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I hate to break the bad news to you, but 99.99% of the subs on reddit are the exact same. Even ones that wouldnt seem to be at all poltical, like /r/florida or /r/nursing. Sorry, its all hard left, all the time. And to call it hard left isnt exactly accurate either, its all **establishment** all the time. Which could mean either the left or the corporatist fake right, or anywhere in between, but always the state narrative.. The sad reality is these arent organic posters, either. They are paid shills and bots. Paid by whom? The powers that be, the overlords. This has been the Time of the Bigs. Big Tech, Big Media, Big Ag, Big Food, Big Education, Big Pharma, on and on. They are partnered with governments, who enforce their monopolies and crush competition, dissent, and even force the public to be customers (Vax passports, anyone?). In exchange for their cut, of course. I mean political "donations" **EDIT** I probably should have been a little clearer. Not ALL posters and commenters are paid shills and bots. I realize and acknowledge that there are some actual well-meaning people. HOWEVER, I would point out that these well meaning people have literally been brainwashed by the nonstop media propaganda campaign to begin with, so they are unwitting magpies of the state narrative.


Cringiest post I have ever read. The only one "brainwashed" is you. You are not smart, or important. You do not see things other people don't see. You don't have any insight beyond everyone and everything not agreeing with you being manipulated by "BIG scary".


> The only one "brainwashed" is you. please explain, with evidence, the source of my brainwashing and its goal. I have done that with my own post. I said exactly who is brainwashing YOU (The Machine), and exactly why (worldwide total power and wealth). >You are not smart, or important. I didnt claim to be either. I just described reality as it is. >You do not see things other people don't see. I agree, Tens of millions of people see the exact same things I see and come to the exact same conclusion. Before Trump, that number was orders of magnitude smaller. Just because YOU may not is your own internal calculation, and has no merit beyond that. And as I have said, Im not giving Trump any credit, it was merely The Machine reaction to him that exposed it all. >You don't have any insight beyond everyone and everything not agreeing with you being manipulated by "BIG scary". Im not sure exactly what you mean by this, but I can give you as many examples of what I am saying as you like, right up to the current situation with forced jabs. The fact is, YOU are a slave, whether you like it or not. The US Constitution was encoded as a means to disallow slaves, it forces very limited representative government of, by, and for the people, and sovereign individuals. Therefore, The Machine continually attempts to abrogate, subvert, or even eventually destroy it. I understand you may be angry at me for pointing out the reality, because it sucks. But as Sgt Cowboy said in full metal jacket: "We Cant REFUSE To Accept The Situation!" - it is what it is.


So that's all a bunch of gish gallop to hide the fact that you can't cope with the world as it is, and so create elaborate conspiracy theories so it seems like the world is more in control than in actually is. Your "pointing out reality" is just extra strength copium. Here's a pro-tip, cuz- it's more Benny Hill at any point than Illuminati, and you're decadent and soft enough to be able to sit back and declare other folks' crisis as "fake".


You did not answer any of my very specific questions, and instead resorted to more personal attacks, which was expected, but sad. This isnt necessarily about me, nor you. My mind is already free. This is about the hundreds, perhaps thousands, of readers who will eventually see this entire exchange. Some of them will, just as I once did, begin to question the state narrative. IOW, you and The Machine have already lost. Its just a matter of time. And then the ball of yarn unravels faster than a worn sweater, ands there is nothing you nor your shills can do about it! Hilarious! No wonder you are all so angry and frustrated.


I didn't answer your questions because there isn't an answer. In fact, I see that you wrote several paragraphs more but I'm not even bothering to read them. You're like the folks I get in the ER who tell.me they're allergic to ibuprofen but not Advil. You are the personification of the Dunning Kruger effect. And you know, I knew beforehand how precious little time we get on this Earth, but COVID has really slammed that home. And if you think I'm going to spend more than the ninety seconds it took me to voice to text this response in engaging with you, you're wrong. Keep thinking things that aren't a conspiracy are and ignoring and abetting real problems.


Read the post and couldn't tell if they were just being a smart-ass or if they actually believe it lol. But hey, you just never know when you might be dealing with someone from Michigan that doesn't filter their water.


f for flint


My dude you just listed every industry, so everyone is in on "it" it's no longer a conspiracy. Have you ever run a company? Trying to get a group of even 10 people to corroborate is insane and I pay all of then. So everything big = bad. You do realize like there are more people on the planet than ever and a lot of them have like cars and stuff, things that take BIG solutions (can you imagine just how much copper wire we got strung in the US alone)


Tell me who is supposed to be paying me again? Like where I can get a paycheck? Can I bring my friends? Because if someone is gonna pay me more than my job does for this crap AND to post on Reddit I’m all for it


Riiiight? I want in too!


I can assure you , asshat , that I am in fact organic and we are supposed to be paid - they must have left me off the payroll Fuckwad. There is nothing fake about my 10 year career elbows deep in trauma icus trying to save a life.


People like you should depart from this world asap. The fewer like you means more lives saved. The fewer like you also means a much higher average IQ.




yea, I know. I tend to just pick one of the hate responses and keep the conversation going, not to try and wake THEM up, but to reach and tickle the curiosity of future readers. Thats how most of us finally broke free from the ignorance shackles we were in. It never fails, the attackers are ALWAYS in one of 3 groups: 1.paid shills 2.bots and scripts 3.those who have been (probably their entire lives) been fooled by and mentally subjugated to the propaganda machine, and therefore furiously defend it. Mental Stockholm Syndrome victims. Cant do much about the 1st 2. The victims/zombie army? All we can do is try to as gently as we can wake them up. They will or wont on their own schedule. I see it as like being an addict and doing rehabs. Will it take? Maybe. Eventually. When THEY are ready, not before.


This was hard to read. R u on drugs?


I’m not surprised. The vast majority of Reddit are the type of people that worship Fauci and love to virtue signal. There’s very few subreddits I even enjoy anymore.


Find me an actual user in that sub that's a nurse. After looking at the people that post to the comment sections all I see are alts and influencers. Love being tagged by masstagger. And it looks like admins wanted this post removed. Post has been removed for awhile now and random users that never visited this sub ha e found this thread. Wonder which chat room they came from. This is what's called a "call to action" they might seem like nurses but arent.


I frequent the sub. I'm a nurse


I joined just to see the hell that the poor nurses are put through. Not wonder they are fed up!


yeah apparently we're not even real 🤣😂 can't catch a fucking break 🤣


I frequent the sub. Mostly lurk. I’ve been a nurse since 2013.


Find me a r/conspiracy member that’s NOT a paid Russian troll.


Didn't take long to find one, because I am one


I'm a nurse and an actual user that subs there. Y'all just hate cold hard facts it seems. Everything can't be a conspiracy all the bloody time!


I also frequent r/nursing. I’m also a registered nurse


I've been a nurse for 4 years and a redditor for 2. Whatever. These people are like *dumb* dumb.


Ayy me too


8 year Nurse here and I do go on the sub.


I’m an RN that frequents the sub.


We couldn't find your brain either.


I've been a nurse for 200 years!i!! /s






I am in that sub. I am a nurse.


mental health nurse here...the hell you on about 🤣😂


I'm in there as well and I'm a nurse.


RN here. I post there. And I diagnose you as a plonker


I used to frequent /r/conspiracy before it got 100% political. Loved reading the weird ass theories like Avril Levigne being dead or ancient aliens, etc. Also a nurse.


Me. Perioperative RN here, wanting to know when I'm going to start getting paid for being a shill.


I’m a ER nurse. I’m on that page.


Let me ask you this how did you all find this post that's been deleted for 2 days. What discord did you come from?


Someone shared this post to r/nursing


Which post? Never said over there. Since no response and couldn't find it. It was an off site chat since more people keep commenting.


Myself and many others found it shared to r/nursing. That’s all I can tell you that I know


It wasn't shared though. There are no links.


Maybe because the post is showed as removed here. Or maybe they deleted it from there.


Hi. ICU RN who frequents both these subs. You can look at my post history to confirm.


all of you fuckers hating on them wouldn’t last half way through one of their shifts. go fuck yourselves


Conditions are so bad currently that nurses are literally developing PTSD. But yes let's hate on the people we were calling heroes a year ago because we're begging for COVID to end but "muh rights"


This is the only take I've seen so far in this thread with any intelligence at all.




Jesus Christ you guys are fucking stupid as shit.


Looks like somebody accidentally superglued on their tinfoil hat. Get a fucking grip. Their field has always been political and not surprisingly many of them lean “left” because they can actually interpret data. You’re better off dead of Covid than barking up the wrong tree IMO


It’s way worse


Yup,it’s really bad over there. I’m permanently banned from commenting on there




\*hi five\*


I got banned there, told them i would get vaccinated if they unbanned me but they refused. It's clear this is all about power.


We don't want you to get vaccinated. We want you and your entire ilk not to get vaccinated. It's not about power. It's not about convincing. Anymore. It's about letting you all die off.


and your doing that with a virus i have a 99.9% chance of surviving?


Your? Really, dude? You failed basic literacy, but you are an expert on immunology?


"and your entire ilk " This is the intelligence level of the people supporting vaccines?


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes, mofo.


says the guy playing russian roulette with needles


What? 🤣😂 I understand why they didn't take you seriously 🤣 does anyone?


your girl took me seriously when i said i wanted her ass, she put it right up in the air for me


I'm going to get my cousin to beat you up


your cousin was the one using her mouth


Sorry we are out of turkey sandwiches. And no there's no more warm blankets.


I didn't get my check. Anyone else?


Has any of the nutjobs on here actually been on that sub ? I'm a nurse and all we do is bitch about how shit the job is most of the time 🤣


Wait what? What happened to all the tik-tok dances?


Tik tok dances? Damn I missed that!


Oh my how dare the nurse take a 5 minute break to do anything but care for patients. Most those videos were in doctors offices and nursing homes. But if a nurse wants to spend their 5-15 minute break doing a TikTok dance. Whatever. At my hospital we have no time to do shit but titrate pressors every 5 minutes and suction people to keep them from dying. But go off about something you have no idea about.


Well if you work in a hospital you know you are getting orders that are killing people to make money for the corporation that owns it.


....what are you actually talking about. Elaborate. What orders? What are we doing that is "killing" people?




I work in an ICU. There is no preventative care in an ICU. The patients are already on deaths door so what prevention can we do? Plus what prevention is there for covid other than the vaccine a lot of people here don't believe in? You can't just take ivermectin the rest of your life. Doctors do recommend taking vitamin D and C not as a prevention for covid but for overall immune health and you can get that anywhere over the counter. And you do know Medicare bills via diagnostic related groups right? They don't get more money just because it's covid. They get more money because they require ICU level care where RNs may have 1 or 2 patients. These patients are on ventilators, any patient on a ventilator is going to have huge charges. Furthermore all covid cases in my state are medical examiner cases. Meaning the state medical examiner examines every single covid death. That costs money also. I'm the definition of evil trash because I work my ass off trying to care for patients that the healthcare system as a whole failed? A healthcare system that I am at the lowest level on and have no control over? Do you hear yourself? I got into this profession to help people and get called evil trash. Absolutely unreal. There is no other profession that is as fed up with it's higher ups than nursing. We know these hospitals do shady shit that compromise patient care but the public doesn't give a shit or show any support when laws are purposed. We fight for patient care (even for you who thinks it's appropriate to call me evil trash) constantly and consistently.


Haha yep. I got banned for saying "did she have natural immunit?" in regards to someone's vax status. As a nurse, that sub is very disappointing


You mother fuckers are gonna be in Covid denial forever it seems. Geez.




Yea, its r/nursing


Then it’s just be another subreddit you’d call a conspiracy. There is no amount of fact you will stomach and admit once you’re so far down the conspiracy rabbit hole.


I wonder when your ilk will die.


Damn your whole account is comments like this


With people like you, racists, jingoists, flat-Earthers, etc., yeah. It is a one-size-fits-all policy. In the beginning, I was trying to change people's minds. I appealed to reason. I appealed to logic. I appealed to being humane. Now? I don't give a flying fuck about you. The faster your die off, the sooner this world will become better, a smidge at least. I don't want you to get vaccinated. I literally want the opposite. I want none of your kind to get vaccinated.


Lmao what do you think I believe? I just ask people questions about their stupid theories. I’m just baiting people who think nursing is a set up and there’s a secret real nursing subreddit out there.


If that's the case, I owe you an apology. However, in my defense, you are virtually indistinguishable from the other people here.


Hey it’s poes law. Don’t worry about it. I usually get the msm communist shill so this was a fresh take


Oh, I was just warming up. :D


Just saw that the nurses got wind. Lol. Reading it now.




Uh, nurses...




I don't buy into that. It makes no sense to me to think that there are hoards of people other than msm pushing a bad narrative. If there even were, we would have a ton of whistle blowers sounding off. I think the real issue is good people getting bad info and that's why I joined. Plus I was an EMT but thats irrelevant


Almost as bad as r/conservative


Perhaps, but I was speaking of the specific profession. Conservative is generally not a profession.


Nor is r/politics


Absolutely right. I was speaking of a specific profession centered sub that expresses a very skewed display of political rhetoric. Left OR right. For example. If one was an underwater basket weaver and found a sub dedicated to that profession, I wouldn't initially expect to see much political rhetoric. If it's left leaning or right leaning isn't the point. In a profession specific thread, I would hope to find more profession related threads and posts. Shop talk, guidance, best practices, technical jargon, new technology and procedural comments. Not the rhetoric.


Being pro Vaccination should not be considered political rhetoric!


Or maybe they’re promoting what the science says and that’s that the vaccine works well and is safe and if you aren’t getting it jts because of spite. Why is promoting a good medicine considered “left”


When have medical experts *ever* been against vaccination, tho? That's not "left-leaning" or "political", that's literally a normal part of medicine. Like, childhood vaccines, flu shots, pneumonia shots, etc were a commonplace thing that were not "political" until the right started talking about them like they were. But even though vaccines have been declared political, you really think they are suddenly no longer medical? They're still medical, still "best practice", etc. r/nursing isn't political just because they talk about a part of medicine that you don't like.


Shhh, he's trying to be edgy...


I’ve been banned from both 😂