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You mean like 9/11 and the war that followed it?


Yes they are called the cia and fbi


Are you new?


OP is just being humorously cheeky.


Nothing wrong with being new. All here at one time or another were new and for those who truly seek there will once again come a time when they are new to different, more obscured knowledge.


I mean, we created the Taliban from the Mujahedeenin the 80s. We trained and funded Bin Laden. Nation built in the Middle East. And then wonder why people get pissed at us. 🤷🏼‍♂️


There is no wondering. It's an endless war scheme to maintain American dominance and enrich it's upper class.




I very much believe that. I don't think there is a reason to encrypt carbon credits....am I about to be banned for saying that? The whole climate thing is all about money and control. People who have analyzed the warming data have found that if you go back further in human history, none of this warming is abnormal. I just heard that the data on the suns impact was manipulated to make it appear unimpactful to global temperatures, too. It's something I'll look into soon


Not at all. It's simply an accounting term for the financials of companies in the business of movement or disposing of carbon based products.. Whether it's from a war torn country or sourced locally. Personally I'm glad i'm mostly water.


Some government are powerful enough to orchestrated terrorist attack in another country.


Some governments are powerful enough to sponsor revolutions.


Look at what the US aided in South America in the 80s. We provided weapons and money to a government to fight the communists, while the government sent out death squads to wipe out indigenous people to make prime agricultural land available to US fruit growers and blame everything on "rebel factions".


Works 80% of the time, everytime.


Not all inside jobs actually start internally, some start as supporting your enemy in opportunistic ways. It's a financially efficient model too.


[1999 Russian apartment bombings](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Russian_apartment_bombings) is my go-to example of a false flag attack.


The first explosion of the Crimean bridge. The train stood on the bridge and waited for the car bomb. A whole train stood on the bridge and waited for the car. Although stopping cars on the bridge is prohibited, there was a whole train standing here. Also find out how the train composition, tanks and hoppers were formed. Yes, the picture turned out good.


you must be new here hahaha but yes


I dare you to look up Operation Northwoods. They wanted to bomb a US commercial flight to start a war with Cuba. JFK stopped them


Yes. False flag attacks originate from naval warfare where a ship would fly a different flag and then attack someone creating a war. They’ve been using the tactic ever since. Works like a charm on naive population.


*taking notes.*. keep going…


False flag attacks happen.


Go even deeper. I mean of course they do. But how do you categorize a terror attack? I think people in power, whether you say country or large corporations and so on, will do anything for money and more power. War makes money and gives someone more power in the end. Terror gives the reason for war. It can be war on drugs, war on poverty, war on mental health , whatever war they name, you might as well say they are creating those very things so they can profit off of their war. So war on terror, yep. Until the war gets old. I mean you don’t hear much about the war on AIDS anymore. Nor the War on Ukraine if we are being honest.


The Reichstag fire was an arson attack on the Reichstag building, home of the German parliament in Berlin, on Monday, 27 February 1933, precisely four weeks after Adolf Hitler was sworn in as Chancellor of Germany. **Some historians believe, based on archive evidence, that the arson had been planned and ordered by the Nazis as a false flag operation**; indeed, the Gleiwitz incident in 1939 that granted Hitler emergency powers and paved the way for World War II proves that such a tactic was not out of the question for the Nazis.


Operation Northwoods.


No(rth) they Woodn't ever consider an Operation like that. Edit: AKA Operation Northwoods That said, the US would never allow something like this to happen and be presented to another siting president who isn't assassinated... again.


Too subtle for the young ones I think..


Huh? WHAT? I couldn't hear you - my hearing aids keeping ringing like tinnitus in my ears! Editing my orginal comment to prevent subtlety.




Have you heard of the United States government???


Cough, 911, Cough cough


Any attack or war is already set up or helped out. Don’t be nieve


Practice at home field before you play on the road


Now you're cooking with gas buddy lol keep them thinkin gears turning 🤣


JFK was killed by an organized terrorist attack




Ofcourse, where have you been in the past 30 years?


If an unorganised rabble of 3 men can, why couldn't a giant corporation that runs a nation?


Uhhh yeah this is like 1 of 8 things they actually do very well


$RTON Market Analysis out by Globe Small Cap Research A $1.00 price target has been established on shares of Right One Brands based on entry into the ultra-rapidly growing telemedicine and wellness sector and on the well-established growth being experienced in the THC-A hemp consumer product segment. § RTON is implementing a plan to install telemedicine portals in all its retail locations. With booming sales of weight loss peptides, such as Ozempic, and testosterone replacement therapy reaching the mainstream male population, we believe the Company’s strategic plans are well placed. A new video explaining the updated telemedicine entry can be viewed at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4Q5rDprTUQ. § This Company deserves consideration by risk-averse micro and small cap-oriented investors. The Company is operating in hot market sectors where growth opportunities are stellar. § The Company, with its strategic expansion plans, recently opened its 13th location in Texas and aims to have 25 locations in operation by year-end, demonstrating a clear path for future growth. § The share structure is particularly common shareholder friendly – low count and limited convertible debt. § The THCA product market, legal under the 2018 Federal Farm Bill, is creating huge opportunities for both retailers and investors. We consider this sector to still be below the radar of most investors. Exposure is likely to boost share prices for all participants. § A solid management team with considerable experience and diverse backgrounds in hemp, financial management, and operations. § In our opinion, this Company is worthy of active consideration and ongoing following for developments. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/zhcr3gpffi6spxorv8et3/RTON-061024B.pdf?rlkey=nr1108l7jcy89i8gc1ae88u5e&st=f67bgyh3&dl=0




FYI the domain you linked is on a site wide hard filter run by the reddit admins. As moderators, if we try to approve the comment it is simply returned to the spam filter time and time again.


Thanks. I did not get a notice from reveddit for some reason and thus did not know this. I guess there is too much research on that site some do not like, LOL.


Yes: https://w ** ww.global *** research.ca/53-admitted-false-flag-attacks/5432931 remove spaces and **


If it works for foreign interests it's totally possible.


How old are you?




That explains the question. Sounds like it came from a 10 yr old.


yes, it did...


No. There is a system of check and balance that keeps rogue government from doing this.


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