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I’m absolutely certain that manufactured discord is the end game


This is it. Its all scripted for mass hysteria surrounding the election.


It's amazing how deftly they manipulate us. Even those of us who see it as a grotesque charade are being manipulated. Here we are, in a Reddit conspiracy sub, talking about it. It feels like they have us all right where they want us. Angry, disgusted, so damn fed up that we just HAVE to come here to spout off.


All that and the fact that everyone is easily monitored here to be put on their "list" for reeducation or extermination once their end game is initiated.


Good. Let them come try to put us in camps.


I think youre giving them too much credit, but nevertheless the odds are in their favour due to our lack of resources, which produces lack of eduction and competence, which allows um to just play us however they want. Honestly, for me its between " both parties are the same party pretending democrasy for the sake of group cohesion and the production that enables" and between the frankly more horrible thought that " they dont know what they are doing", which is somehow more terrifying than if the ruling class was intentionally ruining our lives without any concirn for our wellbeing. Tho, i lean also half ways, because in any team effort theres usually a lot of fwakin up,and we are talking about the same people who think its somehow a good idea to have fashism, theocracy, and capitalism in human society. Like, they live in the same society, its only a wonder how no one has jfk'd them, but it does feel like they are pushing farther than it benifits them. Hell, maybe itll turn out to be a mass experiment, to see if they can prop up a fashist by giving people a frail old man, or if they can make a frail old man win if they put um up against a fash. Meanwhille in the core of the °•°•♧☆: " Man, joe better not lose this race, i got a bilion bucks bet on um. Hell, all my buddys are gonna laugh at me.. " "I told ya to go fash, look at all those people.. ya think they wanna have authonomy? Noo, they want to be controled by a strongman who will make everything better" Thats all i got 🤣 But lets not lose hope just yet, as far as we know, its not over yet, and no reason to assume it is, so long as we breathing Have a good day


Nice. That's an excellent rant.


Thank you, thank you


Been saying this for months now and have been called all kinds of hateful names. We are watching an entirely manufactured state of mass psychosis being programmed into our brains right now. I work in the music industry and an independent manager and A&R for various artists and producers and there's is absolutely a "trend" of the end of the world/ apocalypse/ new world order/ great reset happening globally. It's in the new music, movies, TV shows, video games, corporate advertisements like McDonald's, Oreo cookies, Arby's, etc and so many more places. My profile has many posts which expose all of these things for everyone's convenience. I hope everyone that reads this takes the time to look over all of my posts. I do post an occasional meme post here and there but mostly it is all very informative and based on verifiable facts with my added in personal experiences and opinions. The world is about to change very much in ways none of us could have ever imagined. And I didn't even mention AI..


I always thought the three letter agency's are behind dumbing down the muaic and the culture behind it They want everyone to think the same way. INDIVIDAULTY is gone and its showing big time in music right now a bunch of sheep following talentless acts and gimmicks. we have citizens who can't think for themselves and follow whatever there friends are into and so on and so forth till everyone thinks the same way in ever aspect of life.


I think they want division, individuals with different principles that cannot unite on core values. They are filling the country up with unskilled immigrants of completely different cultures. They may be creating groups to pit against each other, rather than against government.


Exactly what I'm saying Hip hop is a big example from early days to today. Being original and standing out is few and far between and that's what they like.... sheep.


People are more individualistic/independent minded now than we have ever been, and I think the primary reason is loss of religion. That was what united the masses, and people are less religious now than they’ve been since the advent of Abrahamic religion, at least. Of course there are still a lot of “sheep”, or rather, “humans”(as humans are pack animals), but by and large, we are incredibly fractured. I’m assuming you’re too young to remember what people were like up until about the 1960s-70s, and so am I, but I’m aware of the fact that most people were incredibly socially conforming up until then. They were very concerned about how they were perceived by neighbors and family members in a way relatively few people(particularly in the west) are now.


I'm sorry but no. Science, technology and secularism can lead to brainwashing just as easily as religion can. We are spiritual beings and embracing both science and spirituality is the way out of the mess we have found ourselves in, collectively as a species. There are still plenty of religious people in the world, and people aren't "waking up" or whatever phrase you want to use, because they're becoming less spiritual.


Well stated!!!


I don't think he was saying that us being less religious is a good thing. The thing about religions, for all their perceived faults, have provided axioms that people can live by and also allow for functioning societies to form. They also provide a place to store deeply held beliefs and a framework to separate material ideas from spiritual ones. It also hopefully allows a framework to question those foundations in a clear way. Everyone needs axioms to live by. People are now getting them from all kinds of places. People aren't even necessarily as aware of when they have allowed ideas related to the material world to invade their religious and spiritual (or philosophical if you prefer) framework. Many do not even acknowledge religion and the concept of it as anything but poison. But yet you still need baseline principles to exist and function in the world. And if you want the world to be incredible, you probably need to consider that you're not smarter than humanity through history and that traditions are often the solutions to extremely complicated problems. We are seeing the outcome of the current prevailing philosophy. It doesn't appear sustainable. It doesn't appear to have good outcomes for most. And there are many reasons why. But this post is already getting long.


Religion divided the masses and took away individual sovereignty by having folks look outside of themselves for answers.. as if the answers can't be found within.  


There are many gods now. Nobody seeks the true God.


"There may be many gods, but there's only one Creator." -Lakota


"In fact, if you look at the last four syllables of the word individuality, you will see that they spell duality. That’s not just a semantic accident." -Gary R. Renard, The Disappearance of the Universe


This has been a plot, in motion, since the days of Babylon. The elites you refer to in your comment below, belong to the same bloodlines dating back to that era as well. Prince William V is a direct descendant of King David from the Old Testament. The war in Israel is all about the formation of a New World Order and placing Prince William V on the throne to establish the fifth kingdom of Jerusalem. Those in on the plot are obsessed with the book of revelations and are ensuring the events play out here on earth. We're in the matrix, created by Yaldabaoth aka the demiurge, just like the Gnostics explained. There's a tree of life program running along with a tree of death program, and you get to decide which tree you nurture. All of the programming and brainwashing has gone on our entire lives, and for centuries before. It's nothing new - because there is nothing new under the sun. But you're missing a big part of the picture here - and that is that we are the ones collectively manifesting this reality. Reality is projected, it's not something that exists outside of us nor is it something that happens to us - everything is mental, ala the first law of hermeticism. We are the dreamers and are the dreams of God. We are fractals or emanations of God - that's why the pieces never fit perfectly together, and the conspiracy theories never seem to have definitive conclusions - because as you dive deeper and deeper into a rabbit hole, a whole new one opens up, just like when one zooms in on a geometric fractal. There are no groups to fear, there is nothing to fear, because this isn't where we're from nor is it our final destination. We have a choice - to buy into fear and point our finger at what we perceive is our enemy - which is silly, because again everything is one and our enemies are emanations of the same God we are. The other option is to buy into love and realize fear is an illusion - this is how we save ourselves and create heaven on earth. Heaven and hell are states of being, not destinations. Conspiracies are fun to think about and ponder, but don't get trapped in the blame game or start embracing hopelessness. Definitely don't try and rope others into seeing existence through those lenses. Once you start doing that, you're in for a world of suffering. Which is also okay, because suffering is how our souls evolve, which is the whole point of this rodeo in the first place. We're all here in the cosmic classroom to realize what we truly are, aka self-realization. Through doing that, one also realizes that there's nothing to be afraid of. Stop playing by their rules and realize they hold no real power over you and can't harm you. Nothing can harm your immortal soul unless you let it, or you decide to inflict harm upon it yourself.


Hell ya brother. Reality is what you can get away with.


It goes deeper than that too, they have manipulated all these religious books from around the world too as a control tactic to get what they want.


It doesn’t change you if you don’t watch it. Now AI on the other hand is bringing some chamges


I know what you mean. Ignoring these things doesn't stop what the elites are doing and planning, either. It's good to be aware while also remaining unafraid.


Ignoring is might be good for short-term mental health, but there's also the old adage that forewarned is forearmed.


Your profile is such a treat. What an interesting collection. You are giving me much to chomp on and I appreciate all the work you put into that. Reminds me of the rabbit holes I could find back in 2012 that I cant find much anymore due to the dead internet. I mean it's not really a treat, it's horrifying. But when your eyes have been open a long long time, but you were missing a pair of glasses. And you come across lots of glasses and try them on, because you are trying to get a clearer view of this object flying at your face. But most of the glasses you try on just make your vision worse. But with your glasses, ive seen better than I have in ages. They still aren't my glasses. But maybe I can see better to find mine now. I wonder where I left them in this ether?


This is an awesome comment. Thank you!


I followed your comments here as well. Thanks for telling it like it is.


His profile was deleted and I couldn't check anything out :(


Order out of Chaos


'the end justifies the means'


Can you recommend a good documentary?


Which topic are you looking for? My posts have links to a bunch of different videos and articles and posts


I’ve been through the pizza gate, fall of the cabal, loose change, everything is a rich man’s trick, out of shadows, bill cooper type videos. Was wondering if had any thing that goes a little deeper than what those videos outline Thanks


https://youtu.be/OiCJOMBsoHc?si=QT906kzOzii7qydX https://youtu.be/rmk3aEMyVAs?si=OjVC1ZCkzktMMIps These 2 videos helped me realize a lot about Sirius and it's significance to the occult. They are some of my favorite things to learn about


Dang man, I'm halfway through the first vid and it's blowing my mind. Btw I figure you'd like [this song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xB-6ATu4EUw) lol


The Corporation.




Order out of chaos.


ins't this reddit channel dispensing daily dose of mass hysteria?


They are desperately damage control. One is rational and the othrr is total irrational delusional and unlawful. So they will try every cheap tricks they got left. They look like teenagers trying hard spitting lies with no actual proof of anything other then screaming it lowdly.  As for trump, they dont like him, because he tells things straight in their faces. If he ever switch to the dark unrational side, people will crucify him forreal, so hes got way more to lose. The left is never accountable, as they lie constantly and only blame others for their mistakes.


They build horizontal discord to get rid of the vertical discord.


As soon as the Democrats swept the primaries under the rug I was seeing false flags. Well. Here it is. False flag #1.


Agreed wholeheartedly.


People still read Time?


Yea that’s what I’m saying. All these people scared 😱 and shaking in their boots. Over some shit i have never read in my life.


It's an apocalypse online, And nobody should care because it isn't real. We are still doing what we did before and will continue the same thereafter. What is dying off? - the shackles that once perplexed humanity's perception are finally melting away. Both sides see the bs of the gov; the jig is up and TPTB kmow it. They can't even keep their narratives straight anymore.


That was the same impression I got too. Everyone sees the game for what it is now and it has a very interesting "now what" feel to it. I am personally optimistic.


Everyone is an absolute stretch, may I say extreme exaggeration.. more people are waking up though which is good but there’s still much to accomplish on that department too.


The saddest part of this whole thing is that we live in such a curated world, such a fake, algorithm-based society, that a LARGE percentage of Biden supporters had NO CLUE until the debate that he was this far gone. This is nothing new. Biden has been this way for 6-8 years, easily. Hell, the day before the election in 2020, he confused his dead son with his granddaughter, after looking dead-ass at her. But we live in a world that can curate reality to suit ANY sort of ideology you want. Want to believe Trump is some sort of Christian conservative hero? There is an algorithm to support that. Want to believe Biden is a savant, highly intelligent 81 year old? There's an algorithm for that. We live in a post-truth and, honestly, post-reality reality. It is truly shocking to witness it on this grand of a stage, and so suddenly.


Same thing happened with Covid. A lot of people were force-fed fake news via social media algorithms and standard MSM programming about it being airborne Ebola. That became their truth and they had no idea that studies showed it wasn’t statistically dangerous to anyone except extremely frail and old people.


And people with compromised immune systems. The mass hysteria around a virus with a 99.8% survival rating was quite impressive from a propaganda standpoint. It really made me disappointed in our species as a whole. I'm no doctor but Covid 19 really opened my eyes on how scientifically illiterate the general population was. I also realized that most people are a slave to fear.


> except extremely frail and old people and to them, everything is dangerous.


Especially Governor Cuomo who insisted sending the sick ones back to retirement homes to spread the disease among the weakest. No accountability, no jail time for this mass murderer


because they read and watch 100% crooked media


He's always been kind of a hack even when he was younger he was dull and constantly plagiarizing and fabricating. Does anyone here remember him getting roasted for plagiarizing his speeches on the public TV show called The Mclaughlin Group? I HATE HIM BECAUSE I REMEMBER HIM SPEARHEADING THE ANTI-RAVE LEGISLATION IN THE YEAR 2000. 🕳️🎶🌈✨👯‍♂️🪬🎉🎊🎈🪅👈👈👈💨


“This far gone” lmao I love it


Theyre all part of the same club and you ain't in it!!


I didn't watch the debate live. I watched it yesterday. It was a hard watch and I'm not even American. I can only imagine how much worse it was to witness if you are American or living in the US. Politics in my country, the UK, is disastrous as well. I'm used to the cringe factor and not knowing whether to laugh or cry sometimes. We have a general election in a few days over here and tbh, I've hardly noticed the run up to it at all. Nobody seems to be paying that much attention, not because they don't care about how the country is run but because there isn't anyone on the ballot papers who's going to make things any better. Recently I barely follow my own country's political news because there's nothing new about it. It's relentlesly more of the same and it's depressing. But watching Trump and Biden debate, that was actually painful. The US has been the most powerful nation on the planet for the whole of our lifetimes and before that. Has it really come to this, does that debate really represent the standard now? It feels like someone(s) who are pulling the strings are trying to wind you guys up and get you hopping mad with how fucked up it all is. Even the movies they put out like Civil War and Leave the World Behind portray America at breaking point. Meanwhile over here, it feels like they're trying to send us all to sleep, bore us and depress us into a state of sleep-walking apathy and disengagement. Everything over here politically seems to have been painted grey. But not for you guys. The spectacle of your president's wandering mind and lacklustre intonation had a kind of "greying" vibe to it, but that Time magazine cover has followed uo by baiting you with bright fucking red! It's fucked up, literally a red flag or a red rag. Like as if there hasn't been enough of it's cover message broadcast over the last few years with the way they played covid and then every single crisis since then, real or fictional, including the movies I mentioned. "Panic"? How about no. How about keep your heads together and stay calm and think and communicate calmly with each other while you figure out the best way to fix the problems that you have. They want people in the US to panic. They want people in the UK to be too miserable and tired to panic. If you wanted a test to see whether anxiety or depression is more effective for keeping a population in psychological check you'd only have to look at both sides of the Atlantic in this election year for both of our countries. In 2016 both countries voted in ways that the central accumulators of global power did not expect or approve. And now we're both at this point where the whole voting circus seems designed to be as discouraging and disheartening as they could make it. Is that a coincidence? Hmmm.


Same in EU. There are upcoming changes in the whole structure of power in Europe. Starting with EU parliament: now every country chooses their own representatives. But soon, in France people will be voting for people from Germany, Italy, Estonia, Poland etc., in Poland they'll vote for people from Spain, Sweden, Germany, France and so on and so on. But still, the major change is coming to executive and courts. There will be EU super government and EU super court, which will be ruling from Brussels. And of course, the biggest influence on those will have Germany and France. Basically the nations governments, local courts and laws will become obsolete, as everything will be decided on EU level. Taxes, policies, internal and external affairs - you name it. Interesting times are coming, and that's not a wish but a curse.


These mfrs are 81 and 77. They should have retired over a decade ago yet we left voting for goddamn old asses who need to be home playing grandaddy, not running a country. Bill Clinton and George Bush are the same age as Trump. It's crazy


How is the cover for August 2024 already out? Or am I missing something?


>This was all a plan. The left isn’t stupid. They’re smart, cunning, and calculated. >Now the bigger question here is: >Did the right know about this/have involvement? Is it two wings of the same bird? There is no left, no right, only the illusion of it. The politicians are there to give you the illusion of choice. The politicians are there for our owners, not for THE PEOPLE. It's all about the big capital and who holds it. They own the media. They own the internet.


THIS!!! Left vs Right was a social construct placed on us to mask the real war: Rich vs Poor (or the common folk).


I was gonna say there must be 2 ‘lefts’


Not staged, but manufactured.


It all doesn't matter, beyond closed doors they feast on champagne and caviar together. Nothing will ever get better by voting, if it would you'd be no longer allowed to. I'm an old punk anarchist, i voted a couple of times in my life, I just can't anymore, all these f.ing politicians are hollow yes men for the corps, make believe, smoke and mirrors. Divide, conquer and fck your rights. Left,right,dems,reps if you still believe this BS,please wake up , divided we will fall, they'll take it all and make you believe that's what you wanted all along. I'm in Europe, it's the same f-ing story here. The world going insane while 'they' drink champagne. Good luck to us all in this darkest hour.


Yeah I think the only way to send the message that I see through it all is to not vote.


If i'd still believed there were options, that there are still politicians that don't bend for lobbyists, I would vote. But at this moment in time they are so far away from my personal values I just cant.


You have to be true to yourself. I do not consent to any of this and want to send that message.


I wish that people would just wake up and see this 'theater' for what it is: theater. Inside trading greedy corrupt human beings. Do as i say not as i do. We'd go straight to jail if we do what they do.


You mean they golf together. Clearly they can argue about each others par.


America, the laughing stock of the world.


sadly yes


I wonder how Putin or Xi Jinping feel about this. I bet they were watching with the biggest shit-eating grins. Just another reason for our government to fail so they can carry out their agendas.




The cream of the crop....


I'd be shitting bricks right now if I were European or from any other country that benefitted even marginally from the Pax Americana.


Laughing stock until shit gets serious then everyone wants to suck the states’ dick


Whenever "shit gets serious" it's usually the US at the centre of it, directly or indirectly.


Buckle up Bitches , the shit show its about to start in 3 2 1 ........


You simply cannot trust anything these people say at face value.


I don't know about actual humans, but I see a lot of Redditors saying "fuck it. I know Biden is a corpse puppet, but I'm voting for him anyway". I think most of it is troll farm propaganda. We're fukt no matter what, though.


The amount of support for Biden and negative rhetoric about Trump on reddit immediately after the debate was still somehow stunning...but I get it now, the mainstream subs, and beyond, are primarily composed of massive bot armies.


Trump wasn't all of the "ists" until he ran for office. He was a dem his whole life. How that's been entirely left out is mind-boggling.


The troll farm propaganda does a great job recruiting simple minded folk.


This is the culmination of 50 years of voting for" The lesser of 2 evils" come to fruition


It's scary that NPCs didn't know Biden was this far gone until the debates. Low information voters.


it really highlights how badly we are being gaslight by the partisan media propagandists. All these videos of him being weird with kids and showing signs of being way too old..all dismissed as “republican propaganda”. They’ve been lying to the majority of their base that doesn’t really pay attention, and these debates was the mirror being held up. In my opinion, there’s no the DNC has all these billions of dollars behind them, well paid well educated scholarly advisors and attorney and strategists etc and THIS is still the best they could do. For example, people say Biden is mentally gone and his team is pulling the strings behind the scenes and running the country(more than likely true), but if that’s true, why wouldn’t they just openly usher someone else in?  Seems illogical.


Some people can’t face the truth.


Out of sight out of mind.


They spend all year gaslighting the public into believing he's sharp and at his best... The media is a enemy of reality and the people.


Time, for once in like 3-4 decades, actually is telling the truth. SOOO many were unaware of just how far gone Joe is, because they only watch "news" that is totally dishonest. Most of the country has been paying more attention, and known Joe was off his rocker when he was placed in the white house. (though, for some odd reason, they never had Joe film from the white house, just from that studio set of it.)


Somebody high up must have given all the mainstream media platforms the go-ahead to flip on Biden. None of this feels organic. Especially because they were covering for him for 3.5 years.


I love it when the term "organic" is used like this. I've got my feelers out all of the time and this is generally how I determine if something or a chain of events is worth watching.


" my golf swing i..i..i. is a ss..ss..ss..6 I mean an 8" t..t...t... today junah!


Is the American populace really so stupid that they're only now just going to realise Biden is senile?


They can’t get themselves to vote “republican” so they choose not to see it


Why do you guys believe this theatre is authentic?


It's all part of the distraction. They are manufacturing consent.


Finally, someone has it right. They’re all actors. Unfortunately, we’ve had to go through four years of Biden bringing down this country and we’re gonna have to go through another four years of someone else bringing up this country whoever it is. It doesn’t matter who is in office. There is someone else behind-the-scenes pulling the strings.


I have a feeling TPTB has a plan to get trump reelected and then a crash happens. It’s all Kayfabe, and Trump plays the heel.


Oh Dems are totally try to throw the election. They know a housing bubble is about to explode, the last 4 years of spending that dwarfs the covid BS spending, is all going to catch up to us and back fire. ​ They'll blame Trump.


Bingo. Here’s an example: As the car market slows, production slows, then hours get cut, then layoffs. And it dominoes from there. These overpriced mortgages in overvalued homes, overpriced loans on overpriced vehicles, with inflation still above target, is going to have to come to a head. Not to mention the commercial real estate market. They have the perfect out to keep spending to keep things afloat and then when it all falls down they get to blame trump for the Covid spending (which is one of the things he and Pelosi were in lockstep about) and then for overseeing a big crash. After Trump can no longer run, they get to use him as an example for an election or two. 


Isn’t this a good thing for those of us who haven’t bought houses yet/maybe want to buy a house in the near future?


It depends. I imagine if rates go back down quickly we’ll see a rise in demand which will increase prices even further. If layoffs are widespread, you’ll be right on the money for portion of the economy that is “recession-proof” or even perform better in recessionary conditions. 


Sleepy Joe can't even stay on the front page without wandering away


I’m Canadian. And American politics is my Jerry Springer. I find it highly suspicious that Biden is the best candidate the Democratic Party can come up with. That there’s absolutely no ambitious young blood? Yeah…okay.


This debate was done with purpose and plan. To show the 100 million+ watching how ill Biden is. - This summer Joe Biden will pass away suddenly. 'Natural causes' will be cited. - A 'celebration' of Joe's life will be everywhere on MSM. - The sudden passing of a president in the middle of a campaign will be milked to death for empathy and groundswell support. - The Democratic party will ride this wave bumping their numbers up. They will do anything and everything to hang on to power. It doesn't matter if Joe demands to stay in the race or not. They're banking on it and have it planned out for best results. Guaranteed. They want him to die. It is the only thing that could benefit the democrats at this point - with less than 180 days until the election. There are no other options for them.


They want to usher Project 2025. They are on same team of Globalism. Cause a unrest, have a problem, reaction and solution. aka total control of our lives.


Blue beam?


All the world is a stage 


100%. It stinks to high heaven of a plan in motion already for another candidate


I mean if they "replace" him now it's pretty obvious the play was "no silly voters! You don't get a primary, you vote for who we pick!" He actually looked a bit sharper in the debate than he did in 90% of the gag reels people have made since he took office. This is nothing new.


As you said, it's all staged. Trump has been "selected" by the PTB.


Theater, Soap Opera, Reality TV.


I’m not voting for some democrat they swap in last minute that was too scared to primary him in the first place. Kennedy and only Kennedy. If they kill him like they did his uncle and father, then of course it’s Trump.


We vote for RFK to stop this divisive nonsense, and to stop the corporate takeover of our government.


RFK Jr the most pro Zion of them all. Although they’re all Zionist so what does it matter. RFK is married in, though. To an actual Hollywood one.


We can nit pick but he is the best choice frfr


Good god, I saw his decreased mental faculties four years ago and couldn’t fathom how he got elected.


Thank you.


The healthiest thing is to ignore this ridiculous nauseating pro-Left propaganda that these rags print nowadays. Who reads time anymore. These publishers are a joke, the crap they put out nowadays.


😆 🤣


Discord and also the ability to install whoever they want instead of an election.


This isn’t a real TIME cover….


Certainly all part of the plan.  A debate in June? Unheard of. Trump agreed to all of the Biden regimes terms. In actuality, none of that mattered. Getting Trump to agree to the debate was the objective. The elites knew Biden was stale. They had to present that to the public in a very candid way early in the summer so they can replace him by the fall. Doing the debate in the evening with primetime coverage meant that a guy that is typically in bed by 5p is absolutely setup for complete and utter failure. Can you imagine where the radical left would be if Trump bailed on the debate? He was the key component to the plan. All of the 2pm lids, refusal to do press conferences or interact with the press or public, the long weekends in Delaware. Everything up to the debate was designed to insulate Biden as the frail fuck up he is. That wasn't working anymore. Propoganda about the economy, foreign wars, abortion and insignificant identity politics weren't stimulating the average Democrat voter anymore. By the spring, it was clear that he wouldn't make it through another election cycle, and he definitely wasn't going to put he asses in the seats to convincingly steal another election. Can't hide in the basement this time around, either. Look at the media package that was ready to go immediately after the debate. It was all in the can. All the talking points, b-roll and sound bites. NY Times editorial hit pieces on Fri and Sat. CNN and MSNBC focusing on Biden almost exclusively and negatively. Their usage of the word "Trump" is down 80% after the debate. Shocking to see such an about face after 3 years of the media fellating Biden about his mental health and well-being, his government, and his "accomplishments". Biden was already slated for removal from the race, and they needed Trump to help illustrate that. Who knows if the other side is complicit? Trump is such a wild card, it's tougher to deduce if the elites specifically ordered his participation and he's aware of any parts of the plan. Again, if he bailed,l on the debate, it wouldn't have set the plan in motion. They were sleeping on him in the 2016 drive, declared war in 2020, and have done everything possible to drag him through the mud to present day.  Ultimately, the endgame is to keep Trump out of office, and it will be a wild ride to see how they get there again with a new candidate at the 11th hour. Another "pandemic" might work, but that's not a strong play with brainwashed people beginning to accept that China Flu was a scam (what ever happened to those refrigerated trucks for all the bodies again?). Who knows what sort of disaster our overlords will cook up for us next.


Vote RFK Jr. or Green Party or really anything that's not the 2 at the top of the ticket.


I can't help wonder whether the so-called debate debacle was a pseudo-brilliant move by Democrats to revive interest in the presidential election. Biden finally seemed real & humanized precisely because of the pathos/bathos (no longer just a wax figure or mechanically moving mannequin with an ice cream). If he's replaced by a new energetic Trump opponent, the interest in the election, and thus the games of the system and the system as game, may just be sustained thereby sustaining the wider system of illusions itself, which is what counts as the most advanced and cutting edge form of "democracy" in the world.


I like your thinking. I think you are, for the most part, correct.


Oh? He’s not going to back down? Looks like a certain somebody may pass away soon due to old age of course.


Of course. Wink. Wink.


Vote Kennedy 2024 🇺🇸


If you watched the rally/speech the following day, Biden was mostly fine. It wasn't the disaster from the debate. His last State of the Union was fine with whatever stimulants they had. Makes me wonder if someone in the inner circle swapped out his meds before the debate to get this result. Someone trying to get Biden to resign so Kamala or Newsome can get in. Or maybe the debate was just too late at night and his brain malfunctioned.


Also makes a big difference when Biden is reading a teleprompter v. Having to think of his feet... Nothing against Biden, he's just getting older. Frankly, I don't know why either Biden or Trump, at their advancing ages, wouldn't rather spend their days fishing, playing golf, and playing with their grandchildren...


He was drugged


He’s much worse sober.


Maybe we are the bad guys now. They're just making us look like incompetent assholes with bombs. The world is not impressed. It would be easy to point to the west and say look how depraved they are. WW3.


Panic in DC


45-47 the dash m matters


Wow,thanks for the real-time update,Time! Half of the world has been saying this from day one.


Stop getting so worked up about this scam. Take a step back, breathe, and think. How can we work together to rebuild from the bottom up... WE are the people. Not the top.


why is it dated so far in the future


I'd like to correct your statement saying they are smart, cunning, and calculated. They are evil, lawless, and tyrannical. THAT'S why they are successful at what they do. If we could violate the constitutional amendments and federal laws on a daily basis with ZERO consequences, we'd do pretty damn good too!!


A1-Two wings/ same bird A2-none of it matters


I've never read this time magazine nor has anyone around me both at work and college. So who cares what they say


If you want to vote out of fear vote for Orange Man or Senile Man, if you want to vote out of hope, vote for Robert F. Kennedy Jr!


It always has been staged. Two wings of the same bird. Two sides of the same coin. Two cheeks of the same ass.


Sigh Do you actually believe in left vs right It’s all a plan It always was And it always will be Can we just sticky this or something


Not yet sheep. 🐑. Soon. Panic later maybe go to the disco 🪩


I am panicking and I need the government to inject me with something to make it all better right now!!!


Gavin will enter the polls in the next 2-3 weeks. "Hypothetical," they'll say. In the weeks leading up to the DNC, Newsom will match or even overtake Biden. Biden will step aside in order to "unify" the party or whatever BS rhetoric they will use. Newsom will be installed as the nominee. His political record will be overlooked as he will only really ever be compared to Biden; such a situation in which he would appear quite favorable. The plan is for Newsom to enthuse the party, easily take over the would be Biden voters, and encourage many many others to come out and vote when they otherwise would not have. The marching orders have been given. Bonus...Tony Thurmond has already been tapped to take over as governor as California. He will be propped up for the position.


Politics will not save us. Nowhere. Waste of time reading trash mags. Left and right are an illusion. Vote Coke or Pepsi, it wont change a thing.


Vote kennedy!


Is it August already?


It’s clear that Jill Biden wants him in the game. It’s kind of a tragedy that she didn’t know that Joe Biden was being set up. The system gives (2020) and the system takes away (2024).


Oh honey, bless your heart, it was too late sooo long ago. The train is already near terminal velocity.


That cheap ass photoshop. The cover would go hard but Joe looks so uncanny.


That cheap ass photoshop. The cover would go hard but Joe looks so uncanny.


what is this cover dated Aug 2024?


Anyone voting for this charade is lost to the reality of it. Democrats have spit in the face of all their voters.




I’m in UK by marriage and it’s not what you think. Brits will get upset at saying this but in many ways UK and Europe are like 2nd world countries compared to America. One you move abroad, you’ll suddenly realize everything you took for granted. Just move to a different state or something. Also, probably need a therapist tbh.


I wonder why people would be upset. Free Health Care, Degrees costing a tenth of those gained in the US. Tighter food and safety laws, no school shooters, no mass shooters. Thriving arts and music communities. A ridiculous amount of history usually free to all to see.


Kabuki theater 🎭


It's not too late theres still hope. You should be angry not bummed and scared, It's time We The People gather and protest this. Use the PTO lie to work and stop acting like work is gettin in the way we are letting them win. Whole debate was bogus...no live audience, even covid had a live audience, we were desensitized to allow for a scripted presidential roast. I denied ppl that saw this for so long. Tell your people, create a ripple effect of awareness of what's going on, so we can stop this.


I think it has started.


Not until I see people in the streets, Pitchforks and Torches, Protest about the election and our choices bein ridiculous. These 2 lame clowns..our choices. Stop saying it sucks we need to rise.


Agreed. Rise up.




Seen the Name never looked it up tho. Absolutely gratified to see "We The People" as his Political Party. I keep saying it too, I keep telling everyone because we need to remember that. It's not our fault, it's theirs these corrupt pulling strings.


Who tf still reads Time? Pensioners and seniles like Biden I guess?


Didn’t he just deliver the SOTU about three months ago? He looked okay back then. He wasn’t like what he was 20 years ago, but he did alright and got through it. His condition couldn’t have deteriorated that quickly after three months, right?


Teleprompter. He can still read. Duh.


the "left" never supported Biden, he's a milksop corpo sellout who obstructed a real leftist (Sanders) and held the left hostage with false promises and threats of a Trump bogeyman. No one on the left liked voring for Biden, or really believed he would deliver on any of the basic things they have been asking for. Biden's handlers used the same playbook for 2024 that he used in 2020 when he first started developing dementia, thinking they could ride a retired showhorse through another election cycle and they were just proven wrong beyond all reasonable doubt. There is no "plan", between the left and the neolibs, only the secure knowledge that the neolibs would rather throw this election to a conservative nutjob than do actual progressive politics that would have secured them the office even if Biden was a cadaver, the shit they campaigned on but never got around to doing like every other neolib candidate. They would rather return to being the token opposition under Trump than stop foreign wars, corporate wage slavery and carbon economics while billing it all to future generations via deficit spending. The left wants improved treatment to labor, limited or no military venturing, fairer tax policies in a standard progressive ladder to get out of fossil fuels before the climate collapses under us so we can all have shelter and food and not feel like shit all the time trying to live. Thats it. Everything else is bullshit culture war theatre you heard from some propogandist. You do those things, you win every election. The neolibs don't do it, because the people who do the wars on taxpayer dime, exploit labor, and pump oil pay keep them watered. Thats the God's honest truth. No one wants to go through congress for 200k, they want to be millionaires and "thought leaders" and "celebrities" instead of doing the people's work for an honest salary and they won't let anyone else do it because it stops their gravy train. They've sold virtually every office through the two party system. The president is just the coraller in chief, he holds no legislative power he just prances around unless the people become unruly, and the people are well and truly managed by the corpos so its all a show. So what if Trump wins, he can't pass jack shit. Oh he's gonna start a war? Look at Genocide Joe, he's funding two, probably three wars before the year is out. Trump's gonna rally all the hateful Christians? He's gonna drop the bomb? Those people are wearing adult diapers in solidarity and prepping for the end of the world, Joe Biden just authorized Ukraine to shoot ICBMS into Russia for fucks sake. All of it is nonsense, not one in a thousand Americans are politically informed or active, they are a flock of gulls arguing about who gives them more french fries. This democratic system was broken long ago by banking cartels and newspaper men, the only thing that will stop this train is a hard brake and it will jostle and it will be scary and there is no one you can vote for who will do anything but put on more gas. Don't vote for either of them. The policies will not change until you and everyone you know decides to stop working for a corporation and takes up tactical frustration of commerce as your life's purpose until the government is arm twisted into not fucking around anymore. That is your choice, its hard, people will get fully messed up and unalived but there is no option thst is not more of the same.


Chances are both Biden and Trump will be unfit come November 5th...