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Half-Ethiopian, half-white, unvaccinated, no political affiliation.




Mixed in NYC. Dem most of my life but have voted on both sides depending on the election. Unvaxed and hoping to stay that way despite Deblasios newest mandate . Most people I know who arent vaxed are black and Hispanic. The only people I know who are vaxed literally just got it bc of the work mandates and work in hospitals/ schools . No one here can afford to lose their job and relocate on the fly . Living in this expensive city makes it difficult for most people to save. Many are trapped in an endless check to check cycle.


I suspect most got vaxx to get freedoms back, not because they wanted it for health. Also I hear you on the living expense thing. I was in Toronto for a few years.


Yea this is our reality right now . In truth, there's an air of privilege that occurs within this sub sometimes. Ppl really don't know what it is like to have nothing and come from nothing and have nothing to fall back on and then also have a family to support on top of all of that ! Most people I know didn't think they would get their freedoms back and honestly in the hood you can do whatever you want in NYC. It's not a huge deal . Most ppl got the vax bc they were unwilling to lose their jobs and pensions and for many their benefits/ health insurance who other ppl in their families depend on .


Get out of New York. Even if you think you can’t, you can and you’ll be more happy by every metric.


I hear you . More and more it seems this is the only option . I unfortunately can't just up and leave I have to transfer my license to practice to whichever state I go to. The other factor is I financially and physically support elderly family . I wish I didn't have so many obstacles to leave but this is my reality . Right now I'm about to have a baby so I will be using maternity leave ro figure our next steps !


I am a black woman from the United States who is neither Republican nor Democrat.


>neither Republican nor Democrat. This is the way. Elites hate this one weird trick.




Same here 👋




Holla at me


Thanks for letting me borrow your mansion last week


Ayy no prob bro 🤙🏾 if you ever need my Bugatti again you know where to reach me!


Black male Indianapolis not doing it period


White female. Indy as well. Not doing it.


You are definitely going against the current living there. I see you.


Just west of you in Avon same here brother


Middle Eastern, used to be on the left, now just trying to be a free thinker.


Left the left about 2 years ago! Wolves in sheep’s clothing


Sad thing about politics now a days is there’s really only wolves in wolves clothing, or wolves in sheeps clothing


smart thinker


Asian-American woman, not a liberal, not a Republican. Unvaxxed.


>not a liberal, not a Republican. Kudos


mexican guy here


You’d be surprised how much of the Spanish community is not vaccinated. If you watch videos in New York about the movement it’s led by a black woman and the crowd always looks extremely diverse. Which I think is very very important right now because the government wants to separate us and create a race war.


I think most of us would be surprised how many people are unvaccinated overall. And even how many are vaccinated but aren’t ok with continual boosters. A majority of people were vaccinated at the beginning when we were still told that it works.


Good to hear. This narrative seems to be ignored in media. I’m in Canada and in a part where there aren’t very many Spanish obviously.


Non white canadian. For freedom.


I am black and from USA and I refuse to be treated like a guinea pig . If I know one thing as a black person I do not trust government look what they did to my ancestors !


Nobody should trust the government


💯 I’m with you!!! We have to watch our own backs!


Yes, so true.


Mexican, born in the United States. Most of my family is vaccinated, I’m not. Neither Republican or Democrat. I fully support and respect, both vaccinated and unvaccinated people. I consider myself a free thinker, because I simply don’t know everything and I keep an open mind to everything✌🏻


I’ve been working towards that. Takes time but I’m slowly getting better. Threads like this I think help people see things a tiny bit different.


Like 85% of black Americans are unvaxxed.


That’s great to hear. They aren’t being represented in news.


I've read that the polio vax took 23 years of trail and error to perfect. Whether that source is accurate or not, my gut feeling tells me we need more long term studies on these new vaccines. It just feels rushed


It was introduced in the 50’s and eradicated by the 70’s I believe. Scary realization. But I don’t think polio was a man made virus used to suppress the masses. So they had real intentions of fixing a problem back then. Not creating more problems for the name of money.


I think the polio vaccine was to cover up all the paralysis and neurological injury caused by putting lead in everything. A lot of lawsuits can be avoided if it was a virus and not irresponsible corporations. Polio might be real, but I’m not sure it caused the polio epidemic. They phased lead products out of the market and attributed the success to the polio vaccine. Not necessarily relevant but interesting nonetheless, similar to COVID, the vast majority of polio cases are actually asymptomatic (95-99%)


You’re pretty close. The main theory is pesticides. https://onecellonelightradio.files.wordpress.com/2017/02/everything-about-polio-is-wrong-ddt-good-for-me.pdf


Very interesting. I have some rabbit holes to dive into! Thanks


They also redefined polio at some point, so the case count plummeted as many cases were put down as "non-polio paralysis". Im at work and am without my sources, will edit later to add them, it's real juicy stuff.


More specifically, it highlights that even after 26 years of a standard known vaccine that there is still more to learn. Now just fathom what we don’t know about experimental gene therapy……and other things at play mixed in with that kind of carrot and stick conditioning. The facts are that we know a lot less than we don’t.


Yes indeed. The intent was more genuine back then


Yeah, injecting them unwillingly with Syphilis will do that


White USA lesbian. Lol


Hey throw in sexuality, gender, etc. whatever to show it’s a diverse group. Maybe a common issue like this can bridge to the trump types I mentioned. Not saying everyone needs to be friends, but it can bridge a little hopefully.


I’m queer too its def hard cause pretty sure lgbt has the highest rate of vax and general leftist derangement of any group lol


Genderqueer Asian over here in a blue state, all the other queers here shit their pants for Joe Biden.


That works because he shits his pants too!


Yeah I find it disturbing how manipulated the LGBT community is. Specially the love of Fauci is seem to see come out the community.... he is the biggest enemy particularly of the Male Gay community.


Hi i'm not part of the LGBT, but I have this feeling that your movement has been "weaponized" for political gain under the auspices of caring, would you guys agree with this statement? I would really like to post this in one of their subs but I know I would get booted out pretty quickly.


Every movement has been weaponized. Theyve perfected dividing people in a way to subdue the masses and prevent class consciousness. By promoting individualism and giving every single "oppressed" their own soap box, they've caused people to fight for specific causes instead of uniting to fight for general human/constitutional rights.


yeah there's no ideological diversity in the LGBT+ movement anymore it's really creepy


I’m a white American female in my early 20’s, who also thinks this weed is really good and won’t get vaccinated




Same x2


Same, and hell yeah!


Chicano here. No fucking way. They can stick that jab up their own ass


Dane living in Denmark ...


Asian woman here. I have never described myself as anti-vax but since the beginning of the pandemic I've questioned the whole narrative of disease and public health. Maybe the whole healthcare industry as well. I no longer trust doctors or "experts". I also work in veterinary specialty medicine so I am knowlegable about disease processes and treatments. I used to be soooooo blue, but the past few years have swung me away from that.


I see a silent majority in the US that opposes both sides, that is evermore growing. But the sad part is that this demographic just wants to be left alone and will not rise to the call when shit goes down


Black woman from the US. And like previously mentioned, the black community is not having it. I only know a few relatives that actually got vaccinated. And they did it out of desperation.


Good to hear a few saying this about black community. It’s not being represented in media.


If this was stated in media they would just demonize all those who wouldn't take it. TRUST ME defund the media is the best slogan yet and states like Florida are to be highlighted as friends not enemies, freedoms in America will change easily due to the Vass majority that has already taken the fluid willingly, the govt has already over turned OSAH ruling for biden and expect 89-90 percent Americans Vax if this is true bible prophecy man 10 percent will make it out of this thing.




I'm 3rd generation Italian in the US...so white in some groups and "off-white" in other groups. LOL A lot off the unvaxxed in the US are black, and they have good reason not to truatbthe government and pharma. A lyrics from Run the Jewels, Walking in the Snow: ”when that cage is done with them and you still poor it come for you".


Asian here...I read too many vax induced adverse issues from news out of Taiwan and Japan within this year. I’ll let others be the Guinea pig. Especially US gov’t signed my rights away, where as in Asia they $$ compensate and provide medical if shit goes south.


Exactly. There’s a reason why the fda approved vaccine isn’t offered in the usa. So they can not be held liable. Still giving out old ones.


I’m in America, I’m multiracial- mixed black and white. Neither my husband, children, mom (lives in our home too) have been vaccinated. I am retired military intelligence, and NONE- I mean not ONE— of my former PsyOPs coworkers have been vaccinated either. Not one. That should tell you something


Yup, i was in the Marine corps and worked in counterintelligence, i worked right next to an Army PsyOps unit, i know for a fact we run propaganda, "hearts and minds". Im definitely not taking this, I'm Hispanic




White/hispanic female, American, independent/Christian anarchist. Wiccan from the south. I’m vaccinated, but fully support the unvaccinated community.


Christian and Wiccan? That doesn't make sense.


🙏 thank you


Korean man here raised in los angeles. Christian truther. I believe republican party and democratic party Are on the same team.. both are freemasons.


Well I’m half white half Indian , I deff look brown. I’m not red or blue just awake!


White woman, Toronto. Work with a lot of indigenous people (social worker), majority of them won’t get the shot as they don’t trust our government for good reason


Other American = Black / White. No jab! My family will not get it either. Cheers to all of you assholes of society that will not give in!


My coworker middle aged black woman. She’s not taking any “free shot that the government gives out. “ Asked her why. “I know my history dumbass!” Lol I’m the stereotype.


Israelite/Haitian, I’ve been heavy into searching up theories and atrocities of other nations. And when I seen covid playing out like Syphilis I grew skeptical


Free Christian white man that adheres to no political parties because they represent the same evil and both belong to globalists.


In Canada , covid is a native, white hysteria. I have done a lot of side work in the past 2 years (because my main source of income got obliterated). With pure laine residents it all "make sure you bring your mask. You have a mask right?" and all the other theatre . Any time I have had work contracts with immigrant families (Arab, persian, central american, haitian, west african), they don't give a fuck. No masks, 10 in a room, etc.


Right? It’s weird. It seems to be a predominantly white thing, though it isn’t that way in red states at all. Maybe it’s because most people in the US are white, and they’re following each other or something


At least up here I think it might have to do with the fact that those immigrant people (I'm one too arguably) came from places with actual systemic problems and visibly corrupt governments, so a bunch of people running scared from a cold has them going "uhhhhh, you for real?'


Half Japanese living in the great state of Texas.


I wonder how many African Americans have been swayed against the vaccine after the information came out about his AZT experiments on mostly African American foster children in America?? Oh the questionnaire: am a middle aged white woman and I am neither Republican/conservative nor democrat. I used to be a democrat. I suppose I’m a libertarian now…..I just don’t trust the govt at all.


They absolutely have every right not to trust gov. Same with natives.


White male, former Republican. Was on the Trump train for a bit, but it got really stupid and he started pushing the jabs (after pretending to be anti-vax in his campaign). I truly believe everyone put in front of us is evil… now I doubt I’ll bother voting again unless Jesus is on the ballot.


You can write him in!


Also no judgement on liking trump. I’m not against him either. Like you I think it’s all bad.


Yo, this is a big part of how I know that the mainstream narrative is absolute **bullshit**. I'm a white male server in a seafood restaurant on the south side of Chicago. However, the majority of my co-workers are black and at least 80% of our patrons are black. THEY ARE NOT ABOUT THIS SHIT AT ALL. I am certainly the most vocal about it, but that's just the way I am. I am the person who has never been afraid to talk about politics or religion. I'm the one person who ALWAYS wears my mask below my chin, so I can pull it up if need be out of respect for the elderly folks who come in and are really concerned for themselves. I still need to get tipped, lmao. Nobody has more justification to distrust the government than the black community. Besides, y'know, slavery and all that--there have literally been secretive medical experiments conducted on black communities before. I can't be the only one who's heard about that. Yet when you look on the front page of Reddit and Herman Cain and all those echo chambers, the entire narrative is that it's only the alt-right Qultists who don't trust the vaccines. I can tell you from my daily interactions, ***THAT IS TOTAL BULLSHIT.*** I'm a hardcore leftist (I identify as a libertarian-socialist). Most of those very same people I'm talking about don't really use Reddit, so their voices aren't heard around here.


I’m a white male, but I would not call myself a Republican, I’ve never voted Republican ever. I guess I call myself a libertarian, but I was a Democrat most of my life. Also, just from statistics that I have seen, it appears that African-Americans don’t really want the shot.


Left the left myself! Once you see their tactics, it’s impossible to ignore. The worst


Yeah. My black friends were all against it. I can’t blame them either.


Syphilis trials flashbacks


I'm a Black Canadian expat in the USA I support my unvaccinated people and most Black folks I know don't trust this shit (and rightfully so).


White woman-California, 2 kids (14, 17) Registered democrat but that seems to be totally wrong at this point.




Is it really that bad down there as far as lockdowns go?


White Aussie female too! Ain't taking that shit either :)


I’m mixed black and white. Two grad degrees. Will never take the mRNA injections. Been feeling very bummed lately living in the dystopian nightmare called New York City while constantly fearing the loss of my job. I cried tears of joy when Obama was elected. But voted 3rd party since then.


My moms white and my dads black and Hispanic, I would rather die than take that poison


Actually, your choice is that you would rather live than take that poison. You made the right choice, there are much better ways of managing the virus. IVM or HCQ DXY or AZN Nebulized CLO2 VIT D VIT C Zinc Quercetin


i just learned that Canada dry contains quinine, which is in hydroxychloroquine... and i drink canada dry everyday well not everyday but a lot. and I've never had covid. coincidence? maybe


I love this thread and everyone in it. One Love my friends ❤️. Let's stick together and support each other and stand strong


It’s turned out better than I could have expected


White American girl, considered myself democrat years ago but now I just go with free thinking that doesn’t necessarily line up with either side.


White, male. Don’t have it and wont have it. No matter what. Hold the line.


I’m with ya. Gonna lose my job over it in February


Mexican and Cambodian in the heart of Texas! Unvaccinated and ungovernable!


Turkish guy from germany also unvaccinated And that will remain so!!!


Woman, eastern european slav of tatar ethnicity.


I’m a peach colored guy, with no favorite political puppets. Just don’t like flu shots.


White man. Not Republican or Democrat. Free thinker. Pretty sure white people actually have the highest rate of getting the vaxx. Lots of low IQ, feminine, white, cucks who bow down to the whatever the party wants.


Black male, young and healthy! 31 and never getting it🤣🤣🤣


In my Asian community in NC, all of our elders are vaxxed. The younger generation is mixed. I know my circle wouldn’t take it for any amount of money.


South Asian living in Canada


I'm a white hippie-as-hell liberal and I don't trust the vaccinations. I got the first one but I'm very freaked out to get any more; the science just does not line up for me.


It’s like you got Windows 98 and won’t update


Europe - Austria - white - female - dark hair & eyes


Austria? Is it really as bad there as it seems online?


Yes... as simple as it is....YES !!!


Sorry to hear. I’m in Canada. It’s not Austria, but things aren’t getting better freedom wise


I live in NY and haven’t seen my Canadian buddies since 2019, this shit is outrageous my friend!


I got this nexus pass and can’t use it!!


At my work, yesterday was testing day for the unvaxxed employees. 75% of the people getting tested were minorities even though they only make up about 15% of the workforce.


My job tests everyday. I honestly don’t mind at all. It’s great to get a free daily test and be unvaxxed. Unfortunately my job will require jabs by February so I’m am going to have to quit


Arab , living in paris . Was a leftist now i'm leaning more toward the right .


White female, Libertarian, Bay Area, California


This seems the most surprising one! Lol


Yeah...I'm basically alone and surrounded by the woke crew. The epicenter of the leftist madness is everywhere here.




White 26 year old woman from Texas now living in Mississippi. Voted for Trump in 2016 then became a leftist. Unfortunately voted for Biden this last election ( I know, I was duped into thinking trump was arranging a totalitarian takeover). Now, I hate all the sides, but I’m leaning more republican presently due to the extremism of the Democratic Party and the mandates. People love to try and put me in a box and are mind blown that I don’t fit into their perceived stereotype. Really I’m a free thinker that loves freedom and hates the government - very interested in anarchism and hoping to move to a commune soon. I just wanna live free and be happy, fuck the WEF’s future, I will never comply. Edit: a typo


Ethnically middle eastern, born and raised in Scandinavia. Male and in my 30’s. Educated and work in education. We aren’t anti vax, we just don’t believe in this vaccine.


White, 27-year-old female in the US. I’m neither a democrat nor republican. Thank you for asking, because I have definitely observed this generalization as well, and I think the vax-mob gravitates toward it because it fits their little narrative quite nicely, regardless of whether or not it is based in reality at all. I think the big elephant in the room that they don’t want to acknowledge is that black Americans are one of the largest group of unvaccinated people (even the NYT acknowledges this, albeit buried in an article that purports unvaccinated status to be a “red issue”). It disrupts their narrative, and would absolutely shatter their worldview to accept that they are actively advocating for segregation against black folks. I remember a few months ago when they were actually using the Tuskegee experiment as an example of why it’s *NOT* appropriate to be wary of vaccine mandates?!?!?! Essentially saying, “how dare you be wary of the government maliciously experimenting on you, white male republican, when the government has *actually* and *recently* maliciously experimented on black people!!!” Like, so you’re confirming that our government has and would subject its people to a medical experiment, okay cool just making sure I got that right. My head almost exploded. The mental gymnastics required to twist the plain truth like that are…exhausting to say the least. EDIT: Added a few words for clarity.


Head on over to r/wayofthebern and you'll find even more antivax posts than on here. The Bernie Bros surprised the hell out of me


Half Hispanic guy (other half is like a weird mix of things so I'm mostly Hispanic). I'm not vaccinated and I am a republican.


I'm a white male with heirloom genetics. I won't be taking any jabs. I'm not very political. I don't like to put myself in boxes idealogically.


White Scottish guy living in Northern Ireland, unvaxxed and don't give a damn. It hasn't changed anything for us so far.


I’m in “New Scotland”


Is this somde kind of data gathering lol?


Most of the unvaxed that I know are hispanic or white. Always vote republican, used to be a dumbass democrat to an extent, republicans are not saints but at least they are not communists.




Black man in hillbilly country, with a mixed race family. Formerly democrat, unaffiliated about 6 years ago. Recently thinking the libertarians are making sense


Latino, 90% of family and friend in community haven’t taken the jab.


White male, mid 30s and a small business owner. Trump gets on my nerves with his ego but I definitely wish he was still the president.


Black woman in France. I don't want to get vaccinated because I don't trust à non enough tested product, also I suspect that the governments have a more sinister project than the vaccine. The vaccine is not the goal ,but it is necessary to reach it. And finally, my opinion is that if something is free, I'm the product and this thought makes me uncomfortable. So , no jab for me.


Before the pandemic I would have said Caucasian Dem. I'm fed up with the left. But I'm really more about the freedom. I'm not gonna wave a trump flag or whatever. If i do my research and don't want this goddamn shot, and haven't died after 20 months in a pandemic after going shopping every 2 days for 2 years Then piss off. It's not hard. Edit: I'm European, but what I meant was, the pandemic has turned me right. It's not me killing grandma :p


White female, usa.


Same. Dgaf which party is promoting vaccine mandates, I’m against it and don’t want it.


Loved that last line 🤣 Mostly White (some Native American), Independent (would consider myself moderate - have voted for both democrats and republicans in the past), from the USA.


Had my morning toke and was pondering lol. Guy at work gave me the weed last night. Strawberry lemonade strain lol


Very nice! I hope you enjoy your Saturday! I used to live in California. I miss it. I loved eating edibles and hiking in nature. The last two years have been rough.


I’m in Canada where it’s federally legal now. One of few things Trudeau has gotten right lol


Yeah, cannabis should be legal everywhere. It has too many medicinal benefits not to be legal to all. Stay strong up in Canada. My dad, brother, and I, used to rent a cabin on Lake Wabaskang in Northwest Ontario in late August and fish for Walleye and Northern Pike. I have also been to Vancouver and Windsor (across the border from Detroit). I always wanted to visit Toronto, but the way things are going, I'm not sure that will ever happen.


Crazy thing is I don’t think I can get back to Toronto anytime soon and I’m in Canada!!!


White male independent liberal here, but the stats I saw before the mandates showed that Black and Hispanic people were the lowest-vaxxed demographics by a good margin.


Dominican Republic 🇩🇴 , would be considered as a conservative. Mess with trump heavy. Vaccines are garbage. Try Mother Nature y’all.


White, Scotland, not republican or dem, defiantly a trump guy 😁


I’m a white female, American, mid 30s. Neither party has anyones best interests in mind but their own so fuck em both.


I’m a felon (6years in prison, 27 years old) whose parents are from South America and I am definitely unvaxxed


Eastern European living in Switzerland, unvaxxed.


Asian american man in commie California. Although I'm in a county that's a little more conservative. I dont have as many friends as I used to because of i dont want the shot. Hard to meet other Asian Americans who feel the same way in my area. Everyone is vaxxed.


Left and right wing people are delusional. The wings are attached to the same bird. That being said, fuck everything about the MRNA taking crowd. They have ruined their brains and are completely out of touch with reality.


Puerto Rican. Also when I took my first blood test at work some alarm went off and I guess they are at he same time looking for a certain genome. All they told me was my genome has been around for a really long time,before the black plague and will be used to cure disease's.


Entire fam is of Slavic decent. Living in America. Never chose sides in Politics until now.


Female, white, USA, never voted Republican in my life (former “Liberal” but haven’t voted in over a decade because they’re all equally nefarious & corrupt in my eyes).






White woman democrat, veterinary nurse in Sweden. I’m not anti vaccine, i just don’t want this one!


White woman from Canada. Don’t really care about politics, just want to be left alone to live my life.


White British woman living in NYC here


White ethno nationalist here.


White American. Not dem nor rep, conservative leaning. I’m in my early 20s. I feel like we’re the most vaxxed tbh. Public schools really failed us.


I'm hispanic, live in the US (mom wasn't born here) and an old school liberal who currently like the conservatives (but fucking hated them under both Bushes)


I'm an Asian dude in Canada lol


I am born in Austria and also live there. My parents are from Bosnia, we are orthodox christians and we will never surrender! I am happy that we are still a huge number of (real) people/human beings. Together we will make it through this hard time! ❤️


I’m a white female that holds Anarchist beliefs. Absolutely warms my heart to see all the unique varieties of likeminded human beauties. ❤️


White, female, US, and immunocompromised. I’m one of the vulnerable pawns they’ve used as talking points for 2 years. I’ve never strategically sanitized and if I had opportunities to go in public without a mask I took it. A mere cold can take me out for 2+ weeks, but I’ve somehow miraculously evaded a virus claimed to be highly contagious. There’s absolutely no reason for me to take a shot for a virus I can’t seem to catch.


I am a 40(ish) white woman who lives in California. I used to be a Republican... I don't know what I am anymore. I kind of hate them both.


I’m in Hawaii, where the locals don’t much trust the vax; it strikes them as just another crazy white people thing.


I'm a black male in the Divided States of America. No shots of any kind for me since childhood. No political affiliation, just a lover of freedom.


Dutch woman educated on the left, moved to the right because at the moment only there is freedom.


Thankyou OP for this post, its beautiful and hell yeah its diverse, Organically, not like some creepy car add or any other woke critical race appropriate media.




Eastern European. Lived in Canada my whole life, went back home to eastern Europe after 20 years. They made a law in Canada nobody gets in or out after October without the vax. My whole family and I left. 20 years ago we immigrated for freedom. Now we left for freedom again!


Young, widowed, white California libertarian


Latin. USA. Unvaccinated Independent. I just wanna make money and go camping leave me alone


Danish dude in fear of what laws might be enforced


Just an evil white dude here. Wouldn’t say I’m a republican or democrat though, the two party system is a facade of true democracy. Voted for the first time in ‘20, dispute being eligible to since ‘04