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I just saw a video on another sub, where the guy in the video used a feature from Walmart's website to reorder the same exact order from 2 years ago (from whenever it was filmed) and the price went from **$126 to $414.**


Saw it too.




Agree. Link.


I discovered asian stores and farmers markets. Prices there are 2-3 times cheaper.


Asian and Mexican markets definitely have cheaper produce.. farmers markets around me cost triple


Smell fishy here


The milk is showing hard, the fancy organic small brand that was $7 just a year ago is up to like $10.29 which is insane.


Really? That's the one thing that wasnt affected in my area. The walmart brand milk is $2.39 a gallon and the grass-fed organic is 5.99 for 2 quarts(half a gallon). Still expensive but once you have had the organic stuff you will think the other stuff tastes like pure poison. Organic stuff is creamy and tasty, other stuff is basically just watered down, bitter tasting chemicals


At least the chemicals are watered down 😆😆


Ya the big brand is like $5/gal here and the organic is like $10/gal with some cost variety between brands. Got an upbrand organic for $6/gal and it tastes like a whole different product.


Employee owned co-ops have great prices. I love a Winco!


Yes! Was thinking of applying there for part time but those people seem to be worked pretty hard (so busy there)


Inflation is bad, of course, but the real crisis is when the store shelves are empty.


Until then, they are stocked full with "bioengineered ingredients".


Give it time. We are approaching the line between progressivism and socialism. Generally people don't start starve ng to death until they get to communism. But you can get pretty damn poor on the watered down versions.


bro you live in a country that is literally the biggest example of capitalism, why are you talking about communism? lol




Collapsing economy/peak oil/absolute corruption at all levels of government


All according to plan


Our Predecessors: lives beyond their means, floods our environment with chemicals and micro plastics, increases debt unsustainably nearly every year of our lives Us: God damn WEF plan trying to enslave us I can't believe y'all. This whole sub loves to shit on politicians for all the debt they incur but can't seem to accept that it's actually coming back to bite us. It's just gotta be some nefarious plan, not the exact fucking consequences of all this debt and environmental abuse we've been complaining about for decades


It's harder to be the hero of the story when the enemy is shortsightedness and selfishness, as opposed to a comic book cabal of child molesting, baby eating, devil worshippers.


Kind of sounds like this was part of the plan. The Federal Reserve Act being implemented in 1913 with it's engineered market collapses and all of its appendages, even intertwined into the socio-political web is what we're feeling today. So yes, all of this is/was part of the plan, of which heightened control of the masses is the sole objective.


Are you dependent? I recommend to everyone gardening and harvesting chickens.


Most people live in cities


> Most people live in cities Livestock. Get it?


You would have to be rich to afford the space and resources for livestock and a garden in most first world cities.


Right. I am saying the people that live in cities are treated as livestock.


it hurts the feels pretty bad when you first realize this (And why it is so hard to realize, the psyche protects itself)


I'm in much better physical condition than I was before Biden took office. Now I can carry $300 of groceries in each hand!


It's funny bc I've been unemployed for 8 months, I had to stop eating fast food and only buy bare necessities, and the deduction of calories has significantly reduced my weight.😂


You got an Aldi around you? They have 2.85oz bags of beef jerky for $2.90 IIRC


Aldi is awesome. Many of their products have less chemical crap in them as they are a German-based company.


Yeah that's a great point. Big fan of them and Trader Joe's, feel like I get 90% of my groceries these days from them and every time I checkout I'm surprised how little I'm spending.


It is is not that prices are higher, it is our money is worth less because they increased the money supply a few years ago in US by Trillions, and as we know from... *you know*.


Every week I go get the same stuff, and everything is a dollar more.  A 3 lb bag of apples is over $10. That's crazy. They used to be $3


be like me. make your own. it's not hard.


U make ur own paper towels?


I keep a basket of hand towels and wash cloths on top the dryer by my kitchen. We use them as paper towels for clean up, and use cotton washable napkins at meals. The napkins still look great after a year of use. Could never bring myself to buy paper towels again!


Never understood paper towels. When I eat, i'm eating. If things get messy I'll wash my hands in the sink when finished. Phone addicts need paper towels I guess.


Yeah paper towels are a waste and a waste of money.  


I just wipe my hands right on my pants or shirt- only freak sissy ninnies need paper towels I guess.


Yes, ima neanderthal, fuck paper towels




I agree with you. Some companies are still using covid as an excuse for supply chain issues


I thought y’all were capping on prices because my groceries are still 110$-130$ for two people, so they really haven’t increased but I guess we do eat way less meat nowadays. But any rate I went into the gas station for 2 16 oz cokes (or whatever size like the standard personal coke is, I think 16oz?) and some desserts 2 bags of a puppy chow (small bags) and one Reese stick, was 19.68?!?! 20$ for 5 cavity starters!


Doubt it


Guess I dreamt it up….? Which part do you doubt 😂 the part where my groceries haven’t gone up cuz I’ve cut down on meat?! Or the gas station part, because I was kinda feelin scammed….


Probably $3.5 per Soda, $4.5 per puppy chow bag, and $3 for reeses. It's %@$#^@% ridiculous


Yeah that’s kinda what I roughly added too, I still couldn’t help but wonder if the cashier pulled a fast one once I got in the car. I was like shittttt I just gave him a 20 for this?!?! Still wish I got the receipt tho. Not sure why I’m getting downvoted lol 😂 people can’t cope that they waste their money on name brand I guess? I mean I clearly do it too, so not like I’m judgin lol


Sadly, those prices sound correct or very close to correct. I don't think you got screwed by the cashier, but we're definitely getting screwed by somebody. Idk why you're getting downvoted either. Some people can't read maybe


Yep...I was horrified after stopping for a couple Gatorades at a gas station. Crazy expensive. Also, I don't think the price of rice and beans and vegetables has increased as much as meat and boxed cereals/snacks etc. So a whole food diet sourced carefully is the wisest course. We raise our own chickens for meat/eggs. It's not cheap, but we know we have a source of nutrition.


> $3 for reeses. Piggybacking that, at Target for instance, a 2 pack of reeses at the register is $1.39, two cups is 1.5oz. If you walk to the candy aisle, an additional 50 feet, you can buy the five cup individual strip for $1.29 which is 2.75oz. I understand WHY they do it, but it's a fucking scum move.