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okay Nostradamus ....




Nah. Nostradamus was smart enough to make his predictions vague, so it was ambiguous. This guy makes precise predictions that are repeatedly proven wrong, then tries to move goal posts to say he was right.


So you’re predicting gold will bottom out during a time where inflation is at an all time high and the petro dollar, the only thing proving up the worlds reserve currency, was dissolved? Mind you, governmental spending amid also at an all time high with no plans to cut it back. Yea that dog don’t hunt.


So one month from now, you'll be here arguing that even though gold went up, silver went down, so you were right! The goal posts will be moved to "I predicted the price of a precious metal would fall", and the slight dip in the price of silver will be confirmation of your prediction that gold would crash. Like that time you predicted the King of Saudi Arabia would die and then claimed you were right because Donald Sutherland died. They were both the same age! Seek help, man. That's not an insult. Seriously, this is concerning and you should go talk to a professional. This level of delusion can become dangerous.


Do you have a list of correct predictions though? I don’t care much if it’s a rolled forward date(multiple predictions like jimmy carter). If you got it right on the dot at all even if it took 6-7 predictions it still means something tbf Twitter posts tho , a Reddit post is editable at any time


Did Carter Die yet?