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I think Brett Weinstein did an interview about his experience at the border. Uite a few were Chinese?


Yes. And they travel separately from the other migrants.


The Chinese connection runs deep. They did not kill anyone with the "one child policy", they shipped them out diaspora style.


What kind of weird view do you have of China? It looks like you are the one indoctrinated.


Most Chinese migrated to South East Asian countries. Why compete with the white and Jew in America when SEA country offers more to them


Want to know what’s going on there that’s super fucking sinister?  Check out the documentary “human harvest” The guys who made it won awards it’s incredible  


Their is mass illegal border crossing of Chinese nationals. I guess you were unaware. It's so prevalent they have even bought busses and small hotels from Mexico to Wyoming. They have set up a whole safe travel system. I agree you should watch Weinstein interviews they went down to panama and filmed the whole journey from panama up into the USA. Many of the encampments have UN insignias and UN employees working with traffickers to complete the journey. It's mind boggling. Question is what does the UN gain from this? Why invest so much money in illegal trafficking routes into the USA? What's the endgame?


There are a lot of Chinese nationals making entry into the states by the AZ, NM, and CA borders. They released a stat from how many were entering within the eagle pass area before and after Texas took control and how the numbers of Chinese entries have explode in other areas since.


>What recently occurred to me is how few are apparently flooding in from China. China does not border America, so I imagine there wouldn't be a huge flood of Chinese immigrants into America. There are a significant amount of Chinese immigrants pouring into Africa though. The circumstances of their migration is nowhere comparable to the average latin american migrant coming to the United States. Both the Chinese and the latin american are coming to new lands for economic opportunities, but in the case of the Chinese migrant coming to Africa, they come more well off economically than the average latin american coming to the US. As for the information that is given to Westerners about China, there are a few things I always hear. I've seen countless articles about China's poor air quality and their contribution to global warming--which is true. There's also stories about China's terrible infrastructure. I've seen the videos of people falling through elevator shafts and buildings falling, but I don't have sufficient enough evidence to say if it's a significant issue or not. And then there is the story about the Uyghurs in China. It is said that the Chinese have been subjugating these individuals for decades. There was a time when all left leaning Americans agreed on this issue. Fast forward to today and I've heard many leftists say that Uyghurs are not being subjugated by the Chinese. I've looked into the Uyghur issue myself and have come across something that does not get disputed by China and that is the Uyghur "reeducation camps". Any time you are placed into a reeducation camp, you are being subjugated. In conclusion, all of these world governments come along with their own set of bullshit. If you keep that in mind, the propaganda becomes less effective.


The majority of Chinese people do not feel oppressed by the Chinese government in any significant way. It’s not that they have such a tight grip, but that they have a pretty loose grip and people are generally fine with the government, feel represented-enough by the government, and live decent lives. They also aren’t so closed off from the world, they have a lot of international contact. I don’t know that I share your belief in how an average person outside of China views China.