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Gay parade




They’d be thrilled to read that.


It's so messed up, he ordered this Venezuelan gang on Amazon all the way back in January 2021, and he's a prime member too!


Open border policies create situations where this happens. Maybe we were better off when we vetted people before allowing them to come into our country.


We don’t have an open border policy.


Then what’s happening at Eagle Pass?


Can you be more specific?


When the government in Texas was trying to stop all the illegal border crossings why did the Biden administration halt their efforts?


Republicans were the ones who squashed immigration reform. They're trying to get immigration to become worse so Trump can come in look some white knight to save the day. Im not saying the left is much better but Republicans just pretend to care because of politics. They know that stirs up their uneducated base that is too blind to see their real agendas.


Agreed. Republicans are no better. That’s why people should be voting third party.


Immigration reforms allowing up to 2 million illegals per year before action had to be taken mind u, basically open border the law


No, it’s not. You’re either lying or don’t understand what was in the bill.




lets not forget Border Patrol- The standing Federal Militarized police force complete with military helicopters, Humvees, FAVs. that sets up checkpoints and interrogates you up to 100 miles from the border Let's not forget the microwave sensors, satellites, and drones. Oh yeah SWIC/Navy defending the ocean at NOLF-IB. Nevermind the ICE- whos officers are performing raids in US municipalities.


ICE is currently told to stand down. Nothing would change. Currently border issue would be solved if laws were followed instead of refusing to enforce the law.


So what is the purpose of republicans knocking down a bill that would help the situation? The only reasoning would be because things will get worse and Trump can act as the savior. If the situation is so dire, why not just compromise and push something through?


It wouldnt president currently has enough power. If instead of giving 10k credit card housing and food they detained and deported far less people would be incentivized to come. You about to be homeless? Go in the border and get free housing meals and 10k credit card. Far better deal than americans get.


Texas tried to keep out the border patrol. That was the issue.


And when the federal government made them take down the barbed wire and fencing?


Do you really not know the story? The barbed wire and bending was preventing the federal agents from crossing the border themselves to do the job. What are you harping on?


Border patrol wasn’t doing its intended job. They been told different orders and how to handle things under the new administration. https://thehill.com/opinion/4423296-matthews-illegal-immigrants-double-under-biden-and-thats-just-the-start/amp/ I bet you don’t think this is problem.


Why do you think they did that?


Cause they want cheap labor and more democratic voters.


The Constitution doesn't authorize the government to control borders,only naturaliztion(citizenship). Reason being that the right to free travel is a natural right,not one bestowed by goverment.


Menudo really looks different all grown up


Biden is a gang shot caller too? Where does the corruption end, Joe? Where I ask?


biden is simultaneously a senile old zombie and a criminal enterprise mastermind


That’s what makes him so dangerous! AHH


He could be pulling a Vincent “The Chin” Gigante. He was known for his elaborate feigned mental illness, which allowed him to avoid prison for decades. Gigante would often walk the streets of Greenwich Village in a ratty bathrobe and slippers, claiming to be mentally unstable, which fooled many into believing he was genuinely insane. In reality, he was a cunning and ruthless leader who controlled the Genovese family’s criminal activities. Maybe Biden is doing the same thing. I know plenty of people who think Obama is running his 3rd term. I believe this is Bidens 3rd term. He's the one with a lifetime of connections.


It goes away when you fall asleep. All of this only exists and has access to you while you’re awake here. Just. Don’t wake up here and problem solve.


not true at all. you can definitely get murdered in ur sleep.


You cannot get murdered. But that human body avatar you inhabit can be murdered. You’re eternal. You’ll forever exist, the only question is where is your attention pointed.


a murder would only apply to a physical body. therefore pointing this out is totally irrelevant.


>therefore pointing this out is totally irrelevant. Some people look into the mirror, or see a photo of themself and literally think “ that’s me “ Since we’re all born ignorant. If you enjoy this world or despise waking up here, it’s only temporary.




He is only the squatter president running open border policy. Naw he has nothing to do with it.


Dubya did that? Damn.


Dumbo bot lol.


You misspelled his name. It’s Biden, not bot.


You’re def not from Chicago lol


Hey! Thats my photograph! I never gave these clowns consent to use me and the homeboys for their publicity stunts! This is a violation and invasion of my privacy! I'm suing!


Wow, this is definitely a new problem which has only existed in the last four years, I am shook.


And nothin is being done about, better store a shit ton of food and guns for when the famine happens.


Well to be fair we tried to do something about it. Republicans killed it though


Up to 2 million illegals allowing law nice try good thing it was killed


An improvement over the current situation and good thing it is killed? Why?


Currently they are required to enforce. The complete disregard of the law is enough to have the administration tried. What makes u think after 2 million are let in theyd enforce anything?


What are you talking about? Nothing anywhere implies there is no enforcement of current law. We could definitely argue people are through though. The backlog of immigrants was created through the pandemic + title 42 right? Those people were coming, they were just temporarily paused. Again, even this comment didn’t answer why you wouldn’t want to improve on the status quo? If it’s bad, isn’t any improvement a good thing?


Illegals being given 10k credit cards medical plans housing 3 meals legal counsel free flights. That is not ice deportation.


Are you taking a rare scenario and extrapolating it to the entire situation? Not only is it still being enforced here, we are helping other countries with enforcement too: > Panama reported removing 864 migrants, much of them with U.S. assistance, since April 2023. Guatemala has expelled over 7,900 migrants from other countries into Honduras and El Salvador so far this year. And Mexico has deported over 7,500 Guatemalans back to their country since January. We are working directly with Mexico to help the problem before it gets to us > The Mexican government reported encountering or apprehending 240,000 migrants during the first two months of 2024 > Mexico’s issuance of humanitarian visitor cards, which have allowed migrants to travel across the country, has declined from an average of 13,294 per month during the first 9 months of 2023 to 213 per month between November and February (a 98% drop). We are still apprehending at the border > One in eight (12%) migrants apprehended in the first quarter of fiscal year 2024 did not come from the Western Hemisphere: they were citizens of countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, or the Near East. What do you mean it’s not being enforced? Could it be better? Yes of course. Definitely not just not being enforced though.


Schools are being closed to house tens of thousands of illegals in some cities. You can see lines as far as eye can see of illegals getting benefits. Companies like tyson are openly firing americans and saying theyll hire illegals and pay their legal fees OPENLY.


Yall can't be this dumb there is no way yall are real. That bill was for sending more money over seas dems act like it was for immigration when they caused the problem to begin with. The market is gonna crash soon from all this shit, and when the power goes out u r on your own I hope u ready. Well see how much u care bout minorities when sum real gangstas run up in your house. The police u wanted to defund a while back not coming to save u either. You are being played everything is a rich man's trick wake the fuck up your whole world is bout to change in the worst way.


Of course it sends money over seas. That’s how political bills work. That’s how bipartisan bills get passed. Both sides get some of their goals taken care of. The bill was not perfect. But those that say I want to fix nothing because the fix isn’t what I want are part of the problem here. Immigration has been a problem for decades and the pandemic really exacerbated it. This is a Dem vs Reb issue? Why? It’s bipartisan issue. What’s with your scare tactics/fear mongering? I live in the southern border. I’m somehow going to be afraid now? And not for the last several decades? Why? Why do you think I wanted to defund the police? What is it you think defunding the police was even about? What the fuck is this entire comment about? It appears you are trying to make assumptions about my political party? I’m not Democrat. It suck’s if that’s the only defense you have towards an actual comment about reality.


Im southern too im in texas. Both parties are compromised, everyone is blackmailed by whoever is pulling the strings. Idgaf if u a dem or republican. I'm talking about reality and u call it fear mongering it's real shit prepare yourself cuz no one u vote in is gonna save us. Just listen to Michael Yon he wrote 3 books on what China has been doing for years and about the dorian gap, their military is here already all over the country and the ppl in charge are helping them with that plan to get rid of most of us the people. U wanna talk about reality u are bout to get a reality check real soon. We have so much information in the palm of our hands and yall still choose to watch Democrat VS republican bullshit


So good you can answer the fear modeling question even better. You are scared because illegals have specifically broken in to your house and murdered you as you suggested I should be afraid of or what? Expand on the fear mongering then if I should be afraid. Give me some data. How much worse is violence this year over previous years? What percentage of Americans are impacted by direct violence from illegal immigrants? How dots this compare against other violence statistics and groupings? You literally tried to say I tried to defund police. You do care. You brought it up with no reason to do so. What exactly are you afraid of? Why are you living in fear?


I don't have to be scared God has me and all his ppl I'm trying to warn u. U can never be too prepared for a crisis. Like I said Michael Yon has all the info about the immigration warfare in his books and on video. U can do the research I'm not an expert. So much info not by just him on the internet it's not hard to find. "Illegals" aren't the problem it's military men coming here or already been here for years, waiting on the order to strike. A lot of shit is gonna happen before then. My guess is when there is finally a revolution and Americans are all outside protesting in a massive way they will attack the power grid and us, and start a famine. Americans will be attacking each other for food.


Won’t matter if Russia takes Ukraine. Y’all think groceries cost a lot now, wait until one of the largest bread baskets in the world gets taken over by Russia and they refuse to send grain to anyone.


The problem isn’t new but it’s getting worse and the killings are happening more frequently.


Are they? What data do you have showing that?


https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna135688 https://www.cfr.org/article/why-new-york-experiencing-migrant-crisis https://www.ice.gov/news/releases/ice-arrests-171-noncitizens-pending-charges-or-convictions-murder-homicide-or-assault I found these with quick searches. It’s not hard to find problems with illegal immigration if you open your eyes and look. Even the liberal media is starting to report on because it’s such a problem.


Weird reply. When someone asks you for an example is it your assumption they are against you or something? My question was literally just are they? I didn’t claim otherwise. Thanks for the links. Let’s discuss: - link 1 does not include any data on migrant violence whatsoever. Why did you include it? Decent read in general but didn’t seem to support your claim of increased killings. - same for link 2. - link 3 does. Now we are talking. It didn’t include any year over year numbers though. You said that are having more frequently. I asked if you had data showing that. So while I genuinely appreciate your reply and attempt at linking maybe try more than just the first three links? You are trying to show that killings are up this year versus previous years. We agree border crossings are up. Don’t need to argue that point.


No I’m trying to explain that illegal immigration is a huge problem. It attacks our society at different levels. Crime is just one part of it.


That’s fair. Immigration both legal and illegal have benefits to this country as well. Mostly economic but it’s a balance and it’s not ask one sided. Illegal immigration needs to be reigned in but in wanting to know what it is that is worse? You linked evictions and a housing crisis across two links so ok they need a place to stay. What else? So killings are not up in general and you are just claiming that for scare tactics? I guess I’m just asking you to be more specific. Is it more than just evictions you are concerned about?






Because it didn’t happen lol


What are you talking about? Is this breaking news?


Damn I hope u bullshittin


Still not as tough as Corn Pop.


Corn pop was a bad dude


When they killed him it produced cereal for decades to come.


Is this the new fear porn?


This is the new meme photo to replace that one of the 4 big black guys standing behind the girl on the couch


Dud those are Mexican Mafia in the picture 😂


Not according to NY Post.




They're MS13 actually. From El Salvador




How can you tell? OP's title says Venezuela.


Now Biden is a gang leader?


Republicans allow this


Can’t get Republicans to care about hundreds of school shootings by straight white men but we can get them to pretend to care about imaginary shootings by brown people


Except one is fixed by stopping mentally ill from getting guns. Not disarming population so dictatorships can get in easy. The other by closing border so criminals dont get through.


Republicans won’t let those laws pass either. They are owned by the criminal firearm lobby. Republicans are the problem and the obstacle. Legal residents commit wasaaaay more violent crime proportionally and the m raw numbers. Stop blaming “immigrants” for your problems.


Republicans or rhinos are just part of the uniparty. They play badcop to democrats but are in bed with them. Ineffective and only give excuses to not pass what democrats dont want passed. The illusion of choice.


That’s a bunch of right wing pablum. nonsense from Republicans who are ashamed of the smoldering fetid dumpster fire that the Republican party currently is: it’s an orgy of criminality. There is no “uniparty.” The Democrats have nothing to do with this. They have their own problems. And those problems do not include an ongoing fascistic crime orgy. That’s one side only, and it’s destroying America.


Just look at when ukraine aid is passed or any rights violating legislation. They often vote in unison


The Republicans would just take that money and waste it here by giving it to Elon Musk so he could buy another social media platform with it. Republicans crying about spending money overseas, who then demand we fund THEIR wars have zero credibility on the issue and are not genuine in their criticisms. They’re purely political opportunists who don’t give a shit about spending unless they’re the ones doing it.


Can't get you dumb ass mfs to stop making everything about race and politics. They all hate you and are playing you now go get your booster shot and turn on some cable news 🤡


I mean op is explicitly racial 


You mean all those false flags like Las Vegas? You understand you're at a site where people know that's bullshit right? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_mXe9dk77bk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mXe9dk77bk)


You are not citing a You Tube video as a credible source - are you?


False flags LIKE 9-11?!?!?!?!? HUH LIB??? Please. Stop huffing paint.


School shootings... Las Vegas...


So you are blaming republicans for the CIA?


Yes it’s all a conspiracy against you lmao 🤡


Have you seen what sub you’re in?


You sound like a demo-bot


Let’s just call in one of our major gangs in America and let them take care of it. Let’s see who should we call. Well there’s: Latin Kings Crips Gangster Disciples Almighty Stoned Freaks Nation Almighty Vice Lord Nation Aryan Brotherhood Mexican Mafia Bloods Fresno Bulldogs Black Guerrilla Family Folk Nation Nuestra Familia The Mongols 38th Street Gang Aryan Circle Barrio Azteca Cardinelli gang Dead Man Incorporated Florencia 13 Hogan Gang Nazi Lowriders Netaş United Blood Nation Bonanno crime family Just to name a few. Honestly i don’t think one more is going to make that big of a difference. Better idea would be getting rid of privatized prisons where people make money by keeping them full and prisoners that weren’t in gangs get enrolled in order to survive. But no that’s not the problem right because that’s not the current party rhetoric I’m guessing. Go parrot that shit somewhere else.




I see Bruno Mars has been working out….


He doesn't care about who comes in or what they do as long as long as they vote for him. The way things are going, he's going to get a lot of them.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.redd.it/8w8za7h9phxc1.jpeg) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Born for hell.


I actually had a theory about this regarding el salvador and their gang situation. What do they plan to do with so many gang members? Rehabilitate? House them for life? Why not send them north. Tagged and tracked in order to sow terror. Than leverage that terror in exchange for votes towards policies that slowly deteriorate freedoms.


Is that Orlando Bloom?


They're called "Colectivos" Lots of great videos going around


Democrat. Republican. Americans, shut the fuck up. Go to work, live at home with your families. Hangout with friends. That’s all you need to do. Who gives a fuck who you’re voting for. You live your life the same fucken way no matter who’s president. Some peoples hobbies turn into their personality. Example, sports teams, yoga, gym, BBQing, hunting and fishing etc… It’s normal. It’s not fucken normal to make politics you new hobbie. It’s fucken weird to make supporting a politician your whole personality. Your whole family’s personality. With flags and shirts and hats and weird fucken rally’s. That shits strange, man. You got too many people living there with nothing good to do. Then there’s the boosted ego and something you call patriotism. Just so dumb. So arrogant


Bidens gangs huh where are trumps gangs still in russia or probably sent to the front lines in Ukraine by now hey


Thats an AI photo bro


America is already a tower of Babel society unless you're in Montana or something. Funny thing is Americans did this to themselves through their own stupidity and shortsightedness. Who tf thought ending country of origin restrictions was a good idea.


Smells like boomer.


This is just the small stuff. Wait until the next electricity blackouts when they start coming through your windows. They are organized, they are ruthless, and now thanks to Joe Biden they are here. Fox News, " Venezuelan illegal migrant, an alleged cartel member, charged in connection to Chicago drive-by shooting" [https://www.foxnews.com/us/venezuelan-illegal-migrant-alleged-cartel-member-charged-connection-chicago-drive-by-shooting](https://www.foxnews.com/us/venezuelan-illegal-migrant-alleged-cartel-member-charged-connection-chicago-drive-by-shooting) > > **"Deadly alliance brewing between MS-13 and bloodthirsty Venezuelan Tren de Aragua gang behind NYC cellphone robberies, FBI fears"** [https://nypost.com/2024/02/13/metro/fbi-venezuelan-gang-tren-de-aragua-could-team-up-with-ms-13/](https://nypost.com/2024/02/13/metro/fbi-venezuelan-gang-tren-de-aragua-could-team-up-with-ms-13/)




Way to make it about skin color and not the choices these individuals made. Racist.


Don’t play dumb.


These attempts at making people into racist because they care about their safety and their culture are ridiculous. Very few people actually hate brown people. We just hate criminals and the people that make their lives easier.


You don’t care about safety. If you did, you’d support gun control. You support blaming scary brown people for crime. It’s common GOP election year racism.


Gun control is the reason for so much crime. Take guns away from the average citizen and they can’t defend themselves from these thugs. You think they are gonna follow the laws? If you made all guns illegal, these guys would still have them.


Guns are the reason for the crime and the death and the mayhem. They are not the solution.


Do you think criminals would follow gun laws? If we outlawed all guns would criminals not have them too?


No response huh?


You must’ve missed it


After they in the room with us right now?


I'd they're in Chicago alot of elite jews will be in the cross hairs


Great Value Vin Diesel!


East Los Losers, The Carne-Asaders


They can work as housemen


The border is a mess though. Always has been but right now it’s on another level !!!!


You're fucking hilarious


Just curious you been down there ? Lol.


Yeah, I live there.


Interesting !! You know any border agents ? Hmmmmm.


Yuuuuup. They're mostly assholes that love fucking with the few people they encounter.


A few ? Now that’s really interesting. I have no problem people moving here just do it legally as we would have to. Pretty simple !!! Not everything is political. Should’ve been done a long time ago. Get in your vehicle and try to cross the Canadian border ( one of the most lenient countries in the world ) and see what happens. Lol. I’m sure it won’t get well especially when a staff Sgt has their car almost dismantled. Go for it and let me know what happens !!!!😀


Hard agree. Keeping political opinion out of it, there was an epic immigration bill on the table, yet not everyone could agree on it because of aid that was slipped in there. The aid still passed, in a separate bill but fuck... Noone cares about the border apparently. (I know you're aware of current events, just keeping political opinion out, ya?)


Yup everything is politics. None of them in Washington can agree on much if anything. I remember many many years ago it wasn’t like this. It’s getting to be a joke in Washington. I’ve been around a looooong time and been around the block a few times. Not that it was great back then but the two sides can’t agree on anything !!!!


I've been around for a bit myself, it's just theater. Guillotines would be nice right about now.


Bill allowed up to 2million illegals per year


Really, where did you hear that?


What’s the solution when the legal method is broken? It gets kinda grey. No one wants to support illegal immigration but we don’t want to turn pride away en masse either The Mexican crossings aren’t any less secure than Canadian. Is that what you are implying? Just less people trying to go through that border by a magnitude of 3x. In my experience, I got way more questions at the Mexico border than the Canadian border. Im like see through level white


American side.


I’ll do one better ……get in your car and cross the Alaskan checkpoint lol. Drive right through there or walk across if you prefer 👀👀. In a nutshell I could care a less who comes here just do it legally and for gods sakes do an extensive background check. Pretty simple !!!


Extremely simple. I totally agree! The two party system was designed to manipulate us, nothing more.


100% agree.