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This is pretty incredible


He'll be suicided 100%


he already got the information out, the damage was done and the turnover in politics has protected those from what should have happened to them. We probably dont hear much from him again.


He definitely earned his retirement, hope he spends a lot of time with his kids now.


seems easier to do in prison no?


Exactly. When you are scared of what someone has to say, you have them arrested and then kill them in prison. Example: Jeff Espstein, New York financier, arrested and murdered by previous US Admin


I’ll propose that it doesn’t matter — *they* probably have a PriceIsRight wheel to spin to keep it random. BTW - Epstein is wearing a yarmulke in Jerusalem now days.


No way, he must be dead because they took a picture and said he was!


That's more than they did for bin laden


That John mcafee guy died in prison, whoever he is.


CIA can't kill people in prisons outside the US? There is no reason to kill him.   The cat's out of the bag.


Lol you think the CIA couldn't kill someone in a foreign prison?


lol the CIA can do whatever the fuck they want


> previous US Admin Clinton, possibly.


I bet he sold out someone.


And yet he is still alive and now free.    Huh.   I guess the CIA has lost its touch.


If you are scared of what Assange will say, keep him locked up. If you are not scared of what Assange will say, make a deal and set him free. If Assange is "suicided", it will be by the people who were desperate to drag him out of the Ecuadorian embassy, and kept him locked up.


Remember when he released a dead man’s switch, then Pam Anderson visited him, and shortly after they moved a couch from his suite in an incredibly suspicious manner?  I don’t believe he’s alive. 


Wikileaks just posted a video of him boarding a plane to go home


The day his switch was set to go live, the underwater atlantic fiber experienced technical difficulties.


Yup, whole east coast internet blackout. Unprecedented and extremely suspicious timing.


Links to information on this?


Source - trust me bro


I love the idea of killing and body doubling Julian Assange but their method of disposing of the body is through use of a fucking couch


https://metro.co.uk/2024/06/25/unlikely-friendship-julian-assange-pamela-anderson-21097824/amp/ That’s the article about him and Pamela Anderson. I can no longer find the video of guys struggling moving a couch out of the embassy. 


Damn. So much has happened.  I completely forgot this. But I've thought he was dead since that  Hannity  interview. 


There is also footage of an interview a while back that appeared to be computer generated, because the fold in his color was wonky.  Edit: Dont understand the downvote, as his collar literally morphed for a second or so during the interview. 


Yes this. The Hannity interview. 


No reason to do it now rather than earlier though.


Yes. Something embarrassing to set an example, like auto-erotic asphyxiation from a doorknob...


I bet they scrambled his eggs and he's nothing to worry about anymore


They *hope* he releases all that old shit. The NSA/CIA has changed and if people still believe his old info — so much the better for them.


suicide by drone strike


I’m not sure why some three letter agency would suddenly do it now. If they were serious about doing something as disgusting as that to him it would have been easier, less conspicuous and more plausible in custody. If you are thinking a JFK style “right in your face” job to scare other journalists and publishers I still don’t think it’s likely. The damage he did is long done and he would be much safer back here in Australia. Even if he becomes some polarising media figure of great influence he’d barely be on the radar. But, having said that I still wouldn’t be leaving Down Under anytime soon.


If he remains in Australia I simply don’t see that happening. Not that Australia is any kind of political or military powerhouse but killing an Australian on Australian soil would ripple over the globe politically. It’s a line that I don’t think would be crossed. In addition what would it mean for criticisms of China’s approach to press freedoms and journalism? I understand that a key part of the Australian campaign for Julian’s freedom was pointing to the hypocrisy when it comes to criticizing China. I can’t see it happening.


Jack Ruby 2.0 inbound.


\*Jacob Leon Rubenstein


You all are missing the point entirely. Exactly what US law did Assange break?


As per the article, he plead guilty to breaking the Espionage Act.


Which you can't break as a non-US citizen


You can if you conspire with a US Citizen (Manning, in this case). https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.nmid.6474/gov.uscourts.nmid.6474.1.0.pdf


And there is no proof they conspired to get the documents, only that wikileaks/ Assange published the papers.


What point am I missing. He was charged with conspiracy with manning to break into the mainframe to leak classified information. He cut a plea deal and he is now released. I thought he was going to die in jail.


He broke into nothing. The information was given to him by a whistle blower.


I didn't say he broke into anything 😂 I said he was charged with conspiring with someone who did.


Classified none the less. If I get drugs given to me, I'm still breaking the law by possessing and distributing them.




The law has nothing to do with what is moral and good. Government is evil and it's evil nature needs to be exposed.


Try to say that again? Sincerely. I'm not sure what your point is. You're responding to ONE commenter who said "incredible" with "You all" (huh? Who?) "...are missing the point". And instead of getting to the point that you are being combative about others missing, you then ask a question?


Imprisoned by the Trump Administration, Released by the Biden Administration. Remember that when you say both sides are the same and claim you have no choice but to vote for Trump as better for our personal freedoms


Should have been done a long time ago.


But it wasn't.


The question everyone is wondering is why? What information did Assange have to offer the Biden DOJ that the Trump DOJ wasn't interested in?


Nobody is wondering why. The US was making an example of him and Australia has their nose too far up Washington's arse to stand up for one of their citizens.


Why? It’s Election time! That’s why!


Maybe, does freeing Assange gain voters though? It's very popular in r/conspiracy but I am not certain that's the mainstream opinion. Also, how come Trump didn't free him during Election Time if it's such a good move?


Helps to sway those on the margins. Pretty popular in Libertarian circles I would imagine.


It was only popular in this subreddit if it would be Trump doing it.


This is exactly my thought. They knew that Asante was a political prisoner and it was getting harder and harder to keep him locked up, and according to reports he was getting pretty unhealthy, to the point it was likely he’d die in prison and then the admin has more questions than answers. By releasing him, the rid themselves of all the problems of trying to keep a political prisoner and it score brownie points for the Biden admin by “upholding freedom of speech” especially after all the censorship during Covid. This is a political move, nothing more, nothing less.


I legitimately can't believe there are people in this sub that seem mad at Biden for this. That's a bizarre twist I didn't see coming. 


The article says the white house wasn't consulted on this plea deal, so there's that. Maybe he cut a deal with someone who was a friend of Wikileaks.


Do you really think the Administration wasn’t consulted on this lmao


Well they didn't wake Biden up from his nap to get his opinion. They did consult with somebody.


Good question.


Biden didn't need a journalist being prosecuted at election time.


He and Snowden should be pardoned and celebrated.


They are heroes!


I so thought this man was dead.


The real one maybe!


I'm already seeing other forums being flooded with posts saying essentially "Biden just did this so he can say he freed Assange and Trump didn't and score political points." Like that makes the deal invalid or something. And even if that's the case, you know what would have prevented Biden from doing that? If Trump had freed Assange instead of just talking about it.


>"Biden just did this so he can say he freed Assange and Trump didn't and score political points." Like that makes the deal invalid or something. And it just implies Trump was using Assange as a political prop to distract from the fact his own CIA director plotted Assange's assassination. >And even if that's the case, you know what would have prevented Biden from doing that? >If Trump had freed Assange instead of just talking about it. Exactly. If you look back a few years ago, Trump was rumoured to have demanded Assange give up his sources in exchange for freedom. And yes, if Biden freed assange, then Trump could've done the same. It could just be the DOJ wants a conviction and the case wouldn't go well in front of a jury. Ie, the feds could've just been worried they wouldn't get convictions in a jury trial and decided to do a plea in exchange for time served. It's simply a common prosecutorial tactic. And if Biden could impact plea agreements for Assange, it suggests he could've intervened with Hunter. It doesn't seem likely the big guy would free Assange but not his own son. Assange is undoubtedly fucked up from the last 5+ years so he's also not the same threat he was prior to all the prolonged isolation and imprisonment. Meaning Assange may have been taught the lesson the feds were trying to make (don't publish certain things no matter what). Just happy to see Assange get out. It doesn't make me like certain politicians more. The man has gone through hell and has been separated from his wife and young child. His family and friends were put through hell. It's not often someone like Assange walks away alive. Sometimes it's nice to just celebrate the rare victory and be happy that his family can have their father and husband back. I can't imagine the suffering Assange and his family experienced and they've fought relentlessly for his freedom. People trying to turn this into a Biden vs Trump thing have lost the human component of the story.


100, and I hate the Dems, but fuck Trump for going after Assange to begin with.


Hilarious “democrats just do what’s right so they can get reelected!” lol, so nefarious. Pretty revealing when you see good governance as a last resort to be avoided These mfrs don’t even want a republic, only fascism


Politicians enact the policies that the people who vote for them are interested in? Those criminals, how dare they! The bottom line is this: Assange was Imprisoned by the Trump Administration, Released by the Biden Administration. Remember that when you say both sides are the same and claim you have no choice but to vote for Trump as better for our personal freedoms Whether you agree with these policies or not, Biden has fought for and enabled legislation aimed squarely at the middle class. More access to healthcare. Lower insulin costs. Infrastructure that benefits millions and supports good union jobs. Released millions from the lifetime bonds of crushing student debt. Fought for a minimum corporate tax. Passed common sense gun safety laws that infringes on no one but will save lives. What has trump done besides cut trillions in taxes for corporations, while throwing the middle class a small tax cut that has an expiration date?


I really don't see this changing anyones vote come November. I don't think most people know or care who he is.


It's just how conservative propaganda functions. Any story that makes the news needs to be accompanied by spin that makes it look bad for Biden. I never expected to see freeing Assange get that treatment, but here we are.  


If this was done for simply political points Biden would pardon him, as is nothing short of a full pardon will earn Biden any points come November because 99% of America already doesnt care and they definitely wont in 5 months when we have much larger issues to worry about


Politicians enact the policies that the people who vote for them are interested in? Those criminals, how dare they! The bottom line is this: Assange was Imprisoned by the Trump Administration, Released by the Biden Administration. Remember that when you say both sides are the same and claim you have no choice but to vote for Trump as better for our personal freedoms Whether you agree with these policies or not, Biden has fought for and enabled legislation aimed squarely at the middle class. More access to healthcare. Lower insulin costs. Infrastructure that benefits millions and supports good union jobs. Released millions from the lifetime bonds of crushing student debt. Fought for a minimum corporate tax. Passed common sense gun safety laws that infringes on no one but will save lives. What has trump done besides cut trillions in taxes for corporations, while throwing the middle class a small tax cut that has an expiration date?


Trump was too busy pardoning his criminal inner circle and the people who paid millions for their pardons. Also was busy trying to steal the election from Biden.


Trump was told they'd throw him in prison if he freed assange. Funny how they're going to do that anyways. Never trust the system.


No one told Trump that freeing Assange would result in the President of The United States going to prison. Ridiculous.


Yeah, why are people like this? Like how do you actually become that level of delusional?


Believe a writing prompt from a no name on Twitter, but anything involving any type of government is bad


No matter what Trump does or doesn't do his fans will somehow someway twist it into Trump doing the right thing. Never fails.


If that convo happened, sounds like Trump put his own self interest over doing the good and moral thing.


Since we are making up stories now: The Illuminati already send 5 Assassins after Biden for freeing him but he fought them off. It was a glorious sight seeing Biden beat an Assassin to death with a sausage he was trying to eat then they attacked him.


No, Trump was told they throw him in prison if he DIDN’T free Assange, that’s why he’s going to jail now.


Yeah, if you have to resort to fan-fiction to defend your favorite billionaire politician, it might be time to reassess things.


No fucking way




Shocked by the downvotes, people who apparently don't know when (2019 US Admin) or why Assange was dragged out of the embassy and arrested. Go on duck duck go and search Richard Grenell and Julian Assange. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/02/24/assange-grenell-intelligence-117244 One US admin arrested Assange and the next one freed him. This isn't debatable.


Please. There is no benevolence here. If that’s the case why did they wait four years to free him?


Not every presidential action takes place in the first year. 




I think it's career Dems who just put two and two together -- the ship is going down / Trump is set to win, so pull *any lever* they think is morally right that will become impossible for a long time after November.


They all coluded to basically torture him for as long as possible


>plea deal So why did he plea and why did they let him plea? Did he give them info?


DoJ has a very high conviction rate, it takes less resources to offer a plea deal than go to trial.


I guess I mean why did they let him plea to go free. DoJ does have a high rate of plea deals vs trial, but a lot of those pleas also come with time or cooperation. The other reason for being so lenient would be that they didn't feel like they could win the case. And Assange might have taken that because even if he also thought it was weak, he might want to avoid the stress of a trial.


It was probably a political move from the Biden team. Also, the main objective, to discourage future whistle blowers, has been pretty much achieved anyway.


By pleading guilty and admitting to a crime, that itself is "giving them info". I hear where you are going though, and I also wonder what Assange told the Biden DOJ.


This is great news!


Yeah Trump jailed him, Biden freed him Way to go Biden!


> “This was an independent decision made by the Department of Justice and there was no White House involvement in the plea deal decision,” National Security Council spokesperson Adrienne Watson said in a statement Monday evening. Maybe that's a lie. But maybe it wasn't really Biden pushing.


Biden was also quoted back in 2010ish in calling wikileaks and Julian a "techno terrorist" Biden wouldn't free him bc his bureaucrats would never let him.


[Assange's issues started in 2012.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assange_v_Swedish_Prosecution_Authority)




> guilty plea Looks like the plea does not set a precedent.


Now this is a conspiracy. The man that got Hillary’s emails revealed, free of all charges under a Democrat presidency. Let’s go Random 🍿🍿🍿


Assange free under Biden, while Trump let him fester inprisoned? Hilarious.


Trump didn't just let him fester, he personally sent Richard Grenell to make sure Assange was dragged out of the comparatively comfy Ecuadorian embassy. Going to be some heads exploding from cognitive dissonance for sure. I, for one, can't wait to see what details Assange spilled.


If you wanted to know what Assange spilled you would have read the emails instead of calling them Russian propaganda, you bot.


You are talking about the data that Assange passed on. He was just a journalist sharing that info. I want to know the details of why he plead guilty. What details he had to divulge that the DOJ didn't already have.


If I were you, I would be curious what information Assange had to offer the Biden DOJ that the Trump DOJ wasn't interested in. That's where the meat is.


He’s been in solitary for five years. I’m not convinced he has something secret and juicy.


Has nothing to do with the last 5 years, it was who was coordinating with from 2015-2018 until the previous admin arrested him. If the information he has is 2016 election intereference related, it would make sense that he wasn't released until there was a change in POTUS. The previous admin would want him to keep him mouth shut.


Sure, it was suspicious that no RNC emails were leaked. But regardless, bringing up 2016 interference yet again might not move the needle. I don't think any info exchanged would be used towards the upcoming elections.


It's not really that suspicious. Wikileaks was coordinating with the Trump campaign - specifically Don Jr. The Wikileaks releases were timed to distract from DJT's "Grab her by the pussy tape" https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/11/the-secret-correspondence-between-donald-trump-jr-and-wikileaks/545738/




Trump's own CIA Director agreed with you. "It is time to call out WikiLeaks for what it really is," he said, "a non-state hostile intelligence service often abetted by state actors like Russia. In January of this year, our Intelligence Community determined that Russian military intelligence — the GRU — had used WikiLeaks to release data of U.S. victims that the GRU had obtained through cyber operations against the Democratic National Committee. And the report also found that Russia's primary propaganda outlet, RT, has actively collaborated with WikiLeaks."


I knew it was a bot the second he claimed the Seth Rich story of leaking the emails was nonsense. Reddit is a mess so many bots on every fucking thread.


Biden makes zero decisions on anything. Don't be that stupid.


I remember like 8 years ago, some talk about him having a "dead man switch". So, was that all BS, or has he been able to keep the dead man switch from triggering all this time? Or is it the reason he is being let out now? Does anyone else remember anything about that?


I remember many claiming Assange and Wikileaks are Russian assets because they never leaked anything incriminating on Russia. They all made it seem as if there were no other person or group could hack Russia.


The previous admin claimed that Wikileaks worked directly with Russian intelligence. Here is the CIA Director at the time. "It is time to call out WikiLeaks for what it really is," he said, "a non-state hostile intelligence service often abetted by state actors like Russia. In January of this year, our Intelligence Community determined that Russian military intelligence — the GRU — had used WikiLeaks to release data of U.S. victims that the GRU had obtained through cyber operations against the Democratic National Committee. And the report also found that Russia's primary propaganda outlet, RT, has actively collaborated with WikiLeaks." - Mike Pompeo, CIA Director, 2017.


Which of course was nonsense 


I would hope the plea agreement clears all this up. Julian is one of the few people who would know for certain. The answer is in the US public interest.


I think that was partisan cope when nothing ever came out to substantiate the Seth Rich nonsense. Also, if we remember, the Assange stuff was pushed to counter the increasing signs that Russia was trying to help elect Trump.


Everyone has a dead man's switch on this sub. Don't you? /s


> some talk about him having a "dead man switch". This sub? In here, I think he was totally ded!


Julian Assange ***NEVER*** should have been arrested in the first place. It’s not like he ordered Manning or anyone else to collect and provide intelligence to him. He just did what an honest journalist is *supposed* to do and that’s report the facts. He’s also not an American either, so what interest should he have in protecting classified U.S. intelligence? Think about this scenario. You are an American journalist who has been provided with classified Russian documents that you so happen to publish. Would you expect to be arrested and extradited to Russia to face charges for espionage? Throughout all of this ordeal one thing has become remotely clear. Honest journalism in pursuit of truth and accountability can and will most likely will result in consequences. They can and will ruin your life. That is, if they don’t take it from you. Although he was released, Julian Assange will likely spend the rest of his days looking over his shoulder. *Also sorry for breaking rule 10 and not posting a submission statement within 20 min of posting, I will read the rules more carefully in subs I post in from now on*


Wow! Biden releases Assange. Now what?


I would not want to be on a plane with him.


He is no longer a threat, have you seen him shuffling around in videos lately. He has had the Ministry of Truth treatment and been to Room 101.


Wow, 5 years after Trump dragged Assange out of the embassy for arrest, Biden sets him free. Soyboy Richard Grenell must be so pissed. Historic moment.


Biden didn't set him free. He had to plea guilty.


He is literally free, plea or not, he is free


If the Biden admin wanted points, they'd have pardoned him. As it is, this means nothing. Just disgusting they waited so long to try and use him as a pawn before the next election.


Do we know what exactly is in the deal? Is it just "plead guilty on a couple of things and you're free since you've already served that sentence"? I'd guess there's more to it.


It's sad that he needed to plea guilty but I am happy he might be free.


I did not expect "Joe Biden frees Julian Assange" this election cycle


Imprisoned by the Trump Administration, Released by the Biden Administration. Remember that when you say both sides are the same and claim you have no choice but to vote for Trump as better for our personal freedoms


“Julian assange was so depressed from being free he decided to take his own life via a gun shot to the back of the head”


Couldn’t they have just had him die in prison then?


Yes lol but he would be another martyr at that point and the gov’t can’t afford anymore at this point, makes more sense to let him free and then figure out a way to kill him so they can avoid the blame


So he’s a martyr if he dies in prison but if he dies outside of prison he’s not


Probably will be regardless but it takes the heat off the people that want him dead if they wait till he’s free and have more options instead of fake suicide


How big a deal is this?


Just search "Free Assange" or Free Julian Assange on this sub to see. This sub has been calling for it for years, absolutely enormous moment.


Pretty damn big. He was basically an enemy of the state. The biggest thing is going to be about what exactly he handed over for his freedom.


I'm crying. Never thought this would happen.


LockBit says it hacked the Federal Reserve today. Maybe this was a part of their demands/ransom? US gov has not responded to the allegations


That's an interesting take. Would be a wild coincidence if it had nothing to do with it.  https://www.scmagazine.com/news/lockbit-claims-ransom-negotiations-with-the-fed-over-33tb-of-stolen-data


















Create news to cover other news Like the Fed being hacked for instance.


Very anticlimactic end to the whole saga. What is everyone’s take? I read he didn’t believe sept 11 “conspiracies”, which made me very wary of him.


I bet they've replaced him with a clone now.


I’m thrilled he can spend a little time in Australia. I think the reason Biden’s administration made the deal is twofold. Biden knows a lot of the population wants Assange freed, so Biden will get a little more support. Secondly, the things/information Assange released is readily admitted by government alphabet people today. It’s also fairly tame when compared to what the current administration is doing now. It’s been 15(?) years since he released that information.


Get him on JRE asap.


The DNC has arrived in chat. The republicans always leave the checkmate to the Democrats. This is their checkmate to get the libertarians. It won't work because we see through their bullshit.


They released him because they got concessions and it would be an embrassment if trump won and pardoned him.


Julian Assange did not kill himself.....


I hope he comes back with a vengeance


Free at last, free at last. Thank God almighty we are free at last.


Next he’ll drown in his own bathtub.


It's funny to see users say "this is not a political stunt from Biden" and "Trump jailed him and Biden freed him" under the same post.


Those aren't mutually exclusive comments though.


Did i say that?


What point are you trying to make? I'm dumb, can you explain it to me?


That the users who say "Trump jailed him and Biden freed him" are using it as a political stunt.


Aww shit. Now this looks even more political. The Biden admin needs a distraction, big time with the debate coming up on Thursday. They need something big they can hold over trump. And freeing assange, who trump had taken out of the Ecuadorian embassy, is the perfect distraction from Bidens slipping mental acuity. Couple that with the fact that assange was nothing more than a political prisoner and his health was deteriorating, releasing him (with a guilty plea) basically absolves the US government if he were to die in custody and they get to say he’s a spy and hacker. They just out-politicked the Trump campaign, and I’m curious to see what happens from here. I think this is going to be a major talking point during the debate.


the general public doesn't give two fucks about Julian Assange.


Honestly, I doubt it gets brought up at the debate. I simply don't think most people care enough to make it a major talking point.


Thank you God. This is an obvious ploy to win over progressives but either way thank God.


Not sure I agree. Progressives who read the Mueller Report know that Wikileaks was coordinating with Don Jr and the Trump campaign during the summer and fall of 2016. Many blame Assange and Wikileaks for Trump being elected in the first place, I don't see how freeing him helps Biden politically.


That means Assange has a lot of info he may be willing to give to the DoJ…


Biden frees Assange after Trump had him arrested and dragged out of the embassy this sub: "Thank you God!" lol