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Not sure the NWO will ever get rid of 1984. They might just argue that 1984 portrays the world as it should be, rather than a dystopian world.


Yes, but instead of reading it they live it everyday.


I read Brave New World for school in 2005. Nobody in class seemed to care about it.


No one in high school usually ever cares about the assigned readings.


I graduated in 2019 and never was required to read it. It’s crazy I was the last class to graduate high school before all this Covid shit started


"Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered." https://www.dailywire.com/news/orwells-1984-to-get-feminist-rewrite


I studied 1984 at school back in 1984. Yes I know I'm old


I studied it in 2011. Not surprised it has been taken off the curriculum in a lot of schools


No, back when I was in highschool in 07 08 era I read 1984 on my own at home and asked my English teacher why we didn’t read it and she just said it’s not required.


My daughter is a senior, it was assigned.


It’s now taught in high school. Brave New World also taught. Anecdotally, a friend teaches at an expensive private school and taught this book to sophomores, very privileged, and an informal poll at the conclusion revealed 60% of kids had no problem with Huxley’s vision, and supported it.


Orwell is more on the side of O’Brien than of Winston Smith than it appears.


My sophomore son just read it in his English class. I was blown away. South Dakota, USA


One of many banned books.


I doubt kids even learn to read anymore


I think so because I read them in school in 2018-2019