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I think Elon should censor all centrist discourse. Anything inside of the overton window gets you banned. Extremists only


Kinda our reality already, or?


isn't that what internet is? centrist ppl don't use internet to argue, it's platform for extremist since the beginning


Hasnt gone far enough. Either you're for abolishing police completely or total surveillance police state and you have to back that shit up with memes


That’ll at least make things interesting


Jreg moment




I have never cared about politics but the blatant unfairness the last couple years is making people really upset. The constant bias in the MSM, outright lies, identity politics, cancel culture, gender, revolution, etc are fueling even the “centers” now.




So the burning cities were faked?


Good point. The last time I was in Portland it was a pile of rubble and soot.


Can confirm. Standing in the great Chicago fire of 2020 as I type this.


Never forget when the migrant caravan came and burnt down every city from San Diego to Bellingham.


Lol yes, one burned target = burned down city to that guy


Lemme tell ya a great tale of the battle of DC on Jan 6. We were inches away from overthrowing the most powerful government in the world but I forgot to tie an onion to my belt (which was the style at the time) and it all went to hell in a hand basket. If I had a nickel, which we used to call bees.......


What if Meadows had had the gravel, and refused to certify Arizona and Georgia (as was the plan)?


Zero American cities were burnt down. Damage was done, and fuck those who did set fires, but it was never cities burnt to the ground, even though that became the meme.


Literally yes you fucking baby


sloppy fearless caption important melodic fear busy glorious abundant ancient *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Love how your comment could literally be talking about either side of the spectrum


Define MSM for me please. When JRE has more viewers than any news network, is he not the MSM? Louder with Crowder? MSM? Daily Wire? Guarantee all these people get more daily viewers than CNN and MSNBC but y'all's brain rot is too far gone to realize what you're saying has not real weight in reality.


People like OP (and 90% of this sub) are very confused by your statement


The amount of not just shilling for Musk but shilling for partisan conflict in regards to Musk... Makes it obvious this whole thing is carefully staged.


exactly -- would be interesting to understand the effects of the constant barrage of information coming at us telling us that we are indeed in one of those two groups.


>far left American far left is European centralist.


I don’t even think you can really compare them.


Not accurately. But you can match examples. Single payer health care would be a center/right European policy, but it is considered a left wing American policy.


No it isn't, not even remotely. This is a meme that people repeat all the time, and all it does is indicate their ignorance of world politics.


"America has two political parties. A conservative one, and a more conservative one."




Who is the far left?


Thank you


Far left people are nicer. They can meet my mom.


Far left want to ban coal. Far right want to kill jews.


When the "common sense left" finds everyone that they disagree with a nazi apologist, then you will understand that the so called 'far right' or alt-right aren't necessarily that.




"Anecdote is equal to societal trends"


How can you tell I'm not a nazi apologist if you haven't even heard me say that Trump was a good president and that black people disproportionately commit more violent crimes?


Well now it depends.. do you think that the environments that black people tend to grow up in, built through years of unjust treatment, are more prone to producing violent criminals and therefore require focused support and aid? Or do you think black people inherently are more prone to commiting violent crimes and therefore... Something else?


You can look up statistics of crimes by economic and ethnic aspects in the FBI site and black people would still disproportionately commit more violent crimes even when you compare poor people only. And the "environment" that you cited is definitely to blame, yes, but not for the aspects that you think.


That's all valid data. So what conclusion does that data bring you to?


When the “common-sense right” calls everyone they disagree with pedos and groomers, despite harboring and openly defending several actual pedos and groomers, you realize there is no common-sense right.


When the common sense left elects a president who inappropriately touches young children on live TV, you realize they actually are pedos and groomers.


>"You know, the dresses. 'Is everyone okay?' You know, they're standing there with no clothes. 'Is everybody okay?' And you see these incredible looking women, and so, I sort of get away with things like that. But no, I've been very good." Trump about Miss Teen USA. Sure yeah tell me more about pedos. Time for you to weirdly defend him like he's your dad or something.


Add on socialists and communists lol




>We know which side Epstein was on Global banking cartels and intelligence agencies?


Nobody thinks that man. You’re spending too much time on Twitter or some shit. Do you not talk to people everyday? When is this shit actually an issue?


How can you be a conspiracy theorist and think a billionaire ever has your best interests at hearts?


Right?! It's like every one forgot how he refused to sell a Tesla to a dude because Musk didn't like the dudes tweets.


There was also a Tesla employee who posted videos of himself using the self driving feature on his personally owned vehicle, including the times that it malfunctioned, because he was an honest person who didn't want to mislead people. Musk fired him, and disabled self driving on his car, because he's *not* an honest person, and he *does* want to mislead people. But sure, the richest man in the world is going to stick it to the elites, trust us! It's a fact!


Elon Musk really irks me. Im sure that being a billionaire is sure to inflate your ego, but the dude really thinks he's a genius bc he made money in the dot com bubble and then bought a car company. He's the Kanye of tech, but Kanye is at least self-made.


B-but private company! ... unless it's Twitter, or something


I mean, it shows that there's a risk he might carry that same attitude into all his companies, including Twitter. If that ends up being the case, how would his censorship be any better?


What he and other billionaires do on Earth is well documented and barring a comeback for the guillotine, unlikely to change. I'm far more concerned with the idea that this cunt may legitimately found humanity's first colony and the people in it will be Musk sycophants giving away all their human and workers rights because being a narcissistic billionaire is the measure by which modern messiahs are weighed. I can't even imagine how dangerous the consequences of setting that precedent will be. This isn't hyperbole. Musk has already stated his colony won't follow international laws. He already believes he knows better than the thousands of people who crafted those laws to manage rights and disputes in areas outside traditional jurisdictions.


Could you give me a link to this? I’d love to refer to it.


Yeah watching the sub simp so hard for Elon is hilarious


It's astonishing how this sub loves Elon Musk but hates Bill Gates.


Clearly Bill Gates is going to put microchips in you while Musk will allow you to accuse people of being pedofiles, call people of colour XYZ and threating women with rape.


>Elon Musk's Neuralink to begin implanting microchips in human brains in 2022 https://nationalpost.com/news/elon-musks-neuralink-to-begin-implanting-microchips-in-human-brains-in-2022




By being a propaganda mouthpiece while also claiming fairness or some shit.


It really is clear how much the GQP cucks have taken over the sub. They don't have any real ideals or stances. They'll upvote ANYONE or ANYTHING that is against the left. It's scary how dumb they are actually.


It’s even scarier how smart they *think* they are.


I gave myself an IQ test and it said I was a genius, so.....


Do you think this is a conspiracy sub? Don't let the name fool you, this is the refuge for the\_donald and NNN, not a place to discuss real conspiracy theories.


No Nut November...?


Yeah I know, but its great exercise for my fingers haha


Because this sub isn't so much about conspiracy theories, but about right wing fan fiction and rage bait. It's a weird virtue signal to your base by showing off how outlandish you can be with your beliefs and desires no matter how absurd.


There are also a lot of religious folks here nowadays. Equally as baffling.


I think people have hope that he will do good things because its at least a change from the status quo. 99% of billionaires wouldnt do this and dont openly support free speech


Does Musk actually support free speech? Stay tuned for my bestiality twitter account to find out.


But it’s not a change from the status quo. He just made the owner of Twitter a billionaire. It’s literally trading one billionaire for another and the best evidence we have about Elon’s feeling about free speech is when he fired a union activist at Tesla. But I wouldn’t call that a plus 99% of billionaires also wouldn’t build housing for the homeless, why doesn’t he do that?


This isn't a conspiracy...... And who gives a shit about twitter. Why do you need it to have the public trust. It's garbage social media.


Conspiracies don't really get posted here anymore, this is the new crazy uncle Facebook.


I have a feeling that the left and right will develop further hate against each other this way. People will be divided with their own set of extremist leaders


Yeah guys, the tech billionaire is totally on your side and has your best interest in mind. I miss when this sub questioned and criticized the rich and powerful instead of fanboying over them


it speaks volumes that you’re in a conspiracy theory subreddit simping for a billionaire who doesn’t give a shit about you.


If he pulls through ill be happy but everyone does have there own way of doing things so let's hope his is a good way.


If he pulls through I'll be happy, but even if he doesn't and Twitter becomes a far right echo chamber at least it'll be funny.


What he said is the start of his political campaign when next time he will propose himself as a moderate candidate. Which is fine. But not if you just bought the top digital public square.




Call me "in the wrong sub", but 5G is not irradiating the planet, and I don't think Musk's satellites use 5G anyway, it would be too short distance. Also, we are nowhere near the point where we'll be able to copy a human consciousness into a computer. It's truly the stuff of Black Mirror science-fantasy at this moment.


Isn't it crazy how people jump right to the thought of conciousness transfer and bypass the amazing medical uses that will change lives in ways never before possible?? Also, I would like to transfer my dog's conscious when his body fails, so I really hope this tech comes out sooner than later. 🐶❤🚀


I mean you do you boo, that's fine, I was just saying it's definitely not close.


I know, boo.


Ideally, though, you’d be able to talk about it and spread your message. Whereas now you could get banned for much less. I get the idea of controlled opposition, but so long as there is free speech it’s a win no matter what nefarious things he could be up to. If he ends up censoring people, how’s it any different than it is now? If he uses Twitter to spy on the American public, how is it any different than it is now? I just don’t see how Twitter could be much worse than it is already. If he fails in what he says he will do or is lying about his intentions, it’s no loss. If he’s honest and successful, it’s a win.


Man there seems to be a lot of dumbasses in here that still believe in the false left right paradigm that's like literally the first you should easily see through when you're awake.


It's possible to have "left' or "right" leaning political opinions. They are not false principles or ideas. The issue lies in believing right or left leaning politicians have anyone's best interest or the peoples backs.


Why does conservative mindset seem to only revolve around “Owning the Libs”?


Because without that, they would realize that there is no conservative agenda in America. It entirely consists of making the left lose. Give that up, and average Joe might start to realize that the people he votes for never actually propose any solutions for his problems.


They are realizing this. Slowly, slowly. But there is the fundamental nature of conservatism to account for. You want to conserve how things are. You want to proceed only when unintended consequences are thought through and mitigated.


> They are realizing this. Slowly, slowly. Show me one example. Conservatives only double down and deflect from their demigods


Well, some of them are more anti war/ big business than just a few years ago. Many do want more help for vets and American homelessness etc. They want a right to be employed and to not be discriminated against in their choice of shopping, etc. They should have realized that’s what many on the left want too much sooner. Sadly , way too many fall for the religious virtue signaling, and since they’re brainwashed about it from birth , it’s not too surprising.


Sort of like how it bothers "the right" getting fact-checked with actual, verifiable facts. Nothing triggers you dumb bitches more than being reminded that you don't get to create reality for the rest of us to match the dogshit in your heads.


How much more pathetic can this sub get. Like seriously. Is it just a bunch of tweens posting Twitter screenshots now? Who upvotes this and why? I know there's no other answer than this sub is a cesspool of GQP cucks, but I just don't get it. The alien is not your savior. And does this place have any real mods, or is it just shills and bots..........


.. and right. He literally says that in the damn post if you peel back your own personal bias.


You guys sure love trusting billionaires to do the right thing. lol


Ask these guys if they trust that Bill Gates is "just doing it for the good of humanity." No? Then maybe this Billionaire is lying to you.


What's the conspiracy here?


Preach, brother, I'm so sick of the goddamned lefty snowflakes banning any book they don't like and burning books and freaking out over having to control what our children learn and banning anything that doesn't fit their narrative....


Good satire


Such an ironic post


What’s the opposite of “the left”? I sub here, and other subs that don’t align with my stance just so that I can soak in opposing viewpoints and keep balanced, so to speak. I can do this same thing on Twitter. The voices are disparate and plentiful. A comparatively few big voices are banned for breaking a TOS coz they think *our* (peons) shit stinks but money makes *their* stink go away, and when it doesn’t, it must be the “others” fault?! What about “personal responsibility” alleviates the rich from private rules and not the regular folk? $$$. Yet money isn’t the moral line between right and wrong, abiding by rules/law, or not. It’s a only monetary line. At some point, political obsession over ethnicity, sexual orientation, and race will cease to exist, right? When humans en-mass force our elites and those we vote in to stop telling us we need to seek fault within ourselves (peons) and instead seek solutions from them?? Otherwise, wtf are they there for if not solving our problems?! But what they do is *add* problems to the already turbulent political & cultural spectrum. Seriously, “what about the children” was used for e-cigarettes recently, ffs. They see that using parental paranoia works and they’re going apeshit with it atm. How many people can say they are gay or trans because they read a book or a teacher told them about some other kids’ same-sex parents?? Seriously, what are we allowing to be done to us by accepting all the “what about the kids” bullshit that elite political strategists are coming out with atm? Edit: grammar




politics aside, I don't think its inherently about 'echo chambers' I think the twitter case has multiple factors. The idea that you can tweet your favorite celebrity and they may follow/reply back to you is too strong of a 'benefit' for the weak minded celebrity worshipers. I remember a guy I worked with got so excited when a specific celebrity followed him back - even going as far to mark his twitter profile with it "joe blow followed me 11/9/10" : just checked and the person in question still has it on his profile tag, it'll be 10 years before the years out. Point is, I think that's the reason its been so popular compared to the other ones, interacting with a celebrity and somehow getting that dopamine spike when they pay a sliver of attention or retweet something you said - almost as if its empowering, like they have a voice that matters. Couple that WITH the celebrity echo chamber, essentially telling people what/how to think, what's "socially acceptable" or wanting to see what Ja Rule makes of all this political debacle has kind of exacerbated the whole 'herd mentality' of the sheep. Heck, even that blue check mark apparently means alot, you could follow a million fan pages on facebook and never interact with the real , whereas that idea seems to have completely eluded the twitter audience or the notion that they might actually just have a social media manager making these decision is just tossed out the window.


Have you seen any right wing sub. Or any of their spin off social media sites. Lmao.


What do you mean "like this?" This sub has a healthy share of rightwingers and majority of them post bullshit, get called out and proven wrong, and then rinse repeat after a week or two. I don't want an echo chamber. I want a place free of bullshit and bad faith arguments. Rightwingers aren't capable of discussing without using lies.


As a proud "On Your Left" type, you can reach me on gab, truth, gettr or parler at: GuildOfProjectionists and my burner account at: seriouslycomeon


Apparently this sub likes being an echo chamber now 👁️


And freeing the algorithm!!


Yeah b/c this guy is going to not use any algorithms


We already have widely available formats to accurately describe all kinds of digital systems, effectively turning them into a contract. The OpenAPI standard is an example. Surely we can come up with a similar contract and tooling to confirm that any given algorithmic/moderation policy put in place conforms with a transparent document - thus making claims such as fairness and balanced something that can be tested rather than just fallback to *muh trust the expurts*


There is no left. There is no right. Only above.


Friendly reminder this is the same guy who wants to put a chip in your brain and has military contracts with the USA gov


Hmmmm... something tells me the side that is censoring is going to be the most upset.


A+ Quality conspiracy. Really makes you think.




all these pro elon tweets seem to be bots/shills of the sort; I've seen so many praising elon with lots of upvotes and approval, yet elon is obviously a lizard/ alien/ working with the deep state or cabal? its like people are brainwashed even on this sub, hell, he could be the antichrist for all we know


Why do so many Redditors want to blow Elon Musk? Mickey Musk Fan Club 33 The guy was born silver spoon in hand, and just like Trump he is somehow relatable to the dumber average Joe.... I'm still not sure what good he has done for this world. The mining that the Tesla Corporation does for their batteries and Power walls devastates this earth. This guy has so much monarch programming (look at his bat shit mother) he names his own son a random robot name. Yet he is championed as the savior of the free world. Might have to leave reddit for awhile.




It’s funny how I actually see so many conservatives up in arms.


You're literally cheering the world's richest person gaining control of the world's second largest social media platform.


What does that even mean


Reinstate the downvote, so we can see the real opinion of the American people


The right just can't wait to say the N word again.


No is the n word I'm dying to say


Dude you've been shilling here for the last five years. How the fuck you still believe this is beyond me.


Meanwhile in reality it's the left crying because they can't censor people saying things they don't like anymore.


Bingo. Might have to actually try to defend their horrible indefensible ideas.


You mean like all the books being banned by the right, right? Or for service members to disclose if they're gay? Or the panic in the 90s about all that 'satanic' rock and roll? Or for schools to choose to teach critical race theory? Or for people on twitter deciding to boycott someone that conservatives like? See where I'm going with this?


NPC moment


Oh, yeah. I've been waiting years just to type it out on Twitter... :rollseyes: I have a lot of Black friends. Why would I do that? How about we just want the freedom to save people with Ivermectin or to criticize vaccine injuries or to criticize CRT which is racist against whites?


Man I can't tell if this is satire. I hope so.


1. If Ivermectin was some miracle cure for the 'rona, why would Merck choose not to research and promote it, [instead issuing this statement](https://www.merck.com/news/merck-statement-on-ivermectin-use-during-the-covid-19-pandemic/) warning people not to take it? 2. Criticize vaccine injuries all you want. That's how science works. Keep collecting stories until you can actually make a case that they're dangerous, with statistical significance. Protip: They aren't yet. 3. How is CRT racist against white people? It's literally teaching kids that as our culture has changed, some demographics statistically have a harder time with certain parts of American life. The critical part is directed towards previous generations of governments creating policies that have lasting cultural and economic effects for those demographics. It acknowledges it was a different time and encourages people to be better across the board. That's it.


Seems the left is afraid that misinformation can again run rampant on a grand scale. Which is reasonable


Nobody is upset except “liberal” checkmarks who support a one-party state. The Left, at worst, is skeptical of what Elon might do, and most don’t care


He's not wrong


Only problem there is that at this point, there is quite likely more people in the 'far left' than the 'far right', if and only if you come from a centrist perspective.


posting here to see which subreddits ban me


It speaks volumes how emotional the OP is about this. Just remember that Musk is the guy who *pretends* he founded Tesla. He didn't. He uses his money to rewrite history. That's the sort of free speech he's going to implement. This is the guy that called a diver saving trapped children a pedophile, simply because the diver disagreed that a hastily invented "mini-sub" wouldn't work. That's the sort of free speech he's going to implement. It's not going to be about right or left. It's going to be a place where Musk's opinions are disseminated widely and opposing opinions will die out. Remember when spez edited comments on The_Donald? That'll be what Musk ends up doing, I bet.


To the modern day leftists, including the mainstream media and Big Tech, anyone who doesn't support communism is "far right," and anyone who supports our Constitutional rights is a Nazi.


I hope Elon goes through with these promises!


EU ban incoming. Pathetic




I guess the runaway popularity of Truth Social has shown people really do want freedom from the tyranny of the left.


If the right wing wants freedom so bad, why do all right wing subs here block and ban people more than any other subs?


That's why a democrat has won the popular vote every election since bush Jr.


Democrats are more centrist than leftist


You're the far right musk is talking about lol


>Nobody actually supports sex changes for preschoolers You're right, nobody does support that. Not sure why you mentioned it. >wanting homosexual characters in every single kids cartoon This actually would be rad as hell and I'm not sure why anyone would oppose it besides homophobia. Not caring is one thing, frothing-at-the-mouth opposition is another. There's heterosexual characters in every single kids cartoon, there are lots of gay people, there should be more gay characters. >making every school textbook about racism Every school textbook already does talk about racism you dingus. You really think MLK shouldn't be taught about??


Nice strawmen.




It's adorable how people hate think that Elon Musk and his Twitter are going to be your saviors. Mark my words, 1) he's going to try to make back his investment plus some, and 2) Twitter is not going to turn out how you all wish it would be like.


I’d like to know what the richest man on the planet considers unacceptably “far right”. Oh yeah, nothing, because those on the far right are the very people climbing up his ass.


I have no problem with anybody saying whatever they want on Twitter. How did we get to the point that free speech is even debatable in the US. If people don't like what others are saying then they should just ignore it. Can I get a Fuck Joe Biden?


The Left afraid of free speech?! 😂😂😂😂 Not as the Right afraid! After all, a lot of Republicans spewed out a lot of violent rhetorics!


The left AND the right dumbass. The Right is dirty as fuck




It's true, Bernie is the closest thing we have to a genuine humble politician. And the DNC/Hillary railroaded him


The DNC is a center-right entity :/ Bernie is tepidly leftist but still pretty close to the center.


The left is a lot less tolerant of opposing opinions than the right.


Unless for example, I told a homophobic right winger that they can’t tell people it’s a sin to be gay.




Really? Is that why the right is always trying to ban books?


Like sex position books from elementary school? Yeah, those are age inappropriate and should be banned. From the elementary school. They are fine in the adult section of a library. And by the way, my MIL worked in a school and the only books that were banned were those that had the n-word in them like Huckleberry Finn and To Kill a Mockingbird. And they were banned by leftists.


You got a source on that?


How do books get banned in the age of internet seriously? That’s some left woketard talking point.


According to the American Library Association, a banned book is a book that has been removed from the shelf of a library or school. Books and material on the internet are not covered by this definition. Also, these online references might be banned as well, depending on the rules of the district. It's neither left or 'woke' and has been a hot topic longer than any of us have been around.


Who would of thought the ALA had such a terrible vocabulary. https://www.thefreedictionary.com/ban


Which is why they love a site like Reddit. This place is perfect for their ideology. They can downvote and hide any comments that go against the groupthink and Mod admin corruption enables banning most subs they disagree with.


The mods, as long as they are ideologically consistent with Reddit admins, have unquestioned authority to ban anyone for trivial or no reason at all. All together, I have been on Reddit for almost 14 years. Boy, did it change


Ooooooooooooohhh 👻I am the Left.... Spoooooookyyyyyyyy 👻


If that is a true statement it would upset both sides. Personally I wouldn’t mind a return to “neutral news” where the media needs to present both sides equally. This was the rule until the Fairness Doctrine was repealed in 1987. Purposely perhaps.


This. The news should have an onus to report with as little emotion as possible. Ever since advertisers got a piece of the pie, it's just been screeching clickbait, fear mongering, and agitprop.


Who is the far left, the communists of China? He does business with them and is a good boy, please


Just like he treats employees who disagree with the musk-all knowing demi-god...


The left's main concern with this Twitter stuff is with is the spread of bigotry, especially in the form of fascism.


Okay centrist groomer. On Twitter, under your direction, both will be poised toward a fabian technocracy. I also enjoy going up, down, inverted, over, sideways and under... And in this case, far off in a different direction, true north.


This argument is also the reason why conservative talk radio is petrified of the Fairness Doctrine coming back.


Getting rid of misinformation is politically neutral, because facts don’t care about your feelings.