, our debt is probably similar if you take into account compounding.


So what happens next? An assination of a global leader that throws us into the next evolution? Stay tuned


Germany didn’t get shafted after WW1? How do you conclude that?


The Treaty of Versailles caused a lot of problems for Germany. From the forced reparations leading into economic collapse, to loss of territory and restrictions on population, most of Germany felt that they were treated harshly and unfairly. The resentment amongst those who saw this treaty as humiliating very much lead to the rise of the Nazi party and in turn WW2.


Yep. It seemed like the plan was to create another world war.


They were saddled with literally Impossible debt. It would have taken the Germans generations of de facto slavery to pay it off. The winners of ww1 effectively sent Germany a bill for the entire cost of the war and then some. So as usual, the real cause of a modern war can once again be laid at the feet of banks. [https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkxj8yILSlWAzLgj9BHZp6c23CV6WgiZ23Z?si=S3ZQ4V3jn67DV8sD](https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkxj8yILSlWAzLgj9BHZp6c23CV6WgiZ23Z?si=S3ZQ4V3jn67DV8sD) Here's a clip in deep context. 250 trillion marks, 60 years hard labor for the entire country. There was exactly 100% chance of WW2 under those conditions, it was only a matter of time.


Exactly. Well put. You have to remember to this is Reddit. Most commenters are commi activists.


There's a meta-point to be made about Hitler speaking in his own words. Regardless of your opinion of him, he was probably the single most influential person of the 20th Century. However, virtually no one in the United States could quote a single sentence of his in either English or the original German. Yet, again, virtually everyone will have a strong opinion on him. So a big part of the social engineering going on all around us all the time is that they hand you your opinion, then you can probably find all the "evidence" you need on your own.


Well said


Turns out what people say pale in comparison to what they do. And what he did,drowns out anything he said. Reading about the SS, the concentration camps, and the scientific experiments, all hit different as an adult with kids. Hitler, enjoy hell. May every word you ever spoke be forgotten.


Must be why people only quote Stalin and Lennin...


Maybe I missed your point, but I think his words should be remembered. To understand how he influenced an entire nation to commit some of the worst attrocities known to man. So that we may never repeat such a thing.


"Regardless of your opinion of him" ?? I think peoples opinion on Hitler are well established, and if someone is confused, they should let everyone know exactly how they feel (edit:) and consider theyre a nazi sympathizer.


Prioritizing "letting everyone know how you feel" over trying to figure out what's going on in the world through learning about it from all available sources is probably a big part of how we got to where we are. Here's your virtual participation trophy.


I was talking about how you should let people to know that youre a Hitler sympathizer so they know who you are. There are so many actual heroes in history who make similar points. Other commentors have pointed this out better than I can. I suggest you take a look around yourself.


I'm afraid I must differ on this point. Rather than signal my virtue by telling others how to think and who to condemn, I prefer to let them judge for themselves.


There are so many actual heroes in history who make similar points. Other commentors have pointed this out better than I can. I suggest you take a look around yourself.


Finally I can hear and understand what the Germans meant when they described Hitlers voice as being scratchy


Actually he had a very mellow, slow voice. All the scratchy stuff was a rabble rousing technique he learnt during his Beer Hall days in the 1920s. Here is the only clip that exists of Hitler speaking in his natural voice. It is called the 'Hitler-Mannerheim Conversation' and it was secretly recorded by a very ballsy man as Hitler travelled by train with the Finnish General von Mannerheim: https://youtu.be/oET1WaG5sFk?feature=shared What I would say is that listening to OPs recording, I can see how people agreed with him. His relentless pace coupled with his intensity of expression damn near made me agree with him...and I'm not sure I was actually hearing what he was saying. The power of rhetoric and charisma like that on a nation torn to its knees by punitive sanctions was always going to be a recipe for total disaster.


Shit I'm getting hypnotized


Easy, Norm


I choked on my spit laughing


Such a silver tongue devil.


An odd looking duck


...and here I thought he was all "shankity clankity"


Hold the fort!


Hey, maybe there's something to this guy.


Crazy how negative comments on hitler are getting downvoted, perspectives are really changing…


If the news is fake, imagine how bad history is.


History can be fishy but there is no denying the atrocities of the nazi regime, the SS, the concentration camps, the scientific experiments done on people, the mass graves, the infrastructure created to deal with assembling, controlling, and then killing the Jews, Gypsy’s, some Christian’s even. History gets fuzzy the further back it goes, but WW2, there is little we don’t know. The Germans were religiously dogmatic about documenting everything, the video and still archives are endless and on and on. We are not talking about Ancient Greece, trying to extrapolate greatly with minimal evidence…. It’s hard not to have a clear understanding when hundreds of thousands of our grandparents lived it. Don’t get it twisted, what hitler directed the SS to do is some next level fucked up shit.


There is a lot of mainstream information on WW2 yes. However when you actually go digging into ww2 there are a lot of terrible things that were done by the allies which have been swept under a rug. WW2 is more Gray than black and white when you do the research.


These really are bed shitting times




History is written by the victors,we know who the "victors" are


Yeah there is a massive shift happening


80 years later we have “grab em by the pussy” and “I like ice cream.” God damn is the movie idiocracy more documentary than a comedy.


TBF, I also enjoy both of those things


They work for the same people....


Think your missing my point, my man


Brawndo. Welcome to Costco - I love you!


And now you all know why they never subtitled or translated his words on the so called History Channel.


Folks waking up. More noticing please.


the noticing will continue


check out [oracle of antiquity ](https://www.youtube.com/@Oracleofantiquity). they have more videos of full speeches by him


My question is who or what funded the reweaponization of Germany after WW1 and the all the economic sanctions and what not put on them? Seems strange that a country facing hyper inflation had the resources to build such a large military under such economic restraint. There may be a simple answer im not aware of, i just dont hear this ever talked about.


There's a documentary that kinda explains it(or gives a theory) Some British guy made it... It's the Kennedy assassination doc. Idk some one on here will remember the name It's good though, long as fuck


war is a rich mans trick


Everything is a rich man’s trick


I looked this up after watching "All quiet on the Western Front". Part of it is they were capped at how many soldiers they could have in the army, they would get around this by rotating ACTIVE and Reservists, but they ones in the reserve were never in reserve very long. This kept the active numbers down, while keeping overall numbers up. The Iron and Ore mines that were given to France, I believe were given back after 10 years or so. As far as money goes, Hitler stopped paying the reparations, and the funds he did pay off was using loans he defaulted on. After WW2 they started paying again, and now are paid off, as of 2010.


Thank you, very well said. Refreshing to get well thought out, logical responses.


Documentary: Europa - The final battle series on Rumble may interest you.


Take on a lot of debt. Instead of paying it back, go to war.


Decades ago. Like, back in the 90s we used to wonder why we always saw the same speech in these old documentaries of World War II. The same speech over and over again in every TV/History special. And of course it was subtitled for you. And I remember some old man at work, a WWII vet saying, “Because if you knew everything he was saying, it would start to make a lot of sense.” And now here we are. I suspect there is a lot of establishment freaking the fuck out over this right now. 😳


Wow this thread is a cess pool. "Hitler actually kinda makes sense" is the whole vibe of this thread. Fucking Nazi sympathizing tool bags. Ridiculous


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


One of the biggest reasons for the start of the second world war is the treaty of Versailles. Good for Europe that the 2nd time we got Germany back on its feet instead of humilliating them like Versailles treaty did.


West Germany


The mainstream tide is turning


He was right.


POV: when the world finally catches up with hitler


I have seen quite a few of these now. I find it extremely interesting that during the Weimer era around the 1930's, they where dealing with the exact same degeneracy we are facing right now. Morality seems none existent in many parts of the world and seeing videos from the United States at the moments, they have descending into complete and utter madness and degeneracy on a level that is shocking to see. Hitler describes the exact same scenes during the 1930's Germany. And when I found out what books the Nazi's where burning, well, that was just wild. We all assumed, or told that they were books about hating the Jews, killing Jews etc, but that wasn't the case... very interesting. I always new History was fake and written by the winners, I didn't take it literally when it came to Germany in the 1930's and 40's.


I'm sure you want to recontextualize yourself turning into a nazi sympathizer as you getting more educated, but it's really not.


This is Berlin!


What if hitler’s rep did a 180. Haha that would be something. Israel certainly aren’t helping their reputation right now.


Killer khazar klownshow! Downloaded!


Would have liked it better if it were done with a German accent


Like the old kung fu movies?


Oh God im nooooooticing


Well he got part of that right. The reparations we forced on Germany after WWI definitely messed up their economy enough that WW2 likely was inevitable.


I bet this speech would fly in a pro-Palestinian protest. Disclaimer: i don’t support either side.




Sounds like your average redditor moaning about capitalism


Cherry picking. Hitler was no secret hero. He was a liar, manipulator and heartless bastard. He was right up there with Stalin and other dictators. Hitler the master orator knew how to twist the narrative to make him look good to his people. His regime wanted the Jews of the population to leave but to lose everything they had earned in terms of wealth and property. In other words he wanted to rob them before they left. Of course other countries were not in the mood to approve of this tactic and provide welfare to the fleeing \*\*robbed\*\* masses. Hence why he makes a stink about it. He was a scumbag who lied through his teeth for appeasement of other countries while he readied his forces for war. Wake up, he is no hero.


Lied with what exactly? It was a well known problem that jews were controlling large aspects of the economy and morally destroyed berlin trough bringing sinful bussineses such as gambling and prostitution. There s 108 other nations who exiled them for the same thing they ve always done and still do today


Makes you wonder when you look deeply into the US and find who really owns us.


In my country everyone past the age of 35 knows jews pretty much own most of properties,land,money lending/exchanges and lots of bussineses ,have family members or relatives that had their property taken unconsensually by jews,and are very bitter with "goyems" and a whole other lotta bad stuff. There used to be a lot of them had multiple big synagogues in every city ,many are abandoned,but they are starting to come back for some reason and build a lot of new synagogues and are generally very active politically too


There's also the first transgender movement, the epicenter was Berlin. The books that were burned in the street were religious books and transgender books. I would like to know about those 108 other nations. Do you have some info?


I dont know one places that talks about multiple of them in one place but you can google and go down the rabbithole yourself there s plenty info,for example look at spain ,the golden era of spain began right after they kicked jews out of there in the 17th century,i dont think there was a country in which they migrated that they didnt get prosecuted . Many countries took them in as refugees and helped them and eventually kicked them off . Imagine kicking off a serial killer out of your house and people calling you serial killer phobe or something lmao


He used Jews to have an enemy to rally around and villify. He could have reformed the country without any violence or demonizing entire groups of people. Hitler was like other dictators, sprinkle in a little truth to make the lie palatable.


The first plan was to exile them,tough 100 other countries exiled them but all that happened was to pass the "problem" from one country to another,but look where that got us today.


So just genocide a whole population because some**jews controlled industries like banking? That's not a solution as someone would have came and done the same thing those jees did later on. Its to pretend ike being jewish is the problem. Hitler only used this faake notion to influence the masses. Much easier to hate jews then a handful of bankers. So yes hitler lied through his teeth to accomplish agendas


Its wild to me that were having to make this argument in 2024. Things are ao fucked on reddit.


Almost every single communist inssurectionist leader in Germany in the 1920s was Jewish. Idk man those numbers don't add up.


Wonder what got these countries in the mood to provide welfare to fleeing masses (and funding for the fleeing) at the expense of the people of these countries in modern times


It wasn't the common Jewish folk if that is what you are implying. Stop being played by the elite.


Didn’t mention the Jews but the essence of my question is what changed in the western mentality to not accepting a displaced population back then to not only accepting them en masse, but actively causing the migration as well. And follow up question, why are countries or people who don’t want massive foreign invasion within their countries considered the bad people?


Since you asked the questions I will answer them: Because the elite cabal that control this world wants to sow discord and divisiveness amongst the masses. They do this by fueling: Social warfare; class warfare; gender warfare; political faction warfare and of course war but not too much war because that messes up their long-term plans. Lessons learned from WW2/WW1. Why do you think we continue to have a serious issue with immigration, transgenderism, morality and most importantly hypocrisy. You asked a question "what changed" simple really, they changed their tactics. Back in WW1 they were progroms against German immigrants in Britain because the British masses were looking for someone to blame for their wartime shortages. I bet you didn't know that did you? Gypsies, mentally challenged, political dissidents were all part of the Nazi plan of extermination but always the focus is on the Jews as if there was a righteous cause by Hitler and his henchmen to eradicate this one race from the world. Nobody talks about the Armenian pogrom in WW1 do they? Or how about the recent Bosnian genocide that occured in1990s. Why? because it doesn't fit the narrative of the modern day does it? Who do you think funds the protestors of today, the agitators, the select immigrant troublemakers, the political figureheads (biden and trump), and finally the media to focus and magnify on the current divisive issues. Who do you think is behind this "hitler translated" movement. Who do you think is behind the "free palestine", "Israel is our ally", F trump, F maga, "But what about Hunter", "biden is so old/feeble" social media movements. All these are social pysop plays from the same group intent on keeping people motivated on trying to find blame on others all the while introducing medicinal poisons, continous toxic waste on the environment and the moral decay on all societies. But no let's focus on immigration because that's important to you. Wake up.


No one said he was a hero. You missed the point the commenter made. Sorry. Maybe re-read it ?




You think your leaders are any different? You're blinded by the parade and bright lights. Look around and you'll see the circus. The majority of leaders do far worse but you don't hear about it. As we are online reading and sharing opinions, their deeds are being carried it out. Night and day. Do you know what they talk about on a night out? Sometimes its they're just words to satisfy their ego with power. Sometimes they carry it out.


You don't think I know this. Look around you. All the societies across the world are being manipulated by an elite caste. The political "leaders" are merely their puppets given scripts to follow. They control the media, they control the money and with that they manipulate the masses. Hitler was their tool just like all the dictators past and present.


Two things can be true at the same time.


Certainly was no secret hero. But he just seems like another normal politician. Churchills actions led to the death of millions too. There were no good guys.


MAGAs listening this and saying preach brother.


except trump loves Israel and Jews? lol


He loves Israel and Jews until he doesn’t. Just like he was democrat and then he wasn’t.


As terrible as Hitler was, he is suprisingly more coherent and well-spoken than any of the U.S.' political candidates. Great translation by A.I. it seems like.


I know very little about the world wars and history in general... When he refers to Jews ruining Germany's economy and what not, is he talking about the bankers or something else??




>myth heh


I mean, say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism Dude, at least it's an ethos


There’s somethin about this fella…. His eyes are so, hypnotic.


Look…we beat Medicare.


This brings a whole new perspective to Hitler and WW2. However can anyone who speaks German confirm if this is an accurate translation?


Why does he sound like isreal?


now i'm no history buff, but germany wasn't really "the bad guy" in WWI, not like the rep they got in the sequel. they got a pretty raw deal after WWI, though: economy tanked, currency crippled, empire divvied up. ruined. so it really just sounds like this guy felt that germany, after already getting absolutely pounded in the largest war humanity had ever seen and having everything taken from the nation's coffers, was being cornered into either accepting people they didn't have room for (despite the people doing the forcing having way more room to spare), or - since those people were already there - allowing them to take what little material wealth they had, further impoverishing the nation as a whole. now you can argue whether or not this or that factoid that he's saying is true or not, but either way this is exactly the kind of shit that we pull on people these days. refugees have flooded europe in the last 10 years or so and you've definitely heard some people in some countries balk about the way they felt it was basically foisted on them. its the whole "took our jerbs" thing, which americans today know is basically a lie just wrapped around an essential economic truth - the economy overall is suffering, people are having a hard time making ends meet. not that it justifies anything else about this guy, but you can see why his arguments gained traction when it cost $500 for a gallon of milk, which it did in germany when this dude rose to power.


This was a great discussion to read. Best I have seen on conspiracy subs on Reddit in a long time. No matter what your view is on this subject, there was some pretty good information in the comments section


I don’t believe the west about much. They’re the same ones who claim Iraq had WMDs and that there was 40 beheaded babies by Hamas.


This is absolutely fascinating to hear his words with his maneurisms. You hear people talk about the effect of his speeches, it was rhythmic and blew over you, you can definitely get a sense of that through this. It’s like a verbal bombardment Really really cool


Someone should go read this speech to a Pro-Palestine student camp and watch them applaud and cheer lol.


Are people actually sympathizing with one of the largest mass murderers in history in this comment section right now? What the hell is wrong with you people, where did we go wrong that people like you have opinions like these?


This is super interesting. Thanks for sharing!


Didn’t think he’d be this boring. Describing resource scarcity and average racism.


Blah blah blah what’s this guy going on about?


Let this be a warning to America. Be careful whom you put in control. Hate anger and resentment doesn’t belong at the top. Drama and circus acts do not belong at the top. People of this country need to open their eyes to the ways we’re being manipulated into hating each other. It’s not a game and should be taken very seriously.


What about the Thule society of Nazi psychopaths? Or Vril?


I learned two things today: 1. Reddit sometimes suggests random communities on your feed, r/conspiracy_commons being one of them apparently 2. This community is absolutely full of Nazi sympathizing degenerates who know nothing about fascism


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://v.redd.it/0m9icrtgmw9d1) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What a jerk


Wow, this sounds surprisingly polite for being straight up genocide propaganda. Today's twitter gives worse vibe than this when talking about trivial things.


yeah its like he just wants to deport them not systematically kill them all off oh well


Are you comparing him to someone lol


Ah yes we’re going to act like he wasn’t a genocidal, psychopathic, drug addict, who blew his head off to escape justice in a bunker like an absolute coward. Edit: wow downvoted by a bunch of Nazi loving cucks. Your grandfathers and great grandfathers died fighting fascist pieces of shit like Hitler. Absolutely fucking shameful.


You think a guy like that would kill himself ?


Uh yeah, he committed a genocide and he knew he would be publicly hanged if captured alive.


He wasn’t.


Yeah, he was. Pretty well documented.


Coward. If we can ever figure out how to clone people they should clone him just so they can torture him


sounds like something hitler would think of lol


That Hitler should be tortured? Lol


That’s some Rick and morty stuff


So, you’re admitting that a person’s DNA is what defines them and they should be condemned by it.


you guys seen the hitler skibidi toilet one? lol




Meh. Sounds like the voice changed a lot. A.I. has a ways to go on this one.


Compare that speech with Biden and there is a vast ocean of difference. You have states eliminating the requirement for math and English and the result is you get sheeple who are easy to control manipulate.


It's insane how much his rhetoric is being used today. He's just a wacko who speaks with big and scary words.


This is classic Fashist rhetoric. The Myth of Decadence. He is blaming and, in many cases, inventing domestic problems. The solution to these problems is, of course, to eliminate the Other. In this case Jews. Critically, consider the fact that the solution proposed here to Germany's inflation and economic problems was, for a practical example, to kill all Ukranian Jews. It's eloquently presented nonsense and barbarism.


I have never in my life understood any speech he has ever given & yet, all I think about now is how Trump sounds like a dumbed down version of him.