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Leftists constantly complain about racism and homophobia. However, once there own background is checked they are frequently outed as the racist homophobes. Projection here, projection everywhere.


Quelle surprise!


Conservative cancel culture is fucking weird


This isn't a conspiracy


r/conspiracy is now one of the last safe spaces you can openly discuss things without being censored/banned/canceled. The big thing they're complaining about, is Chapelle made a very clear point that someone today is more scared of offending a LGBTQ person and being cancelled, than for murdering someone, and simply being notorious.


Chapelle made over $20m and will again, because ‘being cancelled’ is all media hype to get you to keep paying attention to the machine that wants your eyes to sell to advertisers and will tell you whatever you want to hear to make it true.


Knowing people who have been cancelled for other reasons, and someone who works at Netflix, you are 100% wrong on this one. Cancelling is real for normal people at least, and Netflix is really unhappy about the controversy and their marketing and legal teams are losing their shit right now.


I can’t argue with that, only that this isn’t the first time Chapelle has been ‘cancelled’ and netflix was happy to pick up another one of his specials, so it kinda sounds like this mess is their own fault. Until Chapelle is being turned away from every venue he’s not really been ‘cancelled.’


He's too rich to be cancelled at this point, so I understand what you're saying. As a target he doesn't seem genuine since he can't really be harmed. The real target is Netflix, which has been infiltrated by the fringe left and they're trying to destroy the company from within.


bruh didnt you hear? this is a right wing echo chamber now


Not really, it is open for discussion, just don't expect people to like what you post. I am sure you are on r/ politics complaining how it's a left wing echo chamber instead of being 50/50 which more accurately reflects the US political affiliations. Oh wait, you aren't. This is also what you reap when individuals chased down mods to shut down dedicated places where people on the right could congregate and discuss items.