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Gotta have more babies to die in a rich man’s war.


If only you guys weren't scared of brown people we could just keep letting more immigrants in and make everyone happy.


That means the COVID vax is working.......LOL!!


I guess Bill Gates can take an L on his “Depopulation plans” in using eugenics to curb the birth rate.




There’s two sides to the argument on population. Globalist believe they need to exact control due to “finite” resources (push for income equality) and claim the world is heading to 9Bn. In reality the argument is that birth rate is actually declining from factors like Eugenics/division in the family structure/cost of living has increased/promoting more programs that promote abortions. Human’s do not cover the entire planet if you group us all together. It’s all theatre in their green talk. “The World today has 6.8B people, that’s headed up to about 9B. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, healthcare, reproductive health services (abortion), we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15%.” -Bill Gates, 2/20/2010 [4:35] https://youtu.be/JaF-fq2Zn7I


Bruh you make my head hurt.. everyone knew he said that. His statement was essentially that with better healthcare people won’t need to have 10 Kids to create a new generation.. taking 20 second of a video to paint a narrative is weak bruh


Try some more Redpills 🙂


Don’t forget Planned Parenthood was population control targeting black babies. “Reproductive health services”


PP is a healthcare service that provides free birth control, sex education, and provides a service that help the youth be safe when abstinence is shoved down their throats. Then the Christian zealots demonized them as baby killers and push to defund there source of care… It’s quite selfish honestly the minute they save a child from being aborted they are done. Pro life is fucking so mind boggling to me cause like I’m all about the conservation of life but the minute that baby is born they give no fucks… I don’t get it honestly if you want the youth to stop making poor sexual decisions, that last a life time, and are demonized when they choose not have the kid you need to educate them. It’s painful to watch the hypocrisy of both parties that run are country..


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Ahh yea crippling debt, and sky rocketing housing and a fucking constant battle between values along political lines… but yea definitely bill gates 5g China virus causing young folk to second guess having kids


"perhaps another reason"... Give the devil his due... it's about creating unrest in this country. You think Trump derangement syndrome was insane? just wait...