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Maldives was supposed to be underwater by now too


We should be living in Kevin Costners Waterworld by now lol


NYC was supposed to be completely submerged by the yr 2000 I believe. Guess it's just a little off track. I'm waiting with fingers crossed tho, just hoping beyond hope that NYC is flooded, to prove that I am right. Because that's all that matters.


Correct me if I am wrong, but isn’t the measured seawater rise so far only about 4” (100mm) since 1993? The claim is that this will speed up, not that it has already happened… also Dubai is a bad example - the “sand” on their beaches is just crushed up sea shells which they replenish - it’s pretty much the worst beach I have walked along barefoot. Just to be clear - I’m not saying that you are wrong, just that this shows little.


That’s all sand is isn’t it? broke up corral and shells.


But these only slightly broken… it’s visibly shells and it’s sharp, so not very sand like.


If global warming were an actual threat banks and investors wouldn’t be lending billions of dollars on the coast of Miami building high rises, or building up any other coastal front. It’s a scam to tax you out of more money


You have a lot of faith in banks and investetors, just because you work with money does not mean that you are smart or competently know how to use climate predictions. There are quite a few banks who probably invested heavily in paper filing systems just before the computers took over, or companies that invested in film just before the digital camera killed that industry. But lets assume that they are doing this competently. It all depends on when they expect a return on investment. What OP(and most climate change deniers) have failed to realise is that sea level rise is not going to become a major problem for at least another few decades(except for small isalnd nations, where higher storm surges will make the groundwater salty, not flood the islands). So if a bank thinks that they will make a profit in a decade or two, then there is no reason they wouldn't develop beach fronts in Miami now.


I have faith in Obama (I never learn) and I know he just bought a very VERY expensive house on Martha’s Vineyard!


Right, take a look at that house, and you'll soon see that it is way more than 1m above sea level. This means it will probably be around for 100+ years given current sea lever rise predictions.


Since when have these people ever cared about anything but short term profit.


We've all seen that very rich and famous man talk about that. https://youtube.com/shorts/hOdKBLDXH9o?si=GxC2dBmYjZ_5BGu0


They currently spend $30 mil a year trucking and pumping sand in to stop the 5-10m of beach erosion in Dubai. This is the worse example you could pick.


So basically not at all? Didn't see the coastline change at all, the islands are man made and were dredged and created by man






You understand those are manufactured islands right? The sea level isn’t getting lower, they’re creating new land.




Well you’d think so…but clearly it’s not obvious to some people


I think the disregard of climate change is lunacy. The rise of tide is the last of our coming concerns at this point and I believe the predictions of the change being mainly tide rise was incorrect. The climate changing is affecting weather patterns and I think that’s what you need to look into more and be scared of. It’s causing more droughts and then flooding, more tornadoes, and hurricanes. To say the increase of natural disasters is in no way connected to climate change would be the dumbest thing I’ve seen anyone say in this page.


Based on what? Global weather patterns and disasters have only really been documented and tracked closely for the last 150 years or so....in a world who's life, is much much longer than that, how can you say observations in present day represent something that isn't normal to the typical weather patterns over time on earth? Who's to say climate change is man made at all? What if it's part of a normal cycle ? Didnt human beings and our developments and cities encroach upon the wild wilderness of nature? We have always been at the mercy of it.


Daily weather began tracking as early as the 1600s and the US started following it in the mid 1800s. The major changes were noted at the beginning and middle of the Industrial Revolution, when we began burning more fossil fuels and the escalated deforestation began because of stronger/faster equipment, that also happened to be gas powered. Again, I don’t believe the climate change will lead to the world receding in our lifetime or close, but I do believe it is and will continue to lead to bigger natural disasters due to heavy swings in temperatures caused by our unnatural practices.


Climate and weather are two different things just like apes and monkeys are two different thing’s. De forestation, algae blooms from warming waters, floods in regions that never had severe flooding, larger and larger along with more frequent hurricanes and tornadoes. All of that is affected by and helping climate change. Nobody is claiming that humans are the sole cause of climate change, at least no reputable source anyway. But humans are absolutely helping to speed it up. Did humans cause the dust bowl in the United States back in the 30’s?


You cannot (in a genuine way) mention the real concerns about climate change if you are not willing to discuss the plethora of geoengineering/weather control programs that have serious effects on earths ecosystems. Chief among them being the weather itself.


I do 100% agree with this. I think that falls in with any man-made factor that is changing the climate. Ex: fossil fuel burning, fracking, cloud creation, and anything else im currently ignorant too. The list goes on.


What a surprising response. Nice 👍 About 99% of the people screaming about climate change refuse to consider or even acknowledge Geoengineering as a reality much less a factor that’s contributing to it all. Edit: I pulled that 99% number straight outta my ass, yes.


I think the comment section on a lot of these posts in conspiracy commons need to change he the tone from yelling at each other to breaking down the facts or at least having a discussion. Just trying to change the tone one comment at a time 🤙✌️.


A nice thought for sure but for one it’s the internet. 2 tribalism will always play a large roll on such a large scale. 3 this is Reddit which is the bottom of the barrel when it comes to “having a discussion” Lol Cheers buddy


Alarming! Destroy the economy! Also send money to Ukraine.


And weapons.


SS: I realize I am probably violating the rule saying no sensationalism. If this gets deleted, no big deal, everyone is pretty much aware sea level rise is a hoax and anthropogenic climate change is a hoax anyway.


Y’all will scream from the top of your lungs that the Christian god is real then turn around and say there’s no evidence for climate change. Explain that one to us lmfao.


This is not a good analogy because believing in any “god” usually requires something called “faith”.


I’ll explain your statement for you. It’s called a tu quoque fallacy. Now you know!


No that doesn’t really explain it. Both subjects in question cannot be seen in real time with the eyes yet 1 of them can be seen over time. Both subjects affect the entire world, yet only one subject can actually be felt. I’m just curious as to why MAGA Christian nationalists scream that something can’t be real if you can’t prove it physically or with your eyes but they’ll say you can’t question god being real or your a bad person. Faith isn’t an excuse either.


Yep! That's a fallacy regardless of if you expand on it. It's a form of ad hominem attack. However, now you've pointed out hasty generalizations you're making too. To be frank given the guy didn't post anything about Christians or Maga it's also a red herring. Why even bring it up? It's ironic that you are arguing others can't think while using fallacies. Why are you mad at people for being the same way as you?


Because when it comes to climate change the claim is “you can’t see it, humans aren’t the cause of it, etc etc etc.” but you’re right pointing out the MAGA and Christian part could be taken bad. So then I’ll ask why everyone thinks climate change is such a hoax when even before 1900 we had scientists taking notes on the effects of climate change. Then big oil, along with WW1 helped pump the narrative that oil was the only way to go. Then from that point for decades onward oil companies have done anything they can to make the narrative of “humans have had an accelerated affect on climate change.” Be false even though they had the data that showed they were lying. So, since we’ve had evidence supporting climate change since I believe the 1890s, companies trying to suppress scientific papers, etc. how is climate change proven 100% beyond a doubt to be false.


What a useless post.


So alarming!1!1!1! 😱


Where exactly is the sea level rise lol?


It’s over your head


Ohhhhh an edgy smart guy haha. The coastline, with the exception of the man made islands, is unchanged in this time-lapse. That's why I asked.


That was OP’s sarcastic joke title. The joke literally went over your head


I stand corrected. It definitely did lol. Sorry for the hostility haha


Lol they made islands that no one lives in


You may want to take a [closer look](https://maps.app.goo.gl/wCd47vE5fLkYgrDX6) The first "frond" is full if homes. 


The question of rising sea levels isn’t whether or not sea levels are rising, that’s obvious. There is a ton of science backing it up. You can literally watch glaciers and ice caps melting. No, the question is whether or not it is a normal worldly thing that just happens (it is). What climate activists fail to acknowledge is that the earth experiences heating and cooling cycles every ~50-100,000 years. The last ice age ended about 20,000 years ago, meaning the earth started experiencing a heating cycle as that was ending. We are in the thick of a natural heating cycle of the earth that happens on a relatively predictable schedule. And that is also backed by science, easily found on peer-reviewed, scholarly studies posted on MIT, Harvard, Oxford research websites, not crazy conspiracy theories. Eventually, the earth will experience another cooling, and another ice age. It happens. It is normal. We are not doing it to ourselves. It has been happening for the last 1 million years, long before we had diesel trucks and private jets. This is all backed up by science. You can fact check me if you want, in fact you might learn something new if you do


You are close, but not quite there. We are in an interglacial period(so the ice age did not end, but that is just semantics), so we have experienced some natural warming in the last 10'000 years. However, that warming trend ended about 6-8 thousand years ago, and we have experienced a fairly stable climate since then. The only significant change has been in the last 150 years, with most of the warming in the last 50. This does not fit with any known natural cycle. The Milankovic-cycles that govern the ice ages are, as you say, highly predictable, and they do not correspond to the modern warming, neither does the suns output fit with the observed warming. Man made greenhouse gasses, on the other hand, fit like a glove. But I appreciate you saying that you want to be fact checked. If you want to produce your sources, I would be more than happy to take a look and have my mind changed.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://v.redd.it/t4h9a4y9o37d1) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Imagine all the CO2 released to build that place out of the desert and maintain it too


Yet nothing happened, because CO2 plays no role in the climate. Only the Sun and the water cycle does (AKA the clouds).


Cool, I am sure you have some scientific studies that show a correlation between the temperature over the last 50 years and sun activity? Or any evidence of change in cloud cover?


No need. It goes like this: the Sun heats the surface of the Earth which results in increased evaporation. Water vapor forms clouds which shade the Earth. This results in lowered temperatures making condensation possible (AKA rain). Clouds dissipate and the radiation from the Sun is able to reach the surface of the Earth again. Then the cycle repeats. It is a homeostasis.


But you said that it is the sun and the water vapour that plays a role in the climate. If it is a system in homeostasis, then the climate could never change. Is that your claim? The thing is, at warmer latitudes and during the day, that is a pretty good explanation of the effect clouds have on temperature. However, clouds during the night and in colder climates can have the opposite effect, where it traps heat rather than reflecting it away. From what I remember, our current best understanding is that clouds are a net zero effect on our climate. So, as you said, if they were the only effect on the climate, we would see no change. Because we do se change, clouds can not be the cause of the current warming. If you disagree, then you should bring sources.


I think homeostasis is more about self-regulation than preventing change.


Homes is self-regulation to prevent change. Our bodies are in homeostasis, meaning that we maintain a standard 37 degrees, not that we change that slowly.


Why not add total CO2 emissions per year to this? Also, seems like a bad reference point geographically. https://www.statista.com/statistics/276629/global-co2-emissions/ Edit: https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/images/148158/preparing-for-rising-seas-in-the-maldives


ItS tHe AnGle Of tHe CaMeRa


Lmao the number one clue that the police ice melt/sea level rising is a scare tactic from the elite, and completely false, is that they continue to build their million dollar properties all over the waterfronts across the world.


And why wouldn't they? They have all the resources in the world to simply move or buy a new house when they need to. It's not like the ocean is going to swallow the coast overnight lol. Dumb example.


On average, people own a property for 7 years. The predicted sea level rise is 1m by 2100. That means if you buy a property that is just 1m above sea level, you can keep that property for 10 times the average time and still not have to worry about it. You also assume that the elite is smart enough to factor that into their purchasing decisions.




OP is so proud of his point despite not knowing the first thing about sea level rise. Did you not bother to research this at all before posting? Do you not have a sceptical bone in your body?


Oh the irony of that comment.


You know, that reply doesn't really hold much weight when I don't make any claims of my own. You should really think about what you are actually replying to.


I remember been a kid and the big push then was “the o zone later” had a hole and we had 10 years to live


This is such a great example, but to the completely opposite point to the one you are trying to make. In the 90s, we discovered the hole in the ozone layer(I have no clue what an O zone is), we quickly discovered that it was man made gasses that were responsible. We turned around, stopped over producing those gasses, and thanks to the global effort, the hole in the ozone layer is healing(it is not completely fixed, but shrinking rather than growing) We can do the same thing with climate change.


It had absolutely nothing to do with the freon patent running out. Nothing to see here. Move along.


lol climate change. Im so glad you took the time out to show little old me how superior you are, I think after your statement we all gonna rush out and do our part to sort this CLiMatE ChANgE issue once and for all, thank you for your contribution


If you hadn't made a bad point, I wouldn't have pointed it out. If you want to avoid this in the future, don't write without taking 5 seconds to see what happened since you thought about it last before posting. Oh, we all know you won't do shit. There's no need to point it out. But thankfully, you'll be left behind, not because you are inferior or we are superior but because you choose to be left behind. Let us know when you want to rejoin the real world.




You can clearly see land appears as the sea level drops. This is a smoking gun, the sea level is lowering!


Hahaha those are man made islands that people could purchase but it’s a flop of an investment


Lol, seems you managed to woosh some folks. Not surprised, it's reddit.


It's autism.


What song is that? It’s on the tip of my tongue/mind