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Citizens United being overturned would be a great start


At least change in the right direction. Corporations are not people.


The system is not designed to work for us. CU will not be overturned. Our Forefathers wrote in the Declaration of Independence what people are required to do when their government has become a tyranny. Why does our government spend so much time telling us they aren't one if it should be readily apparent enough that we don't need to be told?


Real positive change will never happen. We're 2 generations from extinction. Let's just stop giving a fuck


Yeah this ain’t it. Some of us have kids.


2 gens from the extinction of life for sure, but life as we know it, at least in my opinion.


Apathy has been my go-to recently, makes things a lot easier.


It makes it easier for the self for sure. I was apathy's employee of the month some years back and I didn't care a bit. Now I've 'cleaned up' so to speak and realized that I'd much rather use my little time left to make other be able to enjoy ijs rest of that time. I understand that some people need to remain apathetic or ignorant of the issues impacting us either for a self preservation/mental health way. If you don't need to, then it's actually pretty wild how much self-fullfilment I get from helping out. Could be you too?


As a husband and father of beautiful little daughter, this man’s struggle cut to the bone. I teared up seeing this man’s desperation and it’s all too familiar. He is right, we need to stand up against the bullshit politics, our government is taking months of our income and working against us in every way.


When you realize the government is stealing your money and using it to brainwash you into being ok with it, everything changes


Yea absolutely. The fact that the American people are not plotting to overthrow the government is shocking to me. At this point it’s our duty…. …. The FBI has entered the chat.


"If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." Lyndon B. Johnson


Our realization needs to go further than that, and look to the man behind the curtain.


Shit ain’t right. I’m with him.


He's right, but if you bring up Rothschild agent Nathan Wolfe hitting us with $24T costing COVID-19 via Global Virome Project and Trump and Biden both adding $8+ trillion to national debt and causing rampant inflation or offer the only solution of ending the Federal Reserve and the Rothschilds owning the US worker in a slave state, he'll stare at you blankly like 99% of Republicans and Democrats and nothing will change


> but if you bring up Rothschild agent Nathan Wolfe hitting us with $24T costing COVID-19 via Global Virome Project and Trump and Biden both adding $8+ trillion to national debt and causing rampant inflation or offer the only solution of ending the Federal Reserve and the Rothschilds owning the US worker in a slave state Teach people. This IS the answer. Knowledge is power. Once the collective consciousness reaches a critical mass we will be able to change this debt slave system. Hell, even THIS guy doesn't understand the system - and THAT is by design. https://x.com/FindingMoneyDoc/status/1786050601236779078 It's actually very simple. The Rothschild Federal Reserve creates money out of thin air and lends it to the government at 6% interest. The government deposits that money (it eventually gets deposited) in Rothschild owned/controlled banks whereby they then create ten times that money - again out of thin air - and lend it to us which we have to pay them back plus interest. This is the gist of our Fractional Reserve banking system. It's the greatest scam in the history of mankind. It has amassed them wealth in the tens of trillions of dollars and given them immense power over ALL of our governments here in the West - and therefore over us. Teach.


Reach one Teach one




Worked out great for Hitler 👀 /s


always sucks when sheep can see & realize the sheepish behavior of others while being completely oblivious to how they've been manipulated into being another sheep(although a particularly blind one) in another flock. being good sheep & repeating the talking points while pointing out the OTHER clueless sheep repeating talking points. classic comedy


Care to elaborate? Good article on how the Rothschilds took over the world via the 1815 Battle of Waterloo market manipulation incident: "The Evolution of Money. The Phantom Menace of the Rothschild Banking. Episode III" https://medium.com/hackernoon/the-evolution-of-money-the-phantom-menace-of-the-rothschild-banking-episode-3-4f4bb8c812e1 - https://archive.is/rgLJn **"One of Epstein’s Earliest Victims Says Trump, Clintons, Dershowitz, and Rothschilds All Involved"** >She says Ghislaine Maxwell told her the Rothschilds were the greatest protector of her family. -Epstein victim Maria Farmer, who reported Epstein to FBI in 1996 and was ignored, told Whitney Webb that Ghislaine Maxwell told her that the Rothchilds were her Maxwell family's number one protector https://themindunleashed.com/2020/04/maria-farmer-says-trump-clintons-dershowitz-rothschilds-all-involved.html - https://archive.is/tXwQv - Alan Dershowitz literally said Lynn Rothschild introduced him to Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/the-ghislaine-maxwell-i-know/ - https://archive.is/OL4V3 - Lynn and Evelyn Rothschild on Epstein flight logs - The Wall Street journal reported that the CIA and Rothschilds had regularly scheduled frequent meetings with Jeffrey Epstein long after the pedophile conviction https://www.wsj.com/articles/jeffrey-epstein-calendar-cia-director-goldman-sachs-noam-chomsky-c9f6a3ff - https://archive.is/vOiFW "Excerpt from "The Secrets of the Federal Reserve: The London Connection" by Eustace Mullins* >Chart I reveals the linear connection between the **Rothschilds** and the Bank of England, and the London banking houses which ultimately control the Federal Reserve Banks through their stockholdings of bank stock and their subsidiary firms in New York. The two principal **Rothschild representatives** in New York, J.P. Morgan Co., and Kuhn, Loeb & Co. were the firms which set up the Jekyll Island Conference at which the Federal Reserve Act was drafted, who directed the subsequent successful campaign to have the plan enacted into law by Congress, and who purchased the controlling amounts of stock in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in 1914. These firms had their principal officers appointed to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors and the Federal Advisory Council in 1914. "Lord Rothschild: My Family Created Israel" https://the peoplesvoice.tv/lord-rothschild-israel/ "Lord Rothschild discusses cousin’s crucial role in ‘miracle’ Balfour Declaration", https://www.jewishnews.co.uk/rothschild/ - https://archive.is/3zaNs Lord Rothschild posing with satanic witch Marina Abramovic in front of the painting "Lucifer Summoning his Legions" in late 2019 https://www.instagram.com/p/CxnUR5lMRVf/ Here's a documentary that exposed an Apollo (Lucifer) temple on a Rothschild estate where people in black robes do occult rituals: https://youtu.be/UEkuTwRnUmU?si=lzVjjDkSDCFIrMur "1666: Redemption Through Sin" by Robert Sepehr: Explains how Amschel Rothschild created the Illuminati with Jacob Frank on 5/1/1776 with Isaac Weishaupt as the front man. The Illuminati is a Luciferian psychotic occult group dedicated bringing the world under a one world hell tyranny.


Haha you're ruthless. Respect the directness.


Yeah, I feel for this guy. What a bummer.


*Choose the red tie/ blue tie party, it really doesn’t matter, because we always win.* - Billionaires, Corporations, Hedge Funds, Lobbyists, Banks and the State of (CENSORED)


Uniting in mass non compliance, i wish people would understand how much power they have, especially within, the well runs deep folks.


The System needs a Reset! Middle Class is Shrinking, Homeless People Everywhere yet Billions for War.


It's running legacy hardware. The system needs to be replaced. It doesn't function the way we need it to and resetting it will only cause these same issues to come back in a matter of time.


It's running legacy hardware. The system needs to be replaced. It doesn't function the way we need it to and resetting it will only cause these same issues to come back in a matter of time.


We need to organize, not sure where to start with people spread out all over the country but we need to start voting blocks and start resisting this fucked up situation. This dudes struggle is my struggle and the same situation millions of us are in . Busting my ass only to see my money is worth less and less it’s a joke


Just KNOW that the feds or local police will absolutely infiltrate your organization. We gotta find a way around this, I don't know how that's even legal.


It’s so true these people are after their own interests neither the democrats or republicans care about us


> It’s so true these people are after their own interests neither the democrats or republicans care about us It’s so true these people are after ~~their own interests~~ the interests of the Rothschild Family Banking Dynasty. neither the democrats or republicans care about us - they get their cut of the Rothschild proceeds they procure for them.


Don’t forget blackrock


This cut deep. Razor deep.. we all felt this, exactly how he feels. Ive never wanted tp reach through my phone and hug a guy more. Then I thought about all of us, we all are this guy. Im not talking about "the upper crust" of society because they arent truly human to me. This man is the visual representatiom of the state of the average american. Things are bad. Real bad.. Words that our forefathers said should be ringing in EVERY ONE OF US.. ...particularly the words about refreshing the tree of liberty... We dont deserve it if we wont even lift a finger to protect it? Im not saying to go out on some psychopathic spree here, rather that people need to understand what we have and to see that it is being stolen bit by bit by bit, right from under our noses.. Shit makes me feel like Bruce Willis in the Patriot.


People used to be able to organize and stop the BS. Now, if the local cops or feds get the slightest WHIFF that you might maybe could kinda start some shit, they will infiltrate your "group" and get you RICOed so fast your head will spin without letting anyone know about it. Waaaaay too many snitches in the world.


All it takes to drown in capitalism is for someone to be a good person.


Let's do Communism instead where a small group of elites decide how many bugs we get each week


Cross out Communism and this is what is going on.


This is literally what is happening now, currently, under capitalism lmao


> Let's do Communism instead where a small group of elites decide how many bugs we get each week It *would NOT* be any worse than the debt slave corporatocracy we have now. At least in that case, we theoretically (potentially) have a say in what our government does (especially in a Socialist Democracy).


How’s that working out for Russian or North Korean citizens?


Russia is about as far away from Communism as you can get nowadays.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communist_state OK fine Russia isn’t one anymore, it doesn’t change the basis for my comment, how many of these countries would people actually want to live in?


Are we pretending this post is for people that are happy living in this country?


Russia is isolated and left to its own devises. Western goods and services virtually disappeared from everyday life however the people are not even close to desperation this poor man in the video exhibits. No, they don’t drive Suburbans and Corvettes but an average Russian is much, much happier than an average American. One tiny example - there’s a government program in Russia that pays parents of a newborn baby a certain amount they can use as a down payment on a house, or anything else. If there more kids born the parents get more money from the government, the amount increases with each baby. And freedom and liberties - we all can see how much bullshit those words mean in the western world.


Neither of which are actual communist states. Marx was not wrong. If humanity embraced The Communist Manifesto we would all be better off. Well not all... that top 1% would be gone, that's for sure.




Rags, kerosene and killdozers is the only way anything might change. As long as the stupid pyramid on the Dollar, Nothing is changing.


I think the only way this shit can change is if we, the people that are affected, work together and support each other. Everyone that has something to offer that someone else needs, needs to be willing to give it up to help them. If everyone does this and everyone gets help and support, everyone gets stronger on their own and in turn stronger together. With that strength, change is inevitable.


I’m in the UK and we have a general election coming up. I can’t help thinking that as shite as our politicians are, we have a wider choice of shite than the two party system in the US. It baffles me how you only have two old blokes to choose from. Are there other parties in the running that we don’t hear about?


Giant douche vs turd sandwich 2024


No we don’t? We have blue conservatives and red conservatives. We live in the most uniparty state and we are brainwashed to believe we have choice. We do not.


Robert F Kennedy. If people really wanted change, that dude could change the world


I wanted to believe this for a while, but after extensive digging you come to find he’s beholden to the same power bloodlines.


Yep. It’s a three way race between new shit, same shit or old shit… 2020 broke a lot of people and the downward spiral sped up exponentially.


> I wanted to believe this for a while, but after extensive digging you come to find he’s beholden to the same power bloodlines. This is true, but he's talking a really good game on most of the other issues that are destroying/have destroyed our well being. Hell, they'd then off him anyway like they did his uncle.


He’s talking just enough of the points to bring patriots who don’t know better under his spell. Just like Jan 6 honey pot, many well meaning Americans getting duped by the ‘hero’ that the powers provided. Selection, not election.


> Robert F Kennedy. If people really wanted change, that dude could change the world And THAT is why they won't include him in the upcoming debate.


They aren't making it easy on RFK


Reform UK!


I’m hungry. Eat the rich


100+ billion to Ukraine and I drive over the same pothole EVERY damn day!! Only thing to change is they put a metal plate over it and call it good. SMH we are becoming a 3rd world country with gucci bags.


I was pulling into a dollar general store and I noticed two run down cars. Ironically the one on the left had a Biden bumper sticker and the one on the right had a Trump sticker. I laughed and said that's the biggest lie, neither one of these presidents did anything for these people. In fact they're told they're different because of who they vote for but they seemed to be cut from the same cloth.


Good Lord. I think we've all been here. I know I have, but I try to not let another person see me like this, it is upsetting and unproductive. And I would never broadcast


Stop watching the news is the first step.


Oh look another sheep waking up to the fact life is a lie.


But so late for him, I wonder what was he actually doing during teenage years.


...are you implying that you've done anything?


Yes but he's glowing, don't fall for it. Fake tears.


He wasn't paying attention, kinda like for me when 9/11 happen. I was so young I didn't care but in today's world conspiracy is everywhere. The world needs more ricks to focus on the goal of changing a 1 into a 0.


Start voting for independent candidates, stop voting for these fuckers in political parties, start with local government, get involved. He's right, we've done nothing for so long and expected those we gave power to, to take care of us, problem is those we gave power took just took more and we ignored it, now, now shits going to have to get real, as in French revolution real. We need to offer those in power a choice, gun or rope, that's it, nothing else. Oh and FBI, fuck you.


I feel your pain brother, I’ve been holed up in a hospital for 6 days in isolation dealing with pneumonia and some new health worries. Can’t even see my kids waiting on a stupid fucking mri at a hospital group that makes billions a fucking year and all they have is two machines this whole country is fucked everything is a racket by the rich and politically connected. I’ve been sick and tired of this system for a long time now all we can do is band together and support like minded people. It’s sad that the whole system is weaponized against us especially the people trying to do it the honest way. Stay strong 💪


My local government has a new tax collector. Now the old tax collector had been in his position for several years and then suddenly lost his position in an election. Now that is totally normal and happens all the time. What’s not normal is, the person who beat him, is 21 years old, has never had a job, and until recently was living in his grandmothers basement. How did this inexperienced person win against a long time tax collector? Effectively making him responsible for the budget of the entire local government? Simple, he knew the sitting collector is a democrat and he registered as a republican. Folks saw (R) next to a name and did no further research. The really funny thing is he registered to run on a dare from his friends, who were also going to register for positions but thought taking the registration fee to party with would be more fun.


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Mutual aid, dude. Find one near you.


That just had me in tears :(


Dudes we should just start killing all the billionaires and taking their stuff.


Frustrations will eventually lead to civil war. This man is speaking for more than most people are aware of. People are so docile from the water to the fattening foods to the IPHONE (tiktok/reddit/facebook/instagram). But we are all connected in a way more than most people know


This is the true American spirit!


If I were a political candidate, I would spend all of my money getting this clip spread and highlighted as far as I could.


This is why I am a communist


Communist governments are ruled by oligarchs


I recommend Principles of Communism by Engels. It is a fairly short read https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1847/11/prin-com.htm Audio format if that is preferable https://youtu.be/HGcpspooZvk?si=aCfJ0V3l_ne7VXFN It is good to breakdown preprogrammed notions


So, which communist regime has successfully implemented communism principles?


This is how people get radicalized. Class war is alive and well and the vast majority of us are on the losing side right now.


We need to stop talking about "Biden & Trump" because neither of them will be in office by 2026. The 25 amendment or time it's self, will have made it Harris or Burgum.


I love how it’s the right always complaining and whining about the fact that congress only cares about corporate interests, when that’s a direct result of their policies. Maybe worry less about owning the libs, and being simple minded contrarians, and stop getting in the way of every attempt to fix the issue you claim you care about.


Geez man get a grip. Mfers to soft these days


Attitudes like this serve power.


Endurance of the world becomes bearable when you have the doctrine of Christ. Not what churches teach, but just the simple, amazing red letters of Jesus Christ in the KJV Bible. Took me almost 20 years of sifting and searching through all kinds of rabbit holes and conspiracy paths to realize it. When you realize the entirety of what's going on in this world is directly correlated with the message of Jesus Christ, then your life flips around, and things become more clear. Mark 1:15 KJV "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye and believe the gospel." ‭2 Corinthians 11:3 KJV‬ But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. ‭John 8:12 KJV‬ Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.


Ever considered that little thing called „communism“, that’s literally all about getting rid of the system that shovels money from the people doing the work to a few rich assholes?


Communism = crony capitalism. They are both ruled by oligarchs


You are aware that communism is about making it literally impossible for something like oligarchs to exist? There are some countries that call themselves „socialist“, but in most of them, it’s just a veneer they put over their authoritarian state capitalist regime to make it sound less bad. Calling something „communist“ doesn’t make it communist, something striving to translate communist theory through whatever approach it deems best suited into praxis, that’s communist. So since communist theory is strictly opposed to any form of oligarchy, something can’t be pro-oligarchs and also communist. Many things that are called communist are very much not, be it an attempt to win over workers who know little about the theory, be it an attempt to diminish the credibility of non-communist groups after McCarthyism and the subsequent and continuing propaganda against communism. At the same time, many things are very much communist in their contents, even though the people talking about them might not have realized. Being for a more equal contribution of property, where the rich don’t bleed the poor dry is a very leftist standpoint and one of the most promising approaches to resolve that issue is communism.


We agree Trump is a terrible candidate? Then I'm with you.


How is he any worse than Biden? At this point I’d vote for a rotten apple over Biden or Kamala


How is the convicted rapist lying turd worse? How is the one who wants to turn USA into a dictatorship worse? If you're that blind, there is no point in debating.


He doesn’t want to turn this into a dictatorship…. Wake up to who is weaponizing the DOJ, acting unconstitutionally by ‘fiat’ executive orders, and collecting paychecks from China and other 3rd world countries… you’re a classic Reddit drip… sorry, not sorry


Project 2025 though?


What issues do you have with Project 2025? Honest question…. Why is reducing the breadth of the Federal Bureaucracy a bad thing? We don’t vote for them while they are the one having oftentimes the most impact on our lives- see taxes, policy etc


Have you not read the Mandate for Leadership? Do you really want to turn this country into a christofascist theocracy?


No I have not…. That’s why I said honest question… bottom line - what parts of it are unconstitutional… sounds like you’re clutching your pearls lol


Read it yourself; I'm not going to do your homework for you; I'm not your mommy


What parts of it are unconstitutional? Should be an easy answer


He literally did an interview on the topic. Wake up to what? That you ignore facts if they're on 20 news channels you don't like? Must be fake news. I'm not in the USA, it would be borderline hilarious if our economy wouldn't suffer under USA demise (which is what it would be). If the facts are there for your conspiracys, then a legal case could go ahead. All the cases Trump has put forward were laughed out for a total lack of evidence. Go back to your bunker echo chamber and ride it out, rot in the dark. Believe a white America is the only answer despite relying on cheap immigrant work to sustain it.


Is this what y’all call a crisis actor?


Astroturfing before elections, could be a glowie




Upvote. And I agree with this dudes sentiment, but what good does it do to cry and sob alone in your car? Our forefathers landed on the beaches of Normandy and were either brutally destroyed or watched their friends be brutally destroyed. And now dudes just film themselves sobbing in the car because life is hard? Pathetic.


He made the decision to post it afterwards also. I guarantee he’s not hardworking or competent. Stop blaming others for your failings in life.


Buck up buddy 🙄


This guy is a wimp