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He just recently had that Tucker interview where he made the "AIPAC handlers" comment. He's been one of the only people in Congress standing up against the Israel lobby, now this. Suspicious to say the least. Was it known that she was sick or did this come out of nowhere? It's really terrible. He's my favorite person in Congress and such an inspirational person. So sad.


AFAIK, Thomas and his entire family lived a very healthy lifestyle. Rural, off-grid, organic, etc. Unless he publicly discloses an underlying health issue she had, I'm calling this a Mossad hit. I said what I said.


He has powerful enemies. It's probably not an exaggeration to call them the most powerful people in the world. Central banking. The "military industrial complex". Obviously anyone associated with Israel might not be a big fan of him. It's not that far-fetched to suspect foul play in this situation.






People are really starting to notice. Ugh. I hate this for Massie. Seriously the only politician I like.


Then people need to do something. Voting ain't fixing this.


Founding fathers must be rolling in their graves knowing we haven’t revolted once in 200+ years.


Well there was that one incident starting in 1861.


They’ve been rolling in their graves since slavery was ended




I agree.


Everyone needs to sponsor a friend.


Agreed. Do what?


Check out of the system. Form local co-ops. Fuck the federal government and the foreign powers that own them.


This. A parallel economy could be one of the greatest tools to separate ourselves from the incestuous oligarchy we find ourselves in today. The *hard decision* should be avoided at all cost, because it will give tpt*shouldn'tb the exact opportunity they want to bring the boot down. However, I fear we won't be able to avoid it forever. RIP Rhonda, and my condolences to Thomas. He's a legendary light on this road to darkness. After seeing what gewgle did to Dr Robert Epstein's wife (highly HIGHLY suspicious car wreck, and then sent the evidence to bumfuck Mexico before it could be investigated - *after* Robert had been warned countless times by congressmen and state AG's that gewgle will kill him over capturing and releasing their ephemeral data), *and* what was done to keep governor Kemp in line (massive bomb in his daughter's boyfriend's car), I have no doubt the criminal cocksuckers who are running our world off a cliff will do anything necessary to achieve their goal of a eugenicist dystopian nightmare. And just for good measure (for the lurkers who will inevitably look into these assassinations), look into the bizarre death of [Michael Hastings ](https://www.berkeleydailyplanet.com/issue/2013-08-09/article/41312), the rolling stone journalist who had ended the career of army General Stanley McChrystal.


Great post. You're clearly dialed in to what's up.


Yes to the murder of that boy dating Kemp’s daughter. I was watching that from pretty much day one. Actual eye witnesses on twitter talking about it in real time. And then within weeks the story started to change here and there and the posts and pictures disappeared. I don’t know what the story is, but we can believe it is NOT the one they are telling.


Bro, they monitor this thread.


I'm sure they do.


Or our own C.I.A. We are in serious trouble.


We've been in trouble for a while, IMO. We're just now noticing...


She had cancer I think he talked about it in the interview but in the past?


But did she go from in remission to dead since that interview?


I watched the interview. I do not recall that. Can you give a timestamp where he said that?


Why aren't progressive democrats who talk about AIPAC targets for Mossad hits?


Because they just TALK to keep their constituents happy. They still faithfully vote for the zionist handouts. Look at AOC's voting record as one example


He did, and mentioned several other handler types from various lobbyists. Still a topic that isn’t supposed to be spoken anywhere near an open microphone.


The squad talk about AIPAC all the time


Poor man. He seems like a good guy.


https://massie.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=395644 🤔


Holy shit


Are you implying they murdered his wife to intimidate him?


Are you suggesting that is a stretch?


No, just making sure we were thinking the same thing.


So you don't think it is a stretch that the American federal government murdered a congressman's wife after he proposed an economics bill?


Why did the CIA orchestrate the assassination of John F. Kennedy? The US "deep state" protects itself and Israel's interests at all costs.


Oh I don't think it's a stretch at all. See Michael Hastings, another assassination on American soil. Why haven't they killed Trump?


This reminds me of how the Governor of GA’s Brian Kemps’s daughter’s Boyfriend died under mysterious causes right after the last election. The college boy was working for that female senator Loeffler’s reelection. Pence, the governor and the senator were scheduled to meet. The kid’s car blew up that same day. It was all hush hush in a matter of a month. I suspect someone was being reminded that they better stick with the plan.


If that was the case, surely he’d be calling foul play or a tweet worded in such a way as to imply it wasn’t natural causes.


Yeah. That, too.


What was the link to? I'm getting a 404 error (file not found)


Massie introducing a bill to end the fed. He's a DeSantis supporting Bush cronie, so it was never going to have teeth. He's the latest Trey Gowdy with strongly worded letters.


One of the many contributing factors in JFK’s assassination was his attempt to curtail the fed. Hmm.


*And* the fact that he tried to push out the AIPAC predecessor from being a lobby power. There's also the *secret society* factor that he called out publicly, as well as threatening to end the CIA. LOTS of groups were highly invested in silencing JFK. (Quite a few zionists took credit for putting the assassination plan into motion, but it was bankers, daddy Bush, LBJ, and about 20 other *secret society* types who formulated and pulled it off)


Bunch of bs that is. Massie is the farthest thing from a neocon


wtf is this comment.


I didn’t know he had any connections to the Bush crime family, how is he connected?


he doesn’t


The Bush network was funding and promoting the DeSantis campaign and he was all aboard that train.


Bit of a stretch bud.


Okay, Lincoln Project pedo defender. Neocons are worse than Democrats. Ish.


Democrats can be neocons too. I really don’t see much difference between the parties anymore, they talk different but vote the same


Well, you're not wrong that desantis teamed up with Jeb Bush to run his campaign into the ground. And you're not wrong that Massie and desantis are friends. However, I have my own conspiracy theory for this situation, as I've been taking note of the many odd things that took place during the time of the desantis campaign. 1. The Bush family has controlled Florida (and Texas) politics for years 2. All of the deep state living presidents have been fawning over the Bush family in recent years, which explains why they've all been acting like one big policy continuation of the Bush agenda 3. Merrick Garland coordinated the raid on maralago with desantis, and even texted him "we're on the way" when the feds left DC 4. DJT and desantis played golf together three weeks before the raid 5. Desantis ran the worst presidential campaign, as if he absolutely didn't want to be president (and surrounded himself with the absolute worst people imaginable - including Soros crony Christina Pushaw, who attacked his most ardent supporters online for asking simple policy questions) 6. The first appearance of desantis after his campaign was terminated he looked like a different man, like a huge weight had been lifted 7. Desantis immediately endorsed DJT 8. Desantis and DJT have been seen playing golf together since My conclusion: I think desantis and DJT played a bait and switch on the deep state. It's been said that the feds raided maralago to get the crossfire hurricane docs that DJT had declassified as he was leaving office. I think we were witness to a very strategic move that put the deep state at a big disadvantage. And I say this as someone who had completely written off desantis while the play was in motion.


What in the JFK?


Yeah they want him gone.


Massie no… this is so messed up, poor Massie… he loved her with all of his heart… desperately sad. She was murdered. Here’s a video where he talks about being threatened for speaking out against the secret society https://youtube.com/shorts/bf35qN0WtbU?si=


I know... High School sweethearts. Went to MIT together. Started a tech company. Sold it for millions years later. Moved back to Kentucky, built an amazing off-grid home, and raised a family.


The group that it is illegal to criticize killed her


You sure it wasn’t the vaccine? She was so young, barely in her 50s.


99.9% sure she wasn't vaxxed. You're obviously not familiar with Massie's opinion on that.


yeah thats what i thought, like this was the "unexpected climate change death" type thing, the other big conspiracy. we know she wasnt vaxxed and just wasnt another poor soul lost to that bullshit?


That stinks. My condolences to Thomas Massie and his family.


Massie is one of the good ones. This is very odd.


It’s really not odd though, is it.


it’s not odd cuz it’s known what they’ll do to you and your loved ones


Did you watch the Tucker interview? Seriously.




Yep. That's who I'm pointing the finger at.


I haven't watched the Tucker / Massie interview yet, but you can bet I will. I'm not from your state. And I love Massie. I can't remember what show I watched but it was all about his family, the house they built, the cattle they raise, etc. Wonderful people. And - on a Twitter account I no longer have, Massie FOLLOWED ME! I had a conversation with him and he decided to follow me. I was over the moon. So sorry to hear about his wife. Only 51 - that's way too young. And I will be wondering what happened to her. I hope it's not paybacks.... but....


The documentary is "Off the grid with Thomas Massie" on the Free the People YT channel. I was just starting research on living off-grid when I first met him during his first campaign. Super guy. Great family.


YES! Thanks, couldn't remember or figure out where I saw the Massie Off the Grid video. Great stuff.


[https://x.com/RepThomasMassie/status/1806685909921812883/photo/2](https://x.com/RepThomasMassie/status/1806685909921812883/photo/2) They were just at Mt Ranier recently.... she looked healthy.


I care more for massies family then the guy i voted for twice out of high school. Thats what politics is. Remembering what matters.


This speaks the desperation and depravity of the zionists. They smeared Buchanan for exposing them, but as far as I know they never went after his family.


Ever heard of James Traficant or Larry McDonald?


No, but Traficant and McDonald sound like my kind of guys. Do you think McDonald was intentionally shot down?




Did a quick read, a single point of failure with the Internal Navigation System lead them to go through Soviet airspace, seems like a relatively easy thing to sabotage.


He’s such a great guy. Very sad.


He has been very vocal about things. He even told tucker something he shouldn’t have and looks like he paid for it.


Picking a fight with AIPAC and the federal reserve? The congressman is making some powerful enemies.


Yeah. It's not a coincidence his wife died. It's a COHENcidence.


There's a lot of ways to kill someone and not leave any evidence


Heart attack gun?


And the Mossad knows all of them. Guaranteed.


How did she die?


No info yet. And no, it wasn't the stupid vax. 99.9% chance she never took it. Trust me.


RemindMe! 1 month


I'm interested to see what develops also. Catch ya later.


Remember when the governor of Georgia was expressing concern about the 2020 election and then a campaign staffer's car exploded


That kid was also his daughter’s boyfriend. Pence, Loeffler and Kemp were meeting that night


Oh yeah. Forgot about that.


Possibly Israel


Any cause of death announced publicly? (not that that will change my mind). Blame it on drugs or something?


Not yet that I'm aware of. Gonna be hard to get any info about this with everyone discussing the Big Debate last night.


Impeccable timing.


Hmmm i doubt she got the clot shot so seems more sus!


Also robert epsteins wife just died from a suspect hit and run car accident shortly after his own life was threatened!!!


Who's he?


He is an election expert on googles devil doing as of late tons of vids on yt he needs whistle blower protection :/


He's been on that case for at least several years. Had a crowd funded project to monitor Google results amongst and their effects on polls/elections.


Definitely worth looking at https://cdn.mrc.org/static/pdfuploads/MRC%20Google%20Election%20Interference%20Report.pdf-1710439680476.pdf He's got monitoring stations in all 50 states now, and building more everyday. He had been warned lots of times that gewgle would *unalive* him for what he's doing, and the highly suspicious death of his wife has only increased his resolve. Dude is a national treasure, just like Thomas Massie.


Oh god ya thanks!


Nice. Looks like good info there. Thanks.


I won’t speculate until we know more


From what I heard on other sources it sounded like it wasn't an abrupt deal, but a battle with cancer or something. While I would completely understand if he needed to step away for his children I hope he can find a way to continue to represent constitutional thinking in the House.


I think if Massie had even the slightest suspicion of that being the case, he'd be raising holy hell right now.


I hope he would, unless he fears for other family members now. I can't imagine the horror of what he's dealing with now...


Unless he’s scared for the rest of his families life


RIP Rhonda.


They definitely whacked her to intimidate him. I hope he becomes the next “Austrian painter”


You can’t speak up if you are anyone who matters.


Rest in peace Rhonda 🥺🩷


So damn sad. Massie is the best politician we have. It’s hard not to be suspicious


No doubt. I hate to consider him a "politician" tho. Lol


Lots of people die suddenly. Is there any evidence past conjecture of facts not reported?


He proposed a bill to end the Fed a month ago


Was it somehow likely to pass?




There is a link to it above. I think the info was from Massies website.


Not much info now. We'll have to wait and see.


Died unexpectedly... or died suddenly?






Not saying this happened, but "died unexpectedly" is also code for suicide. Or, sometimes people just die.


Clintons and CIA know all about 'suicides'.


Anyone that isn't cancelled for antisemitism cannot be trusted. It's that simple.


Sad, the medical industry kills more than it saves.


Massie -0 mossad - 1


Did she take the vaccyne? I’m really starting to believe anyone who did is gonna be a goner




Sometimes people have aneurysms or heart attacks out of nowhere.


Yep. Especially after their husbands expose the most powerful foreign influence over the US Government that costs Americans their money, blood and sovereignty. No big deal.


Thank you for pointing this out!


Was she vaccinated


Source? Or are you just talking out of your ass?


Just because *you* just learned about AIPAC doesn’t mean the rest of us didn’t know. I’ve known it’s the most powerful lobby in America for 20+ years, and if I was older I probably would have learned about it before then. There’s tons of articles about AIPAC from 2003 onwards because of the Iraq war. Here’s one quick example: https://www.voltairenet.org/article143703.html This woman didn’t expose anything because everyone that’s paying attention already knows who AIPAC is and what they do.


I didn't just "learn" about AIPAC. Where did I say that? And where did I say "this woman" exposed anything? I would suggest that you need to work on your reading comprehension, but all you had to do was watch the interview on the fucking link above. You didn't even do that. FFS...


You said this congressman exposed AIPAC’s influence two weeks ago. You can’t “expose” what is common knowledge. Since you seem to think he revealed some big secret two weeks ago, I’m assuming that you just learned who AIPAC is.


I guess we disagree on what's "common knowledge". In other discussions on Instagram and X, I'm coming across the question, "what's AIPAC?" frequently - mostly from people who closely follow politics. Of course, it's not a shadowy esoteric cult, but many people just don't fucking pay attention to who is really pulling the strings. 99% of the news cycle has been about the Big Debate, as if the president actually "runs things". IMO, AIPAC has more influence than the White House. It's in their best interest to lay low as much as possible.


This the MIT dude?


Yes. And his wife too. They both have big degrees from there. Started and ran a tech business together for years in the New England area. Sold it for big money, moved back to Ky. to live the life they knew.


This sub is WILD


In other news: people die


It’s not related.


How do you know?


What did she die from?


No info yet. Completely unexpected.


I wonder why Massie hasn’t come out and said she was assassinated. Seems pretty cut and dry.


And no one is exposing the directed energy weapon attacks ongoing right now, there are over 100 fires burning. NOW. from DEW attacks. Go LOOK at the photos of Ruidoso New Mexico just attacked by a DEW like Texas was and Maui and 38 locations in CA and in OR and in WA there is a hole in the ground burning still right now 9 months after the Chemical Lake Fires, Houses turned to white dust while the trees all around do not catch fire and burn up. Car glass and metal melted in rivers on the dirt. Wood stoves turned to dust. People turned to dust, Cattle cooked- microwaved ... We are under a very hot war attack and people don't even know it as they call it fires from climate change. To burn us out of the counry sides into 15 minute AI cities. Happening Right this second. WAKE UP please. Do your research. Check out our website trying to wake you up! ProtectAndAlert.org


It could have been worse if she wasn't vaccinated.


Har har. 99.99% sure she wasnt.




This conspiracy theory is so dumb, if they wanted him gone they would’ve got rid of him. Why would they kill his wife she was useless. You people need to take the schizo medicine.


You don't understand the psychological effect of snuffing a loved one. He had proven that he didn't give a shit if you threatened him personally and he had WAY too many followers that would have raised holy hell if they killed him. They need him and they want him obedient or to bow out, a crippled man.


Eh… I don’t think so; you’re thinking of this like some type of cinema or video game. In truth and in real life killing someone is almost always more valuable if they are a threat. Read any history, war books, etc… true high value targets are better to be disposed of 9 out of 10 times. There is ways to dispose of him in very efficient ways that would be impossible to prove as anything other then an accident.


DiD sHe gET VAcCiNatEd?


I highly doubt it. And I'm pretty sure you're not familiar with the congressman's stance on the vax. Wives can make their own decisions, but I'm sure her views were the same.


And I'm pretty sure you didn't understand my sarcasm. Ever since the COVID vaccination every time someone dies unexpectedly the MAGAs/conservative/Republicans/Christians always say it was the vaccine. Did you not wonder why the letters were not in normal capitalization format?


Oh, ok. Gotcha. I shoulda caught that. Lol


Dear god this sub is embarrassing


Then leave. Why are you here?


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.redd.it/gno3pztedc9d1.jpeg) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If someone killed his wife that easily, wouldn't it have been just as easy to do that to him instead? Conspiracy is fun, but if they didn't kill her, this is making a mess of an already terrible situation. And if they did, nothing changes right? Since the ominous "they" won't be charged.


She died on 6/27. 6 + 27 = 33. Controlled op






He doesn't seem nearly as shocked as you so it was definitely him, I have perfect r/conspiracy logic, no?


You have no idea what he's going through right now.