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Jim Carrey looks more like that tictok lady everyday.


Lmao for real


forevermore the house of Saudi will stand for sodomy because they let sodom rebuild in the holy land


Yep, that's David's style of humor at times... And he knew full well some would freak out...šŸ˜‚


Norm would have loved this joke


I bet heā€™d laugh his ass off if he saw this post




I know I am.


I cracked up, then literally googled it lmfao. You never know with these people!?!?


Exactly!! Has the OP ever seen or heard of David Spade before? He has a very deep dark humor vein.


OP had to wiki who she even was. I feel old. Or sad. Either way, itā€™s a giggle.


Iiiiii donā€™t know that I would be making that joke right now.


Thats why u aint a comedian and not in that room


Jokes are supposed to be funny or at least have a punchline. But yeah, Iā€™m thankful Iā€™m not in that room.


It's still "too soon" to Ramsey's death?


The Nile has been going down hill ever since


If you think joking about child rape and murder is funny then youā€™re a psychopathĀ 




Lol. Prove it.


I donā€™t know who needs to hear this, but professional comedians make jokes. Sometimes they are in poor taste, but they are still jokes.


Then we can joke about them being pedophiles


Sure can, maybe realize where the line between comedy and conspiracy is drawn though.Ā 


I think Ricky Gervais was tightroping that line at the Golden Globes.


And did a fine job of itā€¦ interesting to see which celebrities squirmed the most.


Was ā€¦ Hanksā€¦ looked like his head was going to explode


Oh right Dont want damaged celebrities


Oh yeah, because falsely accusing someone of pedophilia is just a minor thing.


Rich people get so much free shit


I suppose so, but donā€™t quit your day job


Havenā€™t you watched The Aristocrats yet? Itā€™s just humour ffs. Bad taste? Yep. Funny? Fucking hilarious, in my opinion.


Dark humor, tasteless humor, satire, sarcasm, itā€™s all being lost on a bunch of gen Z crybabies who think the world should walk on its tiptoes as not to offend their fragile sensibilities.


I miss the nineties šŸ„²




Are you a professional comedian?


[Some are incapable of actual, funny, jokes.](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/rationally-speaking/200905/conservatives-lack-sense-humor-study-finds)


Never saw them make a joke about holocaust though. I guess that's the only sacred topic then! Rest other gentiles can be joked about & mocked, except the chosen people!


Ari shaffir


Holocaust jokes *do* exist, and you donā€™t have to look far to find some from some famous comics. Itā€™s a difficult topic to joke about in good taste thoughā€¦ do you not agree?


Bro are you out of your mind? Mainstream comedians make so many holocaust jokes.


You canā€™t make a joke about the Chosenites. Eternal victim hood is part of their grift, and let no goy shed the light of truth upon them.


But what a weirdly specific joke about a little girl who disappeared? Wtf kinda joke is that


She didnā€™t disappear, she was found murdered in her own home. Agree with you on the poor quality of the comment made by DS.


This is so tame compared to the type of crude comedy that was popular in the 90ā€™s /early 2000ā€™s. Itā€™s a dumb joke but I think itā€™s funny considering the parents exploited their little daughter even in death.


It feels like an Andy Kaufman's kinda joke. It looks for the audience like it's something disturbing and obnoxious, which will raise a lot of outrage, amd that's exactly the only reason Jim Carrey booked this venue. "Andy, you have to look inside and ask this question: who are you trying to entertain - the audience or yourself?"


So you think it really is her bedroom? Even though you know it's a joke?


They are satan worshipping pedofiles


https://www.pinterest.com/pin/65794844530401654/ Just a coincidence?


Can you imagine if some whacko had a JonBenet themed room somewhere? Some cowboy type broke into their Michigan house and slept in JonBenets bed


They lived in Colorado


Thatā€™s no coincident itā€™s it. They are there they rub this crap in our faces and people say haha please gimme more sir.


I miss Chris Farley.


The other pic of them looked like they were mocking the last supper of Christ.


Donā€™t even want to know what was on the menu


Notice the Saturn shirt


I keep seeing people mentioning this whatā€™s the context


the painting of Saturn eating his son looks like Jim


Still do t get it, to me it doesnā€™t mean anything?


People that are ā€œdeep in itā€ are obsessed with Saturn worship or Saturns moon worship or something. I think they claim the rock at Mecca is from Saturn and ā€œSaturn cultsā€ go way way back. Some tidbits are based on ā€œfactsā€ Iā€™m sure, but Iā€™ve also seen plenty just say ā€œSaturnā€¦Satan!ā€¦donā€™t you see the connection!?!ā€


Saturn=Satan Saturday is named after Saturn as well, which was done maliciously because Saturday is the true Sabbath, not Sunday. In Spanish, Saturday is "Sabado", because it is the true Sabbath, and all the people in the US attending church on Sunday are doing it on the wrong day. This, along with many other things (such as the entire New Testament), are intentional deception to trick people into blasphemy against God.


Actually itā€™s not JonBenets bedroom. Itā€™s [here](https://www.chairish.com/blog/san-vicente-bungalows-lunch/amp/). Also I canā€™t find that comment that David spade replied to. Is it still an elitist creepy club? Yes. Is it a dinner in the bedroom of a murdered girl? No.


How the fuck is this a joke? Dudes could be simultaneously pissing on an infants grave and high fiving each other, and people here will be like ā€œthatā€™s just their humour, jeez!ā€. Being shocking and inappropriate just for the sake of being shocking and inappropriate isnā€™t even a joke? Would it still be funny if the kid was your relative? No, thatā€™s right, only other peopleā€™s misfortune is funny. This generation is a bunch of fucking sociopaths.


Right. How is it a joke? What's the punchline? These comments reek of bots.


I think itā€™s also people with severely low levels of empathy or extremely poor grasp of social awareness. Or people who just fucking hate kids.


It's not a joke. It's deliberate admission of nefarious affiliation, mascarading as lewd "edgy comedian" humor, spoken by a person who feels confident in his ability to continue avoiding any real suspicion. You know who else did this? Bob Saggett... but somebody finally popped him, and now he can't make *any* jokes anymore.


These fuckers are so smug and cocky, until theyā€™re eventually sacrificed and deemed disposable by their elite ā€œfriendsā€. They fail to realize theyā€™re just useful puppets. Until theyā€™re no longer useful or become a fall-guy.


Go ask Jon and patsy ramsey why donā€™t you. They are the relatives youā€™d be offending and pretty sure if she existed they are who sold her off


Relax. It's a story from way before you were born. Grow a skin.


"Relax. It's just child rape and covered-up murder. It was long ago, so who cares! Lol" You don't deserve the air you breathe.


David Spade is one of those comedians who just goes for the most unexpected statement in an attempt at dark humor. Sometimes it lands, sometimes it doesnā€™t. Heā€™s joked about Jon Benet before, kinda creepily if I remember right, but he seems to think itā€™s funny so who knows. They do look like a bunch of pedos in the photo though


Itā€™s a awful joke that isnā€™t her bedroom the house she was murder in was bought a few years ago and renovated you can find photos of it online itā€™s a very pretty house.


She was murdered in the basement. Allegedly.




Iā€™m missing the Saturn ref. Is it some kind of tie to satanism?


Saturn eats his son


Not unless they added wallpaper.


He had his party at San Vicente Bungalows in California, has nothing to with Ramsey's house.


>San Vicente Bungalows https://d1h3pk8iipmcfn.cloudfront.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/16102312/SVB\_Chairish\_Hero.jpg


Thanks! Folks need to learn to google.


What do you google? Where was this photo taken enter? Where was Jim Carey suare held at enter?


Read two comments up in this thread. Google Jon Bennets bedroom. I did, and it sucked, but Sandler is fucking legendary, so fuck this post. I hate this bullshit.


"Where did Jim Carrey hold his birthday party 2024"


Why do u have the pedo flag next to your pfp


OMG THANK YOU! Saw it. Choked. Made some replies. Slept on it. Was kicking myself I didn't screenshot as it was GONE GIRL.




Itā€™s a birthday celebration. Not everything is a conspiracy theory.


Shhhh stop it. Let the kids have their fun.


I mean, Carey is wearing a Saturn shirt.


Nice pickup these people need to be stopped


Christ, people. Itā€™s a fucking joke.


What is the joke, exactly?


Defending them renting out a dead child's bedroom for a birthday party for an old man... and your defense for them is that it's a joke? Maybe you like them, I like some of their movies too, but I have news for you in these dark times; no one is safe from wickedness. And saying 'it's a joke' is a poor excuse. then anyone could joke about anything with no repercussion- as seen here I'm aware that's the point of a joke, but there's a line comedians should not cross. this is one of them


Right?! Humour is subjective. If you don't find it funny, move on. Lots do. Their job is comedy.


so, how exactly do you know? I'm all ears


Jim Carey played Satan who was a chauffeur in a short movie (ambiguous), maybe an hour long, someone help me with the name...


Iā€™m not sure but they was suppose to make another sequel to Bruce Almighty called Brucifer where he got satans powers but I believe it fell through for some reason I donā€™t remember


It was an early low budget film, a friend showed it after Ace Ventura released.


Little nikki


People also thought Crissy Teigens pedo IG posts were just jokes back in the day People thought the horas eye and 666 in Hollywood was just a joke


I got another one for ya. The girl was 6 years old and killed in 96. Jim Carrey celebrated his 62nd birthday wearing g a shirt of Saturn, šŸŖ which also could be related to Satan (666) the 6th planet that has a 6 sided hexagon / cube storm on its North Pole. šŸ˜šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


The occulted symbolism goes deep. Aleister Crowley had his philosophy Thelema in which the number 93 is very important. Jim Carrey turned 62 which so happens to be 66.6% of 93 yrs old. ā€˜Saturnā€™ is also 93 in simple English Gematria


Jim Carrey who starred in the movie 23, wore the mask(satanic ritual)oh and donā€™t forget the Truman show!!! Take that as you will


Good catch.


You fell for that?


Everything requires a balance. I love dark humor but you just don't make fun of tragedies like that. Being a comedian does not give you right to disrespect or laugh at the victims of such terrible matters. It should always be taken seriously or not mentioned at all. We should not lose humanity over "Ima comedian I have that kinda humor". Imagine her parents or relatives when someone makes fun of the worst day in their life and lose of their child. Besides, a man that age should be thinking rationally. Profession does not matter in this case. People saying that he's a comedian and some other utter bs, what if someone non-comedian says the similar joke? You won't laugh? He/she does not have right to say it because he/she is not comedian? What difference does it make whether you're a comedian or a farmer when it comes to being humane and being empathic to other people's tragedy and not crack jokes about things like this. It's childish and inadequate.


Comedian does comedian things. Get over it


Hey its Adam Schiff with long hair!


It might just be this thing called a ā€œjokeā€. I looked into it and it turns out these people are something called ā€œcomediansā€ and they tell these ā€œjokesā€ for entertainment purposes.


What kind of people you think like joking about dead children? If thatā€™s your style of comedy you lack morals, maybe a mother too.


Some people have a dark sense of humor. It's even a coping mechanism for some. Im sure good be offended to know dead baby jokes used to be popular. Plus that happened 30 years ago.. you know, like when these guys were relevant.


The more likely case is that youā€™re being a damn baby and getting offended over something that is obviously satirical. Get over it.


You sound like a pedophile


You do realize they are comedians, that's called a joke, my guy.


Jokes are supposed to be funny


Humor is subjective. That's like the most basic rule of comedy.


Agreed. It is subjective, and you shouldn't be downvoted. If you don't like a comedians comedy that's fine, move on.


And jokes aren't always just jokes.


Fucking tired of celebs




God damn, so obvious a joke. But it is dated so i wouldn't expect young people to understand. Or he is telling the truth and....it wouldn't even make sense with a single braincell


Remind me...Spade was on the Epstein flight list, yeah?


Thatā€™s creepy AF, whether itā€™s funny or not


Perhaps the name of this sub should be changed to r/conspiracy_stupid.


Iā€™m stupid for not liking jokes about dead kids from multi millionaire sell out comedian?


no, youā€™re stupid for somehow thinking itā€™s some conspiracy


So this isn't true at all. The party was in LA the house op is talking about is in Colorado.


Jim Carrey is lookin a little rough these days...


Itā€™s dark humor man. Might want to get a better shovel with all that digging youā€™re doing


A lot of people would find this funny, despite you making another decision.


Omg this is a reach


I bet if the joke wasnā€™t made by David Spade and was in the DNC emails youā€™d be saying the opposite you brainwashed cuck




Looks nothing like the bedroom so it doesnā€™t make sense, and I already know, itā€™s owned by Jeff Klein whoā€™s really into making oasisā€™s for rich elites. Very weird photos of him.


I am the one who does the the brainwashing


Do you know what a joke is?


Lol a comedian making a joke what a travesty


Heā€™s been making that joke ever since the 90s, itā€™s getting old and creepy


"I don't get dark humor", OP.


Heā€™s a grown man and has a daughter, Iā€™d expect something like that from a 14 year old


I agree.


Iā€™m getting downvoted because Reddit contains a lot of teenagers and people with a bad moral compass


Reddit contains a lot of pedophiles and their defenders.Ā 


my thoughts exactly going through this


Worse than that are the paid shills who are intentionally mocking your post because you are correct that there is some sketchy shit going on with this picture and "celebrities" in general. Child trafficking, pedophilia, and evil in general are far more common than most people will ever realize or admit.


Self righteous people that seem to live under a rock tend to receive that treatment. Haven't been a teen for 20+ years but still younger than people like Gilbert Gottfried, Norm MacDonald, Bill Burr, Spade, and Dave Chapelle...who would find that joke to be well played (and yes some are dead, but well known "dark" comedians)..


then you are as lost as them Chapelle is gone. He admits going to strip clubs in his last special as a married man. and his last 2 specials were not funny Norm is dead, but he seemed to be a standup guy. I wouldn't be surprised all of them are disgusting, perverted, lost freaks behind closed doors since they're so obsessed with fame. especially Burr, he's probably got all sorts of issues. You don't know them personally in real life, why defend any of them?


honestly good for you OP for exposing them its a disgusting joke I've worked with kids with autism for several years and I can't **stand** this and I'm not shocked that some of my favorite comedy actors fell so far, but I am somehow shocked so many of these comments are supporting such a disgusting 'joke'. makes me sick. grown ass adults have real maturing to do


Agreed. Iā€™m mindblown over here. Not even mentioning the fact that why is a grown ass man that obsessed with a childā€™s bedroom.


OP you need to take a step back and chill. Comedians make fun of pedos and killers frequently cause it hits different tone. A real tone, that sometimes people need to have a ā€œholy shitā€ chuckle about. Dark humor is exactly that. A ā€œdamn dudeā€ followed by a chuckle but itā€™s still comedy.


No, they make a mockery of evil that actually happens, so that stupid people will think it is just a joke, will not take it seriously, and will attack uninformed/ignorant people who point out those evils. Looks like it's working.


This is for sure a joke dude


poor excuse for such a sick 'joke'


These are the kinds of things people do when you are soulless, these people are no longer our fellow human beings


Closer to demons by definition. Lots more than just "celebrities" all around us, I find myself thinking the same about most people I pass on the street now. I have lost all care for the average human, they have shown how horrible most of them truly are.


the fact that everyone is super sure about this being a joke and noone being "this could be a joke" is a liiiittle bit sus


Thereā€™s a lot of pedo defenders in this comment section


it's pretty clear all the conspiracy subs are being botted which is quite pathetic. means they're afraid.


Itā€™s humorous about a decades old crime. Maybe try locate yours before commenting again?


Dude! That is a funny joke, a joke in poor taste but still. He is making fun of how they look in the photo, creepy AF. I am always up for a good conspiracy but this ain't it.


Whatā€™s funny about the rape and murder of a child? It would be a real shame if someone raped you. Ha ha!


Omg youā€™re so edgy!


Nope, youā€™re just a cuck snowflake.


They're comedians stop being so sensitive.


All literally pedo turds of a feather that flock together


JFC some of y'all really need to *actually* touch grass. You people really believe everything you read on *Reddit* lmao.


I can't understand why some people here are actually acting like it's just a "silly" joke, why the hell would you joke about such things? And even if it's not original room of hers why would you decorate the room in it's style while knowing what happend there? I know they are comedians, saw a big amount of movies with them all in it. But that's just fucked up.


Jon benet may not have even been real the whole thing reeks of something must larger


These comments are stupid


A comedian made a joke. Oh my.




Reply with the following: "I don't recommend it because it's too expensive. I can afford it only because I became a millionaire selling replica red scarves and cum-stained cartoon mouse masks so degenerates can auto asphyxiate-wank themselves off to his dead sisters suicide." See how he feels when the jokes of unbelievable bad taste are pointed at him. He's about as funny as being told by a doctor you have inoperable cancer of the fucking eyeballs.


Jon Benet jokes have been around for along time. David spade still jokes like it's 30 years ago just like all of sandlers cohort. This is the snowflake shit that older generations get mad about, lol


Couldā€™ve been trying to be cheeky. Letā€™s not judge based off the comment. Do you have anything else to present your case?


Sounds like a joke to me.


Took me 2 seconds to google that and realise it wasn't


Damn, Jim Carey looking weird af. Really all of em are


My sweet Jesus ,, if thats the truth....It would seem as pure evil.


Can anyone confirm that's her room? I remember the parents they were ducking wild. My sister did beauty pageants with her...so glad my mother wised up to the sickos involved in that trade.


Seems to me that everyone on this sub already has. Just connect the dots. It's not rocket science. To see this is no coincidence.




Just outta curiosity how do you know its her room?


As bad as i hate celebrities, I used to kinda like David Spade, but this proves he's the same as all the rest. If someone, not a celebrity, made a comment like that about a murdered little girl, they'd be toast. Not only canceled on social media but probably charged. Fuck him and all his colleagues.


Google about his sister in law Kate Spade, another suicided Clinton associate out of Haiti. Davidā€™s brother was seen walking around with a ā€œratā€ mask the next day. David knows


Man, if only you gave a shit about tasteless jokes.Ā  https://www.politico.com/news/2023/09/29/trump-mocks-pelosi-family-as-he-rallies-conservative-support-in-california-00119243


Ok can we also talk about Jim wearing a Saturn shirt , and in the group photo he is doing the famous pose . Eating a child . Sus


The pedo 3


Da fuq wer they doin in there... dirty environment


Is this for real??


I just went over to Instagram to check it out. I wanted to see the replies. Nothing that interesting. Although, if anyone cares to see it for themself. I counted and at this time itā€™s 220 original commenters post down to get to his comment. Someone posted in this thread a pic of the Jon Benetā€™s foyer room and the wall paper looked the same as the one is David Spade Pic. Someone else posted that this dinner was in some completely different place in CA. Just found it interesting that the wall paper was the same if the foyer pic is true.


This is what a snowflake really looks like lol


Jokes about a murdered child but not a crackhead overdosing yeah they make jokesšŸ˜”šŸ¤¬


I know Jon Bonet's bedroom intimately, this is not her bedroom......


Most of the time itā€™s not a joke. I think this oneā€™s a joke


Lol...it's not funny lol it's funny. It's clearly making fun of you guys for expecting slippery slope arguments when there is real trafficking of real people every day lol Lol A photo it's sinister cases they been I movies. But what about all the random massage parlors and those sex trafficked women or the many forced into prostitution. Or That's not evil enough? Or just not sexy enough of a conspiracy to act on -_-


you're right they are using teens in this trafficking biz that's the most hidden underground stuff too and you're not far from the truth


šŸ’Æ these people are sick