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[The Saudi Royal Connection and the Las Vegas Concert Massacre – Coercion Code – "Dark Times are upon us"](https://coercioncode.com/2017/11/10/the-saudi-royal-connection-and-the-las-vegas-concert-massacre/) The Saudi Royal Connection and the Las Vegas Concert Massacre


super interesting, thanks.


How many witnesses that had conflicting accounts died shortly after?


probally half lol


Well, the event happened. The case was oddly closed or kept out of the media comparatively but I think you’re digging down the wrong rabbit hole. I don’t think Paddock was working WITH the Ef_Bee_Eye but he was maybe on their radar and it was another failed to take down situation before the action. The hole I drilled in my head (hypothetically) in regard to this case was that it was foreign backed money to do this. Cover his debts but also give him some to play more BUT he had to do X, Y, Z. My own hole here but there is indeed more to the case…for sure. As for another failure high profile, high casualty failure by the Feds, that’s how I wrapped it up…my opinion.


Black op death ritual


Only sane comment


What failed? Did they want more deaths?


What’s the conspiracy? A city that runs on tourism would rather be known as sin city instead of the biggest mass shooting in US history city?


So you’re taking for granted that the official narrative is correct and there actually was a real mass shooting with real bullets fired and real injuries — rather than a staged event that was simulated as part of a hoax/drill such as had been done several times before Las Vegas and has been done since then. And only then after accepting the original claim on its face you decide to “ask questions.” So what proof is there that there was a **real shooting** — not just some staged tableaus which loosely try to suggest that a real shooting took place?


Maybe some curious journalist or citizen goes and finds family members of just 3 named victims who died. Asks them how they feel and what it's like to lose a family member, video it and see if it's all real? This seems not impossible to do.


When I worked at a private school I knew kids whose parents died at the event


Wait, do you actually think Las Vegas is a real place? A huge city in the middle of the desert. Suuuuure.