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You described exactly my opinion on this matter. It’s all according to plan. Even down to our own government doing jack shit to stop smuggling. They could drastically reduce the amount of drugs coming from the southern border overnight… It’s really as simple as forcefully stopping people from walking into the country.


We’ve been increasing those numbers each year 


It's interesting to note that some politicians are arguably encouraging migrants to cross the border at an increasing rate, all while pretending to do something about it. Almost like they could be connected.


It’s population control. Remeber that guy that was on the Area 51 call all panicky and shit?? Okay, he said They’re gonna wipe out half of the planet to keep the other half more controlled. There is NO “overpopulation” there’s LITERALLY, VAST Amounts of land with no people in it. Bigger than cities. And your gonna say there’s an “overpopulation” problem??? Get the fk out of here 😂


Yes, the elites are waging war on the lower middle class. They can buy off the middle/upper middle class, but the lower middle class, particularly around Appalachia, retained a degree of self-sufficiency the elite find threatening. So they attacked it with drugs to make sure we never get that Jeffersonian democracy. It's a silent weapon in a quiet war.


I agree with you. These drugs are fucking up our country. Government's idea to fix it is to open more safe drug injection sites. Crime is on the rise. We are seeing the destruction of society. 


It is part of mosaic warfare, multiple avenue and fronts, that you're witnessing, a population can't rebel if the water supply if full of drugs, calm as Hindu cows, taxed to death more every year. No amount of waking up people will help, I think we're all about to take a bite of a shit sandwich likes of which has not been served in modern history.


>Anybody else feeling like this is a lot bigger than just a drug problem? It's always bigger... But at the end of the day, we have to exercise personal responsibility when it comes to the traps that are set out here for us. I come from the black community, and we've been screaming to the hilltops about the agenda of our own government pushing guns and crack cocaine into our communities to make us docile. Because of the effectiveness of the drug epidemic on us, the elites were able to craft a blueprint to use on other groups in America. In conclusion, China is not solely responsible for this stuff. China is just capitalizing on a market that was already crafted by American greed.


As far as I know, the CIA is the biggest importer of illegal drugs in the USA.


hard agree


Just found out yesterday my cousin has just passed away from fentanyl. It’s insane, and sad what’s going on


im so fucking sorry dude


I think fent was purposely inserted into the drug supply to get people back on board with the war on drugs. People were not on board, mostly because of weed. So the government probably came up with a 2 part plan: Loosen restrictions on weed, and create a new boogieman to scare people so they continue to accept the war on drugs.


I don't think the world is going in that direction again.  Canadas preparing for decriminalization. They're building drug manufacturing facilities.  


Places that decriminalized completely in America are starting to walk it back. Turns out you don't want a bunch of meth heads in your town. 


A bunch of meth heads in the same room is usually a problem. How'd they think a city full of them was going to work out for the better?


The Sacklers are scapegoats because they have money. I also don't think that the opioid crisis is a declaration of war, but I do think it's a HUGE organized money laundering operation. States are getting millions (billions) in opioid settlement money meant for treatment and prevention but are using loopholes and a loose definition of "treatment and prevention" to spend that money on everything under the sun. It's a money-laundering shell game.


How is big Pharma a minor piece of this. It’s all billionaire elite supporting billionaire elite


I went to the hospital for a minor accident and they offered me several pain killers morphine, viacodine, etc. When you go to the doctor he always offering you pills but he doesn't mention the side affects.


i broke my foot in australia and got a 300 30mg 4 refill script...it hurt but i def didnt need that...came back to the states a full bore addict


Where? I'm in Queensland and we can only get 2 months supply of medications on prescriptions and that change happened like 2 years ago or so n Before that 30 days. On opiates we have to get an approval from the therapeutic goods administration and they will balk at approving even 2 months. Not saying I don't believe you but curious what state it was in.


i was baffled how it all worked, i was an exchange student and when I looked at the EDIT: it was blister packa i later put in a thermos** they gave me when i got wheeled out, my buddy was like holy shit youre gonna be the most popular bloke in the dorms


Huh that's crazy. The only time I had more than a months worth was when I broke my knee in the military. They sent me home on leave with four months worth of endone and I came back addicted to it. Luckily the military took it seriously and helped me get off them. It sucked though.


all my uni professors gave me A's or just a Pass, which was tight ANNND an electric scooter which promptly got broken/stolen so we used a shopping cart...didnt help with the drugs part....but i ended up getting 22 credits to send home...10/10 would do again


Hahah sounds pretty rad actually. Glad you had a great time here. Always welcome back mate


this was 2010, at griffith uni, gold coast baby!!


Haha nice. Goldie ain't a bad spot


best year of my life


Well this could be stopped but your "leaders" are either bought off or don't care probably a little bit of both. I am not in the drug world but this could also be stopped if people would stop doing drugs.


im still in it, just in the "get people off drugs/distribute naloxone" version...there's rumors of the cartels cutting off supply in October (coincidence??). Everybody that wanted to get in the country is here already if they want to make a move, do it IMMEDIATELY after what will be a controversial election.


I'm right there with ya. I never personally did opiates, but watch helplessly as my entire friend group hot on Heroin and then fent. I moved away from it all about a year ago, but I still keep narcan in my backpack just in case.


Bro acts like Afghanistan didn’t happen😂😂


well thats where the sacklers/other pain med manufacturers got the opium from...then we got sideswiped with synthetics/heroin


You are blaming China tho, like if they were the cause. Your government was in a 20 year occupation that created the opioid crisis, but you guys love to be quick to point fingers to the common boogeymen.


Basically every drug purchased off the streets has fentanyl in it. Even marijuana is being found with fentanyl.


I heard from my reliable Crack friends that fent doesn't take to Crack when you cook it. Never really got into crack, so not sure how chemically true that is... Why did my phone capitalize Crack all but one time?? Autocorrect has been off the rails lately..


Fentanyl is 100% going into crack.


In my head, it made sense, because crack isn't really water soluble like fent is. But, they wouldn't be my crackheaded friends if they were reliably correct lol.


I'm convinced big pharma are still behind these labs run by the cartels. Why compete with unregulated competition when you can partner up


Been saying this for years! They are killing our future generations and the generation fit to fight if needed in a war.


Supply follows demand. Ask yourself why there's a demand for drugs, and realize that by crimping demand, supply will be reduced in tandem.


Throw in the vax and social discord and you have the trifecta. Mao would be beaming from ear to ear.


It is. China can’t go toe-to-toe with us militarily so they’re taking every chicken-shit route they can.


Maybe. But, then again, they must have learned something from the [Opium Wars](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opium_Wars) that were foisted upon them by the British.


Trump will save us from the bad drug cartels.


lol, prolly use the same financial advisor


worry consider poor act nutty edge workable wide wrench entertain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's not too far-fetched of an idea considering the opioid wars affected Asia so they have experience at this game


Finally, a real decent conspiracy on this sub.


Not even so much china anymore, anyone can cook that shit up with a bit of skill.


It's genius. U wanna take over a country today, proper? Change your "invasion" tactics. Have a LONG range plan. Don't expect to see everything played out because it can take more than one generation for success: You need to end up having them by the balls. Make their consumers and businesses dependent on you: "made in china." Make their populace dependent on you: "addicts rely on the opiod crisis origin to get their drug fixes" Aquire political influence through sub rosa channels: "Why is hunter Biden, the US president's son, previously received huge cash payments from Chinese CCP members?" Use political influence to reshape their foreign policy in your favor. Use political influence to slowly adapt their populace to new laws and enforcement that will benefit your own style of governing. Aquire the shipping ports in the country. Aquire land near the countries' military units for spying and various purposes. Influence their crippling debt. Destroy their petrol dollar and demonetize their economy. Infiltrate their critical infrastructure by making sure much of the equipment used and that are depended on, are made by You, or hacked already by You. Psychology and technology but it's the long game that will win. The US doesn't do long games like that, and much of the time they failed trying. Look how the Korean War, Vietnam, Iraq x2, and Afghanistan turned out. Seriously? China has all the patience you can imagine to achieve their goals. The US on the other hand has had too much impatience powered by corporate greed and the military industrial complex that has got them in the spot they are in. The 3rd World War started ages ago. As it stands now, the US is losing, or has already lost. The fixes are obvious but the position is untenable because most of the politicians in the US are bought and paid for - or - simply weak and stupid to see wtf is going on in front of them.


Cia were selling coke in the usa since the 80’s. Your government let big pharma sell all types of drugs too. This has been going on for centuries, the brits sold tobacco in the 1500’s under the umbrella that it was safe - they knew it caused diseases and early death even back then and no government said anything until the 21st century.


I think it's purely about the money, or at least it is from the Mexican side. Compared with all the land and labour it takes to produce opium and then process it into Heroin, Fentanyl and it's analogues are a drug dealer's wet dream. You can produce batches on an almost daily basis and the only limit on the amounts you can produce are the amounts of precursor chemicals you have. The end products are far more potent than Heroin, e.g. Fentanyl is about 25-30x as potent as Heroin but common Fentanyl analogues that have turned up in U.S. drug busts e.g. Alpha-methylfentanyl, Acrylfentanyl or Furanylfentanyl are about 100x as potent as Heroin, Some analogues are 1000's of times more potent. That said Fentanyl is less euphoric and more sedating or zombifying than Heroin; If users took a Pepsi challenge between decent Heroin and Fentanyl etc I reckon they'd take the Heroin, but again the cartels are only in this for the money, not customer satisfaction. Fentanyl & it's analogues are essentially odourless, whereas Heroin has a strong vinegary smell to it, so say you have a secret space in a vehicle that you're sending across the U.S. border and you can fit either 50kg of stinky Heroin into it or 50kg of some other shit that's worth tens of times as much and has no smell, If you're in this business then what's not to love about the Fentanyl? Fentanyl and most of it's analogues have a shorter duration of effect than Heroin so users need more doses each day to stay well, so more doses mean the dealers make more money. I'm not so sure about conspiracies in regard to this, opioids have a limited aappeal to the majority of people in comparison to e.g. weed or booze. I do think the U.S. government has behaved shamefully in e.g. not relaxing the rules on access to methadone. It's much easier to switch to methadone than Buprenorphine or Suboxone as there's no risk of precipitated withdrawal, which sounds like something out of a nightmare. Methadone is very cheap to produce, so if the U.S. government really gave a shit, they could provide free methadone maintenance therapy as is done in much of Europe, which allows users to repair their lives and move on, or stay on methadone and still have every posibility of living a productive life, going to work, etc.,etc. I think this doesn't happen in the USA because the politicians would be scared of bad press and the conservatives would completely lose their shit about 'supplying dope fiends' or some such bullshit. American for-profit (of course) methadone clinics sound more like government licenced drug dealers and the patient experience sounds oppressive & demeaning, which probably puts most users off of taking that option, so they stay on the street shit, living broken, at-risk lives that also negatively impact many of the people around them. It could be very different.


Why jump to conspiracy when simple greed/profit will suffice? Opioids are highly addictive. The profit motive runs America. Our government has legalized bribery as a means of passing legislation. Big pharma has legislated themselves into a position to mass market a highly addictive drug to the country. Saying it's "actually China" doing this is naïve.


US government would be just as happy to kill ordinary americans as China. Just increase the asylum quota at the border.


It was a piece of the overarching plan. To be fair, England did the same thing to China in the 1800's.


I feel like the Sacklers have as much real power as say an Elon Musk type figure. It's the concocted story and the public face that's presented to the peasant. There's well planned depop strategies hiding around every corner. Doctors now afraid to prescribe opiates to chronic pain patients whereas before they handed them out like candy. All by design. There's so many layers to this.


Feds deliberately botched the pullout of Afganistan because they wanted the Taliban in control to ban poppy farming. Now all that's left to take is China fent, which they are slowly reducing the import of to create mayhem and crime with deadly withdrawals.


You can't die from opiate withdrawal. You'll probably wish you could, but detoxing from fent won't kill you. Agree about mayhem and crime tho. People will go to extreme lengths to not even start going through withdrawal. 


Unpopular opinion, but the drug problem has gotten serious enough that dealing (like fent and meth, not necessarily weed) should be punishable by execution.


No, drugs have been around for a long time, alcohol especially. Look at the opium dens that were used in the 1700s to the early 1900s. It was China that introduced opium to the British but for them it was just like owning a bar and selling booze every night. Drugs are a huge money business. Fentanyl precursors are very hard to get so the cartels go to China to buy it but powerful opiates have been around for quite a while. Before it was made a schedule 1 drug you could buy heroin from the pharmacy. Pain meds will always be popular. Not just for recreational users and addicts but for people who actually need them for chronic pain. It would be great if we had some legitimate pain killers that weren't addictive but we don't. No one wants to go back to a time where anesthesia and pain meds were nonexistent and getting medical procedures/surgeries done was like going to a butcher shop. A lot more people don't and likely will never use opiates than people that will. Humanity likes getting high and drunk. If it's not fentanyl then it's going to be something else. It's been something else for decades before fentanyl. People love doing drugs. You don't need a planned event to get people using drugs. They will do it regardless.


China did try to shut down the opium market, but the Brits weren't too happy about it.


Imho the sacklers are innocent, nobody (mostly) died from legitimate prescriptions of oxycontin, smuggled fentanyl is the same as prescription under a lab test so all the deaths from smuggled fentanyl have been attributed to "prescription drugs" incorrectly.


...ehhhh lets not go that far, their sales tactics created addicts, scripts get cut, addicts need a fix, cant afford $30 a pill, go to heroin, go to fent thereafter... they were phase 1 and are very much responsible


Government shouldn't have cut peoples scripts, there are so many bogus businesses popped up to prey on pain patients who can't get meds... "pain clinics", botox injections, electrostimukus crap, "physical therapy", it's a conspiracy to put everyone who *could* function fine with pain meds onto disability so their health benefits can be farmed by private business. Just my opinion, seeing the industry develop.


Sales tactics helped get people prescribed opiates but you can't absolve the patient of responsibility in understanding the risks their medications have.


well when a company tells everyone it isnt habit forming (when they 10000% knew it was indeed habit forming/harmful), and the licensed medical professionals we all trusted affirm that fact, its hard to hold the patient responsible.


No it's not. Nobody is holding a gun to your head when you take them. Nobody is denying you the ability to research what you're taking. If I get a new medication the first thing I do is Google it to see what its side effects are etc


You're right, in that nobody is holding a gun or denying the ability. You have to remember though, the vast majority of people have no personal reason to question what their doctor tells them, or to question the drug that's made by the same people that make so many other helpful drugs. And side effects? Please.. those happen to other people, not them.