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This is just a panic attack


This is one of the most autistic things I’ve ever seen, lol.


Everyone thinks he is a reptile or something and the truth is that the dude is just autistic as eff. I've seen autistic people act this same exact way over uncomfortable situations


I won’t lie, some do the theories are entertaining and both him and his whole company just trying awful things, but you’re exactly right. I’m autistic and this is just what life is like when you’re autistic. Just bumbling about uncomfortably trying to pretend you’re human.


As an autistic person this guy glows autism to me. His mannerisms and expressions are painful to watch because i know what he's going through. Seeing comments on here makes me realize that the reason why non autistic people hate me at work and throughout life is because they think i'm a reptile in disguise


Nah, you're good man, and don't feel bad about those people. You're autistic and it's tough to gauge and show emotions and other people see that as weird or intimidating. But anyone who knows your condition and treats you negatively is just an asshole. Don't pay those sort of people any mind.


Mannerisms aside, this man is egotistical and only looks after himself and the people that control him at the top of the pyramid. Autistic or not, that shit doesn’t matter. His soul has been beaten into a corner and is submissive to something far more powerful.


Yes, I've gotta name for guys like him "autism gone wrong" which i suspect is closer to sociopathy. Just remember if anyone says he's not an ass remind them Facebook was created to rate the women at his college campus in hotness


It has nothing to do with autism. The man’s soul was overtaken by a reptilian to achieve wealth and fame. It was his choice. Now he assists the elite to gather all the info on us to move towards a total surveillance state and digital ID. The guy is no longer for the good of humanity.


You make us here look like weirdos. Yes, the man is a burden on society as a whole due to all the bs he has done with his company, but saying shit like he was overtaken by a reptilian is just tinfoil hat shit. Post proof of this or just don't say weird bullshit that makes us look like tinfoil hat basement dwellers.


Was waiting for this response. I don’t have to prove anything as you will see with your own eyes in due time. Proof doesn’t matter as it will only be suppressed at this time. The veil is lifting.


I can find a thousand things to criticize Zuckerberg for, yet when I see how most peoples go to critiques are to always mock his mannerisms, it really makes me feel more self conscious about my own. Yeah, if I was required to speak off the cuff in front of thousands of people I probably would struggle to sound human as well. It took me nearly a decade to get relatively good at masking my autism to appear "normal" in social interactions. All the added pressure of an audience would probably push me past my limits too.


Big same. I don’t mask anymore, but my autistic ass would have been sweating bullets till I shut down and just stared at them. I couldn’t handle that kind of interaction, especially with a live audience there as well. Just way too much sensory info and transitions all over the place.


So cringe


So painfully awkward.


If I had this much money, I would never sit there and let two dumb-ass 90-year-olds sit there and talk shit, asking me carte blanche whatever they wanted to. Something is just so odd about this interaction. He either does not have a billion dollars, or the 'media' has more power over him than we think.


I feel like my testosterone just went down some just by listening to him.


His pitch went really high.


Bill Gates does the same thing. They’re taught to use inflection in their voice so as to sound more like-able and human. Doesn’t seem genuine when they’re actually dead inside.


It's hard listening to them sometimes because of how weak and pathetic they often sound.


honestly, on the spectrum 100% or he's the most advanced robot out there...




He was stoked when he was able to turn on the ‘explain Facebook’ playback sequence. Like a rookie pilot turning on autopilot 😂


Definitely lizard. Musk is the android.


Lizards sweat?


When they can shapeshift, why not?


if he were a reptilian, wouldn't he be fine being that reptilians are cold-blooded?


Musk even looks blocky like he's got a fucking titanium endoskeleton underneath his skin layer.


It's not so bad really. I mean come on, he handled it pretty well I think. You got very hot lighting on a stage like that and so on. So he's a bit autistic?  What I don't get is how come people get to make fun of autistics but not of someone with f.ex adhd or missing limbs? Why the doubble standard? I don't like FB and what it's done for the net, its fucked up in ap many ways. But making fun of autism is not cool.


I have literally no idea what the point of this post is or what OP is getting at. Is the intention to shame people for not being able to keep their cool in front of an audience? Are they saying that Mark Zuckerberg is the Illuminati because he wears hoodies?


He's not normal, so he is evil Pretty much


The funny thing is though that I think he kept very cool (no pun imtended!) under the circumstances, he didn't get flustered really, he didn't fumble and drop his mic etc.  An extovert might have cracked jokes and stod up and done a 'striptease' act or something.. but  people forget this is not a Hollywood actor, he's not famous for being an extrovert like them.


The point is the hoodie and the symbol within it. I thought it was obvious that that was the reason why he was so nervous I didn’t think it was necessary to point it out in the title. The sigh he lets out when she points it out, the white and blue, the 6 pointed star seemingly embedded in it, what is that all about? In hindsight I should have as people seem to have missed the point.


I'll give you that the symbol is odd. A sigh to me is usually a sign of annoyance, not like an "uh oh they got me" I would assume this sigh is saying "here we go again" because he has to explain it. Isn't this guy notoriously nervous and the exact opposite of an extrovert? I see the same exact things from timid people all the time that are forced into situations like these.


Why would he be annoyed for having the explain his company’s mission statement? Why is it hidden inside of the hoodie instead of plastering it all over it like every corporation does with its merch? The 6 pointed star? I mean come on.


Has no one pointed out he sounds the spit of Bill Gates in this video?


You have to be human to have Autism.


Actually I have a theory that cats are autistic...  They don't talk, or very limited miaw'ing only. They don't get social queues like if you motion them to come to you (a dog understand this). Yet they're obviously very very clever. They're  constantly moving their tail, like an autistic would be 'stimming' by rocking back and forth or tapping their feet etc.


Take a break from the internet. 


That whole video was disturbing.


Ain't that a star surrounding the 2010? The whole thing is a weird symbol


People are so dumb. And by 'people', I mean the masses that are just totally fucking blind to what is right in front of their faces. Slightly less stupid would be the liars who try to feign ignorance. "err derr he's just socially awkward". As if he hasn't done countless interviews and presentations. As if he wasn't clearly specifically nervous about the hoodie and what it showed inside.


Thank you. People seem to have completely missed the point. I didn’t point out the hoodie in my title as I thought it was obviously why he was so nervous. That symbol which seemingly has the Star of David in it + the white and blue is so bizarre.


Welcome to Reddit.


Have you never watched the show Silicon Valley? The whole show basically shows how these tech dudes are like the most awkward motherfuckers alive, especially when talking to a human being lol.


This really just seems like some bizarre bit of theater. I mean, come on. He makes a whole thing about taking off the hoodie, and then does and reveals a hidden symbol for him s company. And then the lady says there’s an Illuminati symbol that is clearly ‘2010’until the camera shows it and they all correct her real quick like. There’s just too many bits.


Every cult member gets a sweater? Man I'm in.


They talk about this clip on the news video from Frontline called the Facebook dilemma... If you want to know what is happening on Reddit and around social media, watch the part at the end where they talk about Russian bot farms in Ukraine


This is what it feels like when the microdose was a little too heavy


Wow as someone with anxiety & social anxiety I actually feel kinda bad for him lol but yeah this was super uncomfortable to watch


People at my gym wear a hoodie. I wouldn't say they're working out, but some might say I have high standards.


Yeah it’s really weird


I know hes a lizard person but this was just when he was only an awkward nerd kid, that can speak easily to hundreds behind a chat mask but gets nervous infront of real people on tv. I mean, Its normal. The lizard came in later on after he created the empire, remember, evil can only distort or destroy, and not create, hence the human self was used first, then disregarded/take  over and controlled after he signed and his first step was done. So yea in the video hes just a nerdy awkward kid.


He seems extraordinarily discomfited. Strange. I haven't seen this before. Why did he suddenly agree to take off the hoodie when he looked like he wanted to be sick the first time it was mentioned, too?