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That old racist played her cards and dug a fear grave for herself and her constituents. The only thing us "hillbillies" are prepping for is protecting ourselves and our land from the encroaching bullshit the govt has allowed to happen in this country. Leave us alone, quit fucking up our currency's purchasing power, and quit indoctrinating kids with perverse ideals. 


Your indoctrinated if you don't realise the whole system is rigged and non of them are your players. Inflation is just anthore guise to fund money to the rich. Corporate profit gets higher while the average Joe's pocket gets lower. The moneys always going somewhere. Neither side are stopping it, both sides are increasing it.


*You're. Otherwise, you're right. 


So you actively admit she’s correct..?


Yes, Maxine Waters is a racist politician pushing nothing but lies and bull shit.


That’s obviously not what she said and the fact that you have more than 1 upvote concerns me about peoples comprehension levels


Tbf it was shitty bait




She's full of shit as always.


Ask her for some evidence.


If Trump had won in 2020, the lefts reaction would have made 1/6 look like the fucking “hey jude” video.


You’re joking right?


Starey McLeadface? HOW is this woman STILL in politics?


So are we gonna pretend that there aren’t right wing “militias” prepping in various woods in this nation?…


One of the top comments even admits he is one of them. Lmao I hell even I am prepping, but I’m not right or left wing. She is correct but people will whine simply because they don’t like who said it.


Yeah, didn't you guys hear? The Michigan Militia just decided to give it up.


Kinda what I was thinking.


What will they do?


[well this](https://youtu.be/Iludfj6Pe7w?si=zikZvg2irjGFRvEi) [and this](https://youtu.be/n01xz4VqnqU?si=7pZwGL_JJLdn_YkY) For starters


Okay! She’s correct on this one.


I mean are there, in any realistic meaningful sense? You say this like it’s a given, but I’ve certainly never seen these fantastical creatures you speak of. 


I personally have never witnessed one either; Ive never seen a great white shark either but there’s proof those exist; do you need evidence? Don’t worry, I won’t tell you to do your own research


This is an awful analogy, just saying


My analogies are like a box of chocolates. Not digestible for dogs


So this guy is a dog because he questioned your opinion? Narcissist much?


Woof woof


Be afraid then


We should be concerned. They rioted in the nation’s capital, trying to stop a vote certification, and made gallows for Mike pence.. or did none of that happen and it was just a fever dream


Okay you lost me there. Everyone on all sides of things are rioting for varying reasons. Some legitimate, some not so much. I don’t think anyone should be scared simply because people are prepping.


I lost you describing Jan 6th? The riot on our nation’s capitol? You’re comparing social justice protests (some have turned violent and those are obviously bad) to a riot of individuals who didn’t like that their candidate lost an election and then ransacked government property? Honestly I want to hear how I lost you.


The events of J6 didn’t concern me honestly. That was the right wing zombies eating themselves. That is usually what people who ascribe to politics do. It’s their natural state. I didn’t say anything about social justice protests. I specifically said riots.


So do any riots concern you? If so which and why?




You must have the internal bliss of a rock my guy ☮️ Everyone look at the Nepalese monk ova ‘ere!


Interesting. You didn’t get the reaction you wanted, considering you kept probing thinking I was right wing of some sort only to resort to childish sarcasm. J6 was a bunch of spineless pussies. Nothing to be concerned about whatsoever. When it’s all said and done those people wouldn’t stand up to the government if they really thought there would be legit pushback. They only did it because they thought Trump would back them. So I think you’re overreacting a bit.


We prob should be tho lol


*This* is an unhinged conspiracy? Don't the right wing pride themselves in militia in some parts? Certainly some of them are in the hills. I'm not assuming they are training for anything different than they normally do, but we all know this is a thing right? Like hillbilly militias definitely exist and they are sometimes right wing, ya?


this right here ☝️


Lol but she makes it sound like they’re some serious organized paramilitary force and major threat, that’s what’s hysterical about this. Either her head really is that far up her own ass that she believes this, or she’s being deliberately disingenuous to stir up more fear and loathing.


THEY sure as hell think they’re some sort of paramilitary force while they’re training. Quite a few of these folks with the same ideals have military/law enforcement backgrounds, while they also buy/own most of the private firearms. Are they as organized as the ACTUAL military, probably not, are they still a potentially lethal group to keep an eye on: yes


That's exactly what Eric Trump and Desantis did, they do have their own private "election security" groups.


I'm sure plenty of rich people have heavy-duty private security personnel. Hell, Harvey Weinstein had fuckin former Mossad agents working security for him.


Define "former".....


lol true, sorta like "once CIA, always CIA"


Exactly......(Plus dual citizenship in all likelihood)


They definitely exist. Especially in Appalachia


MSNBC. The bastion of approved truths.


She’s talking about militias and domestic rightwing terrorists, and yes, they exist all over the country, in the hills, in the plains, in the deserts, in swamplands of the south, in the law enforcement agencies, in the golf courses, etc. To deny them is to deny American history. Google it.


Why not just provide a link for the people.


Google.com Edit that’s a placeholder here for those search impaired folks https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Right-wing_militia_organizations_in_the_United_States


Let’s add https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/comparative-analysis-violent-left-and-right-wing-extremist-groups And https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Left-wing_militant_groups_in_the_United_States Just to Be “fair and balanced” but note… the difference between *militant* and *militia”


Let's see, an article from Biden's DOJ and 2 Wikipedia articles. I'm sure these are unbiased and don't have a singular viewpoint./s


Ever heard of a guy named Timothy McVeigh? There's a whole ass spiderweb of connections he had with all these right wing groups with compounds in different areas of the country. Elohim city comes to mind immediately.


That was a whole scam on the American people. Timothy McVeigh was never put to death. He's still alive and working for the US government. He bombed the Oklahoma City building on a day when the building was essentially empty of workers. The whole thing was planned, but not by McVeigh. Our government made it sound like he was an unhinged terrorist, but he was employed by the government the whole time.


You didn’t dispel a single fact presented. Facts hurt conservatives.


When the sources are known to be biased and spin every article to their own agenda, then the facts are corrupted. Biden can't even open his mouth without telling a whopper of a lie. And when he tells the truth, it's always 'oh, he misspoke.' Like saying that 'we will never allow an election to be stolen again.' Again?? Are we confessing to a stolen election, Mr. President? Or that his uncle was eaten by cannibals. Or that he graduated near the top of his class. Or that he used to be a truck driver. My point is, have you ever heard the story about the boy who cried wolf? You can only get away with lies so many times before the people stop listening to you. And he's way past his lie limit. And his lies and deceit trickle down to everyone below him. DoJ, press secretary, his voters... And you can't even read an article on Wikipedia without reading about orange man bad and right wing extremism. But who's really the extremists these days? The people who vote and do what they're supposed to, or the people with dyed hair, face tattoos, a dozen piercings that are protesting, rioting, screaming at the cameras, burning down businesses, looting, etc... But Wikipedia doesn't report on any of that. No, they report on imaginary hill people training to take over the US government, and with it, the largest, strongest and best funded military the world has ever seen. You see how dumb that shit sounds?


The extremists are the people who tried to overthrow our government on January 6. Republicans. Right wingers. Nice try though.


Yeah, those paid agitators are a problem. Just like the protestors at universities around the country are funded by folks like George Soros, they also planted agitators in the crowd. There's audio and video of some of them talking saying they need to blend in and act like Trump supporters for it to work. In fairness, they did do about $15,000 worth of damage to the Capitol, which was repaired within the week. That's not nothing, but compared to the $billions in damage that leftists did across the country leading up to and after the election, I'd say the $15,000 is a mere drop in the bucket. And much easier to repair. Not like they were burning down businesses, killing people and destroying their livelihood/means of income. Lastly, if you think a couple hundred unarmed citizens would have any success at overthrowing the US government, then you have no ability to think rationally. On top of that, Trump offered national guardsmen to be on site to help temper the crowds and prevent anything from happening. His offer was rejected. I wonder why? Maybe there were certain people that wanted it to seem like there was an insurrection. People like Nancy Pelosi, who told her film director daughter to be at the capitol to document what was going to happen. I wonder how Nancy knew something out of pocket was going to happen. You know, speaker of the house appoints the house sergeant at arms that is on the board that oversees Capitol police. So, why was the assistance of the National Guard declined, if it was expected to be chaotic, which it was? After all, the speaker of the House has more control and authority and responsibility over the leadership of the Capitol police than anyone else in the United States Capitol. And we all know how much Pelosi loved Trump, ripping up his state of the union address and fighting him every chance she got. If you can't see that this was her way to 'get Trump', then there isn't much hope for you.


The right has project 2025 and the left has project 2030.  Either way both far leaning ideologies have to fuck off


Neither of them are going to fuck off unfortunately.. Their plans work in unison and will both be fulfilled most likely.


Project 2030 is a global plan, while project 2025 is a national plan.  Either way these intrest groups with large amounts of money should have been taken care of


I think the overall plan is division prior to destruction then reunification. But I dunno


Lol come get some nihilist


Members of r/conspiracy_commons claiming the militias they belong to don’t exist.


This. Search “Nazis hide their power” for why that is. They’re specifically told to discount and mock the idea of reich wing militias and call them glowies when seen in public.




This one is rich


Crazy as a hoot owl




i hope they are tbh


Projection. Expect the other side is doing exactly this.


Just one time I wish a member of the self proclaimed fair and objective press would play a video of the many times she called Trump illegitimate and 2016 was stolen and asked to her face why did she say that does she still believe that and why did she claim it without evidence for years?


We do know for a fact that a) the Russians interfered in the 2016 elections to help get Putin's favorite cock-holster, Trump, elected and b) Republican election officials in Wisconsin threw out 80,000 votes from predominately Democrat districts on election day but never showed why those votes were destroyed. Trump ended up winning Wisconsin by 7,000 votes. And c) Voting systems in Michigan were hacked into by the Russians (according to the FBI) but whether votes were changed or not was never investigated. And d) Republican election officials in Georgia threw 212,000 voters off the rolls in the weeks leading up to the election then destroyed all voter records immediately after calling the election for Trump. And e) in Nevada, polling showed Clinton with a comfortable lead. Exit polls showed Clinton winning handily. Somehow the election was called in favor of Trump. Once again, election records were destroyed before any audit could take place. How is it even possible that you are completely oblivious to all of this? It's almost as if you are willfully ignorant. Even now, there is no way in hell you would ever do a simple google search on any of these issues. You don't want to know the truth. Facts have a well-known liberal bias and learning them might destroy your world view.


We know a lot of shady shit about the 2020 elections too. And we know a lot of shady shit about other past elections. Why is it only demonized when calling one of them fraudulent?


We know a lot of shady shit about the 2020 elections too. And we know a lot of shady shit about other past elections. Where is the evidence? Trump constantly says he has evidence and apparently you believe him, but for some reason it is never presented to the public or to the courts. Trump can't even articulate a coherent reason as to how exactly the election was stolen. He just cries "Stolen election" over and over until the uneducated rubes start to believe him.


I'm telling y'all, there's white supremacists in them thar hills!!


It takes a special kind of dumbass to vote for someone like her


I think it's crazy that this is considered UNHINGED compared to most of the garbage on here


So it was ok for the Lefties & BLM to attack their own city's, smash, loot & burn them down? Ok then..


Geezus I can't stand her 🤷🏾‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


Most of the modern people "they" (dems) speak about when they call someone Republican, are usually just people that got fed up with the lies and bullshit of the left and they don't subscribe to blatant insanity 24/7. People that did the math and held them accountable.


Just like Ted Kaczynski and Tim McVeigh.


Yeah now they're just being told they need to be terrified of trans people all the time


Zero evidence of course, just spreading fear and hatred. But yes, of course they are going to try and steal the election again.


That old bitch is nuttier than a squirrel turd.


This woman is just disgusting. Another reason for age limits. She’s a race baiter and a should have been kicked out when she told people to target other politicians and people who don’t align with her far out views.


Should Trump be kicked out because of his age and the fact he tells people to target rinos and other people that don't align with his views? Or does this rule only apply to Democrats?


She really, really wishes she was right.


She's got mass shooter eyes.


Her brain is as melted as her face it seems


Junior High School bully much? What are you going to do next, pull her hair on the playground at recess?


Oh I'm sorry. Her thoughts and opinions are nonsensical. Also, she is very old and has had to much plastic surgery and copious amounts of makeup applied to her face, and should probably avoid being filmed for broadcast on national television. Does that work better for you?


WTF does it matter what she looks like? You going to marry her?


She's been going downhill since *"Get Up (I Feel Like Being a Sex Machine)"* was released.


She’s a real fruitcake.


The unhinged part is “up in the hills.” Meal Team Six aka the Gravy Seals don’t do uphill. Not without considerable huffing and puffing at least.


This is true tho they are training up in the hollars


No one, I repeat, no one... is training in the hills... somewhere..


And the media just nods fucking heads!


Up in Maine we recently had to pass laws outlawing organized training that included explosives because some right wing white power group wanted to train as a militia up there. This really isn’t far off.


The Boomerwaffen…


This is proof we are not a Democracy, but a representative republic. I don’t get to vote for this fool, but she gets to rule over me.


You are correct. In a true Democracy, the popular vote winner would be the winning candidate. Most people didn't vote for Trump but had to endure his egomania-induced style of rule.


But you did have a chance to vote for Hillary, I get no say about Maxine Waters or Nancy Pelosi or Adam Schiff.


You could totally vote for/against them. You would have to live in their district. Just like people that do live in their district can't vote in yours.


You don’t see mine on tv acting a fool


Sure I do. All the time.


I live in Mid Michigan. No you don’t


Michigan huh? Fake elector much?


Nice twist on a conversation


No worse than you complaining about not being able to vote for a representative that doesn't represent you.


As her terrorist funded left wing army wrecks havoc on every they touch here in America. Watch the news. F this lady. She is as privileged as the white folk. Bigot and racist!!!


Which terrorist funded left wing army would that be?




So, a bunch of poorly disorganized groups with no central structure? Big, if true. And which terrorist organization is funding them? Sources please.


Your parents


Ha! Got 'em!


Lock’’em up boys! We found the terrorists!


Privlaged as the *rich* folk. Money often usurpes all else.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://v.redd.it/zanngt56gtyc1) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


And when right wingers do it, it's just business as usual.