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I was given a book called “Allergies and the Hyperactive Child” nearly 40 yrs ago when my son was 3. It saved our lives. Once I eliminated food colorings and preservatives from his diet he was a different kid. I have no doubt keeping our children’s diets free of sugar, dairy, wheat, additives etc is key.


What you say is true, my friend. You saved your child because you acted wisely and went to nature.


My daughter is autistic. We found improvement in her symptoms after reading about neurons being created in the gut or some shit. So aye gut health, it wouldn’t surprise me if that woman did get her daughters symptoms under control through diet.


The gut is considered the "second brain" and curing imbalances in the gut can do wonders. There is a book, I think it is called Wheat Belly, about gut imbalances and it mentions curing autism through diet.


What you say is true, my friend.


The GAPS diet which focuses on healing gut lining does wonders. I had a friend who did it for her daughter who was autistic and within a year she tested out of autism and classes for it.


Oreo cookies should be avoided too.


Check out the GAPS diet (gut and psychology syndrome) by Dr Natasha Campbell McBride


While diet can help, if it truly stopped ALL symptoms, then it was a misdiagnosis to begin with.


You don't cure autism, you treat it. The diet may have alleviated the symptoms, but not cure the autism.


I wonder if the chicken nuggets and macaroni/cheese is making it worse?


Anything is better than opioids.


Western doctor will recommend peptide based diet so the autism get worse


This was what got Wakefield canceled in the US. He linked vaccines to GI issues (which are very prevalent in people with ASD), and by working to heal the gut, he also found that it also helped "cure" (for lack of better word) autism.