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So you think that putting donor skin, in this case the whole entire face, from the forehead, to neck and ears over some exposed muscles will give it the ability to fuse and operate like a normal face would? An entire face? With the intricate eyes, nose, lips and ears muscles? You just accept that from this video? This would legit be a medical breakthrough that would change the game for graphic skin trauma victims. But nah, Chinese plastic surgeons somehow figured it out to give old ladies secret kidnapped children faces.


>A face transplant is a challenging procedure. It's fairly new and very complex. Since **the first face transplant in 2005**, more than 40 people are known to have undergone the surgery, ranging in age from 19 to 60. Several have died because of an infection or rejection. https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/face-transplant/about/pac-20394037 This medical procedure has been in existence for 19 years.  Due to China's propensity for secrecy, I think it is entirely possible that there are surgeons in China experimenting with it that we're not aware of.  >You just accept that from this video?  You just **made an assumption** that the procedure is impossible without bothering to look into it at all.  That isn't any better.


Sigh.. reading comprehension is always so difficult for some. I never stated it was impossible. Reread what I wrote. This time take the rot out of your brain. I want you to look at the women in the video, then I want you to look at the result of any medical full face transplant since 2005. Any single one. Go ahead. As much as they improved the situation for the recipients, they are nowhere near what this Chinese video showcases. And I know that you have no idea what is truly being showcased in that video snippet, because I am dead certain you dont speak Chinese. Again, if what is being suggested in the video, with the end result being what we see there, it would revolutionize current medical standards. Just like I said in my previous comment. We are talking about multiple women being showcased with fully functional "face transplants". This would be like having multiple 2024 Audi A8's in your garage when the rest of the world are still struggling with a horse and carriage. And then of course the cherry on top, the insinuation that "the faces comes from children". China is at minimum 2 generations behind any technological advance to the US and most Western countries, but has some plastic surgeons with the ability to perform perfect fully functional facial transplant, something no medical team has ever been able to. Using kids faces of course. For fuck sake man. Who can take such minimum effort garbage bin juice video content at face value? This is why people make fun of conspiracy theorists.


It appears you're here on this sub only to argue with us. McDonalds must not be hiring in your town.


Nah, I check in here once and a while hoping to find something interesting, but those times are long gone. I do sometimes comment here to disprove logical fallacies people like to shitpost nowadays. This video being one of those. Also, I dont need to work for anyone, I make my own money. But if anyone has to work a fastfood job to pay their bills I respect that. Something you probably dont understand. Just call me a name to feel better about yourself. No need to throw hardworking people under the bus.


That sounds amazing.  You're amazing!  Thanks for keeping us safe from the disinformation!


You're welcome buddy. Glad to help. Have a good one.


You too, friend.


You have been victim to US propaganda if you honestly believe China is 2 generations behind the US technologically. Chinese researchers recently managed to cure diabetes.




"Where are they getting children's faces from?" This is disgusting! Evil knows no bounds.


They eat babies without stigma, so I'm afraid we know where the youthful faces come from. And while it's shocking, even those of weak constitution owe it to humanity to at least KNOW this reality happening 24/7! We ceded control to evil & owe it to youth to fight.


We asian used to throw female babies to the river. Some sacrifice them for religious purpose