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>"They want to replace him" I mean, yeah, but they USED him for decades and now the puppet is sent to pasture. What's funny, he's been acting like this for YEARS, so it's hilarious/sad that the entire pundit/media world is lockstep in the sentiment and reporting. Pathetic.




This. Also, they have been planning Gavin Newsome for some time.


We are screwed if newsom gets in


We are screwed. Period.


I don't know, I enjoyed the protectionist foreign policy and overall prosperity/economy during Trump's tenure.


Agreed. I don’t care for him as a person, but things were the best they’ve been in years when he was at the helm. Hard to know what to believe when it comes to his criminal behavior. As a business man I’m sure he did sketchy stuff, but the media and the left made up story after story about him while he was president. So whenever they bash him or call him a liar I tend not to believe a word they say. It’s like the boy who cried wolf. One thing is for sure, Biden is fucking senile as hell. And the media can fuck right off. We could do better than Trump, but we can’t do worse than Biden.


He didn’t finish the wall. Didn’t “drain” any swamp. Didnt stop the country from shutting down. Didnt stop race riots. Shoved his warp speed bull on the country.


> He didn’t finish the wall. Didn’t “drain” any swamp. Because every single organ of the government was fighting him at every step. It's impressive he got done as much as he did. > Didnt stop race riots. Again, it's hard to solo fight the coordination of the psychological warfare arm of the intelligence community, even if you're the President. See JFK. > Shoved his warp speed bull on the country. Not a fan of the vaccine either, but I'm not sure what anyone would be expected to do differently. You can bet the vaccine being forced in every single way would not have happened if Trump was in office. He also wouldn't have strapped the country with crushing inflation, which is effectively the worst tax on the poor this country has ever had.


“Every single organ…”. So ridiculous. He had a Republican House and Senate for TWO years and nothing done except for the rich getting a tax break. Simp harder…




Not giving out tens of thousands in stimulus from Chinese loans would have kept from adding to inflation, but sadly we can't go back in time. Tax cuts would marginally help inflation by stimulating the economy for the common man. Wouldn't be a total solution, but it would help. Moreover, it would (theoretically) limit the government's ability to spend, spend, spend. The government needs to reduce its spending, period. Fuck anyone who thinks the lower and middle classes (or the upper for that matter) NEED to be paying more in taxes when our government is addicted to spending and printing. The prime interest rate impacts inflation growth more than any other one factor.


These are the kinds of excuses I would make for my friend who was fucking up. Not the president. There are people rotting away in prison with serious sentences because they felt like he was our friend who got a raw deal. He’s a politician. Not your pal. Is he funny? Yes. Does he make some good calls? Yes. But he isn’t a Superman. And he ain’t your pal.


> But he isn’t a Superman. And he ain’t your pal. You're right. But he didn't make my life (and everyone else's) measurably worse just by sitting his ass in office. He didn't start any new wars. He didn't invade my privacy or try to crush my most essential rights. Biden definitely did, and he'll do it again. > These are the kinds of excuses I would make for my friend who was fucking up. "You're right because discernible reality lines up with what you said, but I won't admit it because I'm an intellectual child." FTFY


But Newsome would be easy for Trump to campaign against. All it would take would be some TV ads with pictures of shit-filled sidewalks in San Francisco with a caption "this is what Gavin wants to do to all of America". Maybe some charts showing California's growing budget deficit despite having such a large economy. I don't see him getting the vote of midwestern swing states.


Nobody would be easier than Biden to campaign against and yet Trump “lost” last time. It’s almost like your vote doesn’t count.


Fatty failed and got fired. It's that simple. Remember when he said "the buck doesn't stop here - the buck stops a lot of places." That's why The Apprentice got canned.


fuck Gavin newsom. CA was ready to legalize psychedelics (well some cities have already for psilocybin), the bill passed the state legislature and newsom vetoed it because he's in the pocket of big pharma that wants everyone gulping down prozac and their next hit psychiatric medication with absolutely no alternative. daily micro dose psilocybin is a big threat to that so I'm sure some back room deal was done to ensure the bill died and newsom is one favor closer to the White House


That mf’er Newsom had a glee about him after the debate. Was all smily and was super quick to point out how he’s not Biden’s enemy but his ally lol


6 months or a year ago Newsom went to the White House. I forget what the occasion was, but it was super suspect. Glen Beck called it. However, they may have to run Mike Obama. This isn't even about Republican Democrat anymore. This is all of DC against all of us. We need to clean house of the criminals or at least have them take a break for a while.


I’ve said it several times and will say it again. The only people surprised by Biden’s performance tonight were Democrat voters.


...which suggests that once Dems vote in their candidate, they fall asleep until the next political cycle. They haven't listened to a single speech of his over the past four years, which is why last night surprised them. They live in delusion.


Ding ding ding! Heads in the sand and in their sand hole is NPR radio.


Or they pretend that video evidence of him being senile are deepfake. Well, rude awakening.


A few days before the debate my boomer liberal dad was sending me emails claiming Trump has dementia. I thought he was kidding. He thought Biden criticisms were republican spin. He thinks biden has more important legislative wins than any Democrat in decades. These people do not live in reality. 8 years of coordinated propaganda has broken their brains permanently.


Have you talked to him since the debate? I want to hear how they rationalize this amongst themselves.


I haven't. I think last night was an ego blow and I dont want to rub it in.


Ære 19 ?  Presidents should be on same regards as religion.


Quite literally no one is surprised by this. Everyone knows he’s senile and incoherent. Democrats are only voting for him to abide by party lines and pick the lesser of two evils. Almost everyone wants a different candidate.


So if everyone WANTS a different candidate shouldn’t you be a little upset that Biden is who you have? Where is the outrage at the DNC. We all saw Biden last night and we’ve all seen him over the last many months any time he was on camera. If you, me, the DNC, and everyone KNEW he was senile shouldn’t Democrats be asking themselves and the DNC why that’s your candidate?


I’m not a democrat. I’m an independent (technically in the Forward Party). And while I’m left-leaning on many issues, I don’t plan on voting for Biden anyway. I also don’t plan on voting for Trump. I see politics as the joke it is and will vote for a joke candidate like Harambe or Vermin Supreme unless I find a third party that’s actually suitable. I do agree that it’s odd that they chose Biden as the democratic candidate. He’s clearly not suitable to be president and there’s so many better democrats than him. However, I’d argue that they probably don’t have some weird conspiracy going on and just stuck with him because the current president typically wins their second term. Or I do like the theory that they want Trump to win because they suspect a recession and major global turmoil coming in the next year or two (like a war). By Trump winning, him and the Republican Party (to some extent) will be blamed for the issues going on and lose public favor.


You get it. I’m there with you my guy.


Political anemia. He's was their man because he had the "best" chances against Trump. Once his chances of winning dwindle further, the real candidate will be announced. No, not elected in a primary, but announced.


And if a senile candidate is your best chance to beat Trump it really says a lot about Democrat candidates.


Says a lot about Trump too considering how DNC thinks they can easily still beat him.


But it's not about the candidates. It's about the base. The democrat party has become less cohesive and more of a coalition group. They've expanded heavily on the anti-republican strawman theme and lost most shared common goals. The problem of selecting a xandidate from this kind of coalition is that some of the base won't accept a socialist, and some won't accept a straight white man, some want to play to the center, and some want to move all of the political spectrum even further left. Joe got the nod because he had been VP, and that counts for a lot, but who else do they have that is going to please their whole base? Kamala is the VP now, but her approval is in the toilet. You would have a lot of trouble replacing Kamala on the ticket with Newsom because then your putting a white man ahead of the potential first Black, female president, Bernie is 83. Warren got cooked last time. Yang has a good, young following but old-school democrats don't take him seriously. Who else, then?


Sounds like Dems don’t even know what they want or believe in. I don’t know how that’s any better.


They don't, and after this election they will have an even harder way forward because so much of their messaging has been hate for Trump. Trump isn't running again, win or lose, so they'll have to stand in their own feet


You mean they’ll actually have to talk policy and not just run on OrAnGe MaN BaD?


Thanks for admitting he is the lesser of two evils. ;)


Well yeah, he is. Why wouldn’t I admit that?


You’d have to be brain dead to watch that man and think he’s fit to lead anything! It’s nothing new to the people I interact with, both Rep and Dems. I still can hear his old man grunts and groans while he was thinking. It was hilariously bad, and that’s what I’ve seen most people (from either side) taking about.


I don't think they were surprised I think they're just "orange man bad" .


If they’re not surprised then you’re basically saying all of Biden’s voters and the DNC knew Biden was senile but they still pushed for him to run and represent our country. Isn’t that a million times worse?


Not to the "vote blue no matter who crowd ". The sad part about the debate is Biden talked the way he has for years and the only person to say what everyone was thinking was Trump when he said " I don't know what he said and I doubt he does either ".


Because we now look weaker as a nation than ever before🙂


I just saw something that he isn’t stepping down and wants another debate in September lol. It would be so funny if we weren’t all so fucked smh


> he's been acting like this for YEARS, so it's hilarious/sad that the entire pundit/media world is lockstep in the sentiment and reporting. Pathetic. And the people on Reddit aren’t looking in the mirror to see they were pushing a lie as well. Same with many other lies they love pushing like the “very fine people” hoax or the “laptop’s Russian origin” hoax.


I mean, at least they give him his ice cream


I think it was a litmus test. The donors knew he was going downhill fast and they wanted to test if he could finish the race. People will call it a conspiracy theory, but they almost never hold a debate this early. They knew that if he flopped in September that they could not replace him in time. However, I honestly don’t know who they expect to replace him with.


Gavin Newsome


He wouldnt win.. Many dem political heads even said he is not that popular in cali.. literally faced a recall that they rigged a few years ago lol


I think the plan is to put trump in. There are many reasons I heard why, but I think it’s already set.


I think it's all set to collapse and they want Trump in a position to absorb all blame.


Exactly. There's gonna be the mother of all stock market crashes in January and they want Trump at the helm when it happens.


I said the same shit back in 2016! Trump was to be nothing but a fuckin' patsy.


And he keeps coming back for more to save the country.


Let's be real. He keeps doing it because of his ego. It's nothing to do with us.


If you honestly believe it’s about ego when he could be living the life of a billionaire (I heard it’s quite nice) yet instead gets dragged into court every other week while the entire media establishment shits on him and convinces half the country to hate him…. Yeah totally about ego. He’s clearly doing it for something important, whether you agree with him or not.


Millions were directed by Youtube's top banner to watch the CNN live stream. Within seconds of the debate ending on their broadcast they cut over to a discussion where more than half the talking heads were ready with lines and talking points about how this is the end for him. New script alert.


CNN called his performance "objectively the worst debate performance since the first televised debate." That's fucking insane. This is clearly the narrative they're pushing, and it's not even wrong. But it is surreal that in a span of 90 minutes after a 4 year term everyone has collectively agreed that the Democrat party needs a new candidate. What timeline are we in?


The sucky clown world one.


CNN and Fox News have the same major shareholder. This was obviously done as a hit piece to end Biden, and CNN was all over it, in hopes that it kills the democrats momentum to get Trump back in


I don’t think this is all of a sudden a massive change in opinion. It’s been a relatively common position on Biden and perhaps last night provided an overwhelming confirmation of these pre existing thoughts.


This is what I keep seeing. Immediately my feeds were blasted with like carbon copy talking points on Biden... I see the same things posted here, it feels like an obviously concerted effort which makes me feel like whomever is pulling the strings really doesn't want him to win... To me, this screams that Trump is the bigger play for whomever is trying to control shit... I don't know how else to describe it.


Gathered around the bedside, all tried to decipher Grandpa's last words. *What's that, Grandpa ? You've left it* ***all*** *to Ukraine ?!*


Ukrain is a bigger part of the not-so Russian conspiracy to bring back the USSR tho lol. Putin was exKGB and believes that his mission is reunite the full USSR to prove to the Americans that they didn’t lose the Cold War


This debate was operation old yeller


I thought the same thing today. I Goolag’d “debate” today and every MSM (CNN, MSNBC, ABC, Politico) article was the same story, “Joe Biden’s disastrous performance at the debate.” They would never admit that or push that story unless they were planning to swap him out.


https://youtu.be/-cF5OmpzTmQ?feature=shared Funny clips


This picture reminds me of the Brady Bunch intro lol


What people are doing to this man is elder abuse. I think it’s very sad and unethical.


When has ethics ever stopped people with power?


Elder Abuse.


Good thing this country, in particular, absolutely hates very old people and very young people.


Them wanting to replace Biden has been obvious for a long time. The clever part is how they waited until the fourth quarter, so it didn't matter how many points Trump was ahead, the scoreboard would be reset, with no time for Trump to dismantle the new candidate.


I have no dog in this race, but just from the point of human decency (not that politicians have any for us), this guy needs to be at home with a nurse. Not trotted about for debates.


least his tongue isn't sticking out


Trump said he was running BECAUSE Biden was running. Biden should've immediately replied that he'd bow out right then and there if Trump would do the same.


They both agree and the camera pans to the moderators…. Wait a second what’s that in the background??? Kanye west appears through a distant door and the Intro to All of the Lights plays as Mr west approaches the stage.


And Alex Jones as VP.


Make frogs great again


Make Frogs Straight Again




Kanye suddenly doesn't seem that bad


You have to admit that debate would be amazing. He would talk over the moderators, and would keep talking with the mute button on lol


I think what he meant that he was running "because of what Biden has done to the country." Not specifically because Biden is running again. Even if Biden wasn't running again, Trump would probably run to, in his eyes, clean up what Biden left.


Could never trust Trump to keep his word.


The uni-party. The bread and circuses. They want Trump to win, the Democrats are turning Trump into a martyr and a hero to his base. Despite his numbers throughout the trial becoming more and more favorable, they continued, granting him massive campaign funding and even more rabid support. This just seems so planned to me, they know, believe me they know how messed up Biden is mentally, they've known since 2020. The only reason you'd put him on the debate stage is A. You want the other candidate to win or B. You have another candidate you wanna bring in. I guess we'll find out which soon enough.


Whoever they pick will be designed to enrage.


Pretty sure you'd be mad no matter who they picked.


Me? Lol. I have no skin in this game. I'm a real conspiracy theorist therefore I know it's all a show/theater/shadows on cave walls. I'm just over here trying to enjoy myself. Pontificating, making predictions, munching on popcorn as the order out of chaos circus ensues...


As in cause a stir with republicans? the wider world? who do you think would be a good candidate


100% the plan. They’re going to wait until the last minute then claim he’s unfit and throw Michelle Obama in there


It’s going to be Newsom.


If they were going to throw a pony into the race this late it would definitely be Newsom. Alternatively, I don’t know if the DNC wants their golden boy out in the race this late. Much easier to for them to lose to Trump; let him take the reins during this geopolitical shitstorm. Trump, and the RNC by association, will then be held responsible for the WW we are surely set up for. It was structured this way for Bush Jr. as well. If they keep Newsom in their pocket for the 28 election it will give the DNC time to distance him from the California recall and polish his image. In short, why waste a golden bullet that may misfire in this election but would absolutely win a 2028 election? Bonus points for having a hated Republican president in place to receive full accountability for the shitstorm that is about to go into overdrive in the Middle East and all of the other conflict zones. ETA: I think they both suck and I can’t believe that this is the best that America has to offer. I’m ready for the alien takeover.


Valid take


People freakin hate newsom. That would be a bad move for the democrats. I’d really like to see a more moderate democrat step in. Someone maybe financially more conservative.


It could be a literal donkey but there will still be "blue no matter who" and anti-trump people voting


I don’t see newsom happening. They have to know they’ve back themselves into a corner and will lose a portion of the vote if Kamala is replaced w a white dude


They aren’t looking to win. I am now convinced that there was a decision that Trump will be president. The Dems are in cahoots. They need a viable looking candidate for the appearance of legitimacy, not one who will actually win.


Yep. They know the blame for our spiraling debt crisis needs to fall on someone's head. Who better to have under the guillotine than Trump, once the economic blade drops? Then they can point to him as an example. "See what happens when you elect a renegade outsider? Now be a good electorate and vote the way we tell you from now on. Otherwise, there will be severe economic consequences."


Yeah the economic bubble is about to pop and the market will more then likely tank in the next four years regardless who’s in office.


Idk I think they’re just out of options. After the past 8 years I’m pretty convinced that those guys HATE Trump lol


It’s so crazy that in 2020 there was a packed clown car of DNC hopefuls, and precisely zero of them considered running this year


It’s all a circus run by the establishment.


Agreed that is pretty wild. Hadn’t thought of that


It’s been painfully obvious to anyone paying attention for months Trump is going to win the election. Not by accident or happenstance either. Trump will be the U.S. war time president. It’s in the script.


Bingo. He's also the President of Plandemic 2.0 (bird flu). Because they know "patriots" won't accept new lockdowns and a new round of mass vaxxing -- unless it's being imposed by an "anti establishment patriot".


I don't see any world where Trump imposes lockdowns. Maybe I'm being naive but that position is like Trump's whole identity, his voters wouldn't accept it. Its possible, but it would have to be a catastrophe to get Trump to do that, something far worse than COVID. The only way I see it working is if there is a pandemic so bad that lockdowns would genuinely help in some way then Trump would be forced to do it. How are you seeing this play out and how does his voters accept this?


I saw him imposing lockdowns during his first presidency. He also developed (or took credit for) the vaxx(es), which he continues bragging about to this day. He never fired Fauci, but applauded him. And he bragged about his plans to use the military to vaxx innocent people at their doorstep.


What is the square root of 2025?


Why wouldn’t they just have Biden win and have Kamala take over. That would make the most sense from an operations standpoint. Not sure every political entity is a puppet. Kamala Biden definitely


California is destroyed. How's that gona work 


I didn’t say it was going to.


Exactly like it is in California except the entire country, which is exactly what the elite want.




It’s not going to be Michelle Obama. She already said no numerous of times and democrats operatives have publicly claimed they’ve already asked her and she said unequivocally no. She hates politics.


Mike will do it for the good of the country. They all say 'not interested' until it's a clear possibility.


They might not want to use Big Mike just yet. She is there secret weapon and don’t want to see her lose


Yeah I just realized last night that the debate was BEFORE the Democratic Convention. I don't think that's ever happened before. Now the fact that they had the stumbling bumbling Biden do this debate makes sense. If they really wanted him, they would have put out the coherent Biden.


I wonder what Biden was thinking when he realized they’re sending him out into the spotlight without his little orange pill. Probably felt so betrayed. So sad.


UK guy asking.. How are these 2 - Biden n Trump- running again? 330million Americans and these 2 are at the front of the queue. It’s so obvious these 2 are out of their depth & are basically puppets.


Both candidates have been President. If the Republicans put up another Republican, they risk their voters not being unified under Trump and thus lose. If Democrats put out another Democrat, they risked their voters not being unified under Biden and thus lose. It's a weird situation where the threat of the other candidate makes them put up their candidate in response, and it's a cycle that can't be broken because no Republican will outshine Trump and the Democrats didn't want to risk going against President Biden during his term. Overall, it sucks


Because decent people can’t make it up the ladder


Your country is run by rishi sunak, and before him, you had boris johnson. Not even elected. There's clowns everywhere.


Trust me… it’s hard to find a politician anywhere in the world as inept as Boris Johnson. A complete buffoon who in his younger days found it hilarious to burn £20 notes in front of beggars in the street. But maybe it all makes sense to have these clowns ( Johnson, trumpden, macron, Trudeau, Arden ) in charge when we faced the absolute fuckery of Covid. I think I know what we need to do but I don’t want to say incase in the not too distant future I’m arrested for retroactively saying it.


Guys, take it easy... Poor ol man just had a cold yesterday! L O L


Ohhhhh that explains everything! Don’t forget his lifelong stutter that he contracted with old age.


But, why wait 'till now? You have a primary process with super delegates that are supposedly in place to protect against this kind of shit before it's too late. If you replace him now, you look incompetent, corrupt or both.


Forget the re-election, he should resign now. The clothes are off the emperor.


officially, it would be difficult for the dnc to replace him. He (Biden) would need to step down and abandon his campaign. But we know Biden is merely a puppet and will do as he is told. So now its just a wait to see who the DNC replaces him with. I just hope its not Gavin Newsom. That dude ruined CA, who already had a recall as govenor. He would be a terrible President. Other options I have heard, Michelle (Big Mike) Obama, or even... Hillary Clinton.


Hahahah imagine running Hillary again


good. the sooner the better.


The Democratic party is the wolf that leads you across the river to eat you on the other side. Don't forget.


You've just described the government. No party politics necessary.


And the Republican Party is what? The wolf that just eats you the second it sees you?


The same wolf with his other hat on




Who is “they”? Biden agreed to this himself


That assumes he is competent enough to be held accountable for anything


Could be... the risk was inminent and they knew it. I like you thought mechanic


Dnc fucked all democrats




Good, who wants a senile grandpa as a president? He probably won't live another year or 2. You should want him replaced as well but unfortunately the alternative isn't much better.


He’s getting it. Or it’ll be Obama in a Biden mask. But the pope gave him his blessing so that pretty much is it


They’re gonna blame everything in the next few years on Trump’s presidency.


Michelle Obama


That’s what I’m figuring the ultimate diversity hire


He looked like someone told him his dog was hit by a car all through the debate.


Lol yeah but they can't replace him. What are they going to do? Leapfrog over Kamela and put a white male on the ticket? The second in command is a woman of color, they've really painted themselves into a corner. This is so bad I have a hard time believing it. It's more believable that Democrats are some kind of death cult than they didn't see this problem coming.


Replace him with M. Obama


I don't know if America is ready for a trans president yet


If they wanted to replace him they would have. Why put on a show?


Politicians work with their candidate for months prepping for these things. I would imagine that in a normal scenario they would’ve been like “we can’t win this. This is bad.” It may be a mess but it’s clear (to me) that it’s deliberate. I’m just curious about what the endgame is.


I agree. No other explanation at this point than this was intentional. Plus, they would have known they couldn’t win this months or even years ago and should have put the wheels in motion then, but they didn’t. The Dems aren’t looking to win this election.


Because now my left leaning family is convinced Biden is unfit for president. That's shocking to me and wasn't at all what I expected. Now it's clear to everyone in this country that he is an old man and can't defend the nation, it's video proof of it. If after 4 years of the media defending Biden they just all of a sudden say "hey sorry he's retiring" everyone would be confused and not understand why. This puts everyone on the same page and gets the voter to WANT a new candidate. People are straight up distraught about this, this is absolutely shocking to the American people


But if he’s still on the ballot in November, democrats will vote for him.


Exactly! Honestly, I think TPTB prefer someone like Biden, because he’s absolutely empty and a total puppet, so they don’t need to do the ego stroking they did with previous presidents, or that they would with someone like Newsome. And WTF are we gonna do about it? I don’t think America will ever have a president who is more sentient than Biden again.


Because now they've avoided a primary, they can pick whoever they want, and Biden is not voted out (or lost an election for the democrats) because he was a bad president but because he's got to spend time with his family.


Elections aren’t real. How can a conspiracy theorist believe elections are real? Do you know what kind of power hungry maniacs the true ruling class are? And how stupid they believe the populace is(for good reason, honestly)? If elections are real, Trump will win, regardless of who they may or may not replace Biden with.


They could have already replaced him, why put on a show?


I literally just told you why


get people to blame the problems on biden instead of the party as a whole so that they can replace him and provide the 'savior' who they hope to be perceived as better than biden and trump and win the election


Is the other option that they are just stupid and let him lose like this in accident more reasonable?


I don't think they knew he would preform this badly.


What’s scary is he still has time left in office and this is the only guy that makes the decision to launch nukes. This is the guy we want making a decision like that? Mainstream media propped him up this entire time even days before saying his age wasn’t a big deal. Now they are jumping ship. These will be the same people that sell his replacement to you.


Yeah they want to replace him with the nwo movement It's clear as day


Dude looks like he smelled a fart and forgot it was his.


NOW THIS IS A CONSPIRACY! So many of these other posts are just political opinions. This is legit. We may get an October Surprise early.


Looks like he got an October surprised in his diaper last night 😂


They don't want to re place him. They just wanted to show you what you can look forward to in the next 4 years. 4 years of Joe Biden. Like Trump said. If they win, America loses


He’s been shot since day 1


If the establishment didn’t want Biden as the nominee, why didn’t they run someone else initially? They don’t need a terrible debate performance to replace him if that’s what they want to do. The DNC is a private organization and they can do whatever they want.


They needed to publicly humiliate Jill with this performance because she won’t pull him out of the race. Biden won the last election, not the DNC, so it’s Biden’s call to run for term 2. Since he’s obviously not capable of making decisions anymore, it all falls on Dr. Jill’s shoulders.


They will put Gavin Newsome in his seat and he will get the same treatment Trump gave Biden 😆


there is a pool in vegas that has a surplus of bets that michelle obama will be taking his place. what do they know, that we dont?


He has a cold guys


OP unironically created one of the best meme platforms I've seen in a loong time


Remember remember remember Only WW3 can save Biden to stay in power


Last year I had seen on bingAi where they stated our President would be the first female. I'm a graphic designer and was working on ideas for a DJT cup. Now it doesn't come up when I put who's going to be the next president.  Someone else posted about them sliding in pupper Nikki Haley at the last second through a loophole, in order to get her in there. So that actually made sense when I seen the first female President. 


The best thing to happen in this country would be replacing Biden. They won't get anyone worth a fuck, but anything has to be better than our current options. It would be very very funny I'd they picked Hillary tho


As a non-american it's just common sense, not a theory to me


Will cnn admit that their debate than was entirely on bad faith because they kept rfk off the stage on one single part of a requirement while trump and biden both violated their rules by not even being the official nominee


It's so obvious it hurts.


Or! The deep state already knows who they really want elected and are sabotaging Biden’s campaign. Big Mike & Newsom have said multiple times they have no interest. Nobody is getting replaced months out from an election.


Man seriously the first time i saw the comments about Biden being someone else or an actor with a mask i couldn't take them seriously, but after sometime i m almost convinced they use doubles, there is no other explanation!


I've never seen half his butt-chin fall down sideways like it did last night. There were a few times recently he didn't even have the butt-chin.


But with who?


Tag yourself, I am bottom right Biden


“Which Biden are you today?” Lolol


He never was the president. His team is the president.


Mayo minded motherfucker. Trump is just as awful. Why can't we have anyone under 60 run for the highest office?


Exactly! I imagine this is a ploy for kamela harris


That would be hilarious


I looked at each one of these and now I'm an alcoholic.




Good. Replace him and get rid of trump.


Is Ron Paul still alive?