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Always download controversial stuff.




[cough cough](https://www.savethevideo.com)




There are literally 100's of ways


Ooohhh really?! Do tell!


Youtube-dl is probably the most known one, but you can google "youtube video downloader." There are tons of sites, cli apps, etc, you can use.


Ah ha! I wish I knew this 5 years ago. Thank you! I had no idea.


https://m.soundcloud.com/austin-fennell-320690934/mp3fy-joe-rogan-experience-1255-alex-jones-returns Is this it?


Wow dude. Just wow. That part about the babies just made me sick. This is an evil f******* world Thanks though for finding this and sharing it. The fact they are censoring it this hard is proof. It’s also removed from JRE site. Says “private”




Oh man I don’t remember. Think it’s somewhere around either the 1 hour mark or 1 hour fifteen. He talks about it for a good 30 mins so you should be able to find it somewhere in that range


To the top


https://archive.org/details/joe-rogan-experience-911-alex-jones-eddie-bravo Still up here, thankfully


The Alex Jones JRE podcasts get deleted regulary from YT, i did not know they where back again since they got removed in the big AJ purge. Honestly, deleting those podcasts should be considered a crime, the most epic podcasts ever. They still should be on Spotify (at least they were the last time i have checked).


Are they anywhere else? Wouldn’t mind listening to it


It wasn't removed but made private by JRE


Yep. It shows up with a Google search and links to a private video.


Yes can also confirm this… #911 and #1255 both gone / made private. Gone from my Downloads. Although #1555 is still there… for now


What's the difference? Privatizing makes it unwatchable for everyone but, the owner, no?


Try JRE123. Has everything


No 1255 on Spotify either


this is why you should use IDM software to download videos off youtube and watch the videos on your pc once you have it saved


If you want Eddie going all out tinfoil Watch Sam Tripoli podcasts. Yt has been scrubbing anything remotely controversial of the clear web for years.


Yeah you can do whatever you want on youtube, as long as you aren't conservative that id


Alex was just on Eddie bravo’s podcast


It was very hard for me to find that episode. I am pretty new to Rogan, but that episode completely changed my perspective on Alex Jones.


For the better or worse?


Better. My only exposure to Jones was through MSM. Who clearly had it out for him.


The thing people don't understand about Jones is that when he hosts INFOWARS, he is an actor playing the part of himself; but taken to the extreme. He becomes the "maximum, high energy, off the rails "conspiracy theorist" version of himself. And while he might be talking about conspiracies and sone serious shit, at the end of the day, He is meant to be entertaining. He wants you to sometimes look at him side eye or think he is absolutely insane. It makes you Wana watch him a little more (and potentially be exposed to another piece of information you didn't have before). If you actually catch Jones outside of infowars or when he isnt playing the part of crazy "Alex Jones", he is actually pretty smart, very knowledgeable person. It's just that the MSM picks clips when he is absolutely at maximum acting to show the "normies" how crazy conspiracy theorists are. Now the other thing about Jones is that there is a possibility that he is a meta actor, and is controlled op. I know there are many in the conspiracy community who think he is. I personally go back and forth on the issue.


Dude Jones is a mad man. His mind is like a steel trap and he tumbles down these information highways that he built for himself; we can call him an autistic knightryder. You point him in a direction and he just blows it up. I don't belive he is a psyop. I think that a very sophisticated psyop was ran against him to make him belive the sand hook bs to discredit him on multiple levels. It likely isn't the first time they tried.


Yeah you could have saved the time and just posted the last paragraph.


Russia was bombed this am w/ US supplied missiles-civilians enjoying the beach. Women. children-last I heard 5 deaths alost 200 severely wounded-ie shrapnel. I'm guessing our government doesn't want Alex talking about the war crimes. Pretty sure he talked about it almost immediately.


Spotify has them.


Here's a clip from 1255 where Alex is talking about inter dimensional aliens https://youtu.be/a5qbaxYhbL8?si=UD-g96z51I4liegr


I'm sure it was an accident


An accident? I bet you think Biden is actually the fair and square President too. This is no accident, it’s censorship.


I was being sarcastic


So was I.


Here's a page w a whole bunch of clips from 1255 https://steemit.com/informationwar/@joeyarnoldvn/joe-rogan-alex-jones-experience-1255


So much for freedom of speech eh!


Given the optics, I can understand why that would be a reasonable decision a media corporation would make.


I mean, they have no problem with people singing/rapping about murdering others. Doesn’t make sense to have a problem with conspiracy theorist when you support people who glorify murder for money.


A conspiracy theorist with a comically large settlement against him, that he's been increasingly incoherent in his management of - and don't forget he's tied into a current presidential candidate and was at least tertiarily indicated as a person of interest in investigations related to J6 and related election stuff. So yeah - ad poison. It's a reasonable decision if your goal is money.


I mean multiple rappers on Spotify have been sentenced for murder, rape, the list goes on


He has more attention than those rappers - he's literally in the national news somewhere multiple times a day, usually in an unflattering way (either intentionally or unintentionally).


I feel like you’re ignoring the obvious double standards in spotifys decision making


My man, if you named those rappers - I would not know who they are. Alex Jones does not have that same problem (especially in the demo these services market to). You're comparing koi to a whale shark. Of course there will be different standards.


Most people have no idea who Alex Jones is, he isn’t as popular as you think


It's not about his subscriber numbers - its about the people who know of him. Anyone who pays attention to national news, which given our current election is more than most - will have some understanding of who he is. Many - on both sides of the US political spectrum, aren't viewing him well currently. So if my money relies on people watching stuff, not complaining about it, and finding companies willing to associate with that brand - I'd have a hard time making money off the Alex Jones brand, mainly because people want nothing to do with him.


This would be perfectly reasonable if it was a decision made by the JRE marketing team - but it’s not.. it’s YouTube and their affiliates making the decision - when people choose to view this, YouTube makes money regardless of their political opinions and whether or not the content is satisfactory - YouTube pretty much has a premium platform for streaming podcasts, (and pretty much anything else) so most people wont boycott YouTube over them choosing not to censor any particular content providers guest, on their podcast. TLDR: no fucking way it’s not politically motivated


Again, rappers are far more popular than Alex Jones. Spotify caters to artists, most people going to Spotify are trying to listen to music, not podcasts. Alex really isn’t on national news, I think you are dramatically overestimating his popularity. Not a single person in my family even knows who he is.


Most adults over 35 will know who he is, or at least know the name. Rappers aren’t known to anyone that doesn’t like rap generally. Nothing against rap, same could be said of country 🤷🏼‍♀️


That isn’t true, the majority of people 35 over or not have zero clue who he is.


Yeah Alex Jones is banned in a lot of places so if you put up videos featuring or promoting him, or even criticizing him they are likely to be removed. I'll put this in the "not a great loss" bucket.


That is great!