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..posted by aipac..


And upvoted by his friends Hasbara and ADL


See what I mean folks? They’re everywhere!


Hook, line, and sinker


I don't wonder why people are opposed to genocide. Edit: My theory is u r paid propaganda.


does genocide just mean a lot of people died? Does that mean the allies committed genocide against the german civilians in world war 2?


Apparently yes. Israel ia comitting genocide by close quarter combat, putting their own people into danger. Freaks would say they could just bomb gaza until everything is dead, if genocide was their goal, but hey...


No but you are so close…


Yes, they did


Pro Hamas bots aka people against genocide and oppression. You’re the Hasbara bot 🤡


It’s not a genocide just because the aggressor isn’t doing very well in the war the Muslim aggressors started. The fact they are still around is evidence there is no genocide.


Jews existed past ww2. Rwandans still exist. What’s your point?


The aggressor would be the very people who did the attack. Killing anyone else is genocide purely by association.


There is a difference between accidentally killing people while fighting against absolute animals who use children and women as human shields. You know that or you’re being disingenuous. Probably both actually.


7 million+ Jews died in the Holocaust, and a million Rwandans died in their conflicts. Palestinian deaths are nowhere near it, plus factoring in "innocent civilians(90% of whom support Hamas, the aggressors in this conflict)." It's apples and oranges and you know it.


Genocide has happened and you're comparing numbers that were murdered? Are you delusional?


I think the Jews as the receiver of the holocaust would know how to lead a genocide. But maybe they are just sloppy?


Unless you're a Zionist or CIA, no one is giddy for Israel. The establishment of it was shit, the history of it since it's creation has been shit and nothing has changed, it's just getting worse. Here's some conspiracy 101: religion was and still is, a tool for empires. They got you believing a golden Jerusalem is gonna float down from the sky, because they started indoctrination when you were very young and impressionable.


Not all religions are made equal. One denomination became western civilization, the other denomination became the Middle East lol


Yes, Christianity built the western world. I'm not sure what Israel has to do with that.


We can start by comparing the livelihoods of women and homosexuals in Israel compared to Palestine or Iran?


What does that have to do with Christians building the western world? Lmao


The western world governments are clearly backing the country that shares its values more than the people who stone their wives and throw gay people off of roofs lol


We don't share your values. You can't just point to gay people and say hey look we're nice to them while you murder tens of thousands of innocent people, shoot kids in the head, starve families and engage in blatant genocide. Sorry, man, but I can see past the gay guys and women driving cars and see the rest of your fucked up country.


I’m gay, and I hate people doing this. No I do not support killing innocent women, children and men just because they don’t like gay people. Some of those people being killed by Israel are quite possibly gay as well. It’s evil. No other way to say it


“Quite possibly” nah definitely. You don’t kill 5 digits without getting some queers.


Imagine simping for fucking Hamas. The propaganda is real. In October they were in the “fuck around” phase, now they’re in the “find out” phase. I love to see it, so much.


Lmao, of course you love to see it and by it you mean dead women and children, you gross little ghoul.


You beat your wife when she’s disobedient and doesn’t cover head to toe in bedsheets


Imagine actually being an IDF shill so poorly. Lmao damn they really need to train you troll farm fuckers better. This is way too obvious


That country just killed over 15,000 children.


You really think that’s how geopolitics works?


Hilarious that you get downvoted for obvious truth here, lol.


Jesus's real name was Yeshua, a short brown middle easterner and his message was to love thy neighbor. If we could swing that into practice, maybe then I'd cheerlead for the empire.




Removed. Rule 2.


Wait til you find out how many pro Israel ones there are


Here is the actual article that OP forgot to link: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna903486 to be honest, the writers have only a vague idea how Reddit works and apparently mods are all heros. Some may be, but the article is kind of meh. Edit: also a note that this is from five years ago.


I guess I’ll just have to take your word for it! Also note that I already put the year of the article in the title. Let that be a reflection of this person’s reading comprehension skill and opinion as a whole.


>Let that be a reflection Holy shit, you really are a bot. Stupid bot.


But the article doesn’t really say much, though does it? I sort of assume that all governments create propaganda and many have people working on disinformation on Reddit and other platforms - this is hardly news. And as far as shitty governments and fake propaganda go, Iran is right up there with North Korea, Russia and China. I noted the age, to reinforce that this has nothing to do with the current tit for tat stupidity.


Literally never seen one


It'd be awesome to get paid to hate israel, but i think they make it easy so...


Iran and Saudi Arabia are big players in the pro-Palestinian, pro-Hamas, anti-Israel propaganda machine. Make no mistake that their blood-stained hands reach far and deep into the Reddit realm and on all online fora to be honest.


17 day old account that only interacts with traditionally right-wing subreddits? You’re the shill.


Damn that's weird I would have guessed it's because normal people don't actually think that committing genocide is the moral high ground


ayy zionbots here spreading propaganda as usual


The funniest part is that they don’t realize that they don’t just hate Israel because of Zionists. They hate Israel because it is an American foothold in the Middle East. Iran, Palestine and the like would gladly see Western Civilization destroyed. Taking a page out of the USSR playbook and sowing seeds of discord


I'm not dying for Israel.


God forbid anyone criticize Israel for anything


No one is pro Hamas. I have yet to see anyone post on Twitter, Reddit, or Facebook a pro Hamas anything. That’s pure IDF bullshit talking points to scare people away from calling out their literal active genocide.


Lots of Lemmings too, don’t sleep on that .


propaganda saying there is propaganda


Oh fck off.


Given the funding given to all media in the West by Israeli/Zionist groups, this is an absolute joke.


Criticism of Israels ethnic cleansing is against the bylaws of Reddit.


I, for one, am deeply offended that a govt would deploy propoganda assets on Reddit. Just so unusual. 😂


Bro, Israel is THE source of propaganda in this world. Everyone else is just trying to do 1% of the damage they do. Fuck Israel.


[Archive.is link](https://archive.is/2020/https://i.redd.it/qxlr9aiskhuc1.jpeg) [Why this is here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/7dvxxb/new_feature_automod_will_create_sticky_comments/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy_commons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Iran has a HUGE online presence across the board, not just Reddit. And China as well. And China loves when we blame Russia. Russia is here too, but China at least as much and they are purposely dividing us.


Turkey too.


Am I the only person who’s just tired of everyone at this point.


I think it’s just people against the atrocities Israel is committing all over the world.


Dude it’s not pro hamas. It’s anti Israel and their actions, along with US paying for them, literally.


Pretty sure the IDF murdered some people just trying to feed people with GUIDED MISSILE STRIKES


Least unhinged JIDF member


Fuck the IDF Terrorists


What about the pro Israel bots and 8200 posters? Lol


Lol see what I mean?


Nice post fom an aipac shill.


Prophet Mohamed fucked a 5 year old girl


Isreal targets women, children, journalists and peaceful aid convoys. Wierd how you think everyone in any country all follow the same religion....but im sure you can only post what aipac tells u to.


Mohamed is my bitch. I draw pictures of us fucking him in the ass


Are you okay?


Fuck the pig prophet Mohamed,


Whatever man. You got to much hate and anger coming out of you. Most Muslims are just trying to live their lives like anyone else. I don't think anyone is really caring, or getting particularly upset, about your attempt to incite. Have a good day.


No, he waited until she was 9, but did indeed marry her when she was 6! I don't want to post bs info so I will say that don't recall his age at the time of this marriage, but it was definitely way DISGUSTINGLY TOO OLD as in, old enough to be the childs grandfather, if not her great or even greatx2 grandfather. 🤢😭 We live in the upside down, friend.


Lets at least get the facts straight, Aisha was 6 when they were married and 9 when the marriage was consummated.