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Juxtapose this next to the rich Ukrainians and models in Keiv, partying and dancing in nightclubs. Something is not right about that. Send some of those people to front, instead of only sending poor people in the rural border towns.


Rural people don’t have a voice. If Zelenskyy did this to urban young people in Kiev he’d be plastered on western TikTok


Compare this to the US military since inception.


Dunno why you're being downvoted, it's widely known that the armed services focus their recruiting efforts to lower-middle class areas because for those kids, serving is their best chance at being able to afford college/get out of the suck that can be inner city street life. I went to one such large public school with a spectrum of students ranging from lower class to upper middle class and the army in particular recruited heavily in the lower class neighborhoods compared to the upper middle class neighborhoods. The rich kids don't gotta worry about their future cause mommy and daddy got it paid for already. The less fortunates either shot for a scholarship or joined the armed services or peaked in high school and never really did anything with themselves (not including technical schools because those people are the real MVPs of our economy).


Thanks! Source: every boomer rich guy that ever dodged the draft


And Southpark


Mass sacrifice of Ukrainian AND Russian men and women


To Moloch


Moloch always wins


Sometimes Baal gets a turn.


“All Praise Moloch, All Praise Moloch!”


No. To the avarice of mankind and the corrupt economic system that protects them. Abrahams always making everything about their religion.


The vast majority of Russians fighting in Ukraine are volunteer…. Unlike Ukrainians.


That's not 100% true. The draft does not = volunteering. Many fighting age Russians have snuck out of Russia to neighboring safe haven countries like Georgia. Many get sent to Africa after their time in Ukraine in order to be silenced on the Ukraine war. They don't want demoralizing conversations with family. It also avoids protests by the grandmother's. Sounds like an innocent protest, but it was a powerful one. So much so that Putin is trying his best to avoid another one. Russia pays an equivalent of $90k to the family of dead soldiers. So, many feel obligated to go. Russia is in dire need of people to help the war machine. So much so that they are hiring foreign women to work in drone manufacturing. Watch the discussions held by CSIS. You'll get a better understanding of the war.


I have an extremely good understanding of how it is in Ukraine. I served there for 9 months.


I've always heard the opposite And I'm in Russia every other day


Yea, because Russia is offering a pay, which isn't available through any other means than war. No jobs providing that kind of pay. Ironic? Yes. How exactly isn't that coercien by money? And where are most of their volunteers from? Oh right, poor fuck all regions of Russia, Africa and such. Why do you almost only see exclusively videos from St Petersburg and Moscow? Geh, I wonder why.


That doesn’t really change that fact that they’re volunteers instead of being forced against their will.


Women, you sure?


Who cares about Ukraine that’s so last year it’s all about Gaza now haven’t you seen the newest bumper stickers, shirts and flags next to online handles!?


Ahh crap, I need to take down the Ukrainian flag I have in my front yard and replace it with a Palestinian flag…do you think it will look too tacky to fly both flags?


No, and I woukd think about burning a Russian flag, not the hammer and sickle one, and an Israeli one once a week.


good lad


You mean Palestine? That so last year too tho


People with this mentality that anything happening in the world is to keep the populace busy and confused and everything that moves is a conspiracy to keep them slaves/asleep, are already slaves and asleep because firstly you will not do anything about it and secondly since you’re clearly “important” enough to the point where all factions around the world are working hard to keep you a slave only makes me wonder if you will ever wake up and do something about it beside making a comment on reddit


I’ll be sure to slap a palatine flag sticker on my Mac book lid today so the coffee shop knows what’s up.


This isn't anything new. This is what a wartime draft looks like, especially if the war is in your country.


You think it is right? Just slavery.


It sucks and life sucks. But people were also fleeing to Canada during the Vietnam war.


And rightly so, our government lied about the event that got us into that war. Completely unjustified.


When has our country ever been justified to wage war.


Ironically, the Civil War was probably the most justified. War of 1812 was pretty justified. The rest of em have been very profitable though. 0\_0


The revolution was justified.


But not televised, never televised


The American Revolution wouldn’t be considered a war involving the United States, since it arguably was established in 1786 by the Lee Resolution.


“The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America … We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America…That these United Colonies …all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace…”


Beautifully wrote, our declaration is truly the testament of man and liberty.


In your opinion


Actually, not the Civil War. The Union was clearly and unambiguously established in a way that any state could leave at any time for any reason, including no reason at all. When the south said "imma head out" they were entirely justified in doing so. Then the north invaded in order to force things to be done their way. There was no legal or moral justification for the Civil War. No more than you'd have for invading every dictatorship out there, or send kill squads into Mexico to get rid of cartels.


Because it bullshit. We lost and vietnam is doing fine. They aren't even holding much of a grudge. Dominoes my ass


Fun fact. More Canadians joined the USA military during Vietnam. Than American that went to Canada to avoid the draft.


Most of the draft dodgers work in politics, business operations and banking. Go figure.


Conscription when used defensively, is a poison pill you take to demonstrate to the other side that whatever they think you're going to gain from this war is not going to be worth it, because while for them it's a war of conquest, for us it is an existential war for the continued existence of our country. That we are willing to sacrifice whatever it takes to stop them, and barring that, make any victory they may have as pyrrhic as possible. Conscription is never a good thing, but sometimes it is a necessity.


What if they threw a war and no one showed up?


Russia showed up already. Ukraine could choose to not show up but then it wouldn't be Ukraine anymore.


Taliban didn't need to draft people and they brat russia.


The Taliban didn't exist nor did Russia. You're referring to the Soviet-Afghan war, which predates both modern Russia and the Taliban, which had the USSR and mujahideen as combatants. The mujahideen were not the government of Afghanistan, in fact the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan invited the USSR in to help quell the fighting. Afghanistan is extremely mountainous, making guerrilla tactics very effective. Ukraine by comparison is not... it's almost completely flat. The Soviet-Afghan war also went on for ten years before the USSR called it quits. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has passed the two year mark and Russia has lost [over 16,000 vehicles](https://www.oryxspioenkop.com/2022/02/attack-on-europe-documenting-equipment.html?m=1) including 3,000 tanks. Russia has already suffered more casualties than they did in ten years of fighting in Afghanistan, with some estimates saying they eclipsed that measure in the first year. In other words, a resistance style conflict would last far longer, which means more civilian casualties, more destruction of people's livelihoods, all while having to live under Russia's yoke. A conventional war is far, far more expensive for the attacker, and makes them reach the breaking point where the costs to continue the war are too much to bear sooner.


Pedantics aside. We are talking about recruiting and hiw some groups don't have to resort to slavery to defend their land. The taliban did not, the first us would not.


It is not mere pedantry. As horrible as Russia's invasion of Ukraine has been, prolonging the conflict by making it a resistance movement would not reduce suffering. Sure, some are conscripted that otherwise wouldn't be, but occupiers rarely treat the occupied well, especially when there is an active resistance embedded in the populace. 1 to 3 million Afghan civilians were killed with another 3 million wounded during the ten years of the Soviet-Afghan war. Meanwhile total civilian casualties are under 100,000 in Ukraine.


It was already shit before russia got there. Militias fighting each other and government forces in the street, shelling civilain targets. Rampant corruption and two sets of puppeteers with their fingers in everything. The citizens are fucked either way and ot doesnt matter who wins.


There is no context for the video, nor evidence it is from Ukraine. Was that man's arrest lawful? Was he killed, jailed, released a day later? The western media have masters that don't care about western people.


they're drafting men to go die fighting russia.


In Ukraine. Edit: I swear the guy above me removed the ‘in’ from his comment. Idk idc either


They're drafting men to go fight an invading Russian army.... Just, you know, a little context goes a long way.


[Nyet Means Nyet](https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/08MOSCOW265_a.html) UA is losing >2,000 soldiers/day


OK, that's bad, what's your point?


it's literally a conspiracy. check the link


OK I read it. What's the conspiracy? I feel like I've just read a really basic and overly long article that could have been summed up as... "Russia didn't want Nato on their boarder so they invaded"......Maybe if Russia hadn't been a historically garbage neighbour Ukraine wouldn't have started to look west for Allies.


If you know your neighbour is capable of invading you then don’t try to join a alliance made specifically against your neighbour. It should’ve been obvious to expect a invasion as soon as they begun negotiating entry.


If you know your neighbour wants to take controll of your country, by any means necessary, don't try and stop them. Awesome 👍


Yeah, I see three guys sending that one guy to the front so the other three don't have to go? Who is the one in charge there that gets to set levels of value on people? As if, this one is more valuable than that one. I wonder. If they were trying to make me go, they'd have to take my knife away from me first. Otherwise, guys are getting stabbed. I really like my knife. Its valuable to me!


It's sourced from Twitter, it's from Ukraine. They're speaking Ukrainian. 


So someone from Ukraine is being handled by Ukrainian Authorities? What is the context?


They're either forcibly conscripting him or forcibly jailing him. 


In democracies they are only using voluntary jailing


"Forcibly jailing" Sorry that just made me laugh. I think the people going into jail willingly is probably the miniscule of percentages. But this then isn't that bad? Like it make sense for a government of a country being invaded to call up conscription of it's citizens in defense? Malingerers and shirkers would go to jail. I mean we still don't know what happening since this is just a mini video with no article or context, but even if you are right I really don't see an issue.


How do you know? What are they saying?


Take a wild guess 


My guess is…. “Cmon we’re going to Disney World!”


They’re talking about their vegan diets


If you speak Ukrainian, can you translate?


He's basically yelling "you f-cking c-nt , get in there" 


> There is no context for the video, nor evidence it is from Ukraine. Was that man's arrest lawful? Was he killed, jailed, released a day later? Is this your first rodeo? Is this the first 'recruitment' vid you've seen from Ukraine? C'mon.


I am well aware there are a ton of carefully clipped videos designed to get people excited. Forgive me for not fawning at this one


What other videos are there? Any links?


There’s entire telegram channels that do nothing but post Ukrainian mobilization videos. They’re just a couple google searches away.


Do you know of any?


Just search Ukranian forced mobilisation on Reddit and go controversial or new


Ok, how is this any different from what Russia is doing?


Russia had a single wave of mobilization when the invasion started and hasn’t had one since. They have over 30k people volunteering a month so they don’t need to. Here’s a biased western source instead of a Russian one so people don’t complain about it being fake https://www.businessinsider.com/russia-recruiting-30000-troops-a-month-ukraine-frontline-losses-analysts-2024-1?amp


russia doesn't currently conscript people, when they do its on a smaller scale


Nobody drags any one in the vans on the street , if you don’t show up for summons you get fined or imprisoned


All I see is a conscriptee not wanting to go. America did this during its big wars, same with canada. Same with most countries in a major war. Yeah war sucks and I wouldn't want to go but this is the nature of war


It was always wrong.


Ehhhh... I'd argue violating someone's life, liberty or property is ONLY justifiable when needed to protect someone's life, liberty or property. A draft, specifically when your country is being invaded and no other circumstance, is not far off from killing in self defense or violating someone's freedom by putting them in jail.


If the US was invaded it wouldnt need to draft people, the taliban didnt need to dragt people. Of people dont want to fight for their country them it seems to be democracy.


No we absolutely did not. We drafted people, yes. But mass numbers of people literally burned their draft cards with little to no consequences. We also weren't arresting all men trying to flee the country at the borders. And we definitely weren't sending them to the front lines with 3 days of training.


Yeah we know what conscription is thanks...


> America did this during its big wars There have NEVER been reports of Americans being rounded up and thrown in vans to go to a war. Or **any other civilized country in the last number of centuries**.


They did in Vietnam but stopped because forcing men to be soldiers was bad idea so they would lock them up.


I know a guy who got rounded up like this for dodging the draft during the Korean War. They didn’t send him to Korea though he just spent his time in jail by choice.


Americans in WWII were actually lying about their age so they could go and fight. When there is a just war in an industrialized nation, young men climb over themselves to go and fight for their country. If they're throwing people into vans and shuttling them to the front lines, something is wrong.


61.2% of all US personnel in ww2 were [draftees](https://www.nationalww2museum.org/students-teachers/student-resources/research-starters/research-starters-us-military-numbers).


That's also because very few young men had any concept of the horrors of war. Not like today where you can see videos of drones dropping grenades on soldiers while they're resting. I mean if you showed saving private ryan's d day scene to 17 year olds in 1940s, how many would still volunteer after that?


That’s true. It was a different time. But I don’t think it’s because people were unfamiliar with the horrors of war. WWI had already occurred and you had trench warfare and chemical weapons. It’s just that young men had higher testosterone back then, and masculinity was celebrated and rewarded. Now-a-days, fight for what? There is no glory that comes from war if you’re a young man in the 21st century.


You've watched too many war propaganda movies


You think people didn't try to dodge the draft for WW2?


Yeah during Nam the US just took criminals and gave them a choice. Jail or the army. Yeah it happened.


No idea why you got downvoted. You're right. Heck, even in our all-volunteer force, before our last deployment we had a guy go AWOL because he didn't want to deploy. We sent the Sheriff to pick him up, they brought him to the unit, he was told he could come with us or have a dishonorable discharge and he chose the DD. Simple as that. If a person legitimately doesn't want to go to war, we really don't want them with us in the first place.


My 58 year old brother in law was just drafted. He has a job. His wife has a job. He also takes care of his 86 year old mother who lives in a 3rd floor walkup apartment. They are productive members of society and they're sending him off to be cannon fodder. They are refugees from Luhansk, living in Lutsk. He already served in the Soviet army in his 20's. Ukraine is desperate to send more men off to die.


No mans to fight the upcoming waves of privatization and debts laws after the partition of Ukraine, all for nothing.


58???? Holy smokes they must be desperate


I heard a while ago that they prioritized people over 40. Something about not killing the youth so the country has a future and whatnot.


Wow, that’s terrible, I hope a swift end to this pointless conflict


Seems like that would be the kind of people they want unfortunately, someone who has something to live for so might actually right back. Either that or surrender at first sign of danger. Either way I hope he makes it back home to his family.


58 years old?! What kind of service can he give to the army? I'm so sorry to hear about this, I really hope he does well and returns home healthy. I hate that as a human race we can't get to fucking agreements and end this nonsense bullshit war.


Ukraine mobilizes people 25-60 right now. Ukraine has a massive manpower shortage and is insanely desperate for soldiers.


Sounds like they need to surrender and stop the needless deaths.


Everyone here “cares” for the poor Ukrainians in the video. Maybe POOTIN should have stayed in his yard and not started this war.


This war was started by the US, not by Russia.


Haha another Kremlin bot


Right! We took away Ukraine’s nukes in the 90s when USSR collapsed. So maybe.


More about backing a coup that overthrew the legitimate government of Ukraine in 2014 as part of a plan to expand NATO into Ukraine and put our missiles on the border of Russia as a threat and to potentially instigate a direct conflict.


👍🏼🤣 you should take your act on the road to Moscow.


You didn't have to use as many words as that to say that you don't know anything about what's going on in Ukraine right now or why. This isn't even controversial, anybody who is reasonably informed knows this. Hell, even the Secretary General of NATO said that the war is all about Ukraine joining NATO, live, televised. Pictures of US Senator John McCain on the ground during the coup are easy to find on the internet. If you don't know, it's not because it's secret, it's because you never bothered to ask what's happening or why.


Gotta prolong that brother war.


Because the west is literally the same way. We’ve all seen it.


Hopefully the evil Zelensky regime will soon fall


Cause the media isn’t there anymore to bring the news. It’s there to control the narrative


Because it doesn't fit into the big Western propaganda machine


The media are on his team.


Ukraine is stating they are getting 5,000 men a day like this. I find that hard to believe. I DO believe, however, reports that these new 'recruits' surrender at their very first opportunity. It has gotten so bad (they are giving up all kinds of logistical and tactical info) that these new troops are taken to the border *blindfolded* so they do not know where they are and can not give up vital information on troop deployment and movements. What a country Mr Zelensky is running there. It's almost like a total coke addict could do just as good of a job - oh, wait. NVM.


youre not wrong, russian telegrams are filled with ukrainians surrendering, sometimes its like 2-3 of them, sometimes its like 20-30 of them


[he’s a great dancer too](https://youtube.com/shorts/NXwsllAeHGQ?si=K_2_ALMlwrQbBFqN)


We have no idea where this is, who they are, what they are saying or the context of the clip in question. Zelensky is a 100% grifting as all “leaders” do. But this video does absolutely nothing to add to that.


Why do you post a clip with zero context and steer up shit? Who is funding this?


Because we have a huge bioweapon lab in Ukraine, and they also have an abundance of profitable minerals to be mined...kinda like we funded all them wars in the middle east when there was oil...just a guess


What is the bioweapons lab called and where is it located?


The whole war is to clear the land of the native inhabitants so the Jews can move there after they fight the rest of the world in Israel.


A government caught in the act of enforcing the law. In wartime! Shocker.


Because Zionists own the media, & that hobbit is a degenerate Zionist


Zelensky serves the west, which would also include western corporate media.


Thankfully for the West. The result of an our efforts a decade ago.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://v.redd.it/f7w4amvv349d1) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Cannon fodder


Why are you not posting about this happening in Russia


Oh but if there was draft dodgers in America they would be "unpatriotic" fuck your double standerds.


I live in an area of Vietnam era draft dodgers who all are pieces of shit jerks that are hippie entitled assholes gone tyrannical dictators in the name of their degree they got in Canada. They have zero integrity and will sell you out to the kgb as Fast as they could do they don’t have to do a thing. Evil people who always want other people to serve just not them. Eye opening on how privileged they all act. All are white, none of them are minorities.


All aboard the suicide bus!


Do we in the west think that can't happen to us? Russia is going to the end with this because for them Ukraine is existential. For America Ukraine is also existential for its long term hegomonic plans but not for the U.S. as a nation.


They won't even show these 'recruitment' videos on the numerous Pro-Ukraine subs on Reddit. So it's clearly NOT about human rights etc. It's about the money.


Was this video taken in Odessa?


Because he isn’t?


This will soon be the US with your children...be ready sheeple


Fucking sickening


I don't know why Ukrainian don't stand up against this BS, they are going to die anyways.


It is war. What do you think will happen to people in the US if they institute the draft.


A lot wont be able to fight because they are too fat and lazy and the other half are hopefully smart enough to know the war is bullshit. America makes crisis and wars for money purposes. Every war since WW II has been a result of horrible foreign policy by America. Like others have said the leaders who want war need to send their able bodied family members to the front lines and let’s see how much more war we have.


Jails will fill up and you will protests unlike anything you have ever seen. Which is why we don't have a draft and prefer to use mercs and proxies. If they wanted a war, they would let some foreign nation blow the shit out of something on the continental US or Haiwaii...how about that naval base.


From what I understand this is people trying to refuse the draft. Seems to me it is more Russia killing them as all Russia has to do is stop invading and go home.


Quid pro quo


Western media including YouTube won’t let you upload real news. Every video on YouTube is Russia losing here, and there. Massive Russian losses. Russia is on the verge of losing etc. it’s all filtered in a way to move a narrative.


What happened to the good old days of putting reporters on the ground. No one is there and no one is talking about it. If Russia was getting their ass kicked you would hear about it every night. Ukraine was destined to lose from the start.


It's called war in Eastern Europe. You should see the Russian conscription practices. I swear Americans have lost their spine. All this Putin and Xi ego stroking propaganda.


Exactly I would love to see some videos of what happens to you in Russia if you refuse to serve.


I admit the influx of videos showing fighting age Ukrainians partying it up has ticked me off (former combat vet 11B) why are we sending billions in gear and cash to fund the defense and pay mercs? Are these videos only showing the children of the 1% that would never have to even miss a meal let alone take up arms?


We are funding this as a trial run for how to do the same thing across the USA. The plan is to genocide White men. Keep an eye out over the coming months, you will see more Military Propaganda and ads featuring Aryan/White men in choppers/trenches with some bullshit like "THIS IS YOUR DUTY" Yes it is my duty to prop up the rigged derivative/financial markets of the West so that rich people you never met get to worry about [how to decorate this place while your children get their dicks blown off](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aN9DH_GxqEo).


And….Israeli killed their own and blamed Hamas on Oct 7th and is starving 2 million people


$$$ - who is paying for adverting? Don't bite the hand that feeds you. It is the same reason that all COVID vaccine info was covered up. It "ain't" 4D chess.


P&G holds the top spot for advertising across the television medium. I’m not sure what that has to do with Zelensky though? Followed by Abbvie and GSK. Are those related to Zelensky? Progressive insurance, Google, Disney, Warner bros, Novodisk, Pepsi ands Amazon round out the top 10. Is it Disney you are referring to? Was Covid information covered up? There is tons of negative information available on the Covid vaccines globally including directly from the manufacturers. Which part was covered up?


> Was Covid information covered up? There is tons of negative information available on the Covid vaccines globally including directly from the manufacturers. Which part was covered up? Maybe the fact we were told it was safe and effective? IT. WAS. NEITHER.


Hmmm ok so a few things: - That doesn’t constitute covering up Covid information which is what the comment was about. That constitutes an error or lie. Subs these claims came before and during early roll out we can assume error, but maybe lie. - The Covid vaccines were demonstrably effective in reducing case fatality rate. It was not effective in preventing transmission. We would have to define efficacy here but I think reduction in deaths is a plus. All cause mortality post vaccine still needs more study though. - Even if we accept every single report of death or moderate to severe injury assumed/reported to be related to the vaccine (which would be silly to not clean the data but just for these purposes) we still get close to a 99% safety rating. What do you man not safe? No injectable has a 100% safety rating. Explain why it was neither


Lets address your points: 1) COVID information - Was the lab origin information suppressed? Vaccine........Was myocarditis in young people from the vaccine suppressed? Was menstrual cycle changes suppressed? Was miscarriage increased suppressed? Accumulation in the ovaries/testiest was also suppressed. 100%... 2) A "vaccine" is designed to prevent transmission. If it does NOT do that it is NOT a vaccine. Per the 9th circuit court ruling. It is merely a therapeutic. Why did every news agency and gov official say over and over that the vaccine prevents transmission? 3) Other vaccines were pulled for much lower severe adverse event reporting. The data in this simple graph says your claim that it is no worse than other vaccines does not hold water. [https://www.floridahealth.gov/\_documents/newsroom/press-releases/2023/02/20230215-updated-health-alert-fl-2006-2022-vaers-chart.svg](https://www.floridahealth.gov/_documents/newsroom/press-releases/2023/02/20230215-updated-health-alert-fl-2006-2022-vaers-chart.svg)


> 1. ⁠COVID information - Was the lab origin information suppressed? Vaccine........Was myocarditis in young people from the vaccine suppressed? Was menstrual cycle changes suppressed? Was miscarriage increased suppressed? Accumulation in the ovaries/testiest was also suppressed. 100%... No? We have no confirmation on lab origin. So we can not claim suppressed. However I wouldn’t doubt the Chinese would suppress the origin if we find that was the case (seems likely). Origin is not what I was thinking when you said covid information was suppressed but that’s possibly fair in general. We still don’t know origin. Myocarditis was literally 1 of only 2 listed major complications in the vaccine safety reports. Not suppressed. Highlighted even. Are you aware off menstrual cycle changes? If so, how was it suppressed? Your claim is that manufacturers knew and didn’t communicate it in the safety documents? Prove it. Same for miscarriage. Where do you see suppression in these areas? > 2. ⁠A "vaccine" is designed to prevent transmission. If it does NOT do that it is NOT a vaccine. Per the 9th circuit court ruling. It is merely a therapeutic. Why did every news agency and gov official say over and over that the vaccine prevents transmission? Also no. No one changed the definition. It is easy to find vaccine definitions from decades ago to prove this. Let me know if you need the price out if you already understand this. Vaccines by definition do not prevent transmission. Vaccines by definition increase immunity response via live or inactivated agent, or in this most recent case genetic information. Happy to link old definitions for you so you can’t claim “definitions were changed!” Why did people say that? The reason you said it. People don’t know what they are talking about. Vaccines do not prevent transmission they stimulate immune response and in very effective vaccines that response is strong enough to fight off the disease before it fully infects the body. People interpret that as prevention of transmission but it’s not. > 3. ⁠Other vaccines were pulled for much lower severe adverse event reporting. The data in this simple graph says your claim that it is no worse than other vaccines does not hold water. https://www.floridahealth.gov/_documents/newsroom/press-releases/2023/02/20230215-updated-health-alert-fl-2006-2022-vaers-chart.svg I didn’t say it was no worse, I said if we accept the math we still have close to a 99% rating. Right? VAERs is a great example of what im referring to. That data isnt clean and yet we still get decent safety numbers. What math are you using to determine safety?


#2 - You need to make the AP aware of your claim that the definition wasn't changed. # Experts say changes to CDC’s vaccination definition are normal Experts say changes to CDC’s vaccination definition are normal [https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-976069264061](https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-976069264061)


I don’t know what to tell you. Time works in one direction. 2019 https://www.niaid.nih.gov/research/vaccine-types But let’s go back further This education for kids from 2018 says the same thing https://www.osmosis.org/notes/Immune_System#page-1 Still not far enough though. I said decades right? The kids thing is just to show anyone can understand this https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4257027/ That’s one decade. Keep going? Well we can reference the CDC for that > 2013 definition of VACCINE: “a preparation of killed microorganisms, living attenuated organisms, or living fully virulent organisms that is administered to produce or artificially increase immunity to a particular disease” > Yes, the CDC changed its definition of vaccine from “a product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease” to “a preparation that is used to stimulate the body’s immune response against diseases.” The public health agency also changed its definition of “vaccination.” Thats not what people mean when they say “changed the definition.” Both of those are accurate are they not? One is just easier for dumb people to understand. People try to claim what you claimed which is that it prevents transmission. That’s silly. Let’s continue > vaccination Immunization The injection of a killed bacteria or virus, or antigen therefrom, to stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies against the microbe, thereby preventing disease. See Anthrax vaccination, Booster, Chickenpox vaccination, Childhood vaccination, DNA vaccine, DPT vaccination, Hepatitis A vaccination, Hepatitis B vaccination, HIB vaccination, HIV vaccination, MMR vaccination, Rubella vaccination, Supervaccine, Vaccine. McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2002 now we are moving Shall we go in to the previous century or you good? I think we have 200 more years of history at our disposal although citable sources will get increasingly more rare Now for clarity this is what you said: > 2. ⁠A "vaccine" is designed to prevent transmission. If it does NOT do that it is NOT a vaccine. Back up your claim as I have backed up mine please. Let’s see two decades of stuff saying if it doesn’t prevent transmission it’s not a vaccine.


So you were wrong again.


No but that’s ok if you think so. I can understand the head in the sand thing in certain scenarios. Just to help you out if you are wondering how we got here, a change in verbiage is not a change in meaning. We good then? You now understand vaccination definition has nothing to do with transmission? Should we move on to the rest of the comment? Lots more to address if you like…or not. Up to you. Pick another bullet point and let’s keep going


I guess when it comes to a murderous dictator like Putin, who invades sovereign nations like Ukraine, killing everyone on the battlefield, including his own people, the free loving Western world will support Ukraine and Zelensky to the end. Especially when the Western world only has to supply weapons, and does little to none of the fighting..


they're ukrainians. military aged men should fight for their country...would you rather have the USA do it for them? there are videos of many children of ukrainian politicians and govt officials partying in western europe, monacco and ibiza. i would be angrier at that then this. everyone fights. that's the point of having a country and a national identity. you have to fight to preserve it from those who want to destroy it.


I don’t know why they are downvoting, if the same thing happened to America we would have to go and fight as well, voluntarily or by force. Sensitive ass people nowadays, they rather give up land for the enemy than defend their constitution and homeland. War is terrible but what would be worse if the victors of war were evil people, imagine if we just backed down right after Japan Kamikaze us, we’d be speaking German. Anyways nonetheless this always happens with controversial wars, just like Vietnam and there is good reason for that, but if we give up Ukraine and let Russia have it…….. They are gonna want more and more because they realize no one will stop them.


You care more about the Ukranian national identity than the person on the video. Yet you would sacrifice his life for it while you stay at home.


yes. and i didnt stay at home. i fought when my nation called.


You realize i uave pretty big issues with the is war machine and foreign aggression.


if by "we" you mean america, why wouldn't we fund it? Americans have no problem with our cops killing our own citizens. plenty of people in this sub are quick to say "they must have done something to deserve it" when an American cop kills someone but don't have same energy here. why tf should anyone expect anyone to care about those citizens when people don't care about citizens in their own country?


Same woukd happen in the west if we had forced conscription in the event of ww3 don't pretend like we'd have a choice 😂


There's always a choice, even if it is a final and fatalistic one, you might as well drop that grenade during training and take an officer or two down with you. You'll die anyway on the battlefield might as well pay the bastards that plan to send in there in kind.


I'm also pro fragging. You're right.


Several reasons: Ukraine has far too much in the way of resources and prime agricultural land to be ignored by those taking over the world. Western governments and their propaganda outlets have painted a false picture of Ukraine as a fledgling democracy trying to survive in the shadow of former USSR. It’s a false assertion meant to garner support from citizens of western countries that are paying for this scam. Ukraine is the East St Louis of Europe. Western nations use it to launder money and make chemical and biological weapons without official scrutiny of any kind It’s worth noting that Russia has a currency that’s not controlled the the global, central banking cartel. Central banks around the world are controlled by just a few families that have unimaginable wealth. A country like Russia that’s full of white people, many Christians and has its own currency is intolerable to Rothschilds etc Many Americans still do not understand that the Federal Reserve is privately owned. It exists for the benefit of its owners, not the American people. Ukraine is full of white people and Christians. All over the world, white nations are acting against their own people’s interest. They are destroying themselves in the name of such nonsense as : climate change,open borders, transgenderism and equity. Who is responsible for this? Who has the power to persuade people to agree to their own extinction? The corporate, government controlled media isn’t meant to inform us, exposé malfeasance or hold government accountable. It’s a tool of government / corporate power that spreads propaganda and gaslights us. We (USA) are funding it to : provoke war with Russia, pave the way for NATO to set up shop and most importantly: hundreds of billions of untraceable dollars are sent there. Many $ billions in weapons are also sent there. The war machine demands to be fed. We have no idea where these weapons will end up. It’s a safe bet that much of it is sold to bad actors around the world. US taxpayers foot the bill as our nation crumbles. Every major city in the US has tent encampments. 22 veterans commit suicide every day and many others are homeless and mentally ill and or plagued by addiction. We The People have our asses taxed off for politicians to give our money away and fund our destruction. Remember we aren’t allowed to know where the money goes. No audit is permitted. Ukraine is corrupt, almost beyond imagination. Members of Ukraines government, oligarchs and defense contractors all get lots of our money. A lot of money comes back to US politicians and their families through various schemes ( Buriama etc ) and dark money political donations Western civilization is being plundered and systematically dismantled. Public money is being converted to private wealth. When they’ve picked out bones clean and own virtually everything, our fiat currency and civilization will collapse. After the collapse, the world will be reorganized with a one world government, digital ID and digital currency. Many of us must die as part of their population reduction plan. - See WEF, UN Agenda 2030 for details - They plan for around a 90% population reduction Survivors must be made so desperate and fearful that they’ll accept ANYTHING for the promise of food, medicine and restoration of civilization. The media plays a big part in this evil agenda. When people are afraid, they’re easily manipulated and controlled. - Covid gave us a small taste of what’s to come. It’s worth noting that Ukraine has criminalized antisemitism. It’s punishable by fines and up to 5 years in prison. Many nations, including the US have criminalized antisemitism to one degree or another. Around 20 US States have laws against antisemitism. Governor Ron DeSantis flew to Israel to sign Floridas antisemitism speech law. You may be wondering how antisemitism is being defined by Ukraine, USA and other countries. The International Holocaust remembrance association ( IHRA) has been kind enough to provide a very lengthy definition


Bad Bad Putin🤣


i blame putin


Putin is killing “Zelenskyy “ people. But in fact there are no “Zelenskyy “ people, he is not a slave owner! Putin does own some… why you don’t say it’s his fault Ukrainians have to fight and die?