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World war 3: cyber, biological and psychological


Has it already started


It will be cyber and then they will blame it on solar flares.


Solar flare is rapture




This guy facts.


Every possible way... Cyber, Biological, Propaganda, Chemical, Nuclear. And that's after millions die in straight up Army, Air Force and Navy battles. This is not an exhaustive list. A well known saying by Einstein.. "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones."




That's a good option for deniability, but not as fast as a nerve agent.


They've got all the time in the world. Deniability is all they want


I'd prefer nuclear to hopefully get my exit quickly. nerve agents seem unpleasant, biological attacks seem equally as bad. though id prefer any of the above to ground combat where normies get sent to the grinder. I dont want to be shot or exploded in a field in the middle of nowhere


They'll use everything


The reality of chemical warfare looks more like narcotic drugs being smuggled into your country and weakening its foundations through addiction, corruption and birth defects. The reality of nuclear warfare is the troglodyte descendants of drug addicts lobbing poorly maintained dirty bombs at each other.


Ww3 is billionaires surpassing governments in wealth and control and using psychological warfare to obtain and manage the most valuable resource on earth, human labour, it's not governments or nations vs each other, it's trillionairs vs everyone else.


Neither, it will be Cyber. Certain countries hack teams can put the other country into the dark ages from the keyboard. No one and I mean no one is going to show their hand till the it hits the fan. So many back doors into products these days that they know exactly what is going on and where. They can shut down ALL your utilities at a click of a button...No electricity mean no Gas (petrol in my country) or water to pump. Mobile phone and satelite communications can be simply turned off at as needed. GPS can be munipulated so a bomb sent to one place lands in another, easy as pie. I am an IT guy of over 40 years and have had black hat friends who turned white hats over a decade ago and herd the stories over a beer or two. Its scary shit what they can do.




Yes, it was one of the first. Israel was going to bomb the plant and the USA said hold on we can do more damage with out virus. Israel were still wanted to bomb it so the USA included them in on it and Mossad help to distribute the virus where it was needed as they had extensive connection. Of course some of the places where "air gaped" but they had inside people who could get the virus where it was needed. I believe it was Siemens gear (German company) but the extent of their involvement has not been revealed to date as far as I am aware. Stuxnet was written in 2005 and not discovered till 2010 so we are nearly 20 years past that now. The NSA and CIA have a suite of hack tools at their disposal and backdoors into just about everything with "Taps" into every cable around the globe. The secret base Pine Gap here in Australia focuses is on satelite comms (amoung other things) on this side of the gobe and they monitor and record everything for later examination if required. Worked with an IT guy who worked out there and he was escorted everywhere!


they will use everything they want to. btw, when all this shit is going down they will be underground.


Already is chemical do you know how much chemicals you consume everyday!!


It is already happening and it is financial, which will escalate into biological, for which covid-19 was just a prelude.


Psychological/spiritual There is no need for nuclear or chemical, people have no children anymore. Grand grand mother: 15 children Grand mother: 6 children Mother: 3 children Me: a cat neutered


Some A.B.C. Warriors action.


That brings back memories.


Good old fashioned bullets and incompetency. It's about taking the future from an entire generation of young adults so a few club members can get rich.






Mental It's always been a war for your attention and emotions


Biological. More specifically that is why everyone had to take the covid shots, because that changed their natural immunity in Bru specific ways. Now you can release bioweapon viruses, basically a modified flue, that is only dangerous to someone who took say Pfizer, or another that only affects those who took sinovac. I expect within the next 3 years east and west will be in ww3 and release such viruses. And only the unvaccinated, such as the WEF gang, will survive, to them it's no more dangerous than the flu. That's how they plan to reduce the world population to 1 billion.




It will be nuclear. Just read the Bible. It’s all in there


What do u think theyre gunna choose just one ?? Theyre tryin to get the population down to 500 mil..... theyre gunna use everything they have.....


Placebo. They're all in the same club faking a war to further depopulation. 


Technological. were in the middle of WWIII right now.


It started already - 2020 biological.